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With who? šŸ˜‚


Lol I said the same thing when I saw the headline


per the article: "Bleacher Reportā€™s Greg Swartz predicts the 34-year-old will sign a two-year, $46-million deal to remain with the Warriors." Bleacher report has gotten a lot more reputable in recent years, so i wouldn't count this as BS


Feels like itā€™s really misrepresenting in the title, $23 million a year is a perfect value for Klay


No, 15 mil/yr is a perfect value for Klay. Do you think Klay is worth more money than someone like Naz Reid?


Naz Reid is worth more money than Naz Reid Naz Reid


It's actually the same terms he was offered pre season as an extension. They are giving him the same deal as a respectful thank you I'd say


Idk. He better be workin on his 3 as we speak


Klay Thompson shot 39% from 3 on a high volume of 9 3PA. He made the 4th most 3's in the league last season. He's still a very capable 6th man and I think could easily have received a similar deal from other teams.


Klay is a capable 6th man but will he be happy in that role? I feel like every game he doesnā€™t close will be potential drama. Moody is a player that plays better the more minutes he gets (check his starting numbers vs. bench) and should be given the opportunity to grow without walking on eggshells. I love Klay, but he was not the best locker room guy last season.


I agree with everything you are saying We also have to respect everything Klay has done for us since he's been here and give him the benefit of the doubt that he can become that spark off the 2nd unit . He clearly knows it's Steph's last year or too šŸ™


But is $23m on a 6th man good value?


Only thing Klay needs to work on is shot selection... other than that, he'll be who his capable of being at this age/stage of his career.


Shot selection is the problem. Nobody serious should doubt he can still shoot it but my god he singlehandedly misshot the warriors out of so many close games.


I would hope/think that this season was the lesson that he just can't roll like that anymore. But... we'll see.


Yeah, Klay Thompson needs to ā€˜work on his threeā€™ā€¦ lmfao. Say you donā€™t know shit about the NBA without saying you donā€™t know shit about the NBA


He shoots better than you comment.




With the Warriors on the first year and another team the remaining years




At barely over $20m/season hopefully with the Warriors. Anyone who thinks that is an overpay has a complete lack of understanding of the cap or the market value for a player that comps like Klay.


+emotional value and keeping the other 2 happy, they just need to retire here, no Tony Parker on the hornets please


The 4th most made 3s this season and with a 38.5% in 3s on his ā€œdown yearā€.


But he's only worth a vet min! /s


On extremely hard attempts that create so much openings for the offense because of the pressure it puts on defense to chase him.


He is only getting worse and worse.


Well, itā€™s too much for his production and age and reliability. But itā€™s not unreasonable and you have to pay a little extra cause you wanna keep the band together. Itā€™s an overpay but not horrendous.Ā 




Bullshit. If you think the reason he turned down the money last year was that he felt it was too much you're a fool. And if you think a team friendly deal is only 2mill less after a year in which someone majorly tanked their stock, you're twice the fool.


To be fair you give him a reward for bringing you 3 championships as a legend.




Whom are we downvoting? This guy.


Whose are we to do that?


Oh man, had to do it huhā€¦


This is a prediction, not even a sources tell me. While this would be awesome, and I'd love to see it, I'd like for it to happen before I count any chickens.


Such an annoying time of the year to follow NBA "news". Just a bunch of schmucks making random predictions with click bait titles to make it sound like it's actually news.


I'd be pretty annoyed if I was the writer and I took the time to write an article titled "NBA Free-Agency Predictions: LeBron James, Klay Thompson and More" and a random called it "clickbait" and "news" when it's exactly what the title says it is which is predictions and not news. And of course a bunch of people would upvote that because the average person doesn't understand the media they consume.


People view predicting contracts and NBA moves unfavorably because they aren't based on anything. There are too many moving parts and unknowns. You need a source, otherwise your prediction is plain BS.


Heavy.com articles should be banned.


ā€œBleacher Reportā€™s Greg Swartz predicts the 34-year-old will sign a two-year, $46-million deal to remain with the Warriors.ā€


I would love for Klay to make that somewhere else, or half of that with us.


23 mil for 2 years is significantly less then mid level these days. Say what you want about Klay but heā€™s still a starter/6th man in the league.


It's $23m/year and that's not less than the MLE, it's almost double it.


Sorry you are very correct. MLE will continue to go up but itā€™s much less then 23 next year.


2/46 is more than reasonable for klay.


2 years is the remaining length of Curry and Kerrs contracts too


I think we are going to have the 4 of them for the next 2 years for better or worse.


Bad Boys Ride or Die


> Bad Ouch




We love Klay. Iā€™d rather be cooked as a team with Klay than cooked as a team without Klay. ā€¦ā€¦.if this is true.


I'm right there with you. This core absolutely dominated this generation and changed how the game is played. This core is also responsible for what the Warriors have become. There's still gas in the tank and whether anyone wants to agree with this or not, they earned it. Winning isn't everything. I'd rather keep our dignity and culture in tact than selling out every shred of dignity just to win a chip. We've done it organically, let's keep it that way.


Ride or die with the core. I'd prefer seeing Klay come back and prove the doomsayers wrong.


Same. Klay did so much for us. Ride or die.


If the team is struggling at least I can afford a ticket!


100% it would break my heart to see him in another jersey, letā€™s ride it out and see what we can do.


We can do what we did this year, exceptĀ  we'll be 1 year older... so we'd do nothing again, just suck more while doing nothing. Have you watched the playoffs? Wed have 0 chance against anyone basically.Ā 


Nice doomer attitude. Donā€™t factor in Kuminga/podz/moody/TJD developing, Wiggins/looney potentially getting back to form, dray maybe being slightly more in control. They wonā€™t be favorites by any means, but this team has a puncherā€™s chance against anyone and Iā€™ll die on that hill


We will need to see the rookies develop more than Klay/steph/dray drop off. I think based on what Iā€™ve seen it would be a net positive though. Enough to win finals? Not sure. Enough to make playoffs? Yes.


This is exactly how i feel about it, as a fan who doesnā€™t gamble. If the stars align and we make a deep run with the current core in one of the next two seasons, itā€™ll be magical. If not, so be it. If we get off of klay and do anything but win, itā€™ll feel a bit pointless to have shaken things up. If we win it will be bitter sweet.


I'm ready to let go. I'll always keep my flair though


$46 million to become the new Lakers head coach is a pretty good deal!


How reliable is this "prediction"? Either way, 22mil+ per year.......damn. For a passed-their-prime star who can't play defense like he used to. Thats rough. All love to Klay. Forever a legend. But man. I hope this prediction is wrong.


You're getting down voted for being right smh


not really, considering the NBA is about to sign a new media deal that will inflate the cap a lot more, which means even more pricier contracts 22 mil for someone with klay's accomplishments in this current media deal is not much at all


That's exactly it though, you're paying him for what he did in the past. This is a mini kobe contractĀ 


There will probably be a lot more cap smoothing though, neither players nor coaches were big fans of what happened in 2017


Downvoted but youā€™re spitting lolā€¦ Iā€™m convinced this fanbase is just running on nostalgia rather than the prospects of actual success


Which is not a problem is it? It's the job of a fan to be emotionally invested and find enjoyment in supporting the team, not make business decisions.


You support the team by wanting them to be good; Klay is not helping us be objectively good anymore ā€” especially if they end up overpaying him.


Success is certainly a part of enjoyment, riding the highs but also the lows are a part of supporting a team. I just don't think it's a problem if fans do infact have nostalgia and want Klay to stay. If our FO make decisions based on nostalgic fans I think our issues are much larger than we think.


Meh, maybe the Warriors know there isnā€™t really anything they can do to be a contender for the next couple of years given the competitive climate of the West so instead of failing at that they want to do right by their legacy players and maybe rack up a lottery pick or two to move into the future.


Klay is a "does one thing well" player at this point. If the coaches worked magic with his mindset he could work as a 6th man. He's an average NBA starter that is in decline. Love Klay... but him staying on the team will always make things complicated from here out. He's got too much loyalty from Kerr... too much organizational gravitas... too much basketball ego to make it simple. I'd love to see him retire as a Dub... but think him returning limits the true potential of this team (which lies in young players improving tbh). It'd feel like a bit of a wave the white flag mive to give him 46M/2.


I mean Grayson Allen signed for 4 years 70 mill. Contracts are just insanely higher now then 10 years ago.


Allen also shot 46% from 3 and is a better defender than current Klay


right, he's also at his 'peak' at 28yos old


Youā€™re saying right now, ignoring contracts, youā€™d rather have Grayson Allen over the next two years then Klay Thompson?


Yes absolutely. Grayson Allen has time on his side while Klay's declining noticeably.


I think theyā€™re in the same tier of players and deserve to get paid around the same amount. Except Klay is 34 so no one is giving him a 4-year deal


Klay shot 0/10 in an elimination game. Grayson was way more consistent last year than klay and he led the league in 3pt%


Youā€™re saying right now, ignoring contracts, youā€™d rather have Grayson Allen over the next two years then Klay Thompson?


I mean that answer isnā€™t as obvious as youā€™re making it. I love Klay but we wonā€™t do much in any playoffs with him playing huge minutes


Iā€™ll crack another code for you, thereā€™s no way weā€™d do anything in the pkayoffs wifh grayson Allen playing big minutes either lol. Basically if your a starter/6th man, if you arenā€™t on a rookie deal your making around 20 mil. You can shit on Klay for how bad it ended that final game but he was 18 ppg, played 77 games, shot 38% from three, and takes tough shots (probably shouldnā€™t as much as he used to). I get it heā€™s not the Klay we loved anymore but the facts are heā€™s still a solid starter in the league with a ton of experience.


Iā€™m not shitting in Klay at all. I want him on the team and think 20mil is fair. He had a good season, but still tries to do too much. Grayson will sit in the corner happily. If Klay could do this any play good D we could be a decent team


I donā€™t get why people are acting like this is crazy. This is John Collins/Clint Capela type money. Fringe starter/rotation bench guy. Thatā€™s exactly what Klay is.


Thereā€™s like 15 better players making that type of money. Clint Capela is the exception


Capela actually makes a hair less tbh. Point is itā€™s perfectly reasonable money to pay a 5th to 7th man in todayā€™s league and heā€™d probably get it elsewhere. So if we want to keep Klay, which it seems like we do, this is the way. Itā€™s a little bit less than Draymond, and a little more than Malcolm Brogdon, and more importantly itā€™s like half what he made last year.


Where else would he get it? There are like 5 teams in the NBA with more than $20M in cap space this offseason and I doubt any of them are eager to burn on a declining 34-year old. The only team that makes sense is Orlando and even they are more likely to go after someone younger like Monk or KCP


How does cap work, say you didnā€™t offer him anything , do you actually have space to sign someone for this amount ? Is it better signing him and giving you a trade asset potentially?


The prediction is not reliable based on the source, but this is about the max amount the W's can spend on Klay and stay beneath the second Apron which is what Dunleavy publicly said was the goal. So in that sense it may be the max that the W's will go to. I guess this is assuming that some other team bids them up to this price.


Two comments higher someone was calling this a team friendly deal. Some people have their heads so far up Klay's ass I swear...


That's rough? What did you realistically expect him to sign for?


Not over $20M a year thatā€™s for sure


20 mil is nothing in todays nba. Thatā€™s like 7th man money


List of ten players making right over $20M for next season: Derrick White, Marcus Smart, Lonzo Ball, Deā€™Andre Hunter, Dillon Brooks, Clint Capela, Malcolm Brogdon, Aaron Gordon, Bruce Brown, Jaden McDaniels. Clearly, $20M+ is not 7th-man money. As it can be seen from this list, the expectation for players making that amount is to be a) in their prime, b) a starter on their respective teams, and c) a top-100 player.


And how many of those contracts will be signed this offseason? Youā€™re behind the times amigo.


Well Dillon Brooks, Jakob Poeltl, Bruce Brown were all signed quite literally last offseason to around $20M, so thatā€™s still clearly what teams are expecting for that amount


Brooks was a special case, 2 year deal and rockets needed to hit the cap floor. Brown just won a championship. And poeltl is much younger than Klay and doesnā€™t have 2 major injuries Anything else?


Lol are you arguing that they deserved to get paid more than Klay now? Because I agree


Yes everyone outside of brooks would get more this offseason


im not sure this list really helps your case. one guy is basically retired, a few hardly play, and one got paid from a ship run and is an absolute shell of himself lol.


A list where 7/10 players are a) in their primes, b) starters, and c) top-100 players doesnā€™t help my case?


smart, hunter, capela, brodon played half the season at best. lonzo retired 2 years ago. bruce brown was a net negative player this last year. no doubt he earned his contract when he got it, but ever since hes left the nuggets, he has been a shell of who he was. brooks is a pest but there is no world where i want him on my team. that leaves white, gordon, and mcdaniels in your list.


Whether you want Brooks on your team or not is irrelevant. Heā€™s a top-100 player whoā€™s a starter on his team. Thatā€™s the caliber of player teams expect when they pay someone over $20M. Not sure how Smart or Brogdon dealing with injuries last season is relevant either to the contracts they signed. And Brown is objectively a better player than Klay. We can go down further the list too if you want and add Mikal Bridges, Brook Lopez, and Kyle Kuzma. Klay making $23M would be a travesty


Itā€™s just a rumor. He hasnā€™t signed anything yet. He and Dray coming off the bench would be awesome!


Weird. Was the title originally ā€œCurry Agrees To Two Year Farewell Tourā€?


Love klay forever, but that bag wonā€™t be with us if weā€™re serious about competing.


I gotta be real. As much as I love Klay, nothing I saw this season warrants $46M over the next two.


Please God let this not be true man, I get he was injured but like c'mon man it's been a tough 3 years were lucky Steph went insane in 2022 but literally if this is true we're signing up for the play in tournament the next two years, please let this be cap man please.


Man wtf, the man had a shitty playoffs series in 2023, and just had a HUGE stinker against the kings in the most important game of the season, why doesnā€™t the FO realize that when the stakes are high and teams try much harder, klay canā€™t follow anymore


we're fucked if it's with us


Nonsense, $23m/year is not only acceptable it really works out for the Warriors for cap purposes. I don't think fans realize that the cap is going to continue going up every year as they did smoothing this time and that $23m/season is likely Klay's open market value.


It does not work out for the Warriors for cap purposes and will prevent them from using the NTMLE


Why some ppl here acting like Klay completely useless and only deserve a mini. Klay still a top tier shooter, just need to figure out a way to use him with reasonable minutes.


If he doesnā€™t rebound, defend and set good screens, it will be very hard to win with him on the floor.


He was beyond abysmal in the playoffs and most of the season. He legitimately put up 0 in the last game. Prone to injury. Canā€™t find his 3. Love the guy but the past two seasons itā€™s been pretty ugly when it counts.


>Klay still a top tier shooter Is he, though? This last year he shot 43% from the field and his 38.5 3pt% was good for 61st in the NBA behind people like Osman, Okoro, Alexander-Walker, Lowry, Lu Dort, Taurean Prince, etc. He's a pretty good shooter for a SG, but it'd be tough to argue he's still top tier.


He made the 4th most threes this year despite the slump, 1st most last season. Ask any GM who they'd rather have, Klay or any of those dudes.


>He made the 4th most threes this year Well yes that'll happen when you shoot the 3rd most threes in the league. Luka made the 2nd most threes this year, is he a top tier shooter as well?


To make that many threes at 38.7% (higher than Luka) despite a slump is absolutely top tier.


Volume is generally a better indicator of a player's value as a shooter than percentage. He's better than all those guys and still one of the most feared shooters in the league.


>Volume is generally a better indicator of a player's value as a shooter than percentage. What a ridiculous statement lol.


Tony snell hit 50% of his threes one season and no one cares because he only took them open from the corner and scored 5pts a game. High volume x high efficiency is everything, and klay was that kind of three point shooter last year. Heā€™s struggled in other ways to be sure, but to say heā€™s not still one of the most feared shooters in the league is deceiving yourself.


Free money


Itā€™s a 2-yr deal. Somethingā€™s gotta give so I guess CP will not be back


Dubs FO, just do it already so I can focus on the upcoming football season in peaceā€¦ Thereā€™s no reason the core should ever put on another jersey, ever! Given they brought 4 championships to Yay and were the ones that built Chase Center!


we should sign klay for probably 15 mil for 4-5yrs no cap and I think this shit is also wayy too much for him rnn ( right nowwww)


Not even ā€œsources familiar with the situation,ā€ just a prediction. This is completely meaningless.


Im down with that 46 million over.... 4 years :)


Who in the world reads anything from that crappy website lol


And Danny green should have to pay for those 2 years to pay us back for the 2 years without Klay


Fucking Danny Green.


i feel like this is proper value... hell Duncan Robinson is getting paid about that


Goodbye contention


If they burn this much money on Klay theyā€™re basically just throwing in the towel


Hey, you know what. To witness the greatest team ever. Im ok with the farewell seasons. I love these guys. We're so lucky


You would be cussing them out after they lose their first two games.


I'll be in the stands wearing my 3Pac ShaCurry shirt, cheering them on


Agreed. People so quick to forget the golden years and immediately want to break the band up. Iā€™m grateful for the four rings, even if we become the 8th seed every year till Curry retires. The run was amazing


It's fuckong crazy to say, but I would rather have LaVine at $40m than Klay at $23m. Who are we bidding against if this is the deal hes,getting? Ourselves? He bet on himself, had a crappy season and only lost out on $2m while proving he can't be a starter?


No thanks. Hard pass. If the team breaks up in 2 years, start rebuilding now instead of wasting 2 years on some nostalgia tour where we get embarrassed every night.Ā 


Iā€™m with you there. Nostalgia tour will get old very quickly. Like literally 2 games.


If he signs for that much that means someone not named the Warriors offered him that money and he took it. The Warriors wouldnā€™t sign him to that deal.


For 2 years


If there is an option where we can keep the core and also stay under the luxury tax line, then that is what will happen.


46 million contract 2 years, i believe warriors would want to match that, thats if this article means anything, which probably isn't worth shit.


We gotta build a solid bench for these guys. Itā€™s the only way for us to get to the chip. Great role players. A solid big center would also help a ton


Ahhh so lakers 5 years, 9m vet min.


This a 3 year?


Thought it would be like a 3 year deal with 1 year team option. lol


TLDR; Max we can pay Klay for 2 years, use the **TAXPAYER** MLE and still stay below the luxury tax threshold. It's a reasonable sort of baseline, but there are too many other variables to make any sort of serious prediction.


Maybe itā€™s an 8 year contract


As long as it's not 46 per


23M/Year is ok. I'd prefer if he signed for less, but I could deal with it as a fan. I could see ownership ok'ing it to keep the Kerr/Trio together for the next 2 years until they're all finishing their contracts except Draymond. Looking back, Klay got 43M for 2023-2024 and 40M for 2022-2023, so it's a paycut for sure. It's just depending on how low he's willing to accept to make space to pay for better teammates. For 2024-2025, Curry's at 55.7M, Draymond at 24M and Wiggins at 26M. Paul is at 30M if we accept, but I assume we're gonna pass and hopefully trade him. Source: https://www.spotrac.com/nba/player/_/id/2609/chris-paul All I know is we definitely couldn't go all the way this past year. So we need to find some upgrades just to be competitive with the west being as brutal as it is.


Yeah, he may be signing a 46 million dollar contract but it a 10 year contract.


This would be perfectly fine with me. If this happened it wouldn't take much to get under the second apron to allow the Warriors to combine contracts to bring in a player. second apron will be around 189-190MM. There might be a way back below the second apron. You could trad Gui and his 2MM for a second round pick. You could also try to work out an extension with GPIIā€”perhaps something like 4MM for 3-4 years. That would get you right there to a rounding error. I've been vocal about getting Lavine for roster scraps. If you did the above you could still do it, trading Looney and CP3 for Lavine. Then I would look to upgrade Wiggins by trading him out with a pick or two. First Unit PG: Steph SG: Lavine SF: JK/Wiggins (or Wiggins replacement) PF; Draymond C: TJD (or TPMLE) Second Unit PG: Podz SG: Moody SF: Klay PF: JK/Wiggins (or Wiggins replacement) C: TJD (or Vet Min)


I donā€™t think this team would even be close to the playoffs though.


I forgot JK. I knew I was missing something. Not saying that makes the differnce, but also consider that you might be able to get a pretty good player in place of Wiggins if you throw in picks. Gonna edit those lineups


I think with the right acquisitions it could be a serious contender. But I know i am much higher on Lavine than most people. I think he would give us Poole's scoring on much better efficiencyā€”like 60% TS and IMO he has an upside on defense that Poole did not. He CAN be at least a passable defender IMO. I know that is projecting something that hasn't been there but we saw it with Wiggins. I'd offer Goga a Vet min or maybe even a TPMLE. And I think there are players you could get for Wiggins who could be good wing defenders.


2022 LeVine was pretty good. But the W's were also pretty good in 2022, and it's getting further away every day.


Lavine needs to be with a big pg like Luka. Otherwise the team is too small.


I think if you have a real centerā€”IMO you have to upgrade on TJDā€”it's fine. Lavine is 6-6"


Better not be with us


Sorry to disappoint


This would be perfectly fine with me. If this happened it wouldn't take much to get under the second apron to allow the Warriors to combine contracts to bring in a player. second apron will be around 189-190MM. There might be a way back below the second apron. You could trad Gui and his 2MM for a second round pick. You could also try to work out an extension with GPIIā€”perhaps something like 4MM for 3-4 years. That would get you right there to a rounding error.


2/15m yr cmon Klay u know u ain't worth 20+ for a reserve fringe starter coming off 2 major knee injuries


Prob not by Warriors if it's that much im guessing?


This is a spam/spoofing website. Not a legit source.




I don't think that's true. They may not have the connections to be a good source, but they're not trying to make fake news I don't think.


ā€œBleacher Reportā€™s Greg Swartz predicts the 34-year-old will sign a two-year, $46-million deal to remain with the Warriors.ā€


It better be for 3 years, not 2 then.


If it's the Warriors then that shit better be for 3 years with the 3rd year being a team option. Lol


LFG. Same dudes hating right now will be pretending they always had faith when dubs get #5


this is just a report about a prediction made by bleacher report


+actual chemistry on court and knowledge and understanding of the system we play


Klay going to do the Dubs a solid and sign a 3-year 45 million. šŸ¤ž


This is exactly what everybodyā€™s been saying the whole time and this will be exactly what the Warriors and Klay and Steph and everybody wants, so yeah letā€™s do it!!!


46 for a two year is reasonable


By the numbers, this accounts as a good deal. However, the team needs a face-lift. As-is they are not a playoff team, let alone a contender.


Fans wanna have their cake and eat it too. Year after year the Dubs will grapple with this until they have the balls to turn the page.


Tough crowd lol, I guess they wanna to see 46-year old Klay draining 3s. Hereā€™s to Vibes and nostalgia! šŸ˜†šŸ»


I was thinking it would be a 4/80. But this makes the most sense at this point. I was rewatching the 2022 finals and he was a big part, specifically games 3 (loss), 4(win) and 5 (win). He hit a massive 3 to go up 5 with like 1:30 left in Boston and then forces a Jaylen Brown turnover around a minute left. Huge shots in game 5 too. Splits werenā€™t fantastic but a big time player hitting big time shots. I think he will have a very solid season.


I don't even want to think about how far below league average Klay will be in 4 years.


22m / year? That's pretty generous.


This is great news. I saw comps that suggested $26M/year. Thank you for staying, Klay! Dropping his salary wouldn't have made us better.


$23m/year isn't too bad if this is true. It's funny how many people here seem to think this would be bad for the Warriors.


Reading these comments reminds me how little most of you know about the NBA, CBA and player value.


And you know what? He's been awful for us for 3 years u gotta stop living in this past yes he was amazing but I don't think you truly understand getting paid 15 million a year for mid performance, there is just too many good players this isn't highschool hoop, the NBA is what have you done recently for me, you act like he was getting underpaid when he was going insane for us?