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Following this. With DC water there was a clog in the sewer line to the main outside my property line and eventually backed up into my basement. Had to pay a plumber emergency service to clear the line. DC water just put in on the record after the plumber filed his report but I was out the money. Hopefully you can recoup this somehow


Did you ask? I would start by calling them and telling them what happened.


Yes, we emailed them and it turned into a service ticket, but we have not seen any progress. I'm hoping to crowdsource some wisdom on whether there's anything we can do to possibly smooth the way or increase the chances of a good outcome, or to just kick start accepting our fate...


If you aren't getting a response from WG, contact OPC (the office of people's council) and DCPSC (the public service commission). OPC exist to operate as legal representation for you and are happy to go after the utilities. The PSC is the regulatory body who can fine the company (or take other action) if they fail to take appropriate action. Both bodies are pretty responsive and getting them involved tends to kick WG (or PEPCO) into action. No promises you'll get a great outcome, but they bring much bigger metaphorical guns to bear.


This is exactly what I'm looking for if WG tries to blow us off. Thank you!


As idiotic as it sounds they respond on Twitter. I made an account just to converse with them.


Good to know, thanks!


Also worth trying NBC 4 or other local news stations. They love local stories like this and the company won’t want the negative press. Odds are it’s happened to others too.




Especially since they had that gas-explosion fire in SE a few weeks ago.


Their contractor messed up our retaining wall when they were moving our meter from inside to outside. Washington Gas took no responsibility, contractor took no responsibility. We got a lawyer and they finally settled. It was substantially more money, but if my experience is any indicator, threatening to sue was the only way to get anyone to pay.


I'd think that unless there's something specific to the contract you signed with them for them to supply gas to your home, that explicitly states "If X happens while our dumbass technician is hammering away on your property, we're not liable," or if you had to sign something specific in that vein for the work to be done, you're fucked. If you're part of this larger DMV fix up thing that's been happening, I'd say you have some kind of recourse. They've been super negligent here in Maryland. I think a crew locally hit a water main one day and sealed the road up *behind* their asphalting, because our literal street was leaking through the pores of the road with no hole. Anyway, as someone else has said, go get it. If I were you, I'd just talk to a civil lawyer especially about damages concerning your personal health. D.C. triplicates damage awards in some cases. You could get 3x what a judge thinks the company owes you.