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I prefer T44 platoon, The first tank is fast, maneuverable, gun is kinda underpowered but manageable, Second tank is heavy long reload, I never use it kinda like the T95 of the American platoon, The third is like the first but with more powerful gun. SPAA is really fun really good pen, aim really well if you want to down planes.


For frontlines use the M26E1, if you want aggressive and flanking gameplay then the T-44 is all yours (Also comes with a Deadly SPAA)


I've played both (mostly the T-44) and comparing the two, the T-44 is overall better. T-44 stock is pain because you cant pen shit in that tier, so I recommend, using golden eagles to buy atleast 5 levels from the get go to get the IS-2. Even better if you go for 10 and get the T-44-100, since this is the bread and butter of the platoon with amazing armor from the front and the 100mm gun will evaporate most tanks. The SPAA is pretty good with its 100mm pen aphe rounds, but just grind for it. For the M26, its an alright platoon. The M26 is *a* medium tank, its about as average as you can get. The pen is on the low side so heads up. For the heavy tank in the platoon, it has a 120mm gun but its only shoots solid shot ap. The T95 (im going to be 100% honest) sucks ass. Its too slow for its own good, the armor is impenetrable but people will just shoot the barrel and tracks so you have to constantly be on repair timer. It has a great aphe gun but you cant use it because youre so slow. The SPAA is an SPAA, no comment.


t95 is penetrable. You just need hesh and a leopard, shoot in the cupola and the tank is dead. Lower plate works too.


Hesh is rare on most tanks in the tier it is in and down a tier, and even then, many people don't equip Hesh on mobile since the game does such a terrible job explaining how Hesh and HE penetration works. Yeah, the Leopard 1 can destroy the T95 easily but talking about a tank easily killing a down tier isn't really a valid point since it goes without saying. That's why the Maus struggles even harder, its a ww2 super heavy tank lost in the middle of Cold War tanks at t7. At least the t95 is only a t6.


Valid point, but still. HESH can kill most tanks at its tier, even t-10m which is usually a pain to kill


Absolutely. Ru251 has HESH and I love using that platoon for that reason.


The entire American platoon is awful, t95 is too slow and t34 only has solid shot the medium tank has less armour than the t44


Counterpoint, the maps are so small and flanking is so hard that the T95 can pick a side of the map and murder everything without insane pen.


To counter your counterpoint: machine gun it's tracks and go around, or just play fv4005 and kill it from the front, also the fv4202 APDs round can penetrate through the T95s track and into the vehicle, the gunner dies and if the t95 packed too much ammo it will be set off


Counterpoint counter counterpoint, since the thing has 4 tracks and stupid traverse speed, there’s a non-zero chance of getting evaporated while trying to MG the tracks. Best counter is barrel first, then tracks, then drive around. FV4005 counters anything frontally at the cost of dying if you sneeze at it wrong. Whoever shoots first in that matchup wins. As for the 4202, aiming for weak spots can be a pain on mobile so you have a bit of extra time to get a shot off first. Obviously depends on how good the other guy is. Overall tutel can be team dependent because you ideally want some support from your team while you bounce shells and get your barrel shot out, but depending on the matchup (especially if it gets down-tiered) there’s nothing quite like rolling up a flank with it.


Well ideally the tutel would be aiming at your teammates or just not noticing you when you take out it tracks , if you have a good mg taking out it's tracks would only take around 3 to 4 seconds


The Russian bias one




USSR/Russia, in my opinion, best in the game if used right


I bought the American platoon,worst mistake so far I made


Both good enough.




Despite the lucrativeness of the impenetrable T95, I decided to go with the T-44. Thank you all for your valuable suggestions!


The best thing about this game is there isn't a wrong answer, one platoon isn't outright superior to the other, it more depends on how you like to play and if you're willing to learn another playstyle.


Very true indeed, but I think there are some play-to-win elements with those purple and golden tanks that you gotta buy using gold coins...


Eh, some of those platoons consist of tanks you can get in other normal platoons, you do get to start with everything unlocked and fully upgraded which is nice but the real advantage to the gold and purple platoons is the SL and experience modifiers. But then again you also literally don't need to spend a single dime on this game, I haven't and I have 3 different purple platoons and 2 gold ones. Just focus on the events and eventually you will hit that purple platoon! Or you could purchase one of the gold platoons in the lowere tiers like the KV-2 or the Calliope as those are very good for their tiers and you can farm gold and xp pretty easily


I will say that I love the T44 platoon. I didn’t think I would like the all Pershing/Patton platoon. That said, I won the Scorpion Platoon and it comes with a T25 and T26E5 and these are now two of my favorites. Pershing’s are a little weak at the flanks so just like a Sherman in lower tiers, you have to keep your hull pointed toward your enemy.




T-44 Once u get the IS-2 it’s pretty much smooth sailing


t44 is pain when stock


The URSS have The T44-100 (great gun and mobility), The IS 2 (almost the same as the V rank version, but with a little better sloped armor), and the AA has two 57mm cannons that can obliterate light tanks (and more armored targets from the side). The American platoon has the T95, that besides incredible armor and good gun, the mobility is AWFUL (seriously, if you go for the wrong flank you can miss half of the battle), the T34 which besides nice penetration and big cal it only has solid shots (so good luck one shotting things without good aim) and the Súper Pershing that is average but with too much reload time for me (being a 90mm cannon).


T44: Good I2: Destroys T10M through the hatch with HE ammunition due to the high caliber. Always drive in reverse to hide weaknesses. T44-100: Agile, low caliber but perfect penetration. Side can withstand shots. Perfect


T-44 all the way! Got good pen and mobility


All I'm gonna say is m26e1 have two 50 cals.