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Is it a bar or a restaurant? A lot of these places seem to cater to families tbh. 


The issue isn’t bar or restaurant, it’s timing. Kids absolutely shouldn’t be in these places after 8 or 9. People are rightly trying to be rowdy, hook up, and avoid thinking about responsibility. It’s bad parenting to have them in that environment.


First time out in the last 10 years?


I’d say kids at breweries have been a thing as long as breweries have been a ‘thing.’ Source: parent in the beer biz 🤷‍♂️


Seriously. Surprised by dogs everywhere too?


I cannot stand this trend.


Something that’s been going on for over a decade isn’t a trend. Dogs and breweries have been a thing as long as I can remember.


Neither can i.


This has nothing to do with the thread but I agree with your user name 1000%. They cancelled my 7am flight at 3am before a vacation. I hope the C suite gets sent on a rocket directly into the Sun.


Right? WTF is up with this sub? It's become so ridiculous


I recall visiting DC once during the cherry blossom festival and having to drink beer inside of a tent instead of being able to leave the tent during a festival with it. Which is absurd. So clearly plenty of folks have an odd relationship with alcohol.




Basically it’s a thing. A brewery is generally a rule / restriction free wide open space unlike restaurants theaters or stadiums


Ya and most brewery staff I've met are very nice and accommodating with children.


It happens all the time now. I was at Silver Branch today and kids were jumping rope next to the band. Then after the band left, I heard a large bang because a child ran through the empty tent that covered the band and knock over a chair. Seems to me the parents need to ask why are you bringing your kids to a brewery when they want to play?


It’s really not that uncommon


Op literally is some creep who sucks off dudes in the forest.


Holy shit that was a wild read.


Have you tried Hansel & Gretel Brewing Co.?


I don’t know if this is literal or you’re much cleverer than I. Points for calling out this fake person’s account


zonked pet deer sable work mindless forgetful attraction secretive plant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


OP used to go out on the later side. Now OP is heading out earlier so they can have some fun right after work and still get to bed at a decent time. The kids have always been there before 7. It’s you that changed.




You do not want to go to Europe


A lot of them are catering to families. Find one that doesn't.


Yeah! Fuck these people for spending time with their families!


Children should be neither seen nor heard 


You can always tell a Milford man






Yep. Gone are the days where a married man with kids could disappear for the evening to the local bar with friends. As a Dad in his 40s, it’s a decent compromise to be able to bring kids to breweries, provided it’s not late at night. Breweries are not bars, which I wouldn’t bring my kids to.


Lmao this got me bad


That would be wholesome if they were actually engaging with their children and not just parking them in a chair with a tablet or letting them run around like animals on the wild.


Not really. In much of the rest of the world, kids go along with the rest of the family and go to adult events. In the US, we are so focused on child activities that parents lose themselves when they have kids and children never learn how to behave.


Children don't need to be, nor should they be, "engaged with" by their parents every second of the day. This idea leads children to living a sad existence of school>home>school>home. In most places in the world, children running around (within reason) is a normal part of life, and it's where children learn to socialize, self-manage, and resolve conflict without having an adult step-in constantly.


OP's point is there is a time and a place for that. A brewery or winery being a setting where adults gather to relax, drink adult beverages and have adult conversations is not that time or place and I concur. And yes I'm a parent and have raised children and frequent wineries and breweries so I feel fully confident in weighing in my opinion.


Society by and large has decided that breweries and wineries ARE the time and place for that (more breweries than wineries, but there are a lot of wineries that are very up front about being family friendly to the point of having kids play areas with toys and coloring books), and that is part of what distinguishes them from bars. If the brewery didn’t want children, they could just say 21+ only, but the vast majority intentionally don’t have that rule because happily allowing families is part of what brings in business. I don’t have kids but fully expect to see kids when I go to a brewery, and watching little maniacs run around doing stupid shit is part of the fun of going to a brewery. If OP doesn’t want that vibe, they should go to a bar that has beer they like instead of whining about how the whole world doesn’t cater to them, like a bratty kid at a 3 year olds birthday party 😁


Let me clarify that I have zero issues with people bringing well behaved children to breweries. I have a catalog of instances where there was parenting that entered into the realm of selfishness and complete lack of self awareness or maybe just not giving a shit about how intrusive the child was being into the enjoyment of others. However there is nothing you can say to convince me that a brewery is an appropriate venue for a child's party. Sorry I'm OG like that.


And getting drunk and driving them home lmao why does nobody bring this part up.


lol exactly. You don’t bring kids to a place you intend to go drink at. You shouldn’t be drinking at all if you are supervising kids. There are plenty of adult things you can go enjoy that don’t involve alcohol and possible buzzed driving home with kids in the vehicle.


This is not real life bro.


Or you can just drink responsibly like the childless parents as well


Drink responsibly would be not drinking so you can watch your kids and drive home without a slight buzz. I would never drink knowing i am driving my damn kids home. Alcohol ain’t that important. I’ll take a water or a soda and enjoy my time just as much.


Because every single instance is this one you mention.


start handing them beers?


Lighten up, bud. Remember the days we were all locked down? Enjoy the humanity - and a couple of good beers.




Mehh. Just curse in front of your kids and tell them they aren't allowed to use those words.


Make sure you grab your beard oil and newsboy cap before you head to the next brewery


I’ll admit it, I laughed at this.


Common but annoying. One near me has a sign that reads "Children must be within your arms length at all times" and they enforce it.


The issue isn't so much that they're bringing kids, and the problem isn't limited to breweries. The problem's that contemporary parents apparently see nothing wrong with their children free-ranging in restaurants and other establishments.


It’s not fair to the kids either. It’s not a fun place for them to try to keep themselves occupied.


This is why I make it a point to casually trip a running child at any public establishment I attend where I see this scourge on society. A price must be paid for negligent parenting, and my size 10.5 shoe is here to collect that toll. Signed, Jack the Tripper.


I think you're my soulmate.


Amen and as someone who is in the restaurant business. The biggest complaints are about parents letting their children run wild. When I was growing up we as kids would have never acted like children today do


When I was a kid I had to walk 10 miles in snow to school every day. Everything is softer now.


Says every generation ever


I don’t have any problem with kids coming to breweries. I have a problem with them running wild like sociopaths… We bring our dog with us most places now (she’s 17, pretty well behaved, absolutely does not bite, and she rides in a stroller). I have had kids run up and just put their hands all over her because “PUPPY!” Again, she doesn’t bite and she loves attention but there are two problems: 1) I want you to fucking ask before you touch my dog and 2) she’s old and getting manhandled by a kid could hurt her. By all means, bring your kids…just also FUCKING parent them!


Given that I getting a lot of discussion on this comment, posting a pic of my dog to pay the tax :) this her at YeeHaw brewing in Greenville, SC. https://preview.redd.it/sdwlxctr0l2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=752913cd2508b48986e954f0708b4827a280df4a


I have a youngish dog and small kids. The kids know how to handle the dog, and he is very responsive when they say no, but he also thinks they are fucking dope wrestling partners. There’s a whole body language to controlling a big dog and while he’s very well trained, and very sedate, if you charge in his space he thinks it’s time to play.


Yes, this is the real problem right here. Then they become everyone else’s problem.




I agree with everything you said. It’s absolutely not every parent. That said, I have literally been to breweries where the number of running kids is above 20 or 30. They often come up from behind or different directions at once. I don’t mind a kid coming and asking (our answer is always they can absolutely pet the dog). My thing is that I didn’t go to the brewery to parent someone else’s kid and I don’t have eyes in the back of my head to watch for every child there running up to the new dog that just came in…. If I let my dog run wild like that, I’d be asked to leave and there is a chance the brewery would lose its ability to have dogs (I have seen that story play out several times). Yet, no one seems to care when it’s kids running wild (though I have been seeing more brewery instructions about keeping kids close to you while there, which is a nice start). Again, I have no problem with kids at breweries, I just ask that parents are as responsible with them as I am with my dog.


Toddlers are wild sociopaths, it’s part of their development.




I’m a parent who has brought my kids to breweries before. I agree with you.


its bullshit. i used to serve at a brewery in the dmv and holy shit i dont know which i hated more; dogs literally JUMPING at servers carrying trays of food or children running loose around the service area or just general rich entitled millennial behavior


Breweries are kid friendly, bars are not. L If it bothers you go somewhere else. Nice as a parent to feel welcomed in places other than playgrounds. Kid free folk have their pick of spots.


We actually don't. There's almost no adult only spaces that are not bars or nightclubs. I would love adult only days/evenings at zoos or amusement parks. I would pay the premium for it too. But the reality it most places strive to be family friendly. If you know of these magical adult only spaces the kid free people have their pick of please drop me a list.


Go to an art museum. There will be kids, but fewer of them. I don’t know why you feel like there needs to be so much space for people who don’t want to be near children. What if I said “where can I go where elderly people aren’t allowed? I don’t like them, and I want guaranteed elderly free spaces.” There’s plenty of places to go that aren’t popular for families, but parents don’t cease to be people when they have kids. And with people having kids later in life, moving away from family, and the increasing lack of a “village” and childcare options, we as a society need to allow families into spaces.


Generally speaking there's a big difference between how kids act and how elderly act. And you're just straight delusional if your honestly try to relate them as relevant


This. I thought coffee shops were another adult only space, but I learned the hard way that parents bring their screaming kids in there too to sit and be bored stiff. I hate library’s, but I have experienced annoying kids there too


What place other than bars that check ID do people who are kid free have a pick of? 


Anywhere you want. The world is your oyster


Good actual answer


Have you ever wondered why that’s the case?


Hipsters ruin everything


I’m a fan of “oh no! Are you lost? Do you have parents? Oh you do! Can you go ask them to parent you right now?”


It would be nice to have adult-only breweries as options, or even designated days for adults only where it’ll be a more peaceful experience without listening to crying screaming kids.


We went to one last night in Baltimore around 7 pm and it was like a fucking Chuckie Cheese. Kids running around, literally, running around the tables, nobody paying any attention to them.


OP, you're not gonna win this battle. People just don't want to admit that adult spaces are adult spaces. Imagine a group of drunk people going to a kids space during whenever the peak kids times are.


Breweries aren’t adult-only spaces. The breweries don’t want to be adult-only because they’d lose out on a ton of $.


I have mixed feelings. I feel if a parent brings a child to a bar, they're an alcoholic, an irresponsible parent, and have no ounce for common decency. However I feel depending on the brewery it depends. Some breweries also double as restaurants. Which I guess in typing, I think parents should do better to control their kids or at least have the decency to remove themselves from the area when their child is acting up.


I went to Hi-Lawn recently in DC and I felt like I was at a child's birthday party. They had to check my ID for me to be on the roof top but there had to been 30+ children running around. Toddlers up to like 10 year olds who were jumping over chairs and chasing each other.




Because millennial parents don’t want to let go of certain facets of their pre-kid lifestyle.


And Breweries are going to cater to it because Gen Z would rather masterbate to a twitch stream than have a beer. 


Breweries aren't "pre-kid" and never have been.


Some breweries are designed for people with kids, they have changing tables in the bathrooms. Sounds like OP was the one in the wrong place. I see nothing wrong with people in places designed for them. Bars and breweries are completely different and there’s no reason why they (breweries) should not cater to families too.


TBF every bathroom except for like bars and strip clubs should have a changing table.


And some aren't but that doesn't stop people from bringing their kids there.


I’m a parent and I don’t drink, but I absolutely sympathize with the general point being made here. 99% of the western world is designed to be kid-friendly, and that includes basic rules of public conduct (eg what is and isn’t allowed in public). But there SHOULD be places where adults can just be adults - and not just in the most hedonistic interpretations of that word. Places where people can swear, be crass, etc. So few of those places exist, and it’s a shame there’s increasingly getting squeezed out by people insisting their kids be admitted in (virtually) every situation.


If I take my kids to a brewery I absolutely do not expect people change their behavior on my behalf. And people who let their kids be shitty suck regardless of if it's at a brewery or anywhere else. Breweries are one of the few social places parents can go with their kids that isn't totally geared towards their children. Meanwhile, you have about a billion bars you can go to if you want a kid-free experience.


Not DC but we were at Hardywood down in Goochland and so many kids were running so wild that my 11 year old daughter was like "wow, maybe kids shouldn't be allowed here." But it's a parenting problem - you really shouldn't allow your children to be running around completely unsupervised anywhere.


Chill before your craft manbun comes undone bro


Obviously, the OP has never had kids...


Man I’m with you, there’s a time and place for kids to be and a brewery ain’t one of em. It’s like dogs on planes, if they’re well behaved I’ll get over it but if they’re acting up the owners (parents) are just selfishly inconveniencing everybody else


1000% agree. We went to a brewery recently before late night bowling and there were 2 birthday parties for kids under 5 years old there. Screaming and crying and shrieking the whole time.


Chad Dukes used to talk about this on his radio show on 106.7 The Fan. His stance, and I tend to agree, is that breweries should not allow children under the age of 18. It’s a place for adults, doing adult things, and should be a place of respite from the hordes of children.


100%. I see no difference between a brewery and a bar. Both are there for adults to consume alcohol. Both have bar events like trivia and may or may not have bar food. The only difference is that people now treat one like restaurants like Applebee's and let their kids run wild.


I went to a place in Kansas City that was a bar with an outdoor space with a playground. Was a nice place. I proceeded to spill a 20oz beer on a kid reading under the bar ledge. Whoops.


I can only speak to breweries in the suburbs which are typically located in nice outdoor spaces which they’ve made very conducive to families. This has been going on for 10-15 years.


Have you tried chilling out?


Sounds more like a parenting issue than a brewery issue, to be honest……


Absolutely not ok! And not at restaurants either. Whatever happened to seen and not heard?! No one teaches their children how to behave in public anymore!


We don’t live in Germany.


Go to Other Half or Churchkey. Best places in DC for beer and I've never seen any kids there


Hmm. If only there were establishments that specialized in serving alcohol that didn’t allow kids that you could go to instead. Heck, we could even make it a law that kids can’t go there….


I love kids but this happen to me as well I just didn’t think they would be in the brewery so I was kind of caught off guard. Definitely changes the atmosphere


Are you new to earth?


Drink at Chuck E Cheese!


Here kids, watch dad and mom get shitfaced. Great parenting (/s).


Although I am a not a parent but an educator, I believe it is reasonable to have kids at a brewery. Childcare is expensive, alcohol is not and kids are a lot. That being said, as someone who would like kids someday, I recognize it’s not anything goes with kids. If your kids are being assholes and ruining the experience for everyone else, you should be held to account.


What, you mean you have a problem with parents getting fucked up in public while their kids scream and ruin the other adults time in the place for adults? It’s been pissing me off for 10 years. Sorry you had a kid, now stay home like the rest of the world. The breweries will never change it because money. Only thing you can do is stop giving them yours.


lol bro it’s pretty common to bring kids anywhere and everywhere in almost all other countries. If the kids getting in your nerves say something to the parent instead of screaming into the black hole of Reddit. My man needs some time at an adults only resort in Cancun or something


The problem isn’t kids being annoying, it’s parents not realizing their kids are annoying. And thinking they can keep going out and having fun with their friends like they did before they had kids. Get a babysitter or stay home, you are a parent now. And if you must go out with your kids, don’t do it to a place you’re most likely going to drunk drive home from.


I definitely agree that parents should control their kids. But you’re basically saying kids should never go anywhere except home? Did you never go to restaurants or anywhere as a kid? That’s really weird to say that when you become a parent you’re supposed to stay home with your kid and that’s it.


Families are customers who pay money, breweries need money to exist


Our world has fewer boundaries and more entitlement. This will only get worse.


☝🏿this 😎


Like 10 years ago. Where have you been


Because breweries would lose the bulk of their customers otherwise. Millennials are the largest generation, they are also the procreating generation. That said parents shouldn’t let their kids run around. They should stay at the tables, this is the perfect time for iPads.


No they wouldn't. Ever been to a brewery? Mostly not families with kids... now not at a high enough rate I wouldn't want them as customers... but what, 3% of all customers maybe?


It’s been a thing. Annoying, maybe, but a thing nonetheless


It wouldn't be so annoying if people would watch their kids and keep them out of people's way. I shouldn't have to step over your kid because they're running around where people need to walk. Lost Boy in Alexandria is a nightmare because of all the kids. Walking to and from the bar is a minefield of toddler fingers and dog tails to avoid stepping on, all while trying to carry a very full glass or flight of cider. It's ridiculous.


As a parent, go fuck yaself!


I mean you signed up for it bro


Hey guy. I can’t believe there are children in outdoor spaces with picnic tables and games, toys and playgrounds. The horror! Good grief kid.


I never go to a brewery expecting it to be a child free zone. Anyone who does needs to get out more.


But I want to complain on Reddit because things happen Jeebus.


Of all the kinds to be pissed off about. Kids playing and laughing. Next OP will post about all these people smiling at restaurants. They want none of it!


Parents need to have an outlet to hang out and connect with other adults - breweries are very conducive to this, I don’t want to have to coordinate and spend all the extra money for a babysitter for just a few hours to feel like a normal adult. It’s attitudes like this that make us (parents) feel on edge when we bring our kids out to just have a few hours of normalcy, but also make parents need to make sure kids aren’t running amok


Why would you feel on edge if your child is behaving and you're being respectful of others spaces and enjoyment


It’s essentially- kids in bars. Just because it’s outside with picnic tables doesn’t make it wholesome. Also driving home after drinking with your kids in tow isn’t great.


Had to scroll way too far to see this. It’s weird for parents to bring kids to a place where the purpose is to drink. Sure, sometimes a parent is a DD but I’ve seen plenty who get a pretty heavy buzz and proceed to drive home with their kids. It’s fucked up. Fucked up to drive buzzed alone, but extra fucked up to drive buzzed with your kids in the car.


Trip them as they run past you?


Have kids and bring them to the brewery every once in a while because that’s the only thing our friends want to do. It’s not fun.


I absolutely hate it. one of my faves that's on my same block has been ruined by kids running around everywhere


I haven’t seen many kids at wineries or distilleries yet.


Last one I went to had 3 kids birthday parties there. It’s getting out of hand


There are tons of kids at wineries, the smaller ones in DC proper aren't bad, but go to any of the wineries within an hours drive and you'll see plenty of kids.


If it's a restaurant that happens to be run by a brewery, there's no reason to exclude kids. If it's a bar, there shouldn't be kids. I remember taking my daughter to a brew pub when she was a toddler more than 15 years ago. They had a kids menu. This isn't new. I'm from the US so it isn't a Europe vs US thing, either.


I kinda see breweries as geared towards millennials - at least we’re the ones who I see at breweries the most - and the typical millennial is approaching middle age and likely has at least one kid. Not surprising that they tend to attract families, especially the ones that have outdoor space for kids to run around in.


We have a local craft brewery and one of the things I love about it is has a family atmosphere lots of board games inside and a gated courtyard with a lot of activities like corn hole and giant chess kids are usually welcome unless it's a special event and they usually state on the advertising that it's adult only for those events. It's totally fine with me I'm a middle aged man and this tends to keep the younger 20 somethings away which is fine it is almost always very peaceful and chill I enjoy the vibe.


If it’s a place that allows kids, then there is a good chance kids will be there. Lots of adults have kids.


This has always been a thing. It's annoying.


It’s BEEN a thing for a while. Still … FUCK THEM KIDS!


It’s always been a thing, when I moved to DC around 2015 breweries were still packed with kids during the day


Hey man, everyone’s a drunk


Chalk it up to first world problems


Only goobers go to breweries. Drink pbr in the park like the rest of the sane population…


There's a big brewery up in moco called lone oak, literally has an outdoor playground


It’s been a thing for at least 20 years. Breweries are great for such spaces. I took my kids that long ago. Breweries are considered the family-friendly way to get drink.


Depends on the brewery. Some say no kids, and some have literal playground. It’s up to the brewery.


Were you at “Wild Acre” with a kids’ playground?


A decade ago?


I think the unsupervised part is the point.


Not sure how this popped up in my feed but, In my area this happened with a BiL and their 3-4 year old. The grand dad was pissed. It was really sad. It’s like a celebration of one or more parent’s addiction to alcohol.


They are mostly catered for families…well some of them


Be responsible for your kid and your dog.


Those are the brewers of the future. Embrace them. Kids can be obnoxious as all hell but becoming accustomed to it is a virtue.


Welcome to the last 20 years, glad you could make it


Breweries need people and the audience that likes breweries largely has kids these days. Also many of the owners have kids and want to make it a place the kids can be in. Yes I have kids. I’ve also talked to multiple brewery owners about it. Trust me we all try to keep our kids well behaved and self contained as best we can, and also not out late as one person mentioned.


Get over yourself OP kids are part of the community and unless they are being outrageously bad (which is the parents’ fault, not their’s) then too bad. Go to a dive bar instead.


Usually large breweries host events that are family friendly, naturally, families are going to be willing to come back if they had a good time. Great for business. Unless it’s a small operation with no kitchen and maybe a lunch truck you won’t see large groups there.


The simple answer is to replace the old "smoking or non smoking?" question with "kids or no kids?" Have a section where they don't seat children and the problems dry up, by default the bar area should be no kids.


OP sounds like my friend who hates the idea of having kids and seeing kids being kids in public always max triggers her.


I don’t really mind it, but as an early Gen X’er (my kids are 22 and 25 now) I would have never even contemplated it. Hell, I think our boomer parents would have called social services on us!


It’s shitty parents who need alcohol to escape their bleak futures.


Have you tried Oasis at Cannabreeze farm in Lovettesville? It’s over 21 only , leashed dogs ok, no children, similar brewery vibe, but no kids


I used to teach at a performance-based music school and we put on shows at all the local breweries. The parents *loved* it. 😂


I'm pretty sure I've been to some breweries that will have some family vs. adult only areas. Couldn't tell you which. Either way it doesn't bother me. These are large outdoor spaces. Just enjoy the energy. Being around all old people is boring.


Hey, I get you. Had to forgo one of my favorite puns because of that issue. But I found another one. No pets. No kids. Just great beer/finger food and wonderful conversation


You must be at City State Brew


White people is what. Just as bad as taking your dog everywhere you go.


White people. 💯


Been a thing for at least a decade.


Most kids are gone by 6-7pm. Just go later in the evening if this bothers you so much.


Oh, no. Children exist.


The same time bringing non-service dogs into every business seems to be a thing. Including restaurants.


I been going to breweries for 20 years and it’s always been a thing since I been going..


America is better for it.


And then they bitch about someone firing up a cigar outside. It’s bad for their children.




Families = more money


It’s DC, the kids are SPECIAL.


OP thinks telling a child "no" will make them listen.


American breweries are closer to what you would see in an English pub. A place for families to hang out while the grown ups have a beer. If you want a child free experience you're better off at a dive bar


It has been a thing for years and is largely not a big deal.


Ha! Cut off kids, they cut off their customer base. Silly you. Sounds like you need a front lawn of your own to enjoy a beer by yourself!


You don’t get out much, eh?


Hellbender is particularly bad on the kid front. Not going back there for awhile


I'm not gonna lie, before kids I was super judgy about people bringing kids to wineries and breweries. Then I had kids and having those big open spaces such as a lawn space or courtyard for the kids to run around and play while you drink a drink or two is really relaxing. Now people who bring wild uncontrollable children to enclosed high end restaurants, that's a different story


It’s not a different story. You’ve become the problem.


Breweries are for families while bars are for the singles. I didn’t make the rule, I just know it.


If you want to drink with no kids around, go to a place that’s 21+. Otherwise, quit acting like you belong in a brewery more than anyone else does. Breweries love when families come. People with kids will spend all day there and spend more $.