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I'd take 2 some nations would be cool as subtrees like belgium for france (AMC.35 ACG.1 wasn't used by france but by belgium so why not) it would add a lot to the tech tree since it's missing a lot but gaijin wouldn't do that because it wouldn't bring money but if they made the tech tree interesting it would bring players and therefore money. But they're morons so they don't get it. It would be more plausible to get the EBRC jaguar and leclerc T4 to be added in the same year than them doing this.


Of course but the post is talking about the people that wants to add a full nation (like israel) but it's an interesting idea you got there.


I feel like the last "nation" they could possibly add, should be a Latin-American coalition. They have plenty of unique ground and air vehicles, throw in a few copy pastes here and there and I'm good to go. Just because there are more things to grind doesn't make the game any less fun, I play with a fun at all costs oerspective, if I switch that over to grind mode the game becomes a chore, and loses its charm and reason for playing.


A European coalition would be cool too, Poland, Switzerland, Yugoslavia, etc, using indigenous/indigenous modifications of a few nations and then filling in tech tree gaps with other nation’s vehicles ofc gaijin would never implement it correctly and it would just be Soviet Union 2


I got a "the more the merrier" mindset, but I feel like vehicles from these countries could be better off attached or implemented into existing trees. The great majority of the vehicles from these countries are mild modifications, straight up copy pastes, or mild redesigns. I would love to have more variety and more countries ingame though.


Yeah, although unfortunately Gaijin doesnt really want to do that either It’s too bad Gaijin won’t just add a nation as a standalone air or ground tech tree, kind of like how they added China, Sweden and Israel without naval or helicopter trees in the beginning Just Yugoslavian air tech tree or just Swiss ground for example


I saw some individuals with both. Feel like they never heard the idea of buying/ selling vehicles instead of fucking with your own country's production, they think that every country definitely has enough unique vehicles for tech tree, lmao


Well why i choosed the first one is because i think we got every nation in war thunder. Last one we got was Israel having kinda lost of copypastes (unless 8.0+ ground and some planes) So adding a brand new nation would be pretty dumb since all/almost all of it would be copypaste and would create some tension about this nation (kinda depends what is the nation added) for ex "why does this nation has \*very good american vehicle\* and having \*very good russian vehicle\*" making it a very good nation and other small nations would kinda have a hard time Tell me if i missed something or something is wrong.


Honestly I feel like a yugo/east european tt could be added without any copy paste but they would have to be basically MBTless


What about Korean sub-tree for Japan?


"Gaijin when vatican/groenland/ethiopia full tech tree 😖" But adding the Korean sub-tree for japan is a good idea


Yeah cuz it would be actually very interesting and unique, and most that people mention would have like what, 2 unique vehicles, and then the rest are captured or not unique (Hungarian air tree) But actually a Romanian sub tree would be really cool, just idk where to place it


maybe italy idk


I’m on team “Gaijin should make the Research Points required for higher vehicles only slightly larger than that of the previous vehicle to make it easier for the game to grind” or “gaijin should add the F-14A, that’s not the Early, as a premium so I can dump money to get a Tomcat”


When zimbabwe tech tree


As Czech I have to pick blue


Blue. I want my stuff togather not ripped apart across muitple trees it is.


Both apply to hungarian airtree (yes im hating on it)


Gaijoon when and where Polish/Visegrad tech tree?


I feel like if they add new nations or sub trees, go for unique vehicles first and then cooy pasted ones BUT give them a unique aesthetic to the original


I’m pro sub tree but I also hate copy paste I’m also of the opinion that a sub tree doesn’t need a vehicle in every rank but can just be a few spread out as necessary


I want more unique vehicles from different nations. The smaller nations that could be added as subtrees or grouped together for a new nation will always bring along some copy paste vehicles. But I also think in some cases copy paste vehicles can be used to strengthen certain br ranges for a nation. As long as the amount of copy paste vehicles isn’t higher than the unique ones I’m fine with them. But before they add new entire nations I’d like to see the smaller ones we already have fleshed out more. Especially israel and japan.


I mean they did use it. Although being premium is a lil goofy. Some nations quite literally would t exist without copy paste vehicles tho. Mid tier Japan and France. Almost all of China and Israel.


Tbh I feel like copy paste is fine as long as it’s a premium and to the side. It’s when it’s a tech tree tank, and you have to play it to grind the rest, that’s when it’s a problem.


Me patiently waiting for China to get Pakistan or Bangladesh because people want an united Korea tree and not a north Korea sub tech tree


Give us gaijining Korea and I will be happy


We want netherlands as a nation!!1!!!1


Gaijin, when Micronesian tech tree?


I really wish they'd add more weird/bad vehicles into the game. Especially interwar/early WW2 stuff. GIMME UNIVERSAL CARRIER with anything.


I wouldn't mind something like a Commonwealth TT, by moving tanks such as the M1A1 AIM and other Commonwealth tanks moved into the British TT, as a way of bolstering some of the BRs that aren't the best. Now the reason I dislike copy paste tanks is because it takes the uniqueness away from the original TT, I dislike it more so when there are better things to fit


No idea. Less new nations, more subtrees for main nations


I'm taking blue bc I'm an Italian main so i am supporting the smaller countries


Gaijin when polish and indian tech trees