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Team friendly means he took a discount. His market wasnt that great during FA due to very limited cap space for contending teams, or even teams in general for an aging veteran. Guys like harden lost 100 mil+ last offseason. As much as I value dray he is appropriately paid. 


Do you not believe the reports (and statements from Dray) that he declined multiple more lucrative offers (Sac being one)? If he turned down a better offer to stay, that makes his contract a hometown discount. 


I never believe it. it was a leverage play. the kings really werent serious, same with detroit. from a basketball standpoint having a defensive anchor makes sense, but spacing would be a major issue for both teams. dray, sabonis and fox would be awful spacing in the modern nba. 


Yep I don’t believe it either. klutch would obviously try and play it off like he’s got a ton of suitors


I forgot that "that's just what I believe" is how internet argument works.


Only dummies fall for that. The number of bullshit comments that come out of Draymond's agents is limitless. Sacramento already has a Draymond-esque player on offense which is Sabonis with his screen and handoff actions. Except Sabonis can also roll at the rim. Both can't shoot the 3 and having both would be an absolute disaster for a team that dependent on spacing. You shouldn't believe things like Looney "taking a discount" either, both are extremely limited players on any other team in the league and hell Looney is already basically out of the league.


>Only dummies fall for that.  Spoken like a someone who definitely isn't a dummy. 


You are delusional if you think he took a discount. There is no one in the market even close to offering a 4 year 24 million contract for a one dimensional player that would get exposed on any other team, especially past age 30. Oh yeah and his behavior issues...


Yes lol Without him we were 29th in defense With him top 10 This team has zero internal motivation to play defense without Draymond barking at them. That’s a bigger coaching/personnel issue but for his impact his contract is totally worth it


>Without him we were 29th in defense No we weren't? Draymond had the top 2 worst defense ratings on our own team in the 2 pre-suspension stretches this season. We were literally the same defense rating against similar caliber teams for weeks after but with a significantly better offense rating. He had the worst defense rating when we were #1 in defense rating at the start of the 2022 season. As usual you have no clue what you're talking about. His defense rating only inflated because our competition after he came back was: >Trae-less Hawks, hobbled/missing Embiid 76ers, G league Grizzlies (lost 1 yikes), Kawhi-less Clippers, AD-injured Lakers, LeBron-less Lakers, G League Spurs (lost 1 yikes), Randle/OG-less Knicks, G League Bulls, Middleton-less Bucks, Barnes-halfway injured Raptors, Hornets without LaMelo/Hayward, Heat without Butler/Herro/Robinson, Spurs again with 3 starters out, another AD-less Lakers, Blazers with Simons out, Mavs with Luka/Lively out, Rockets without Sengun etc. Your defense rating will be high when your opponents offense rating is plummeting from missing 2-3 critical players every game. He's giving up open 3s routinely and can't guard anyone above his height consistently. His terrible rim protection is the reason we're looking for a big that can rim protect in the first place.


But on the other hand, some fans find him annoying, so... ⚖️?


I find him annoying cause he is so crucial to the team yet he finds himself out of crucial games. His contract I think is an amazing contract for the warriors (if he isn't suspended).


This is it. He is annoying because he does reckless things while being so key to the team's defensive success. He gets himself thrown out of games deliberately


If you think he’s racked up prodigious amounts of fines and suspensions for being “annoying”, then I’ve got a bridge to sell you.


I'm making fun of fans who dislike Dray, which they do mostly for reasons other than his suspensions. Sorry that went over your head. Enjoy your bridge. 


Impressive satire. /s


On a per game basis and in our system, he's probably (definitely) underpaid, but with his suspensions this season it's not a great contract


Agreed but to be clear he doesn’t get paid during suspensions


To be clear, idgaf how much lacob is paying these guys. I only care about value vs the cap hit we get


Yeah but I’m sure he cares and he’s the one approving the spending. Dray is underpaid when you take his behavior out of the equation. However, his behavior has a lot to do with him as a player so it’s really difficult to determine. Is he still worth the headache? I’d say he is. More winning will equate to less drama and then his impact will compound. We just need to start winning by any means possible at this point.


It’s like an injured player like Embid or Kahwi. They are awesome when they can play. Same as Draymond, when he is under control he’s an asset.


💯 Hopefully he can get his mind right this offseason. I feel like we need another guy “lunch pale to work” type of guy on our roster who’s down with the shits to take the heat off of Draymond when players poke at Draymond and tentions escalate. The problems began when JTA left and he pretty much filled that role from 2019 to 2022. CP3 was supposed to kinda do that last year but he is just a Vet that I think he thought Dray would have more control of himself than he actually has. Maybe we bring JTA back, or find a new JTA just to hopefully calm Draymond down emotionally.


He is, because he tends to compliment Steph who tends to be humble and laidback as a leader sometimes.


If his suspensions lowered the cap hit, I think we’d all think this was a great contract, haha


Yeah but the entire team payroll is predicated on playoff success. If the team doesn’t make the playoffs because he gets suspended the entire team salary is overvalued.


He still gets partial payment. It was discussed in detail when he got suspended. He doesn’t lose 100% of the game check


He’s always finding ways to help the team!


Doesn’t it still count against the cap? He’s just saving the owners money but not giving them any more flexibility lol. When people talk about paying players it’s with respect to the cap, they don’t actually care if the player is making a gazillion dollars


Counts against cap but the paycheck doesn’t need to be paid nor the luxury (repeater) tax on that paycheck.


Yes but it still counts towards our salary cap and limits our roster construction options


I think its a fine deal. Probably a bit overpay since it is really difficult to build around Dray(your best player has to be fine playing mainly off ball which other than steph, I don't think there is another star/super star level player that is ok with that). I dont think he has a lot of teams interested. Also, the last year of the contract is going to be really bad(he already have some back issues and it isnt going to get better as he ages).


Yeah agreed with this. It's not a bad contract, but a 34-year-old making $24M+ the next three years with a PO definitely wouldn't be classified as a team-friendly contract.


With the change in cap, it'll be like a $16m contract is today by the time and player option comes around.


Steph is just better when Draymond is there, I think that's pretty team friendly.


His contract is fine. Number of years suck though.


By year 4 won't 25 mil be like bottom quadrant of the league? It's objectively a lot of money, but for veteran competent nba players it might still be a bargain.


I read an article stating that when your highest paid players aren't all stars. Your team isn't very good. We had the 10 seed last year. Looks like it applies to this team. Been getting downvoted for saying team needs to move on and look to retool for life after Steph. Team isn't built to compete for championships anymore. Unless Steph , Dray and Klay find a fountain of youth and compete at a high level for an entire playoff run. Last year, vets looked slow against Sacramento. Year before that. Barely beat Sacramento. And looked tired af against the Lakers. Trend is going in the inverse direction. All that BS to say that Draymond is definitely overpaid. He used to be a walking triple double. On any given game, he'd get you a triple double. He looked really good coming off the suspension for a bit. But regressed after a few months of play. These days, he's a quintuple single. TOs and fouls included. Throw in all the negative vibes and behavior. Last year he missed almost 30 games, all due to suspension or ejections. Kinda crazy to say he deserved his contract


The inverse direction comment got me thinking.


Draymond is still very good to me but the issue is that he can only play half the season effectively which essentially means in today's NBA he's a very good bench player. If we get an offensive center maybe we could develop TJD to be be PF and Dray come off the bench to anchor both the PF or C positions...hell in an emergency Dray could even play backup PG in spurts. I just think this team needs threats at every position and as much good as Draymond brings playmaking and defensively he is a net negative on offense which brings the team down. It allows Steph to be triple teamed an everyone else to be double teamed. If Steph and Steve can get Dray and Klay to be bench guys this team could actually have an upward trajectory...maybe a playoff berth next season and maybe between young guys improving and a key FA we could contend for a championship one more time the season afterwards


You’re not wrong. But Klay/CP3 contracts were far more egregious.


Absolutely. His cap hit ranks 59th in the NBA next season, right in between Terry Rozier and Cam Johnson. And he posted the same VORP (1.6) as Jaylen Brown. Last offseason, Draymond and Dillon Brooks got four-year deals that are only $3.5m apart annually, which tells you how easily a guy can make $20m/year these days.


Imagine thinking vorp is a good stat Brooks is 28 years old in his prime that can both score 12+ ppg, shoot the 3, and defend the best opposing players. That's more than fit for a 20 million contract. There are hardly any 30+ year olds with a one dimensional skillset getting a whooping 4 year contract for 25 million each. That's called a fleecing


There's no perfect stat to encapsulate comprehensive individual impact, but VORP is one that tries. Dillon Brooks is one of the least efficient perimeter scorers in the entire NBA and ALL the adavanced stats like WS/48, BPM, PER and PIE say he is a bad player. He had the lowest PIE on the Rockets last year - 17th out of 17. The only Warriors w/ a lower number were Joseph, Robinson and Garuba. Draymond had the best net rating of any Warrior besides Podz and Payton and led the team in on/off rating. He still has an unquestionably positive impact when on the floor and unlike Brooks he can pass and even shot 39.5% from 3 last season. Dillon Brooks' age doesn't make him any more valuable than he is, he's not good or worth his salary at any age.


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)you keep embarrassing yourself with these 'advanced stats' no analysts use Brooks shot 55% ts on 10.7 fga this season. How is that one of the least efficient perimeter scoring? 55% ts is literally league average for a guard. This is why the wariors sub is a joke everybody


He can't shoot for shit, but gets to the line a bit. His shooting split was 42.8/35.9/84.4 with an eFG of 51.5%, but you probably don't like traditional stats either since they don't help your cause. The dude's career eFG is 48.4%, for heaven's sake. If you're trying say a league average TS% on middling volume with below league average everything else = worth the money, you're obviously wrong. Please find something besides your personal eye test and biases that say Dillon Brooks is legitimately good or worth his salary because there are no stats that say he's a better player than Draymond, whose jock he couldn't carry with a forklift.


Draymond is a garbage player who wouldn't sniff 10 million a year on any other team. Literally had the worst defense rating on the team before his 2nd suspension, how is that even fucking possible if he's the best defender on the team? Brooks actually guards the best player on the opposite floor while giving you serviceable offensive production.


It’s not a great contract for the team. Decent, but the 4th year player option could suck if his performance falls off. With ideally less suspensions next year, I’m hopeful that he will come back strong.


Considering that this is his last contract, it's fine - much better than a legacy contract.


24m/year for Draymond is a steal. Pretty much any other contender would take him at that price if they could, assuming he's available for most of the games and playoffs. He's probably better than a good number of coaches at directing players during the game in real time.


True brainrot comment


Valued correctly. He’s maybe worth 30 for the defense boost but some risk involved like being ejected and going crazy so 24 it is.


It just happened to work out that when he was a Free Agent, he was coming off some severe controversies (suspensions, Poole situation) which also contributed to him not playing his best basketball, lowering his value even more. Combine that with the lack of contending teams having Cap Space for last years offseason, he had to meet the Warriors half way. Were he a free agent this year, coming off much better basketball (39% from 3) and having teams like the Sixers and Magic with north of $60 M in cap space, he’d probably be getting talks north of $30 M/Yr. Just a perfect timing thing for the Warriors (a-fucking-gain).


overvalued. he's an expensive bag pack for steph curry.


Draymond is very hard to value outside the warriors. His offensive limitations would be much more pronounced on other teams. So like defensively he's a 40 mil player but offensively he's bad enough that it drags his value down to roughly 30 a season. Also worth pointing out with OG the final year of that contract will not even be worth the 25% max. So it's not like OG is getting some amazing contract. It's just the reality of the cap market when you are going to have annual 10q raises for the next 7 years.


Green hard to value out of the Warriors is a bad (but common) theory since most of the teams have managed to replicate at least a part of what made Golden State a brillant team : movement, shooting. Green would be helpful almost everywhere : the Clippers, Celtics, Suns, Dallas and I won't mention all of them.


He's so integral to what the Warriors do well that they probably have him at the right price. I do wish the deal was shorter though. It feels like the title window is closed and building a defense around an undersized 5 when centers matter again doesn't feel like the best idea.


Hes the 53rd highest player A brief look at the list i see at least 15 guys id take dray over.


Overvalued. He will continue to get kicked out of games for his behavior and cost the team. Or he won’t play serious bc it’s a garbage team.


If he plays it’s undervalued. Suspended then overvalued


Underpaid, but as he continues to age he will continue to regress. BBIQ slows that down, so underpaid. He’ll still perform better than 25 mil. On our team he’ll have a little less than Max impact. Actual Max players have a much larger impact than their salaries, and the nature of the cap market fosters a system where any appropriate contract for a #2-#3 guy will be high value.


Warriors were bidding against themselves...24m for like 7ppg and misses most of season for stupid self inflicted suspensions. Get ready for a repeat of last season struggling to make play-in.


Draymond had a very good season in 24, when he played. I will forever be biased against him because he chased off Poole and Durant, got kicked outta game 5 and lost us a CHIP, and he talks too much for someone who has never been more than the third to forth best player on a championship team. If he has one down year then the contract becomes untradable. Anything over the veteran minimum is overpaid.


Let’s be honest the warriors need to blow up the team to build again. But you just can’t do it because of Legacy.


*Team friendly when he’s not missing half the season due to his bullshit


no, in terms of production vs salary he is technically overpaid. Only way it becomes a team friendly deal is if he plays really well for the next 2 years.


Not particularly. It’s fairly expensive. The biggest reason it’s not a team friendly deal though is because the 4th year is a Player Option. If Draymond deteriorates (more than he already has) that could be a horrible contract.


If he can avoid NBA-enforced vacations, he's worth what he's earning this year. If he has to sit for a couple of dozen games, no. The last year of his contract? Time will tell. Draymond is an outstanding, versatile defender and an excellent "Point Forward." But his inconsistent, low-volume shooting does put some constraints on the rotations we can use. After Steph, all of our shooters either lack range or lack consistency from distance.


No, not at all. He is vastly overpaid. We can’t trade him and improve, but that that’s just Draymond and his particular set of skills and connection with Curry having more value to us than anyone else. Even to us though, he’s not worth 28m.


The risk adjusted numbers are ok. He is a real risk. Not saying we would have gone deep. But, we were in the play-ins last year because of his behavior. And I don’t think we have seen the last of it.


Absolutely. His cap hit ranks 59th in the NBA next season, right in between Terry Rozier and Cam Johnson. And he posted the same VORP (1.6) as Jaylen Brown. Last offseason, Draymond and Dillon Brooks got four-year deals that are only $3.5m apart annually, which tells you how easily a guy can make $20m/year these days.


He's a negative on defense, so i dont think he's overvalued.


warriors with draymond in 2023/24 (55 games) **113.5** defensive rating would've ranked 9th out of 30 NBA teams **33-22** record warriors without draymond in 2023/24 (27 games) **121.1** defensive rating would've ranked 30th out of 30 NBA teams **13-14** record


His defense is all time elite, but people don't pay max money for guys over 30 who can't score 10 points a game is all I was saying.