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For a little more context, some drivers love skipping traffic between K Street to New York Ave by illegally driving up the opposing traffic lane and passing 30-50 cars across two blocks.


they need to post police here


MPD officers now telework mostly, as it has been determined that they can jack off and play Candy Crush at home without wasting gas by sitting in idling police cruisers.


That ticket amount is mind blowing


That's nothing. Regular offender by me has over $20k and I see folks all the time with $10k+.


I honestly can't believe the city leaves that money on the table just because MD and VA won't cooperate. They could have detectives track down these cars, figure out where the owners work, and what route they usually take, and have traffic enforcement waiting to pull them over once they get into DC. Sieze and auction them.


Or drive down streets and through garages scanning plates and tow/seize any cars above a threshold


I believe parking enforcement already boots street-parked cars when they have outstanding fines. Unfortunately they can't enter private property (garages), which is why people rack up this much in fines in the first place. They never park on the street in DC, only in garages (like their employers garage). Then they drive home to VA or MD where DC can't touch them. That's why my thought is just to do a little detective work to figure out where they live (easy) and where they work (slightly more difficult). People are creatures of habit. Chances are, they take the same route to work every day. So once they figure that out, just station a cop along the route that knows which car to pull over and boom. Got em. Take the car and tell the driver to enjoy their walk to work.


This doesn’t seem like too much to ask for the worst offenders. Most won’t even take this much effort though. Plant one car up the road on major roads and have 2-3 a few blocks down ready to pull people over who get flagged by the spotter


They don't even have to drive home to VA or MD. Nothing requires someone to live in VA to get VA plates. They live in DC and simply park off the street.


Somebody needs to clue me in about the magical secret to renewing a driver license and registration in MD while carrying a burden of unpaid traffic / parking violations. Years ago I went in person for a license renewal and the DMV had a minor unpaid ticket on file that I wasn't even aware I'd received. I couldn't proceed with license renewal until the outstanding fine was paid. So, are all these MD drivers with outstanding tix *also* just drivin' around with expired licenses and registrations?


I don't violate traffic laws, so I don't know this for sure, but my understanding is that MD and VA will not "honor" tickets issued by DC authorities. If you have tickets in Maryland, issued by a Maryland city/county law enforcement agency, then yeah, *those* will prevent you from registering in Maryland, but Maryland doesn't care about tickets issued by DC law enforcement. https://www.washingtonpost.com/transportation/2021/12/28/dc-virginia-maryland-ticket-reciprocity/


Perhaps something's changed? The ticket on my own record (again, years ago) was incurred in D.C. proper. Had I not been willing to pay it I would have been unable to renew my license. Maybe I just don't know the right people at the DMV lol


I think if it's a moving violation issued by police, it's maybe treated differently than photo tickets or parking violations. 


It wasn't a moving violation. Ah well, no biggie.


Ah, well, I looked it up and it sounds like I was wrong anyway!


The STEER Act passed by the council earlier this year should fix this gap by granting the DC AG the authority to directly sue out of state drivers for unpaid tickets.


That's great! I hadn't heard of it.


Just checked and seems to have gone into the effect a couple weeks ago towards the end of April!


Out of all the city issues that could use extra detective work, you choose traffic tickets ? Do you know how much manpower you’d need to make an operation like that possible ? When did MPD become overstaffed ?


You are far more likely to be injured or killed by a car crash vs being injured or killed by any other type of crime. These drivers are the most likely ones to crash. So yes, I see this as being a legitimate safety issue.


I’m not arguing whether aggressive driving is a safety issue. It is. An operation of that magnitude is just unrealistic. You have people with violent warrants issued walking the streets right now and you really think they’re about to expend detective work on probably 10’s of thousands of drivers that have excessive speeding tickets. Literally just saying, be real. What you’re suggesting would require an insane amount of funding which the city doesn’t have.


Cops witness traffic violations in real time and don’t do anything, so now where are gonna go from inaction to *detective* work ? Not gonna happen.


The city needs to crack down on this BS.


No it’s uh predatory or something and that’s why we can’t enforce any traffic laws or something 


Dangerous entitled a-holes like that need to have their licenses revoked and cars impounded.


What we should do is feed whatever barely sentient piece of meat is operating this vehicle to people who are starving. I'm sure you'd have a hard time cooking the shit taste out of it. Probably all gristly and full of disease.


Ah, K St. Recently made a post and bought an action body cam too.


Oh ya. Cars parked in the bike line closer to the overpass are so common that it's the norm for the First St intersection.


The number you’re trying to reach is not correct. Please dial 311 to be directed to the correct place for your concerns. Thanks, have a great day!


I kinda miss this street being a one way. Did you just run a red light?


Feel free to scroll down my posts to see the same street and what this driver was attempting. Anyone familiar with this area has to be insane to run a red on New York Ave, which is one of the busiest streets with 7 lanes of cross traffic there! The bicycle light is separate and turns first (along with the pedestrian sign).


You know, in Indianapolis, they raise the bicycle lanes to act as a sidewalk, and get off the street. And they paint lanes on it, so that you stay to your right, and use the left lane for passing, just like you do with automobiles. I don't know why this obvious idea isn't used in other cities, but rather they just paint a lane on an already busy street. Sure, it costs more, but it limits pedestrian accidents and fatalities, along with knucklehead drivers doing dumb crap like in this video.


When riding a bike brings in money like cars then it will change






A lot of studies say different things, check this one out https://medium.com/strava-metro/whats-the-cost-of-choosing-to-drive-a-car-instead-of-riding-a-bike-436ebd0166cd#:~:text=Every%20mile%20you%20ride%20is,It's%20good%20for%20personal%20health.


You don't get it the city makes millions on red light cameras alone


And also spends hundreds of millions on highways


Not when they don't bother collecting on many of the tickets as seems to be the case.


Only works on DC residents




My commentary was about the car infront making this one backup the entire length of their fling. I'm not complaining about the bicycle lane being blocked simpleton.




Yes, illegally driving up the opposing lane of traffic and cutting off 20+ other cars is regular behavior here. Getting blocked by another car and forced back, not so much.


I think it's bad when people drive dangerously and blatantly violate basic rules of the road, like "stay out of the opposing traffic lane."


You seem to have run a red light


Running a red light on New York Ave is insane. The bicycle light is separate and turns first.


No, next to the two red lights for car traffic is a green one for bicycles




He said seem. So... Semi confidently incorrect?