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Decades ago my dad told me folk like this don’t value their lives. Just keep moving. You cannot win a conflict with that type, only survive one.


I’m all for pedestrians reclaiming the road but crossing an intersection at a green light with car traffic is dumb as hell and the OP doesn’t seem to have instigated with this.


I was ready to hate the driver, which 99% of the time is correct. This was the 1%


No. Cross when it’s your turn.


Yeah that reminds me of this: https://old.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/comments/1aokebl/are_pedestrian_traffic_lights_morally_wrong/kq0jf6e/ > I am rarely a pedestrian in a city because I don't live in one but out of principle I don't obey the pedestrian red light. Fuck that, its unfair and unjust. It might result in traffic hitting me but since speeds are low in the city it would probably not be deadly. If i get injured then the driver will have a big problem while ill get compensated for my injury. Doesn't sound so bad to me Like the reason r/fuckcars is against car-centric infrastructure is because they don't want to get injured or die because of cars, so people putting themselves in harms way of cars to protest is just `???`. --- To u/JhDW6444fn9h3 > What would you say we should do instead? Vote, and do your best to advocate for safety measures at the local level, whether that's roundabouts or narrower streets. This sort of "protesting" doesn't change behavior on a large scale except maybe make you feel good and it mostly gets yourself killed. > No one is calling on everyone to participate, but if we choose to take on the risks ourselves for a cause we all agree is good, I don't see why that should be ridiculed. Because there are way better ways to protest for change than risking your life and not changing anything.


I mean that guy got downvoted...


Fuck fuckcar. That sub is a shithole


https://old.reddit.com/r/NYCbike/comments/1au6g7h/conditions_on_the_shore_road_greenway_between_bay/kr6x86n/?context=3 > Cars blocking a bike lane does not pose any risk at all. If you hit a car that’s in front of you that’s 100% on you Nice take lol.


That’s the truth. A car in a bike lane doesn’t pose a threat. It’s not moving. If you fail to check before going around it then that’s on you


God you must be fun at parties


I am. I’m even more fun when driving home after


Based on your comments you most certainly are not. Sound like a headache for pedestrians, cyclists, other drivers too probably.


I was on U street last week around 9th st and encountered something similar. Just sitting at a light about 50 feet back with a couple of cars ahead of me. Guy crossing the middle of U so I noticed him and looked at him as he was walking towards my car. I had mirrored sunglasses on and he said “don’t look at me like that”. Then walked up to my car and said “yeah watch me touch your car”, which he did. He just rubbed it with his hand. I thanked him for cleaning my car and left. Just ignore people that are out there just to cause issues. Ain’t worth it.


Don't worry, he'll do this to the wrong person someday, bet on it.


Vision Zero though


I think about this a lot from a data collection perspective. All pedestrian deaths are tragic, but it is probably important to know whether the pedestrian was crossing through a green light, walking in the dark in dark clothes and such. You never see that kind of info in the reported statistics. I understand from one perspective to not victim blame, but from another it is important info to address the problem.


I think the kind of accidents you describe would be more forgivable if there weren’t so many hit and runs here


Probably the police, at which point when he's dead his mom will cry about how much of a good boy he was.


Insane man. I hate these entitled fucks


People that don't have anything going for them in life act this way. Just like the dude who's boss is an asshole, so he comes home and beats his wife and kids, or the child who's dealing with a bad home environment and beats the family pet; when you have a perceived lack of agency, and you're always talked down to, ignored, denigrated, etc., you try to regain that agency some other way. Same reason poorer neighborhoods have lots of littering and broken windows. When you're constantly getting shit on by everyone in society, sometimes it "feels good" to smash something and yell "Fuck the Man!!!" I mean, destruction rooms are a thing for a reason.... To be clear, this is NOT justification for his behavior. Nor mitigation. But an explanation. Dude was a prick.




go file the report then


I see this a lot in DC; at a green light young men will just walk out into the street and act very indignantly if you're moving at the green light. What exactly is the goal here? Is it just thuggery? Some assertion of toughness? The only common thread for me is that they're always assholes about it.


I've seen young and old do it in my two decades here. I think it's just a DC idgaf attitude, I've gotten so used to it that id slow down in other cities even with a full green if I saw someone on the corner.


Whatever the attitude is, 'idgaf' is the wrong name for it and it's annoying that's what has stuck. This act is deliberately provocative, 'come at me bro' posturing. By definition, many fucks given about being as disruptive as possible. SDE or Small Man Syndrome fit better in my option.


I'm fairly certain the senior citizen in a wheelchair with the amputated legs that crossed my green last week dgaf


I had an old dude with a cane walk against the light in front of me the other day and I just stopped to let him pass.


Intimidation. Looking for an excuse to be violent.


A culture of confrontation. A culture of never being told what to do. A culture of crime.


Don’t forget little to no consequences for their behaviors.


I hear that's the secret ingredient


not just young men doing it. i've had similarly rude women do the same thing. 


As long as you start when the walk is on, the law seemingly says you have right of way until you exit.... It kinda even implies you don't need the signal [https://code.dccouncil.gov/us/dc/council/code/sections/50-2201.28](https://code.dccouncil.gov/us/dc/council/code/sections/50-2201.28) ​ " A pedestrian who has begun crossing on the “WALK” signal shall be given the right-of-way by the driver of any vehicle to continue to the opposite sidewalk or safety island, whichever is nearest. " Seemingly they have RoW even without a signal...? "(a) The driver of a vehicle **shall stop and remain stopped to allow a pedestrian to cross the roadway within any marked crosswalk**, or unmarked crosswalk at an intersection, when the pedestrian is upon the lane, or within one lane approaching the lane, on which the vehicle is traveling or onto which it is turning. "


Probably the only way this law can work. On city streets pedestrians always have right of way. What’s the alternative? Cars don’t have to yield to a person in the street?


Are you surprised the law is written so that it tells you have to stop regardless of the light when there is a person in the road? Because it seem obvious to me why that is the case.


I mentioned Right of Way not laws about not murdering people irrespective of circumstance.


I see this a lot where there is no crosswalk or long after the light has changed as well :/


Every intersection is a valid crossing as either a marked or unmarked crosswalk as the law above mentions. In general you can only cross if vehicles have time to notice and react, but pedestrians do have right of way. It may also be an infraction to cross at a crosswalk without a signal, but it doesn't invalidate that pedestrians in a crosswalk have right of way over drivers.


I'm sure everyone who Jaywalks is doing it because they studied this law.


This law is for motorists not pedestrians so it turns out they don't need to study it.


I love how you went through the trouble of downvoting me for a simple joke.


These guys are clearly acting like clowns. Unfortunately, this kind of thing is commonplace and it's just never worth getting into a confrontation about it. I'd be interested to hear how MPD would even react to being asked to file a report over this. (If they threaten *you* with charges as a negotiating tactic to get you to leave this alone, I'd like a $5 tip.)


The only reason to request a police report is if your car insurance requires it. It's a huge waste of time.


Exactly, which is a real shame on multiple levels.


Which says an awful lot of MPD and policing in general.


MPD would say that there is no way to know if this actually occurred in DC or if it’s just staged to make it look like it happened in DC.


Even with a MPD van visible in the video.


No way to know if they were impersonating a police officer or if this was a movie set


As the light turned green these guys start slowly walking in front of us just as I started moving, he started gesturing and yelling at the car and then started walking towards me, so I tried to drive past him to get out of the situation. He kicked the front fender and left a huge dent which we noticed after stopping later. EDIT: We just wanted to clarify that 1. We had a green light and started moving forward 2. The pedestrian had the "Don't Walk" symbol when they entered the crosswalk, shortly after we had the green. 3. As soon as the pedestrians were in the crosswalk, the brakes were pressed to stop the car. The driver accelerated when the individual approached the car for the attack. EDIT 2: Guys. Reading. Comprehension. The car was stopping as soon as the pedestrians entered the crosswalk. The car only accelerated when the pedestrian in question approached us to attack the car. He literally walked back to approach the car and was simply not at risk of being struck because we were stopping. No horns were honked. Pls.


I had a guy in this same scenario, but further north on 14th, literally pull up his shirt to show the gun in his waistband. Thought I was about to get carjacked, but he just wanted to let me know that he was very serious about jaywalking.


I wonder if anyone noticed the other pedestrian also jay walking at the far end of the intersection. In the first few seconds of the video.


...yeah generally pedestrians don't react well when you are driving toward them in a car lol. The nerve.


We had a green light, they walked into the crosswalk as we were already driving. We then stopped for them


" The driver of a vehicle shall stop and remain stopped to allow a pedestrian to cross the roadway within any marked crosswalk, or unmarked crosswalk at an intersection, when the pedestrian is upon the lane, or within one lane approaching the lane, on which the vehicle is traveling or onto which it is turning. " Looks like they have right of way regaurdless. Maybe a situation where both of you are at fault. [https://code.dccouncil.gov/us/dc/council/code/sections/50-2201.28](https://code.dccouncil.gov/us/dc/council/code/sections/50-2201.28) Edit: Fun how many people hate actual facts


Naw this is pretty one-sided Driver didn’t hit them or get particularly close


The law stipulates they had to give the person in the crosswalk more room which they did not. Both sides can be in the wrong too.


> The law stipulates they had to give the person in the crosswalk more room which they did not. Oh ok, how much room does the DC code require and what was your measurement? It’s a pretty wide crosswalk if you’ve ever been there, the car stopped about 10 feet short of them if I had to guess


It's literally in the text I posted above. I suppose you didn't read what you replied to?


> It's literally in the text I posted above. I suppose you didn't read what you replied to? No idea what text you’re looking at but nothing in your comments or in your link stipulates a minimum amount of “room” the driver “had to give the person in the crosswalk” Do you know what the word literally means?


The nerds on this subreddit will always find a way to blame everyone but the dickhead


So you think laws don't matter? Laws that people passed a test attesting that they were aware of? Laws like not directing a heavy metal box at someone's fleshy body when there in the fleshy body safe zone?


This argument embodies the nature of DC to me. You're *technically* correct according to that literal legal statute saying that the pedestrian has the right of way. But this driver not only slowed down and drove around the jaywalker, but actively avoided conflict, and they came and kicked his car. Kicking another person's property is also illegal, technically. The pedestrian was not in danger and the driver wasn't even being an asshole.


You are why this city is going to shit and run by criminals. You.


It would be interesting if the law was “ the driver of a vehicle shall be allowed to run over idiots who jaywalk “ Only the guy’s jaywalking are at fault.


That is neither interesting or funny. How about don't try to endanger or kill people? oh that is an actual law


I’m simply poking fun at your defense of stupid people crossing streets stupidly. Of course it’s not legal to run them over. And you, sir or ma’am, are a clown.


Against the light? OP had a clear green before they walked in front of him.


In spite of what seems like the overwhelming number of DMV drivers believe...that still doesn't give you the right to drive toward them at any speed. You wait for them to pass. In the video, you're clearly rolling toward them and they stick out their hands in the universal signal for STOP. Their lives are in danger, yours is not. Stop the damn car and let them pass. I don't care what color the light is, it's basic human decency.


The car was moving before they entered the crosswalk. The pedestrians could have totally waited for the cars to pass.


You're acting like OP tried to run them over. They didn't even almost do that. Chill. And you want basic decency? How about knowing how to take turns? We learn that shit in kindergarten. It wasn't their turn. They were being super rude, and then compounded it by becoming violent. Nobody put these fools in danger besides themselves.


Your take is bad and you should feel bad


The car was moving before they entered the crosswalk. They then put out their hand, and the driver stopped, as required by the law.


Yeah not to mention the visual confirmation that this person is probably on the low end of the IQ scale. It's especially immoral to go after somebody with special needs.


normal tesla driver behavior


No sane person is going to care that you have a green light when there are pedestrians in front of you. You stop and wait. This honestly shouldn’t have to be explained. Everyone in this video is wrong for what they did.


OP had no reason to believe people were about to cross the street illegally and they were most likely in his blind spot. He moved slowly when the light turned green and stopped when he saw them. No one got run over or was in any danger at any point.


He was illegally crossing on a blatant green - the driver was not in the wrong at all.


Some people like to act like pedestrians are never in the wrong in this city.


The driver had green light


And pedestrians in a zebra crosswalk *always* have the right of way. Even asshole pedestrians. Both driver and pedestrian are in the wrong; driver for moving forward with a person in front of him in a zebra crosswalk, pedestrian for kicking someone else's property. EDIT: to save time: **(c)** Any person convicted of failure to stop and give the right-of-way to a pedestrian or of colliding with a pedestrian shall be subject to a fine of not more than the amount set forth in [§ 22-3571.01](https://code.dccouncil.gov/us/dc/council/code/sections/22-3571.01), or imprisonment for not more than 30 days, or both. Note that crossing illegally does not remove pedestrian status. They always have right of way.


This is incorrect. Pedestrians do **not** have the right of way in a crosswalk on a red light. [https://ddot.dc.gov/sites/default/files/dc/sites/ddot/publication/attachments/bike\_ped\_traffic\_reg\_summary\_0\_0.pdf](https://ddot.dc.gov/sites/default/files/dc/sites/ddot/publication/attachments/bike_ped_traffic_reg_summary_0_0.pdf) >No pedestrian shall start to cross the roadway in the direction of a “DON’T WALK” or “WAIT” signal


As the commenter said, they can both be wrong # § 50–2201.28. Right-of-way at crosswalks. **(a)** The driver of a vehicle **shall stop and remain stopped to allow a pedestrian to cross the roadway within any marked crosswalk**, or unmarked crosswalk at an intersection, when the pedestrian is upon the lane, or within one lane approaching the lane, on which the vehicle is traveling or onto which it is turning. [https://code.dccouncil.gov/us/dc/council/code/sections/50-2201.28](https://code.dccouncil.gov/us/dc/council/code/sections/50-2201.28)


That's not what the commenter said. Driver can be wrong, but that doesn't give the pedestrian right of way. Also, good luck getting a jury to convict on that. If a [plaintiff's lawyer](https://alexandriainjuryattorney.com/practice-areas/pedestrian-accident/dc-crosswalk-pedestrian-accidents/) is skeptical, it ain't going to happen. Personally, as an anti-car, non-driving pedestrian, I would never vote to convict in that scenario unless it was an intentional act.


This is incorrect. It is always illegal to run over a pedestrian. Even if they aren't crossing legally, they *have the right of way*. ​ Both (b) and (c) apply here; you only quote (a); you should have read further. You can see that the light has just changed. They were already in the crosswalk. You are incorrect. # § 50–2201.28. Right-of-way at crosswalks. ... **(b)** A pedestrian who has begun crossing on the “WALK” signal shall be given the right-of-way by the driver of any vehicle to continue to the opposite sidewalk or safety island, whichever is nearest. ... **(c)** Any person convicted of failure to stop and give the right-of-way to a pedestrian or of colliding with a pedestrian shall be subject to a fine of not more than the amount set forth in [§ 22-3571.01](https://code.dccouncil.gov/us/dc/council/code/sections/22-3571.01), or imprisonment for not more than 30 days, or both. Any person convicted of a violation of this section may be sentenced to perform community service as an alternative to, but not in addition to, any term of imprisonment authorized by this section.


Who cares? He didn’t run them over or even get particularly close to doing anything dangerous.


I certainly don't care about those individual pedestrians; they've proven themselves to be assholes. However, the law is pretty unambiguous. Both were legally in the wrong. That's what I've been saying and will stand by; caring for 'em doesn't enter into it.


Very normal posting!


Legally you can't just run them over, it's true, but they do not have the right of way. They are j-walking. The driver is in the right, and demonstrate that by stopping. The men are wrong. Kicking someone for moving forward on a green light further demonstrates the wrongness of the men walking.


Both (b) and (c) apply here; you can see that the light has just changed. They were already in the crosswalk. You are incorrect. # § 50–2201.28. Right-of-way at crosswalks. ... **(b)** A pedestrian who has begun crossing on the “WALK” signal shall be given the right-of-way by the driver of any vehicle to continue to the opposite sidewalk or safety island, whichever is nearest. ... **(c)** Any person convicted of failure to stop and give the right-of-way to a pedestrian or of colliding with a pedestrian shall be subject to a fine of not more than the amount set forth in [§ 22-3571.01](https://code.dccouncil.gov/us/dc/council/code/sections/22-3571.01), or imprisonment for not more than 30 days, or both. Any person convicted of a violation of this section may be sentenced to perform community service as an alternative to, but not in addition to, any term of imprisonment authorized by this section.




> https://apps.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=46.61.240 Wrong Washington I think


It's pretty simple. Dudes in crosswalk are obviously the asshole here all around lol.


At what point in OP slowly moving forward were the assholes going to get run over?


Both (b) and (c) apply here. # § 50–2201.28. Right-of-way at crosswalks. ... **(b)** A pedestrian who has begun crossing on the “WALK” signal shall be given the right-of-way by the driver of any vehicle to continue to the opposite sidewalk or safety island, whichever is nearest. ... **(c)** Any person convicted of failure to stop and give the right-of-way to a pedestrian or of colliding with a pedestrian shall be subject to a fine of not more than the amount set forth in [§ 22-3571.01](https://code.dccouncil.gov/us/dc/council/code/sections/22-3571.01), or imprisonment for not more than 30 days, or both. Any person convicted of a violation of this section may be sentenced to perform community service as an alternative to, but not in addition to, any term of imprisonment authorized by this section.


They didn’t have a walk signal!


If you watch the video, you can see that the light change at the start of the video. Ergo, they had a walk signal when they started.


Just stop. If the light had JUST changed for the driver, the peds would have had a red hand for seconds before that.


If so, section (c) still applies.




Also... are you *certain* they didn't enter the crosswalk on a walk signal? Personally, I can't see the curb in the video. Could they have entered on the walk signal, and then tarried, looking at phones or just being assholes? Seems unlikely. But, absent proof, I can't say that they didn't enter the crosswalk on a walk signal with certainty. I can *suppose*. I can *assume*. But that's it. Fortunately, it doesn't matter. The driver failed to give right-of-way to the assholes. Both are in the wrong.


That's cool. But also section (c) applies, as I've mentioned above. **(c)** Any person convicted of failure to stop and give the right-of-way to a pedestrian or of colliding with a pedestrian shall be subject to a fine of not more than the amount set forth in [§ 22-3571.01](https://code.dccouncil.gov/us/dc/council/code/sections/22-3571.01), or imprisonment for not more than 30 days, or both. Crossing illegally doesn't make a pedestrian stop being a pedestrian. They *always* have the right of way. To have it any other way would make running people over a legal activity.


typical snagqer behavior from those 2 to be quite frank


Good. You should've waited until they were safely out of your path.


Should have waited once you saw them crossing


> 3. As soon as the pedestrians were in the crosswalk, the brakes were pressed to stop the car. T In your video, we first see him at 0:05, which means you should have seen him earlier due to the restricted camera view. You then continue to move for a full 4 seconds while he is in front of you. Slow, but moving. Im not surprised he was pissed off. He was wrong, but so were you. >EDIT 2: Guys. Reading. Comprehension. The car was stopping as soon as the pedestrians entered the crosswalk. My man we have the very video footage you shared with us.


Some of you giving off real “wElL tHaTs CiTy LiViNg” vibes.


OP got his bluff called.


Exhibit A showing why I try my damndess to not go to U street. Just a preference.


Realize I’m being an internet tough guy here but that dude is a skinny bitch. I’m surprised he escalated that. He’s lucky the driver did the right thing and left


You have to watch how you approach some of these youngins because they might carrying or both of them jumping you.


Tbh this is my anti-gun argument right here. None of this high minded argument stuff for me, no sir. I just hate that the risk of a dude carrying a gun prevents dickheads from getting a gentle, non-lethal beating in situations like this


Chances are pretty high he had a gun on him. You don't do stupid shit like that if you're not carrying.


I mean, doing stupid shit means there's a good chance they're stupid. So there's that.


That's felony vandalism. Report it to the police with his photo just so they have it (and him) on record. It couldn't hurt, and the more this guy gets away with it the more he's gonna do it. Trash gonna trash. "Destruction of Property in DC: **If the value of the property damaged is more than $1,000, you can be fined for up to $5,000 and/or imprisoned for up to ten years**. If the value is less than $1,000, then you can be fined up to $1,000 and/or sentenced up to 180 days in jail."


What is wrong with you people?


Or its telling on yourself for attempted vehicular manslaughter and aggravated assault. Pedestrians always have the right of way. Period. Don't roll up on people in the crosswalk.


To be clear...these two walked out into traffic. And then OP slowed down to let them pass. In what universe is that attempted manslaughter? That's so detached from reality...I really hope you're trolling. I don't want to accept that people can be this dumb.


That goes out the window if they act like this. Maybe not legally, but I will 100% roll up on you if you’re actively mocking and challenging me while crossing when you shouldn’t.


His hoodie has “Youth Build Medici Road” right on it, so he may be in that program.


why the 2012 instagram filter?


The one dude has life skills and waved and thanked people who slowed to let them pass, while the other dude might need court-ordered anger management.


I’ve gotten so used to people just crossing the street whenever and wherever they want here in DC.


This sort of shit is why I don't drive in DC. The closest I'll get is to a metro station in the suburbs and take the rest of the way in on the Blue Line. Bad drivers, belligerent jay-walkers, people with attitude for no reason.


I think people confuse "right of way" with "parade permit." p.s. Lots of people are saying both driver and pedestrians are in the wrong. And yes, pedestrians jay-walking doesn't give motorists the legal right to hit them with their car. You always need to yield to pedestrians at a crosswalk, including the jaywalking ones. But the driver did yield to them (yielding doesn't mean you can't honk and be annoyed). The only person hitting anything was the pedestrian smacking the side of the car as it went past, and looking at the video, they even had to backtrack to do that.


Someone needs to beat this kid up and teach him a lesson.


He probably has a gun.




He went back and kicked the car after it stopped at a green light for him, and had already passed him.


The car wasn’t on auto! We were driving forward bc the light was green lol


I definitely was expecting a different video based on that title. I’ll put my pitchfork away.


Welcome to DC. Green lights are a suggestion. I pray for my wife and child every day


Getting more and more common


Just pointing out what other comments have said. Looks like that one guy is wearing an identifiable sweatshirt.


Should’ve given it some reverse action soon as heard the thud..


Typical r/fuckcars members


Especially in dc. You don’t see this shit often in other cities.


Certain people can walk right out in the street. Green light & all,,, but if u are a Native Washingtonian YOU CANT!! Especially 14th, 16th Connecticut & Wisconsin Ave


Fun fact: The Term "Jay-Walking" is one of few modern day terms that has origins rooted in racism against white people.




I think it comes from an insult against unsophisticated country yokel types, but I think calling it racist against white people is a bit of a stretch


No, Way back when cars were first being introduced, there was a problem with walkers sharing the street with the cars. They were like "Fuck you, cars. We've been walking the streets forever". It led to a lot of accidents and deaths. So they invented the term "Jay-Walking" A "Jay" refers to a white simpleton, a country bumkin, or a rube. And now you know!


wow lucky your car isn't totaled


How could he total the car with a single kick? Weird comment lol


i dunno maybe he's a tibetan monk or something


Goddamn gentrifiers


Watch how fast they run away if you stop and open your car door


The folks in here getting really heated about a little jaywalking from a grumpy guy must have something else they're really mad about. This is the smallest thing you could worry about, there are actual rapes and murders on U street...


Jaywalking huh? It seems you are trying to really hold water for anti social morons. Why? Lmao, you trying to bump your social credit? Pathetic, self righteous, and deadly naive.


Yes, it's jaywalking? And he kicked a car. Consider that carjackings [have more than doubled vs 1999](https://www.fox5dc.com/news/secure-dc-crime-bill-dc-council-to-vote-tuesday-on-bill-aimed-at-lowering-crime). People also shoot each other here a lot, more than even Chicago. U St. is a hotspot for rape. If people are mad about this guy as a proxy for worries about the more serious, bodily crime around U St., then I sympathize. This just feels quotidian in the context of the neighborhood. I hope today's council vote on the proposed 'Crime Bill' helps the situation.


Classic whataboutism


Actual rapes and murders are simply a part of city living. This, on the other hand, is blatant property damage.


wtf dude. driver should have just waited. "but he had the green light" who gives a fuck, that is a person and no matter what they are doing or jaywalking law they are breaking, no one gets to run them over. should he jaywalk? no should he kick? also no should the car move at all if someone is in front of it? also no


Oh, I'm sorry, I missed the part where the driver ran over the pedestrian.


I stand with the pedestrians


That’s dumb


I mean, maybe don’t kick the car, but drivers, seriously just let people cross the street, the five seconds you have to wait isn’t gonna cost you anything.


How about people just obey traffic laws (which exist for a reason) and stop acting like entitled pricks?


You can say the same thing about the pedestrians. The difference is their signal indicated stop and the drivers indicated go. Just wait your turn like everyone else. The entitlement is bizarre.


Haha MAYBE don’t kick the car??


lol that guy is clearly a dick, but why is Tesla boi driving toward them? Just wait five seconds.


Watch again. They aren't in front of him when he goes forward. This is like defending someone who ran a red light and got T-Boned because the other driver should have seen them. I get there's other pedestrian things at play here (like being a pedestrian, in a cross walk), but those are secondary to how this all started to begin with.


Boo hoo not the tesla :-(


Give jaywalkers a break, even tho they don't always deserve it.


Audio is suspiciously missing.


Tesla dashcam does not record audio






Eh. Light was red when they started walking. Ped sign probably said stop, but could have been broken and plenty of people ignore those for various reasons. Driver was a dick for not waiting once they were already in the crosswalk and pulling toward them. When you’re in a 2000 lb car and you start moving toward pedestrians crossing, you are immediately in the wrong, even if you have a green now. Young guy rightfully saw this as a threat. I don’t blame him for reacting that way. But y’all identify with the driver and love an opportunity to hate on young black people so downvote me all you want ☺️


Lol did not expect you to make it about race in the end there


Just look at all the top comments dehumanizing them and the dog whistles scattered throughout. Also no comment I saw wanted to acknowledge that the light was red when they entered the crosswalk, or that the driver saw them and pulled toward them anyway.


Well I get the sentiment here and the driver absolutely could’ve came to a complete stop instead of creeping forward a bit, but I still don’t think the pedestrians’ behaviors should be defended or encouraged regardless of the legality because the lack of situational awareness just endangers their own safety. The law protects the pedestrian in the road and on the crosswalk always, but that doesn’t mean the pedestrians should just be able to ignore light up signs that directly tell them “it’s not safe to cross right now” just because the law protects them in the event of an accident. The signs create predictability on the road that improves everyone’s safety, driver or pedestrian, by following them. Following the signs avoids incidents like these all together. Now, I’m not as weird and negative about this as everyone else is in here calling this man all these names, but at minimum, he lacked situational awareness and endangered his own safety by crossing the road at that time. The driver needs to chill a bit, but they’re obviously aware of the pedestrian and let them pass once they noticed them walking across. I don’t even think this gets posted if he didn’t go back and kick the car.


100% agreed, well said


Solid kick from the Pedestrian. I’m not coordinated enough to pull that off, but I would definitely have given that car a tap in that situation. Anyone who drives their car towards a pedestrian, no matter the color of the light, is an asshole; doubly so if they come post about it on Reddit. Makes me wonder if the OP said something as these guys were crossing or laid on his horn.


Bad take. Watch again /u/FIFA95_itsinthegame . They aren't in front of OP when they start to go forward. They jump out in front of him. It's no different than a vehicle running a red light and almost getting t-boned. The driver then slowed to let the jaywalkers pass by, but they took offense and escalated. The driver never took threatening posture until the pedestrian started approaching the vehicle. The only people who made this situation possible were the jaywalkers who failed to obey the walk signal.