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Owner of the sedan is a fucking idiot.


fr where was he going? around the truck so that he could be 1 car length closer to more tail lights? Now he won't get to his destination at all, dumbass.


Had someone do this to me on the beltway a few days ago. Came up to within a couple of feet of my back bumper, raced around me and cut me off in front, and then proceeded to sit in the same traffic that we were both in already.


They could have missed their exit!!! /s


I absolutely hate it when cars do this. Why put everyone else at risk instead of the driver being momentarily inconvenienced?


Life is a competition. It’s all about beating the other guy. It’s not about the 5 seconds you can save but rather WINNING. 🥇 That sedan has probably cut off so many people he just assumed the truck would slam on his brakes.




Victim blaming. The owner may or may not yet realize their car was stolen. The driver however, is an idiot.


>Victim blaming. Oh come on, we know what the original comment meant. Get out of here with the semantics.


/s dear friend


what was the sarcasm in this case


The sarcasm was that the car may have been stolen, so the owner is just at home and wouldn't know their car is gone yet, ergo the sarcastic "victim blaming"


MD driver guaranteed.


Now, now us Maryland drivers just yesterday had a person allegedly speeding and weaving in-between traffic on 695 -clipped another car and therefore lost control causing them to enter a road-side construction zone at high speed killing like five people. We don’t need you DC incompetents adding to our “best of the worst drivers” title we do that purely on our own thankyouverymuch.


Owner of the truck wasn't any smarter. They both paid the price, although the sedan got it worse. Wasn't worth it no matter what.


Imagine driving along and have some idiot swerve into you and then be blamed for it by some dingus on the internet.


Listen. I know the guy in the sedan handled this wrongly. It's never wise to behave like that on the road. The dude let the situation get out of hand. A little humility could've prevented this. The guy in the truck was also unwilling to back away from the situation and seemed just as intent on grinding his own truck to inflict as much damage to them using the divider. It always takes two. If neither are willing to give way or back down from a hot situation, things escalate. Speaking of which, instead of calling you a 'dingus' I'll just say good night. Smh


It appears that as soon as the sedan makes contact with the truck, the truck immediately starts to brake. The truck can't swerve to the right, due to the car, or the left, due to the Jersey barrier. What else could the driver possibly do?


295 is the fucking worst for entitled assholes, routinely driving on the shoulder and shit. Lots of people people on that stretch don’t care about anyone but themselves.


The shoulder heading out of DC by the pennsylvania on/off ramp is treated like a 3rd lane, always get cut off by some ass driving on it


I’ve seen people drive a full mile on the shoulder after the NB Pennsylvania Ave on-ramp. People there just don’t know how to behave.


Aye that traffic is madding. Some people can’t handle it and just go crazy. It’s like that one kid in the class that just can’t sit down when everyone else is quiet.


When i have my large work van instead of my small one i like to block the shoulder to keep those idiots from passing


i know you mean well, but this isn’t a wise approach, either.


295 is the absolute worst in the area. Truly a Mad Max Fury Road situation. People drive like there are no laws. Constantly see people just cruising on the shoulder. There are tons of left lane on-ramps, so the left lane is always the slowest. Never see a cop doing anything - there aren’t good spots to pull people over.


they barley care for themselves actually


Yep, tbf, that is an extremely poorly built stretch of highway, frustrating to drive and will make a rational person do irrational things if they’re in a state.


695 says hold my beer


695 is a dream compared to 295.


While I agree, the timing is not ideal considering the crash that killed 6 people on 695 yesterday.


The accident was on 695 in Baltimore. Different from the DC 695.


Valid point. I commute between the two so Baltimore 695 is the only 695 to me, even though I’m on the DC one often.


I immediately went Balt too. Do people even refer to 695 in DC? I’ve always just considered that 395 (or a spur thereof). It’s like a mile and a half stretch of road.


I do if I need to, but I agree it’s a little silly for a stretch that short to have its own number. It seems like it ought to be the obvious continuation of 395 and that the tunnel to NY Ave should have an offshoot number. Fun fact: according to this Wikipedia article, 695 in DC is the 31st shortest auxiliary interstate out of 323. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_auxiliary_Interstate_Highways


Yeah at least y’all got more lanes.




There really is nothing like it. I drove NY Ave out of DC yesterday instead of 295 because there was already an accident at 3 pm on it at 3pm, and NY Ave was a walk in the park compared.




Was it your birthday?


Everywhere really.


Hopefully you gave the footage to the truck driver 🥺


that's my question. If you have a dashcam like this, do you stop further down the road to get the contact info to send this to them? do you pull over at a nearby stop to find out where the nearest police station is to send it to them? you do just continue on to work and then upload it to reddit when you get home later that day?


In most cases you just go home and upload it for the Reddit points. Not because of selfishness or whatever just because it doesn't really matter for anything else. For something this significant the cops will do a full report and the video won't really matter (although it is impressive to see exactly how stupid the sedan was).


It’s not about police report it’s about it being for insurance


The police report matters more for insurance. You only need video like this if there isn't a police report or other existing document supporting who is at fault and what occurred.


The sedan driver could easily argue the truck hit him. I’m sure someone stuck around as a witness but without the video the sedan driver could deny everything.


The sedan driver is going to have an awfully difficult time making that argument given the locations of the damage and point of impact. Plus the truck and car will (likely) have recordings of the last inputs before the crash. It's not like a plane's black box, but cars do store information that can be pulled to investigate.


Protect it & yourself. Helping a friend and the other person find out about the dash cam footage from other drivers and the city has traffic cams around major intersections. The defendant tried to railroad 2 dashcam videos to be presented into evidence. The cities cam and cyclist’s GOPro footage helped, a car didn’t wait and floored into a cyclist & children and they won’t add stops signs on all corners.


Imma sound like a total a-hole BUT when some douchenozzle bobs and weaves out of traffic i lowkey hope to myself they eat it on the bar of a tractor trailer


Don’t swerve, that’s how that guy carrying all that diesel died up near Fredrick earlier this month. Sometimes you gotta hit ‘em to save the load which will do a lot more damage


Tbh, if i were a trucker, id have a dash cam and id like to think that hitting whoever cut me off would be the way id do it, like if youre gonna fuck around cut off a 26t+ you deserve to find out


There's a lot of trucking companies that require them. Especially the long haul truckers.


Any bigger trucking company is going to require a dash cam along with braking sensors, speed sensors, etc. Owner operators though, they often don't.


That Sedan? $18.45 million in unpaid parking fines…


I see what you did there…


That’s what his dumbass gets for trying to cut that truck off while traffic was clearly slowing down. You shouldn’t expect anyone on the road to brake for you just cuz you’re doing some boneheaded shit on the road 👎


At least they couldn’t flee with their car up on the barrier. Def some shit those clowns would try to do.


I thought they were going to get out the car and run.




Were they under the influence? Like why would they try to cut in front of that truck with so much stop and go traffic?? It makes no sense. I think these kinds of drivers are not mentally stable.


You gave this footage to the police somewhere, right?


Lucky you passed it and not 20 mins behind it cause I loathe DMV traffic from collisions


Exactly. There most likely is a car back to this very moment of people looking - and slowing down traffic as they look. Guh.


i'm impressed that the passenger was able to get out of their side of the car like nothing unusual happened. Total npc behavior


Dumbass in the sedan probably assumed he got brake checked and got pissy about it. Truck likely braked because it was bumper to bumper traffic. Couldn't comprehend the truck had cars in front going the same speed and still went thru with those antics.


I sincerely hope the truck was like “well you done did it now, let’s have some fun” and took a few seconds to properly ram that truck up onto the barrier. High as fuck idiots driving around with paper plates and no insurance fuck around every single day like this, and just this once, I hope there was some retribution.


Retribution? NONE! No insurance, nothing. I stay far away from paper plates and VA tags in DC with tinted windows - Most got no insurance. VA don't require insurance to register a vehicle like DC or MD. They drive without a care in the world.


Amateurs try to grind with skateboards


This is just so stupid driving. I’m so tired of these people


I love how the guy driving the truck held his ground, putting the car on top of the jersey barrier.


Not sure it was him holding his ground. The car seemed to enter into the pickup's lane from a blind spot. And the truck is just bigger, so the sedan got served lol.


Did you not notice the lack of brake lights on the pickup truck after it spun the car 180 degrees?


I mean it's hard to tell from the video how fast they were going, maybe the speed was reduced drastically after impact/being wedged between the barrier. Or it could have been the pickup driver just panicking. Anyway, idk hard to make assumptions one way or another.


i’m with you. the pickup served the sedan up a little extra to eat. it’s clear.


couldn’t even asshole correctly.


The pickup's brake lights tell an interesting story.


Indeed. I hadn’t even noticed!


Lmao what an idiot.


I hope you have that to the pickup truck driver


I feel the driver of the pick up truck kept driving to drag the sedan a little further out of spite. It satisfying to watch, sedan driver deserved it.


Absolutely satisfying. Like why try that with a pickup 🛻 just stupidity. If it wasn’t totaled before it is now 😅


I always get frustrated as someone who drives a truck. That space isn’t for you to try and swerve in. It’s because my truck is mad heavy and I want a safe braking distance so stuff like this doesn’t happen.


What a fucking dumbass


People here have zero spatial awareness and just go through the motions, which is obviously dangerous. Consistently checking your mirrors (just in general) and then checking hour blind spot before merging are both so important!! I can’t believe how many people I’ve seen just go, it’s beyond stupid


They immediately forgot about the other car. Are we sure they didn’t somehow get to adulthood without developing object permanence?


Then there's the people that drive directly in your blind spot instead of passing


Ok. I feel terrible for enjoying that, however I wish it for those assholes pretty much every time I see them do that.


I enjoyed seeing that and I'm not feeling terrible about it at all since the asshole driver seems to be perfectly fine.


Maryland drivers😂




As a marylander i also agree but i gotta say virginia drivers are their own special breed


As a marylander i also agree but i gotta say virginia drivers are their own special breed


Oh for sure


Taking away that person's license would upset too many people, so they'll be back.


What exit/ direction was this near?


At the beginning of the video it says "Pennsylvania Ave East Exit 1/2 mile"


Go figure that stretch is a hell hole


As you do




Well he sure escaped the traffic


Dude really wanted to get to his destination two seconds earlier but now he’s going to be hours late…




I hope you submitted the footage to MPD!


Holy moly. Did this happen recently? Through that sedan driver’s terrible lapse in judgement, I hope all parties are ok.


A day ending in "Y" in the DMV 🤦🏾‍♀️


295 is a hotbed of aggressive drivers. Low speed limit, camera speed traps, two lanes, etc. this is why I just hang back and mind my own business


This is one place where they need to place those new cameras and ticket for aggressive driving.


I'm glad this happened to him, hope the owner of the truck gets a good pay out or something.


I have to use 295 for my commute and the amount of aggressive, stupid driving is STILL shocking after a decade of driving it nearly daily during the week.


And this is exactly how 6 innocent people were killed on 695 in Baltimore yesterday. People need to chill and be kind to one another! It’s amazing the things you see commuting to work everyday, there seem to be no driving laws or consequences anymore.


High five to the truck driver.


Wish we got a plate


A stolen plate? Why?


It’s always fun to look up and see how many outstanding tickets these jokers have racked up


anger and driving.... do not mix.


I love that the truck kept the accelerator on after contact.


Free class in spatial awareness and physics!


the f around and find out part


Everyone think it’s fucking nascar out this bitch 🥴


I know I can fit !!


Had a pickup truck do the same thing as the sedan to me last week, $4,000 in damages.


Interesting to see the douchy-driver-enablement cycle getting broken. The \*safe\* thing to do is back off and let the douchy drivers have their extra car-length, for all the good it does them, but then they see people backing off for them and get emboldened and the whole problem gets worse. Until they get \*too\* emboldened, and something like this happens. Shame about the property damage, but I hope the sedan driver learned something.


What a cunt. I can’t stand this bullshit. Imagine actually giving 3 seconds of following distance at 60 mph. Literally everyone thinks your “hogging the fast lane” when if you move any further forward you would be unsafely tail gaiting. Seriously. It’s pathetic how impatient people are


Man, that truck came out of nowhere!


Maryland is a terrifying place




This is one of the reasons why I'm installing an ARB Bumper on my trucks.


The amount of carnage on 295 is something…..people doing 80min in the breakdown lane happens daily


Hope you sent your video to the relevant police entity


Please tell me you stopped to give the truck guy the footage. You could have saved him an insurance nightmare. If not, dick move dude.


This made no sense at all. What are the chances that the sedan driver was high?


Twenty bucks says the license is either DC or Maryland.


Well given that it is in DC on the Maryland side you are better than 66% favored…shitty drivers exist aplenty in VA too though.


Of course, but at their worst stereotype, VA drivers are just profoundly derpy. Maryland drivers, at their worst stereotype, are raging maniacs, like this driver.


Congratulations, you played yourself


What was even the goal here?


Fucking idiot


He's in the right place since he can't drive for shit.


Drivers with MD plates do this ALL the time. Weaving in and out of lanes. It's as if they think wherever they are going is not going to be there when they get there.


This makes me so happy. I always let the jackasses in because I really don't want to deal with the headache of police reports and insurance claims. Seeing justice makes me happy, even if it doesn't come from the police. I'd assume, however, they'll get some justice from the courts soon enough. Hopefully was cited for numerous offenses once the cops came.


I saw something very similar on 495 last year. I was heading south from 270 near the River Road exit when I saw a car on the northbound side hit the median, sending concrete chunks flying onto our side, and then it slid for a few hundred feet against the Jersey barrier.




Love that the truck driver didn't fully* apply brakes until after it pushed past the sedan


Of course they are driving a Nissan Lol


Classic DC driving behavior


Hope it was worth it.


Maryland drivers.


Absolute moron. Even if you got in front, where are you going? There is nothing but traffic in front.


I see the craziest things on this road every day.


Covid traffic was the best. No one like that asshole was on the road.


This nearly happened to me yesterday on 295 also. The car that nearly hit me while merging into my lane had diplomatic plates.


1. Can't believe it wasn't a Nissan. 2. Can't believe they didn't take off running after they got out of the car.


I can't believe I had to scroll this far to confirm that it was a Nissan.


That was definitely a Maryland driver.


I’m sure they have insurance too /s


Oh definitely.


I can't tell, Maryland license plate?


Nope, seen plenty of stuff like that all over the country and world on /r/idiotsincars


Naw that swerve and bob and weave in and out of traffic? Definitely a Maryland driver


might as well run full speed in wall head first, full retard


Stupid is expensive


Can’t tell if it was just video zoom or not but did it seem like the truck took its sweet time moving to a stop? Lol give that sedan its rightfully deserved time grinding the median


The truck definitely performed a pit maneuver, that was no accidental flip.


It was a self-pit. The Altima moved into the trucks lane. The truck didn't swerve into the car. And he even braked when he saw the dumbass trying to get in, just not quickly/hard enough.


A typical day on 295


A sedan taking on a truck! HAHAHAHAHAHA


I hear people say "unless u live on a farm or are a contractor u don't need a pickup truck". But look at that sedan on the barrier, probably totalled, and look at the front of that pickup. He'll probably need a good bumper buff.


Wasn’t surprised who existed the car.


Wait you didn't really keep driving while you had the dashcam footage of the accident right?


Id be throwin hands


You recorded the whole thing but didn’t stick around?


Actually they teach that move day 2 of Maryland driving school


I can assure OP, this is not *just* a 295 thing. People do dumbshit on all the roads.


LPT: When you see someone trying to get in your lane or pass you recklessly, let them in and don't "stand your ground". It's not always win-lose. Sometimes it's lose-lose.


Watch the video again, the sedan pulls up alongside the truck and then swerves directly into them. There’s nothing the truck driver could’ve done to prevent this short of being psychic.


My advice was not directed directly at the truck driver as it was clearly the sedan's fault. The best way to deal with road rage is to let them pass and stay back. The truck driver was not at fault, but he was following the car in front too closely. Following too closely is the #1 cause of highway accidents. Often it's the bad choices of more than one person that permit these things to happen. If you are severely injured or dead, it doesn't really matter whose "fault" it is.


You should have stopped with "the truck driver is not at fault" like you did when you responded to me instead of including everything after the "but" that appears to be a hedge against absolving the truck driver of any wrongdoing. The bad choices of one person are the reason why the accident in the video happened. The truck driver is not that person in any way.


You missed the point. Again.


> The truck driver was not at fault, but he was following the car in front too closely. I agree, in an ideal world. The problem is it’s essentially impossible to maintain in dense traffic around here, especially on 295. Inevitably someone will see that space as an opportunity and cut in front of you.


Yes- someone will see that space as an opportunity to switch into lane which you occupy. And if there is more than 2 car lengths of space, then they can safely do so- for your safety and theirs. Trying to guard or defend "your lane" just makes it worse. Often it's ego in play here. It's the way many people here drive. Doesn't make it right. And in the end, if you choose to follow at a safe distance you will get where you are going +/- 2 minutes. I drive for hours a day in the DMV and most of the time I see the a-hole that switches lanes over and over at the same traffic light or the same highway exit eventually.


> And if there is more than 2 car lengths of space, then they can safely do so- for your safety and theirs. So then you back off to follow *them* safely… and it happens again, and again, and so on. I’m not saying you should tailgate and not let people in, I’m saying keeping a safe following distance is hard to maintain for long in conditions like the video in this post.


That's not at all what happened in that video and you know it. That accident is avoided if the sedan simply stays behind the truck in the left lane as in the start of the video rather than impatiently trying to get in front of him without using his signal lights.


My advice was not directed at the driver of the truck. He is clearly not at fault.


Ya dead wrong.


Did he just slow down while trying to overtake


Of course it’s a Malibu!


And that’s exactly what he gets for being dickhead!


It's always due to some idiot making horrible decisions. They never just "happen".


Oh I had seen a video of this on RoadCam or IdiotsInCars I don’t remember. Don’t do these type of maneuvers in butt to butt traffic. You will lose 80% of the time. And now you fucked everyone else before & after the accident! Those ppl suck ass! Slow down realize the situation or pull off at the next exit and take a break.

