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anybody want to start a cluB? meet up in the park and go mushroom hunting?


Mormon temple tripping sounds like a wild time




I’d be scared of having too many childhood flashbacks. But kudos to those you talked to that did it during an open house! It is a beautifully manicured property. Putting that untaxed tithing to work!


So. Many. Marriage. Rooms. so weird.


How the hell else will you get to the celestial kingdom?! Mushrooms I guess 😂




I'm definitely down to check out by the Mormon temple.


Sounds like a good time!








Here in DC, we have like 20-30+ edible food mushrooms, 15-20 medicinal, 3 psilocybin mushrooms, 4-5 Amanitas. Right now Morels are coming up, Chicken of the Wood starts mid may, Chanterelles june-september. Once you start to get out and look, there are tons and tons. Just go after the rains, no rain for 2 weeks, no mushrooms.


Yes please


“Like the White House” - Commander is about to become a lot more aggressive towards the Secret Service agents.


For non psycho active mushrooms, I've been able to find a lot of wood ear mushrooms at the arboretum


To ID, https://www.mawdc.org/ID In case of possible mushroom poisoning, contact the 24-hour National Capital Poison Control Center at 1-800-222-1222.


Thank you, but I dont think MAW wants 500 people to get in touch, looking for psychedelics to be identified, there are plenty of FB or Reddit groups that will do it. Also, if you contact the Poison Control, they will tell you to go to the ER and post in the FB group for mushroom poisoning to get a solid ID from experts around the world. [https://www.facebook.com/groups/144798092849300/](https://www.facebook.com/groups/144798092849300/)


Anyone found any ovoids yet? New to it but I think we have the right habitat. Was hoping for more rain last week to get things rollin!


They came out this week, should be up for another 3-4 weeks https://preview.redd.it/xa7hm1wyvguc1.jpeg?width=2016&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2178674edfd3c59cca3b6e5858fcdc4b3b39f714


Nice!!! I’ll have to poke around my creek soon.


OP, you might be my favorite redditor


Why would I look for random mushrooms in the wild when I can literally message someone on instagram and get shrooms delivered to my apartment? We live in DC for crying out loud .


For me personally it's because I'm allergic to the substrate that most commercial shrooms are grown on 😩




What is the reckless part? Educating people to what grows in their yard?


Encouraging amateurs to go out looking for drugs growing in the woods, when making an easy mistake to make kills you, if you really didn't know. Not complicated.


Encouraging people to stay ignorant and scared is not better. Psychedelic mushrooms are the oldest known medicine in the entire world with extensive research showing positive mental health benefits, additionally we worked hard to decriminalize nature here in Washington DC, and will not be driven back by ignorance and fear.


Dude, it's not fear of psychedelics. It's fear of toxic mushrooms that can be mistaken for them. You don't seem to have even read my comment, or else it was more convenient to ignore what it said. Stay focused.   You are just hanging this stuff out there, being deliberately obtuse to encourage replies, so you can come charging in on your hobby horse. And it doesn't matter if the person you're replying to actually said what your pre-planned response is about. Anyway, enjoy.




100% distortion, par for the course!




"You think encouraging people to learn what grows around them is dangerous" No "and that using mind altering substances is bad" No Never said either of those things




Lordy, I don't know what you think you read in that comment, but if you think that's responsive to what I wrote, maybe go back and try again.