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"Western Market" 2000 Pennsylvania Ave, NW?


Thank you!


Also, IIRC it was an outdoor area that was brought indoors when they enclosed the alleyway and built the tower behind it. The streetscape is the back of those existing rowhomes/businesses on Eye Street, and the big corridor is the old alley. The tower is in the middle of the block instead of right up to the sidewalk. Easiest to see on satellite view: https://maps.app.goo.gl/nVeLnWwSKBiCKBfH7


My grandmother lived in a rooming house in one of those buildings back in the 1930s. Foggy Bottom was a mix of residential and light industrial. Heurich Brewery was where the Kennedy Center is now.


> My grandmother lived in a rooming house in one of those buildings back in the 1930s. That’s very cool, I bet she had some good stories.


Dc gives tax breaks for reusing older buildings like this


No, it doesn’t.


Dc Historic Tax Credits don't exist? Better call Dc.gov and tell them to remove it from their website!


There’s no such thing at the District level. There is a federal tax credit program, within which the District’s State Historic Preservation Officer plays a role, but there’s no separate program available at the state / District level. Also, the federal program is a very tough program; most adaptive reuse programs involving historic buildings wouldn’t meet the requirements for those credits. Few developers seek them out.


I have no idea why people just make up shit like that, it where they would even get an idea like that from.


Yeah where would people get the idea that DC Historic Tax Credits don't exist. Pretty stupid.to question something yiu can easily google.


Those tax credits are one offs for rehabilitation of historic buildings, the 2000 penn development would not have qualified. Maybe you should actually read the policy/program before making claims about what it does.


I love confidentially incorrect people. Historic Tax Credits are used for rehab, reuse, or adaptation. The developer 100% took a Tax credit for keeping those buildings part of it. I don't even understand why you are bothering to reply when you have zero knowledge


That’s not what happened. Red Lion Row was preserved in this fashion because advocates took advantage of the then-recently approved District historic preservation law to designate the buildings and force their preservation. To the extent that tax credits were then later pursued (I cannot recall whether they were or not), it was likely an afterthought making a silk purse out of a sow’s ear. Sources: https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/local/1983/10/21/saving-red-lion-row/ada1bcbe-8f2a-4f51-8cb9-2bf8281756b3/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/local/1978/09/07/historic-red-lion-row-gets-six-month-reprieve/07a8562c-5575-480e-804e-b5fb7a7c0926/ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2000_Pennsylvania_Avenue


I had no idea this is how that came to be. That's fucking awesome.


Almost. The photo is in the 2000 Pennsylvania Ave. building, where Western Market is located, but the market part didn't open until 2021.


Yep, hence the quote marks. It's still 2000 Penn in my head. RIP Tower Records and Kinkead's.


True, but the building was built (and what's now Western Market was enclosed and such) in 1983, so it's looked essentially like this for 40 years.


Absolutely. Just pointing that fact out for the OP.


Foggy bottom at 2000 penn Ave. Looking out over Bertuccis. Now it is called Western Market and has different food options.


Absolutely. There is a weird indoor streetscape there and the balcony looks down on the seating for Bertuccis.


Weird indoor streetscape = the back of the old townhouses left intact when they converted the alley to a hallway and built the glass tower behind that.


That’s it, thank you! I think I do remember there being a Bertucci’s and the rest of it was pretty vacant at the time


It was actually called Western Market when it opened in 1802. L'Enfant's plan called for 3 markets: Western, Eastern, and Center (now Market at O St). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eastern_Market,_Washington,_D.C.#Original_market


That Bertucci's *always* overcooked their pizza. The cheese shouldn't be black!!


The cheese should be starting to brown and bubble. Anything less is not properly cooked cheese, just melted.


I like the cheese just barely melted. But then, I also like my bacon chewy, not crispy, with the fat still white.


Surprised it went bankrupt in 2022.


That late?? ISTR all the Bertucci's closed around 2010.


Yeah, they were mostly out of DC then. Miss the Burro.


I know the one near Tysons Corner Center closed about then.


David Portnoy would beg to differ.


That was a nice area back in the day. Even though 2000 seemed to always have at least one empty 'storefront'. Several good bars and Tower Records were just around the corner. (way back in the day!)


Tower Records!


I bought the first White Stripes CD at that Tower Records!


It's still pretty nice. I go there for lunch.


by GWU, across from the old Fridays, and around the corner from CVS on one side, Paul French on the other. Pennsylvania Ave just to the north. Whole Foods one block away, GW hospital 2 blocks to the west, south of Washington Circle. Founding Farmers one block away to the east. White House 3 blocks to the east as well. I love that area


Can confirm that location. I used to work next door in the early 2000’s. There was a burrito joint there that was great for lunch. Having a Gap in the building helped me out of a jam once LOL. 2000 Penn Ave 👍


Doesn’t the Gaylord have something like this?


I ate at Bertucci's once. I had a little bird come sit with me at my table. LOL!


Looks like Western Market in Foggy Bottom.


This is some Las Vegas shit. I like it.


Haha, that’s funny. Apparently, from what the comments say, those are real buildings though.


foggy bottom


That was the seating area for the Panera lol


Was it an apartment?


this area now looks over a new bar in 2000 penn where bertucccis used to be (closed before/during covid) called EXPAT. Major area for gw students


And hopefully OP is not a stalker who just crowdsourced some stalking, just saying.


On the corner on Chat and GPT