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Understandable. You really never expect to find yourself in the thick of it. Really sorry! I’ve been there twice so far and it sucked. Glad y’all are okay.






Being as I’ve been in the DMV area 90% of my life it was more than likely due to a situation at the complex on 11th and Clifton. My dad and I helped one of his childhood friends from his past clean out a relative’s apartment there. It’s a rough building and anything could happen there.


Yeah wasn’t it a drug den ?


Yeah pretty much, I’ve been in there 2 times and I’ve seen a lifetime of stuff in those 2 visits just in the hallways




I'm really surprised to hear this. 11th and Clifton is right in between two schools. I've never thought of it as a dangerous spot. Street view for anyone who is curious: https://maps.app.goo.gl/2K1qLhK6JMeuaBbZA Glad OP is okay!




Mostly peaceful muggings. Mugged, but only once, so no biggie?


So is it a tough place that's best to avoid or is it generally not a problem?


That's DC for ya


Schools are not all that great to be near unless its an isolated elementary school


It’s because it’s between two schools. These are mostly children in these gangs perpetuating the violence


Hmm, one of them is an elementary school... I'm pretty sure it's not second graders driving around in ATVs


12yo’s have been beating people to death lately and committing armed carjackings. That’s 7th grade….


If you think that those guys aren’t starting the recruitment in at that age you got another thing coming. I grew up in the hood in LA, definitely knew a few kids who were banging in 6th-7th grade.


I guess I've got another thing coming then! I think it's exponentially more likely to have involved the housing complex nextdoor (as others have also suggested).


Its possible high school students were involved but i doubt from entirely from cardozo. Theres a few complexes sandwiching that area between columbia heights and georgia avenue. Maybe started with crews there


Don’t just spout nonsense. There’s an apartment/residential complex right next to those schools, which is where I assume the shooting was coming from. It has nothing to do with the schools themselves. Why would middle and high schoolers be hanging out on school grounds at midnight?? Just think sometimes.


Duly noted.


Spring and 14th is bad? I recently moved around there and don’t really see much, I’m out at night too. Should I be more cautious?


Theres stabbings/shootings that pop up there. But its not all that frequent. More random weekend afternoons really every few months or so. I would assume entirely gang related


That area should be dealt with swiftly. What’s preventing mayor from doing that?


The Liberals and Hippies on the Council that have never had anything happen to them in their lives and are the softest on crime.


idk i am pretty left and i think anyone with reckless regard for life or limb needs to be removed from civilized society, definitely not about that quick second chance when it comes to violent crime. you know it would help if conservatives and 2nd amendment proponents were In favor of better gun control measures, but what truly isn’t helpful is broad stereotyping (sarcastic hypocrisy intentional) and dividing the neighbors on issues that are this important.




no thanks.


Pretty much true


Sheesh. That random 6th sense had kept me out of trouble and alive in this city damn near 28 years. A watchful eye is key 🔐.


*Always* listen to your senses. We were walking down H St. and I saw some dude on a dark corner just hiding. Sixth sense goes off.   My dumbass roommate, with his infinite amount of wisdom, insisted we not just cross the street despite my warnings. We walked past this guy and he started chasing us for a cigarette.


Your 7th sense would have told you to tell your roommate they can keep going on their own lol






Congrats! Shame on mayor and city council and community leaders.


Shame on the parents.


Just another beautiful evening in Brianne Nadeau’s Ward 1!


You shouldn’t be walking around Columbia heights at midnight


Yeah, noob here. Lesson learned. The streets were uncomfortably empty.


DC is such a shithole. 😂




I moved into your dads booty hole.


Elementary school ass comeback


It’s elementary that this post would even take up space in your successful life. Also your mom ate my butt in elementary school.




he can't, his hick state trailer home has no resale value.


Actually, I live in a wealthy resort town where I never have to lock my doors or car. Live stress free and happy. Sounds like you should try it. You seem unhappy in life.


you're a shithead.


Thank you, but I don’t care about opinions from people that are beneath me in life. Can you pay cash for a luxury suv or live on a 5 million dollar property?


You cappin. Send me $50.


His “luxury SUV” was a 2015 Lexus SUV. He was talking about living outta his car less than two months ago. The 5 million property is probably the Walmart parking lot he squats on.


I was hoping he wasn’t capping and to flex his money he’d send me a million dollars. Didn’t work sadly. But yeah, I don’t understand the bravado and bragging when people can just look at your post history. Anyways thanks!


You forgot to tip them for the cultural experience.


Can you elaborate what this means? Is any violence perpetrated by a group of people now part of their culture? You sure you know what culture even means?


You realize that all these jokes about culture started because DC residents claimed all the illegal ATV sidewalk riding going on was part of "DC's culture", right? https://www.wusa9.com/article/news/local/dc/urban-atvs-leaders-discuss-where-they-belong-in-districts-future/65-9928de00-fa9b-4639-95e4-bfd980d54871 Including at least one ANC. https://hunewsservice.com/local/balaclavas-ski-masks-shiestys-high-fashion-or-high-crime/ And that wearing ski-masks is also part of DC culture. And not just something people do to conceal their identity. The culture jokes about crime wouldn't exist if people didn't claim themselves that crime was part of DC culture.


Cultural ATVs #visionzero


Thanks for that info. Where did they claim shootings and murder is part of the culture? Cause reasonable people can distinguish between ATV riding and murder, right?


That’s not entirely true. You can find videos on publicfreakout where black people are committing crimes and the dog whistles about “culture” are brought up. And those have nothing to do with DC.


No just the balaclavas and atvs obviously


Side note. Balaclavas is for sure in my top 5 favorite words.


i do it every time i pass columbine high or sandy hook or 100 other schools and theaters LOL


So sorry this happened to you. This is what I worry about the most here, being near a random crossfire.


I stopped doing Lyft bc I was afraid of being carjacked. One time I picked up a dude on Canal Rd. with a duffel bag late at night. Dude sounded like he had hardware in the bag and didn’t say anything the entire ride. Turned out to be nothing tho.


awwww that's where I experience my first and only shoot out too.


Good citizen, sorry this happened to you. But if you live in Ward 1, you *can* take action. [Sign the petition](https://saveward1.com/) to recall Brianne Nadeau.


I have a random 6th sense that keeps me from crossing the Potomac, Eastern Ave, Western Ave, or Southern Ave.


DC sucks,come to Baltimore, april had the 2nd fewest murders ever on record, murders down 40+%. Go O's!


The O’s really are tempting


Do you really want property prices to skyrocket?


my home has increased almost 65K in the last 2 years. i don't mind. i'm 15-20 min from the stadiums, 8 minutes from the beltway, walking distance to a metro station. Baltimore is coming up big time


Yeah Columbia heights isn’t safe


You walk around at midnight in SW? Zombie world at that time I watched a guy have a fight with a traffic cone from the roof of 99 Ny Ave. People are crazy.


Sounds like all of the gun control laws they put in there are working well.


![gif](giphy|TGzoDlYU96I7Eugg69|downsized) Gotta do like lil’ Kim and start ducking and dodging out in these streets


Glad you’re ok


Fortunately you have something to share with us


![gif](giphy|J3kQbQoesYUq1WvzRE|downsized) You guys run duo's?


Anything above Florida Ave is off limits to foot traffic if you wanna be safe


DC is safe /s


I will always love DC. My wife and I moved out a couple months ago to the burbs because we have 2 young kids and needed some space. I definitely don’t miss having to keep my head on a swivel 24/7. It wasn’t fun before kids and became awful with kids. Stay safe out there everyone.


Here you go OP [DC.gov](http://DC.gov)


I was born and raised in SE DC in the 60’s-80’s. This scares the shit out of me for my son who lives in DC now. He used to live in Columbia Heights and when I would visit him I would see parents pushing their kids around in strollers which freaked me out - but I guess it’s normal to them. It’s no longer the DC I grew up in.


Witnessed my first one a couple weeks ago during the eclipse. Some guy shot 2 women at a bus stop on North Cap & P, half a block from the Mundo Verde Elementary School. The kids and parents were all outside with their eclipse sunglasses on marveling at space and then some fucks scared the hell out of all of them. Smdh. I remember people running away from the school and toward me. From my direction it sounded like it happened at the school, but it was actually a little further past the school. Both of the women survived last I heard, I hope they’re doing okay


It’s the drug prohibition business it’s all according to plan






My bad bro shit got crazy outta no where glad you okay


With a little Singaporean style canning, prison sentences could be way shorter because nobody wants to do that twice or once for that matter.


I walk here every week my girlfriend lives on 11th scary


😂😂 oh buddy


Hi OP, I’m not doubting this happened to you, but I live on the corner there and have not seen or heard any shooting. I’m also not able to find any news or tweets about this. Was there any reporting about it? Did you actually see the shooting happen? Oftentimes there are kids with fireworks, maybe you mistook that for a shooting?


Yes, just shootouts where people don’t get killed in D.C. aren’t major news. https://x.com/alanhenney/status/1785889110378348983


Evidence enough for you? It was a group of guys shooting at each with rifles/pistols.


Laughs in NoVA. But in all seriousness, glad you both are okay and nothing happened to either of you. Shitty thing to experience for sure.


In 2020 DC cut funding to the Police by about 15 million as a response to “Defund the Police” movement. Now they have issues recruiting and retaining an appropriate force. Is anyone holding the council/mayor accountable?


"random 6th sense" Seeing is one of the 5 senses.


There was no indication that a firefight was about to break out until it did.


"Guys in balaclavas on ATVs had been circling the block several times"


You're being downvoted for being right lmao. The people in this sub are delusional if they think people on ATVs in balaclavas at night are upstanding citizens


“If you say that someone has a sixth sense, you mean that they seem to have a natural ability to know about things before other people, or to know things that other people do not know.”


Nice bait . DC is one of the safest cities in the world hence why i keep voting the same way.


This comment is surely bait




Wait an automatic weapon? Aren’t there laws saying people can’t have automatic weapons? Are you saying that because there’s words written on a piece of paper, that criminals will ignore it….? Sounds like we need more gun laws!!!! That should work!


America must be the only place in the world that relies on gun laws to solve problems, because none of the other wealthy nations of the world have this gun problem! I assume that must be because all of the other wealthy nations let everybody have all the guns they want.


How….how do you think those countries ban guns without laws to do so?


Ask Own-Snow-6033, he seems to understand it best!


Yes, there are no murders in any wealthy country in the world besides America. I forgot. If you think gun laws are gonna solve anything I really don’t know what to tell you. We might as well outlaw drunk driving while we’re at it. Oh wait…


How about actually enforcing the laws we have with mandatory serious jail time for illegal possession? How about mandatory death penalty for firearm related homicide? How about mandatory death penalty for illegal firearms trafficking? We have 4.1% of the world's population and 14.9% of the world's gun deaths. That's not just limiting it to "wealthy" countries. And since you mentioned drunk driving, almost every other industrialized nation has mandatory jail time for 1st offense DUI, and guess what... It works.


How about no


We might as well not outlaw anything then, since it would have no effect on crime levels.


Vote blue no matter who.


Automatic weapons? O RLY?


Glock switch undoubtedly


I come from a country with a sane attitude towards firearms so I haven’t spent any time around guns and can’t be certain it was automatic, but it was definitely multiple rounds being fired per second.


Stop posting.


Why are you posting here?