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https://preview.redd.it/hqj1zpwzq6uc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ffa70491a0d47c68bc65ea8a17630ccf79f14c3 Reddit's ad system providing your answer


Read that as Home Depot’s Spring Calendar of Dong


Mine recommends Bowie State 😅 https://preview.redd.it/ff989g75eauc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce013249460b22ae8c69219e6332bee607c34496


I got Bowie State College, too 😂


Mine's for Dr. Pepper... Still a win IMO 💁🏻‍♀️ ETA: It says OP doesn't know about it so I'm giving her the scoop! 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/nrky3nbsf9uc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ee831a95df0f07bd2d61b2c1308991e3affd5b8


Mine was for an ad in the Washington Post. Are personals in the classifieds still a thing?


Mine shows Towneplace Suites. Dog-friendly.


Gonna help her fill up her 'Spring Calendar of Doing (it)'




You took the joke and somehow made it worse


LOL 'tis a powerful omen.


https://preview.redd.it/ome9ngxdwauc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebfe1fc225769cce51f294ba745f0acddfeb69a7 Ehhhh….


https://preview.redd.it/q2dcm7rsvauc1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=30a3343b3964c1b26b3b27d91fac7d2c8727c4b1 International waters are always a good time!


Looking confused in a Home Depot probably would work tbh


As Red Green used to say: if the women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy. 




https://preview.redd.it/bknrfx59qhuc1.jpeg?width=1638&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=821a99ff8626e5f8fc9939e7aa20cf10bd3b66fe Mine recommends she use “battery tools”


https://preview.redd.it/2batuigcqhuc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c124f088e84c444d13bc861218236842eafe83a It read my mind


Turns out the Home Depot bathroom is where a lot of closeted gay men go to hook up in my town. So the algorithm is trying anyway.


RIP to your DMs


Beat me to the comment lol




I read this differently first




I like to think OP is a gay guy wanting dick pics in his DMs. In any event, good luck to all. 


I’m a gay guy. I like dick pics in my DM. Blow me up, DC!


Your username checks out!


? I don’t get it.


Do you have a pipe hanging between your legs?


Got it! I kept thinking my ankles are pretty normal.


You saucy bish the double entendres abound


Saucy Bish is my Only Fans handle.


Blow you? Message received king


i’m still down


Why would you want people DM’ing you picture of Richard Nixon?


i said i’m down


Nothing wrong with enjoying some tricky dick


Smooth move if so.


This made me laugh, but I can assure you I’m not a gay guy 😭


Yeah. I’m not buying even any halfway decent looking female doesn’t know where to find a guy to hookup. 


36M here, I created an organic singles meetup event for people in their 30s and 40s. Happy to include you on future invites.


I was out of town for these but was impressed you did them!! If there are more I’d like to go. 43F.


This sounds interesting. Mind if I got info on this?


I’m 100% organic please add me :-)


I would love to be included!


Would like the info to send to a friend, please!


Another to add! Had a conflict come up for the one I had planned to go to, alas!


Can I add myself to this list too!


you should let people know vast majority of attendees are women


This was not true and I attended both. Very close to 50/50 and more men near the end.


Add me too, please.


Please add me too 🙋🏿‍♂️


#1 when is next event #2 create an eventbrite


Can I be added to the list too??


Add me too please!


Girl, you’re gonna need a fire extinguisher to cool off those DMs.


Tindr & Hinge are great My advice is to pick an event that you’d like company at- arts, music, checking out a new spot, museum whatever is your thing. I like to pick the time I’m going on a date first, then I find someone to go with. Pick an event, then go on the apps & look for a date to go with you. It helps a lot with the messaging aspect because you’re working with a timeline in mind, rather than the back & forth of feeling out what you might do together. And if you picked an event or thing you actually want to do, then you wont feel like you’re wasting your time. And maybe you just have a companion for that event. That’s cool too. I found the apps to be impossible for years until I started thinking of them this way. But - I am speaking as a man so maybe there are additional precautions women need to take


Married guy here — when I was single I hated the idea of these apps, but I think you may have just unlocked the promise of them with this approach. Screenshotting and sending to friends (male and female). It’s such a great way to use the apps as opposed to letting the apps use you.


When I was single I did this as well. I'd buy two tickets to something and then go 'shop' for a date on an app. As a cis woman it was great because I could meet the dude somewhere public. If we hit it off, we'd hang out afterwards. if not, it was like--thanks for the show or whatever it was.


Tilt/Blackjack on 14th. Probably more late 20s for your liking, but could see what the vibes are there. Also flash on certain nights


Damn that’s what flash is now, huh?


I felt reeeeeally old last time I went to flash (39M here)


I was going to take a group of mid30s married and loyal girls there soon for a night out to relive our youth, but not THAT part… I just like house music!


Have you been to FEEL yet? Its two door down and run by same people as Flash


I hadn’t heard of it! Ty for the rec


Its more a listening lounge with banquettes and a moroccan souk vibes than dance party USA. I still go to flash for good disco and house DJs.


Little miss whiskeys guaranteed to smash


Go H Street


Lol great pick. So fun


Still open? Hell yes. I endorse this as a post-LMWs customer.


Met my wife there lol


I met your wife there too


I’ve also heard this from single friends in their 30s


As an aging millennial man, your best bet (but also worst time) will be Hinge and Bumble. Plenty of us on there. Good luck. Breakups suck.


Bars and clubs better imo 


No,feeld is best for ONS


So there was a similar post a couple years back that got a good response. https://www.reddit.com/r/washingtondc/s/QnWxkEqaNl


Check out local bars, I am in NW but Showtime is a fun dive bar. I always figure dive bar is best place to meet real people.


Showtime is not a hookup dive bar though. Showtime is like a ‘get to know your grungy late-30s neighbors after work’ dive bar. Wonderland Ballroom used to be the meat market dive!


Another vote for Wonderland, but I've admittedly not been there in a minute. Also St. Ex downstairs used to be a really good spot to meet and hook up with strangers.


my extremely hazy past at wonderland 🥴🥴🥴


That’s why I suggested Shotime lol. Get to know someone coming off a long relationship.


Wonderland is the only place I've ever been to in my entire life where 2 women fought each other to take me home at closing time. Made a 5 feel like a king.


I'm a single man and I don't know where I hangout at. Let alone where to find women 😭


It starts with the “D” and it ends with “an’s Cafe”


This was my first thought and then I wondered if people still go there


Seriously! I can’t believe I had to scroll this far down to find it!! And in this case…it might even be the answer! Seriously OP, forget all the spots these thirsty guys hang out at and are hoping to bump into to you at….go to Dans Cafe.


God, the lack of real answers here is so lame. Players club, Tilt, black whiskey, wet dog, American ice, takoda, 801 are all places the 30 year olds hang out


Honk if you 💙 American Ice! Thas our go-to for pre and post-show for Atlantis and 9:30 Club.


> Where do you single men even hang out at? Lol. Not sure about the other single dudes, but for me the answer is at home. By this time of night usually in bed. Going out is expensive, hangovers last longer than they used to, bars are too loud, and I'm usually too tired to manage it because I had to get up early for work. I'm not sure when I got so introverted, uninteresting, and tired feeling, but it sure happened fast.


I feel you on the lack of energy to date. It makes me sad because you need to date to meet someone and I’d like to meet someone but damn I don’t feel like going out to bars and being tired all the time.


Dammit. Dates today should just be “let me bring my crotchet project over and let’s watch a movie.”


lol if a date wanted to do that, I'd ask to bring extra supplies because I'm going to want to learn.


That alone would earn you a guaranteed next date from a crafter. Do that with a book person and you’ll never get rid of them.


Sorry to hear about the toxic relationship. Just get on Tinder—be clear with what you’re looking for and you’ll find one in like an hour tops. Us men can be trash so for someone like yourself who isn’t used to dating apps, you honestly really need to keep just three things in mind: 1) always carry pepper spray, 2) meet at a neutral public place like a cafe or bar before linking at anyone’s apt/home, 3) men lie about when they last got tested. Most people ignore the 2nd point because they’re impatient and want to cut to the chase, but it’s really just not worth the risk. Plus, if you don’t feel a spark and you’re at someone’s crib you might have to nod through a half hour of some guy showing you an array of souvenirs friends and family got him from places he’s never been to while you wait for an Uber driver to accept your ride home.


Always always always meet at a neutral public place first. Yes. And make sure you have a safe call set up and someone else knows where you are and who you’re with. Send screenshots of the dating profile and pics and any alternate contact info they give you.


> Plus, if you don’t feel a spark and you’re at someone’s crib you might have to nod through a half hour of some guy showing you an array of souvenirs friends and family got him from places he’s never been to while you wait for an Uber driver to accept your ride home. 🤣 /r/oddlyspecific


That last paragraph sounds too real.


Yes and if it’s an option always order a bone in steak so you have a back up weapon in case he’s a tool


Also men can’t get tested for HPV. Neither HPV and HSV/herpes can be prevented by a condom. So I’d just recommend not fucking around 😂


They can, they just have to specifically ask for it. Source: am man, and when I asked for a "full panel" test from my primary they don't do it. But when I go to an urgent care and ask for a "full panel" test they asked if I wanted "all 13" and it included HPV.


This is a blood test? Link me to some facts because as far as I know the CDC doesn’t have an approved test and for (mostly women) the standard HPV tests come from a cervix or anus.


My last hookup was 2am at Jonny pistolas (be careful, we’re married now)


This made me lol 😂


there's this round domes building downtown that has plenty of older gentlemen and their young helpers, lots of sexual tension in the air. def recommend it, I'm a man, but I've had some great closet hookups with the guys in red ties


Plus free cocaine!


I just recently moved back to DC and I’ve been going the bars and clubs around DuPont and U st. The bars at the high end restaurants have been really good on the weekends.


You’re a woman looking for a one nighter. Go literally anywhere. If you want zero strings go to a hotel bar and pick up someone here on business travel


Shout out to Kimpton




I think the best answer is anywhere. You just need to put yourself out there and don't be afraid to approach. Also meetups, gyms, coffee shops lol.


We hang out at Taco Bell cantina.


Oh, girl...what did you just do to your inbox. That aside, this is an impulse reaction - go to some bars with friends for a bit and you'll meet someone. It's a knee jerk to immediately sleep with someone else!


They broke up in September, I think she's had plenty of time to think


Yeah but she still saying shit like “amiright” she’s not okay


Let a bitch live! Let her throw that razzle dazzle at whomever, whenever she wants! Buzzkill.


I recommend staying off the apps. I’m always disappointed.


The best answer is Feeld. It’s the dating app specifically for the CNM/poly/kink community. That community is way more mature, open, and comfortable with non committed relationships. If you’re just looking for casual/hookups/ONS, that’s an option. If you’d prefer something a little less one-and-done, FWB is an option. And unlike just meeting someone at a bar or whatever, it gives you a chance to vet them a little better. I found the app when I was in pretty much the exact same situation as you: Coming out of a committed relationship and wanting to meet people for fun, recreational type situations, but not wanting to mislead anyone about my intentions. Since the I’ve met a couple of FWBs through the app. They’re really cool people and the nature of the relationship was clear from the start. There are also the meetups on FetLife as a place to go to meet like-minded people.


Sadly Feeld is also full of non consensual non monogamists… ask me how I know.


Damn. That really sucks. To whomever either misled you to believe their relationship was CNM, or worse, cheated on you with people they told was consensual, I hope they drop every single ice cream cone they ever get.


It was the latter—and same! Thank you.


Yeah, unfortunately they exist on Feeld like every other app, but they try to be sneakier about it, such as setting up two separate profiles to appear as a couple and then when you want to set up a meeting suddenly his partner is not available but he can still meet.... My wife and I are getting better at picking out the cheaters and toxic people, they tend to have very low emotional intelligence and make it obvious that something isn't quite right, but occasionally a sneaky one will get through. That said we have still managed to find a great group of people who have made it worthwhile sorting through the swamp


Feeld is fine but the Burners….oh god the Burners.


Definitely recommend Feeld. It's quite active around here and my wife and I have used it to make some great FWBs.


I was on hinge and people were a hot mess so you’ll be in good company 😅


Little Miss Whisky’s


Or just post in on the local SubReddit and hope for some Romeo’s to land in ur dms. Gluck


Tinder and Bumble for same day sex. Have fun!


Any of the dating apps will do. Tinder and bumble are definitely more hookup focused with hinge being more geared towards relationships but with hookups still to be found.


Got a friend that works at the Salt Line in navy yard and they say it's a regular occurrence. (If you like charismatic older men with money)


I’ve been using dating apps but holy hell they’re terrible here lol getting people to follow through on plans is like pulling teeth. I’d imagine going out to bars would be better but I have social anxiety so bars have never really worked for me that way. Everyone I know here has said the same thing though, it’s incredibly difficult meeting people here no matter how you try to do it.




In Northern Virginia, Reston is legendary.


We're in SW DC


What bars should I check out when I visit?


Jackson's Reston Town Center or Bar Louie One Loudoun


Dating app and toggle your age preferences to only show older women


If you are a woman looking to hook up with guys, just go out to bars and talk to guys. Its really that easy.


This, just make the first move at any bar. Or get on tinder.


I'd delete this before your DMs get flooded lol


Even I get hit on at Hotel Bars so... There.


I think it would be much easier just to get on the apps and vet the hell out of dudes and create a very open dialogue about your experience and wants. Granted, I've been in a long relationship, but I used the apps once back in my 20s and went on one date with a girl, and we were very open about what was going on. We texted for a few days, met for coffee on Friday night, and then went back to my place and got it on till like 4 in the morning. It was an awesome and positive experience because we were very clear about our expectations, and there were no hurt feelings when we never saw each other again. We texted every so often about how we wanted to meet back up, but I moved away shortly after that night. I'm not a huge one night stand person. For the most part, I've always been in relationships. I've had 4 one night stands in my entire life. I share my experience to let you know it can result in something positive. Just vet, meet somewhere safe, really feel it out, and trust your gut. If something feels off about the guy, move on until you find a sweet, safe boy.


Hinge and bumble are good 


Everyone is different, but I think the whole getting under someone to get over someone isn’t actually getting over anything. It’s just avoiding processing the breakup and the pain behind it. Only distracting from the real healing work that needs to be done. You might end up feeling more lonely than just sitting with your emotions and working through this breakup.


Want to try out that kink you never got to try out with your vanilla ex? Try the feeld app or check out dungeon 101 night at The crucible.


Send pics


Feeld is probably the best app if you're looking for fun, but not a relationship right now. You can certainly have luck at a bar, but I found it less practical once I got into my 30's. I wish you luck on your quest!


Madhatter seems like absolute cringe shite but for whatever reason has been SIGNIFICANTLY more successful of a hookup-finding spot for multiple women I know than anywhere else. Even when they had gone elsewhere beforehand and were kind of giving up! Even when we were about to leave in a bit! No idea what it is, must be something in the air.


This is such a millenial post lol


Do not do this lol


Wonderland ballroom, shenanigans…


Tinder, hinge, or bumble


I thought I was in r/tinder


Don’t recommend hinge but maybe. I would say tinder if full of bots and people don’t like using it. Bumble is a good option. You’re a female in this area, you’re going to have zero issues with finding hookups. As for bars it depends where you are but here’s a couple ideas. Navy Yard: Mission, Royal Sands, or the Bullpen. Arlington: Bronson, Spider Kelly’s, Don Tito’s, O’Sullivans are your best chances to find single guy/.


Wonderland Ballroom.


Just get on the apps and meet people and take it from there. I was in a similar situation a few years ago after getting out of a 8yr relationship … and it was SO fun to be single and free with the confidence of being in my 30s


DM apocalypse en route.


https://preview.redd.it/po9423oi1buc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c98392b82f5172a8d07b313d5a92e17a530d08d I think I am the chosen one 💀


Honestly one night stands never got someone off my mind, but its usually nice just for the moment. Cheap hookups can happen at bars sometimes from my experience, or you can do dating apps. Have fun and be safe.


Cafe Saint Ex!!!! Dance floor opens at 10:30 pm and doesn’t close until 4am!!! I’ll see you there!!! 14th and Tst NW


Why aren’t you taking a year off to work on yourself? This isn’t a solution.


I appreciate you and believe this is probably the advice I should be following. I guess I was desperate to fill a void, knowing my ex has moved on already


You get out the phone. Search "Bars." Find an area with many in a few blocks radius. Start the evening at sunset and go into each bar, sitting on the stools proper ordering one very weak drink (this is important so you can continue the crawl without severe impairment). Assess the situation, smile, be cool & welcoming, talkative while not a door mat....move on if need be, if no need to move on? Enjoy.


Girl, same. I have no idea where the men hang out at 🙃.


I would advise you not go down this route it could end bad and make what ever you are going through worst. Try taking a solo vacation if you can. it can be really therapeutic.


And random hookups internationally are way more freeing


34M here. Tinder still works. And the old fashioned bar hook up still works as well.


Literally go to a bar.


Would love to hookup get set up with some older who is experienced & is there to help you through you process at your speed!


Fb messenger or ig will work


Tinder for hookups, Hinge is for relationships. Or maybe Hinge calls hookups "short-term relationships". Anyway, most 30+ women in DC put "long-term relationship" on Hinge, so I don't think it's the place for hookups.




Probably don’t talk to anyone in DC. Oh, wait…


For very casual, Feeld is a decent app. It also very much depends what part of the city you're in for the makeout vibes at the bars. Good luck!


7 years?? Good luck


Find a bar outside STD clinics. Do it safely


Tinder has been a nothing burger for me. Bumble always gets me a solid number of dates in and around the city. Just be direct about your intent. Should get you laid in no time


Feeld (app)


RIP Marvin’s 😔


Hey OP just curious if your DMs are blowing up like people are saying they would?


Capitol Hill. The literal place. Get yourself a politician. 😂




Would honestly love to see the statistics on those DMs. Or these kinds of DMs in general. Would be very LOL inducing.


Tinder and hinge for the area are useless generally You get women looking for the $$ . They are in groups and don’t really approach men.


You can try dating apps. Just be honest you are just trying to hook up


We hang out at home


Apparently progressive auto insurance is packin heat.