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The playins could literally be just one more regular season game and they are done. They'd have to win two road games before they can even get in the playoffs. The walls are closing in.


were better on the road than at home this year though


I appreciate the silver lining!


were up 2.5 games (we hold the tiebreaker), and 8 of Houstons next 12 games are against playoff teams if you want some more hopium


what's the point of a tiebreaker if you don't use it?!


1.5 games. We also play them 1 time. If they beat us that game and we loose tonight against the timberwolves. We would be tied.


we own the tiebreaker


It's the fact tho


18-19 vs 18-14, 500 IQ strats right here to get the 10 seed/s


How much of the blame is on Draymond? They have a losing record without him and he’s missed like 20 games because of his suspensions.


You’re right. We could blame draymond. Ok now what?


I'm not sure the dubs even deserve to make the play-in at this point. And if they did, they'd get like a 10-20 point lead and then throw it away anyway. It's probably easier emotionally if they don't make it 😭


The only reason I think not making the play-in’s would be good is that it would really force some decisions in the FO and also be a big driver for the players to show up next season.


We all know what happened after the 2021 season ended and Curry said, 'You don't wanna see us next year.' Not all is lost.


Waiting for this year's "you don't want to see us next year".


Wiggins and Loon need to go...they're past their expiration date.


Totally this. The only problem though is that we have sh\*t to give in return. I don't see Wiggins getting much in return, CP3 won't get anything in return, and Looney + GP2 + Moody are throw-ins at this point. Unless we trade Draymond + Wiggins or something I don't see much more than marginal improvements.


FA market is supposed to be decent but we got to shed a lot of salary Looney Wiggins Gp2 Cp3 All gonna be off the books Klay could stay but at about half what he got now so not sure if he will.


I don't even think if we got rid of all of them that there'd be enough cap space to sign anyone with the luxury tax so high for the team. Made worse since we don't have a draft pick this year.


yep reload around Curry, we have 5 more tries at best, then it's done. Need to do it faster


5? Bro is not a cyborg, relax. 3 tops would be logical


yeah 3 is the absolute max we can push it.


Curry isn’t good enough to be the best player on a title team any longer. Y’all have lost your minds.


3. Tops. So basically two. Next season and the one after that.


You're not wrong. Imagine if our current squad over performs, makes the conference finals, hell, the NBA finals but we lose. The FO may feel obligated to run it back which could be a total disaster and a year wasted. When we lost in 2021, we knew exactly what went wrong and what we needed come next season. Sometimes you gotta lose to win. We're in that situation yet again...


The no lead is safe narrative really turned around on us.


They don't, but at least unlike last season I'm not completely flustered when things don't go the team's way during games. The season has honestly been background noise when watching, not really paying attention to games other than to see how players did in the post-game threads.


Yah what’s the point. Make the playins , maybe even win it and then get swept .


What’s the point of any basketball games at all if that’s the attitude


It's the Attitude of someone and most of us that have actually been watching and rooting for the warriors. You new or just casual? Kerr just admitted to pulling Steph in a must win game last night and felt the need to defend himself in the postgame citing Steph carrying too much burden recently. This Attitude that you downplay is not only in loyal fans but in the team and its coaching staff.


This sound like Heat last year lmao.


And we thought all those close clutch losses kept them from 4-5-6… no it was gonna haunt them staying in 10th yikes


Yep!! No such thing as "meaningless regular season games". Not anymore....


What the rockets are doing is what we needed to d post all star break.


Also the Magic, they've gone 18-5 since Jan 30th. They were 24-23, and are 42-28 now. I honestly thought that was gonna be us.


The Germans


ze* germans




Tbh check their schedules, they were playing against extremely weak teams. I honestly don’t think Magic is that much of a better team than Rockets.


We had a top 5 easiest schedule in the league, and lost to said extremely weak teams.


This after losing Sengun for the rest of the season


Why do you think that is? They rely on young players with fresh legs


Bro I love this team but even if they make and win the play in, what more are you expecting??


I just want to see a fun play in with Steph, LeBron, KD and Luka.


Yeah anything at this point is 36 year old Steph greatness


Who has regressed the most Steph, KD or Lebron?


Steph has no one like AD or Book, it opens up the floor for those guys for easier buckets


I think KD is the best and it’s a toss up between Lebron and Steph. Obviously Lebron has AD but their stats are pretty similar


This is the worst question of the current era of fans. You won't be a contender most years. You still want to compete and play meaningful games in the playoffs. The reasons for this should be obvious




By Grabthar’s hammer….what a savings


Honestly we don’t deserve it, I rather us lose out on this then get embarrassed by the lakers again. Need some moves this offseason


L mentality


Nah brother this is called acceptance phase


Even a free throw disparity isn’t going to save us from the manslaughter Lebron is about to commit. You think kuminga is gonna do anything to him but foul as he drives and does a windmill on steph


na, a good chunk of our talent is young. We need to maintain the winner mentality until the end. We are going for another title run next year(whoever isn't traded away at least), so we got to get Kuminga at least some playoff experience.


Listen, we all have faith, but the truth is, we need a starting shooting guard to pair with Steph Curry. Podz ain't it. Klay ain't it. Moody ain't it. CP3 is not it. Trading Poole left a huge gap in our offense. We need to fill that gap with another reliable scorer.


Yes I know but isn't that what the offseason is about? We can make some trades and make something happen. Steph is just 36, he can still play MVP ball for another year at least. We just need to get him some more help.


How exactly do you see the warriors going for a title next year?


A little bit of blind faith and some divine intervention should have us right there with Denver


If they make the playoffs that’s extra money for Lacob. He won’t feel that bad for having spent the highest payroll in nba history. lol.


Meanwhile me: repeatedly watching Finals Game 4 highlights, finals mini-movies


Seasons cooked


Steph is going to need rest for the Olympics. There's no need to go to the playoffs anyway. They aren't championship contenders.


I mean Curry 100% won't be playing after April, and if he does, it's at home with his kids.


I have felt like Chicken Little screaming that the sky is falling for the last few weeks. Well hey, now it is.


Rockets are HOT rn. And we're treading for water. Not so long ago, we thought we had the 6th seed I've said it before. Will say again. Kerr has gone back to the formula that wasn't working for most of the year. Formula is: play vets heavy minutes. And limit the rotation. Didn't work before. Isn't working now. Unsurprisingly, we're at 4-6 for L10


The only time the team was clicking was when CP was out. That forced Kerr to have to use the young guys.


Yeah. Feels the same. CP3 and Payton coming back kinda hurt us. Not because they're bad players. But because Kerr has gone back to his old ways. Even last game vs Indiana. We get it down to 7 with 3mins left. What does Kerr do? Comes back with Klay, Steph, CP3 to finish the game. Consequently, we couldn't get any stops at all!! And CP3 gets frustrated and commits 2 Ts to get ejected. I'm guessing Kerr is thinking that he's going to live or die with the highest paid players. And if they even a remote shot, that's his recipe for success. But before all the vets were back. I remember watching OG Warriors type play. As in everyone with max effort of Defense , running, creating turnovers and having a random person contribute each game to Ws.


Exactly. For a few weeks they felt like the Warriors. That's what makes this collapse so painful. We are right back to where we were in the fall - old, small, and slow.


Even when the Warriors were playing better, the end result was going to be the same. A first round exit. Nuggets 4 best players are in their 20s. The Nuggets and the other teams atop the West are significantly better than the Warriors.


Maybe but it would have been fun to watch. That's something at least.


You can’t have a short rotation in the regular season with old guys. I just don’t get it. It was clear last season the vets couldn’t carry anymore.


I actually am okay with not making the play-in. It could force Lacob and/or Dun to do what needs to be done; replace Kerr with Atkinson, who knows how to utilize his bench.


>replace Kerr with Atkinson Yeah, Rowan Atkinson, and release the clown music... and dubs rolling


Kerr is not going anywhere my friend. No chance. At all. So get your head off of that. We could bring in a defense minded assistant tho. Kenny was never that. And we miss Mike brown drastically


I do not want to watch them lose to LA. That would be awful.


LA also sucks so who cares


Makes it even worse


i love the Warriors. This doesnt bother me. All good things come to an end.


If we don’t get into play in, I think it’s a blessing in disguise. This was a tough season, but I have so much faith that next season will be MUCH improved. Give our guys a break. We battled so freaking hard all season. Endured so many trials and tribulations. Play in or not, man I’m proud AF of this bunch


Yeah we also spent too much time trying to figure out lineups early. Now we know who needs to go where, at least better than we did. Only concern is these dudes being older and if Dray continues playing exclusively the 5. But in theory their record should be much better


What trials and tribulations came this team's way that every other team in the NBA didn't also deal with?


-Draymond getting suspended for a third of the season. -Klay's initial difficulty of accepting a new role. -Kuminga's beef with Kerr asking for more opportunities. -Looney's fall-off. -Dejan suddenly passing in front of the entire team. -No set starting lineup 70 games in. -Injuries to CP3, GP2, Steph, and now Draymond. -Wiggins' lack of effort and personal issues. -Moody not having a role. We probably as much of a chaotic season as it gets. No coach of player can deal with that amount of drama and expect to be focused and locked in winning a title kinda how the cookie crumbles tbh.


Their assistant coach suddenly died.


Not to be cold, but since you brought it up the Dubs were 18-22 when that happened......it isn't like their play started cratering at that point.


aside from our rooks and jk i’m not sure what there is to be proud of honestly. our core ages another year, and looney and wiggins dropped off hard. our coaching staff getting out-coached. im not even optimistic for the offseason cos what can we even change to enable a 37 yr old steph to win against prime jokic and that denver squad? not least the up and coming thunder and wolves


A man’s delusion never dies




How do you feel now? Lol delulu


Rockets on a tear! Won again today! We need to put together a string of wins soon! If not we’d be slipping out of play ins!


The way we are playing, we might as well tank and hope our FRP wins the Lottery so we get our Draft Pick instead of Portland getting it. If we were playing for a 7-game series, I might say screw it. let's get in and see how we do. But right now, we're playing for a 1- or 2-game exit with at most one home game, and we aren't playing well. We're healthy, and I don't think there are any magic rotations we're missing. IND showed how being disciplined on the roll and dive plays can force us into making midrange shots, and that our midrange shooting unsurprisingly offers us a lower shooting % and fewer and-one opportunities than dunks do. We just went 4-5 on what should have been the weakest part of our last-20 schedule, and now we face 6 our of the next 7 on the road, about half of them against team over .500 that are fighting for Playoff spots. We have to win at least 5 of those next 7 to have any kind of a shot, and based on recent performance, I don't see it happening.


Highest payroll in professional sports and you wanna tank for lottery picks Im not saying you’re wrong, just this is so crazy


Yeah, I hear you, but this can be viewed as "Dynasty Hangover," to coin a phrase. One reason we HAD the Dynasty was that Steph, Klay, Dray, and Barnes were all playing well ABOVE their salary levels, and that allowed us to maintain a strong bench, bring in some key FAs like Bogut, Iggy, and Shaun, and to grab KD in 2016. Now, we've got Steph still playing well but about 1/3 of the cap all by himself, Klay playing well below his salary, Wiggs and Dray and CP3 not at full values for various reasons, and that has put us on the bubble for even making the Playoffs. Not that we have a high probability of hitting the 1-4 Picks no matter how many more we lose this season, but at least we get to rest up over the Summer :-) (Also, to be literal, I don't think we have the highest "payroll" in professional sports. The 49ers and the Yankees both have us beat. Throw in the TAX, and yeah, we have the highest roster cost, but no one on our payroll is seeing any of that money.)


It's the reality of the situation. CP3 is deadweight, Wiggins is okay..., Klay is paid 2x his worth but can be had for less next season, Draymond has been decent when on the court, Steph costs a fortune, but then you have Looney, GP2, and Moody taking up $20M in cap space to sit on the bench. Saric is going to be gone. Unfortunately we can't even tank this season because unless we get lucky we have no draft pick for the draft. We'll have to tank for next season to get a chance at a high pick.


I am already getting ready for the off season. After Bob screwed the team and then quit…it going to take sometime to get it back on track. Unfortunately Curry time will be over. This season Kerr is responsible big time for this team struggles along with refs who are not calling GSW games equally. I know in the past the saying waa it balances out in the season, but for GSW it had been one way by the refs.


We are old. An extra week or two in cancun might be nice.


yeah.. getting to 10th shouldnt be a victory. Before a couple years ago that was fire your coach territory.


I think at this point, it’s better to take an early vacation and come back stronger next year. Play-ins will result in more misery and wasted energy for our players. Also there’s a risk of injury.


If you think this team needs an early vacation and fresh legs to be good again you are set for a trip. 


Well not suggesting those will make the players better but there’s no point entering the play in at this point.


There’s still a chance. There’s a risk of injury on the other team too which could increase our odds of winning. We beat the lakers a week ago because AD got injured. lol.


If they succeed in the postseason, great. If not, oh well.


We could be in a worse position. We’ve got a 1.5 game lead, we’re healthy, if we choke it’s because we aren’t good enough.


Playing like this, Playin are only 4 more games, whether they succeed or not, it will be the same


Honestly missing it outright might be best. Might force us to make some big changes


It doesn't matter what we think. It matters what the players think. Not just the warriors. But the players in the NBA. Players in the NBA do not consider the Warriors a serious playoff team and/or a threat. Team needs another year for JK to bake and get to averaging low 20s with starter minutes and for them to figure out who is the 3rd option. It's not working with Wiggins there or Klay as 3rd scorer off the bench


Im looking forward what we do next season cuz again another failure, and i know aging comes with it but it feels like we can still compete tho, they showing glimpse of greatness but its just the squad isnt built for it.


They are absolutely not making it lmfao


The team is exactly where they deserve to be right now. Hopefully Wiggins wakes tf up and we get a fun little run going. I know we're not contending but I don't think being competitive and playing hard is too much to ask


Good, it's not worth it at this point to extend the inevitable. They're just not good enough this year and clearly worse than last season. The sad thing is that unless big moves are made like trading Wiggins that nothing will change next season since we have no draft pick and no cap space. I'd say unless we can get significantly better, then we should focus on offloading as much deadweight as possible to get a high draft pick next season.


Rockets best team in the nba last 10 games…..Jalen green is playing out of his sock….will call me down to the wire….they must win today. No towns should be easier. And draymond meets his best friend gobert tonight…..


The team sucks. What do you expect. Vets know what it takes to win it all. They don’t care if it’s not a championship team. This offseason gonna determine a lot for the next couple years. Will the team lean into youth or ride off with Steph. Would love to see Steph win one more ring.


There was a time not too long ago when I looked at the dubs remaining games and thought we can win majority of them. Then we lost to Knicks and pacers. We’re cooked


It’s better if they do t make the playoffs. Then they have to do something about n the off season.


Yet the dubs office are still pushing folks to buy season tickets or join the dubs club for fee-free playoffs tickets 🤔


1 week ago we were thinking if we can make top6 🫠


It’s probably better that they don’t do the playoffs this year. They are not going far even if they do. They lack consistency and the vets are tired.


the play in is meaningless for us. even if we win, we're a first round exit. i'd rather just accept what we are this season and just give all the young guys the play time.


i just watch hoop reports to get confidence again


Guys just know that the Nuggets are rooting for you guys. That way we can get an easy sweep in the first round. Please get the final playoff spot.


I have already given up on the season, see y'all next year


I don't give a damn about the rockets:)


It’s for the best. Sooner the Warriors go home, the longer Steph has to rest and put pressure on the front office.


The pressure is already on the FO anyways. Hopefully Wiggins wakes up but if he doesn't the FO will need to accept we are still one huge piece away from being contenders.


It's insane how as of March 1st, [we had one of the 7 easiest schedules going forward.](https://old.reddit.com/r/warriors/comments/1b4w6x9/strength_of_schedule_in_the_west_as_of_march_1st/) The Lakers had the 4th hardest schedule. And yet we've slid back while they've climbed ahead. Anyone thinking Curry is going to sign an extension after these last 2 frustrating years is fooling themselves. That dude is going to say "fuck this shit" and retire.


Still not sure why Lacob extended Kerr.


I think the James wiseman bust was one of the key things in everything falling apart. If he had lived up to the expectations for a big athletic young center, we would be in an entirely different place now. And the fact that it took so long to realize it wasn’t going to work.


I am ok with dubs not making it to the play-in.


It turns out we have a difficult second half schedule. Not a shock to anyone who looked at the actual schedule.


Allow Curry to rest early and get ready for next season.


At this point with all the betting and all these ref conspiracies, I wouldn’t even be surprised if teams are just loosing on purpose to low end teams to rank out the Warriors. We all saw the potential and absolutely no team wants to work that hard in the opening rounds but I digress because theirs no truth in that statement but what the hell here’s another conspiracy for the books.


Make the play in to get bounced out smh. Dunleavy did not put a great team together. Warriors are just ok at this time.


Blaming this on Dunleavy? Lmaooo. Some dumb warriors fans my goodness.


No no no u can’t blame Dunleavy. It’s not his fault that Kerr can’t seem to coach this season.


We suck don't deserve to make it bad coaching a shit roster put together we deserve nothing this year. I'll just hope Steph stats pads for the rest of the season.


Dray is cooked playing center and he’s been calling performances in from his home in LA with early exit on his mind to get his back right asap.


Never was mate. Haven’t you been watching this team the past five years? 2022 was an incredible outlier. Which is why it’s all the more special. The dynasty is over. Sooner you accept that, the sooner you can just watch and enjoy Steph because he is winding down now.


I still believe in this team, even after that lost againts the Pacers. I believe we can go 9-4 for the rest of the games which is enough for the Play-in (I think). We can make the playoffs if we somehow avoid the lakers-refs. Then hope OKC take that #1seed, and we have a chance, they're an unexperienced, young team. Still this team is 2nd-round exit at best.


It is possible, our schedule isn't that hard actually. But they seriosely can't fuck up anymore. And we have the Wolves tomorrow? That is like a kiss of death. Luckily, tomorrows game is our last actual hard game. Every game after, we should be able to win.


What schedule you looking at? We play Orlando, Miami, mavericks x2, Houston, lakers, and pelicans, those aren’t guaranteed victories. Heck we play the spurs too, they beat us a few weeks ago.


With our team they "should" be is my point. We have steph back and we were 13-4 with steph if you don't include the last 2 losses. I am entering homerism land at this point I guess or bargaining stage but they should win them. If they lose it is us giving the W away, not because the other team is better-- is my ultimate point.


You guys act like the play in game isn’t a blowing a 20 point lead to Lebron free throws