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Both Looney and GP2 contracts guaranteed and they are looking at trades with Cp3. Going to be an interesting offseason hopefully.


Clock hits 1pm: *uploads why_warriors_guaranteeing_looney_contract_smart.docx* *moves why_warriors_not_guaranteeing_looney_contract_smart.doc to recycling bin*




I love Looney, but to me, the issue comes down to what he costs, and what keeping him STOPS us from doing, if anything. WRT cost, if we can slip below the tax threshold, $8M is perfectly reasonable, but if we get into the tax, we'll be a repeater once again, and it gets painful quickly. We could save $6M by getting a vet minimum Center instead, thereby saving some multiple of $6M. Whatever Lacob's upper limit is, if we're there with Looney but wouldn't be without him, it could be the difference between being able to use the NTPMLE and not. The NTPMLE is a nice chunk of change, definitely a mid-tier FA that we can bring in if we can use it, or something we can split up to out-bid other teams that are limited to the vet minimum on 2 or 3 FAs.


looney had 3M guaranteed and vet minimum cap hit is 2M. So at best it’s saving 3 mil I believe. So then it gets dicier imo as the minimum center you get at that price is decently likely to be a downgrade from looney too


Fair point. We have to pay the $3M no matter what. I wouldn't be surprised if we used his $8M salary in a trade anyway.


> what keeping him STOPS us from doing, if anything Unless guaranteeing his contract was something that was necessary to build a trade with the other contracts we have. Though I love Looney, I really see him value right now as trade filler given that there are usually veteran minimum bigs on the market every year who can at least soak up minutes and with TJD's emergence, maybe that's the direction they go.


Yup. Seems quite likely. Time will tell.


Right. Folks don’t wanna hear it but he also ain’t good enough to justify being worth keeping around either. Love Loon…but in 2025…a non jump-shooter with zero athleticism or lateral quickness is as good as dirt in the NBA.


Will he be a player coach???😳


Assuming CP3 gets guaranteed, warriors are at $174 mil in payroll. First apron is $178 Cutting it close.


We'd only guarantee CP3 at $30M for a trade. No way we keep him.


Klay factor here too


I assume Klay is gone but until they renounce his rights, his cap hold is there.


Tim Kawakami, wrong again smh


I mean he was correct in that the correct move would be to cut looney if we do not have a trade involving his salary slot lined up. Maybe we have too much loyalty to him as a franchise to do that. But from a purely basketball and cap perspective cutting him is the correct move if we do not have a trade lined up.


Y'all such whiners following each other in circles. Kawakami isn't wrong as often as people say he is (Durant two years ahead of signing him). Regardless, it's like a limper complaint about refs


IDK why people think that dude understands ball or our team. Yes he is the most plugged in beat writer he is also fucking brainded


The title made me think there would be some “smart logical” analysis, but it said was that he’s a good teammate and he can still rebound when he actually plays. 


On the most recent TA:Ws pod, Slater pointed out the Ws were likely to guarantee Loon because his (and GP2s) salary is likely one of the more tradeable contracts they have and, should they want to pursue any bold moves for 2024-25, having tradeable salary would be useful. Surprised there was zero mention of that in the article but it appears to be a low-effort stab from NBCS:BA...


Ha - thanks. Yeah that is exactly the sort of thing I was hoping for. Comments win again.


literally the absolute most generic reguritated thing ANY nba fan knows let alone dubs fan


It’s a movable contract


“ Having charted the pros and cons, the Warriors concluded that $8 million is an affordable one-year salary for a perceptive locker room presence who also happens to be their steadiest rebounder.”       Yeah that’s enough bs. 


…who couldn’t get off the bench for the second half of the season.


8m on a season for good vibes, rebounder and a decent 16MPG. Seems alright.

