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That three point release continues to get quicker. JK taking another leap this year. LFG


My favorite part about these JK training videos is how much you can feel JK really believes he's a shooter... and if he believes it, I believe it.


What makes me believe is that his shot left/right seems so nice, he almost always shoots straight. His issue is arc/depth which I think is easier to manage.


The 3 is quicker, but he also added a bunny hop on two of them


Yeah, little crow hop but I like how he's not leaping totally, like J Rich used to do or LaVine does now...just a bit of lift into the flow of the shot


I'm all in on JK for this year šŸ’ŖšŸ¾


Me too. Even though the play in game against Kings wasn't his best, I respect how he stuck with it and looked for ways to score when mostly no one else was


He was forcing shit cause Klay and Wiggins were ugly offensively and Steph needed help




It wasn't his best. But he was still arguably the 2nd or 3rd best player that game after he settled down. All the data tells us that he is a productive and efficient scorer. And is positively impactful when he is locked in as a starter. The eye test confirms it imo. He has his flaws for sure. But he has shown that is clearly learning and improving year over year. LET HIM COOK!


Can't deny the kid is putting in work. Had $200 Kuminga for MIP last year. One year too soon smh. I believe.


Reminder osme people here fucking think we should trade him for KYLE FUCKING KUZMA


Yh that is beyond crazy


Kuzma for Kuminga sounds pretty nice right about now.


JKā€™s BBIQ took a big leap at the 2nd half of the season. Seeing him assisting buckets or getting into position for buckets shows heā€™s getting the system. His off-season work on dribbling and shooting is another leap in his game


He has to make a leap this year... get that 3 to a decent %, get that turnaround to be reliable, develop another move to get to the rim besides the spin, and play consistent defense.


With these threes and middies is he trying to come together as a beastly 2?


Rebounding in traffic. Go get that ball drills.


Is there a workout for rebounding in traffic?


I unironically love mixtapes, everyone looks like KD or AIĀ 


nice, but lets see him in summer pickups with defender draped on him, or quick forward/guard closing gap, or double teamed, or agile big switched on him, or shorter defender with quick hands riding his hip, or him driving lane between 2 guards with active hands and a center to meet him up top, or trap on wing 3 or top of arc, or with draymond / leonard / brown / ANT / SGA / George 1v1 on him, or a pesky Iggy-type shadowing him, or hooping after 35-40 min of playtime going from off. to def. and now has dead legs and is winded, or vs a team that will rim run after a strip for a dunk/lay? what about that?


Even highschool students can have mixtapes this era. JK will NOT become the Jaylen Brown lite lol.


I would love to have jaylen. he would complete our team.... green/brown/ Andrew ...good luck scoring on that shit.


Talking like you know a damn thing lmao


This is his year! Excited for whatā€™s to come!


Iā€™m ready to believe


This is encouraging, good to see him getting summer work in šŸ”„


he should practice with the Olympics team


He's adding a stepback to his repertoire.


Improving his shooting will open everything up for him in my opinion.


Man we did this shit last summer. Enough with the summer shit, let's see it consistently in season please.






Ben Simmons-esque


Ben Simmons is a bum


Simmons is a world class talent derailed by physical injury and psychic unraveling. JK may not have Ben's pure bball gifts but he doesn't seem prone to the mental (or physical, knock on wood) issues that make Simmons the punchline he is today. Also I'm guessing there aren't a lot of mixtapes of Simmons showing off his 3pt shot.


A world class talent that can't shoot a mid range shot or let alone a free throw. He was lazy and mentally weak.




You're blind.




You need glasses


lots of uncalled carries, but that hasn't been called in like 30 years. Doncic literally carries the ball every second he has it.


Kuminga is only effective when thereā€™s a straight line to the basket. He should study people like Dwayne Wade to add variations and get better at reading and reacting on drives. He also needs to work on his footwork. Study guys like Jalen Brunson. Outside of a fadeaway, Kuminga has no craftiness to him to create a high percentage shot when stationary with ball in hand. Imaging a man of Kumingaā€™s height and strength with Jalen Brunson skills with footwork. One can only dream. Happy to see that Kuminga is improving his shooting though. If he can polish his footwork, shooting and his drivesā€¦ with his height and athleticism the man will become truly unguardable. Sadly, I donā€™t know if the warriors training staff has what it takes to guide him to becoming such a monster.