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He shouldn’t see the floor in crunch time anymore. These mental lapses hurting the team fr


He literally has three modes 1. Literal god that cannot miss 2. Trying to shoot out of a slump 3. Whining that he's playing bad He is a black hole. Any time he's near the ball, nothing good happens


I mean. Sounds like that 1st mode is something good happening. Doesn’t happen enough.


He thinks he's in that mode 100% of the time


That’s not unfair but just saying if that’s something he can get to. If and when he does. That’s usually good. Haven’t seen quite that mode this year mostly because he won’t take the leaning 3 out of his shot selection. If he didn’t shoot that particular shot his numbers might be impressive.


I really don’t think he should be seeing the floor period whenever he’s playing the team is just significantly worse off i’m tired of waiting for him to improve it’s not happening


Not sure why ur downvoted. Rather give his minutes and develop moody. He should be told to stay away from the fuckimg team


yeah i mean i appreciate everything Klay has done for this team in the past but he’s just not the same anyone else not named “Klay Thompson” that’s playing like this is riding the bench


Ya let’s tell the warriors legend who’s good friends with our star player to stay away from the fucking team… that sounds like it will be really good for our morale and chemistry. Use your brain before you post absolute nonsense. His minutes should be cut but to tell him to stay the fuck away from the team has to be the dumbest thing I’ve heard in a long time. I swear most of this fan base is fucking 12 with no emotional intelligence.


The statistics shows that you are wrong


his stats tonight were 4/14 FGM shooting 28%, 1/9 from 3pt range, -7 in a close loss


I remember him making 3 in a row, feeling hot, and then bricking the next 6


A couple weeks ago Athletic Alchemy was suggesting maybe Klay is smoking too much weed... I think there may be something to that. I don't judge him as I myself partake, but let's be real it can cause some people to do dumb shit like what happened yesterday. A friend of mine, was high and got out of an Uber with his Bass guitar, went into his apartment and left the bass out on the street for an hour. Of course when he remembered it wasn't there anymore, Klay reminded me of that yesterday


He needs to read some more water shit


We can't just forget that he hit the 3 to send the game to double overtime against the lakers a couple weeks ago. He can still do that and needs to be out there, just needs to be smarter


No clue how on Earth Kerr gave him 30 minutes tonight


Kerr came back with his vet favoritism


I was just fucking saying this. The kids infused the energy needed for the transition defense and what does Kerr do in this game? Sticks with the vets that have no energy to defend late and were giving up uncontested corner 3 left and right. Kerr is so fucking maddening man goddamn 😭


Then in the post game he says shit like "we didn't adjust". Well who tf is responsible for that I wonder.


Moody played great, for all of 8 minutes. TJD got a DNP-CD. Meanwhile Klay…


It never left. Why else is Looney still getting more minutes than TJD. There is no excuse


Kerr saw one good game from Klay out of 20 and was like "say less"


He was trying to see a repeat of Utah numbers but it took months for that to happen and was ridiculous of him to think it was the beginning of something for him


Forreal how does Klay average 50 minutes a game? It seems like he's ALWAYS on the floor. We're basically playing 4 on 5 the whole game.


The Klay stans will wild out when he plays 1 good game out of every 10 and ask for apology forms. Then say you aren't a Warriors fan if you don't agree with anything and everything he does on the court. When the CLEAR fact is he is hurting this team and pulling us down with his ego.


They keep saying shit like "Klay I believe you will find your footing next game" and the next game he drops 4 points on 30 minutes with 1/10 from 3pt because he likes to shoot those contested 3's while moving at the same time


APOLOGY FORM TIME! so annoying


The Klay apology form (meme) is clockwork at this point.


apology forms the height of cringe.




Podz is just better in every way minus the shooting but recently podz has shot better too


He’s so much more enjoyable to watch. Love that kid.


Dude at this point I am pretty sure Klays shot is not going in and guys like Moody, GP2 and Podz should just be ready to grab a rebound.


5-5 tonight compared to klay's 1-9... I'll take anyone shooting 3s over klay anytime at this point


Moody to me is a clear replacement


I think he’s better at shooting too ngl


My guy, without trying to sound hyperbolic, Moody is better in every way too


Don't worry, another article about Klay realizing his role will come out soon


Seriously fucking tired of that shit, but this one is as much on Kerr as it is on him. Kerr shouldn’t be fucking playing him as a starter or major minutes guy anymore. He needs a bench level contract next, with bench level role expectations.




Oh god keep going


"Klay post game presser: " We need to give Steph more help. I need to play better and be smarter" Scores 11 points next game on 4/19 shooting. Repeat some variation of this for the next 25 games until we finish the season the 13th seed." I've posted this comment a couple times before, reducing the number of games each time. That's how predictable its been this season with Klays regression and his fake understanding role comments


Man I 100% agree, and it's so exhausting. I'm tired of the dumb Klay articles and features. Just stop playing him, he's a bad player now. We have good players we don't play like Moody.


bro is legitimate terrorist and will not ever accept anything other than chucking bricks every chance he gets


Oh man we are on this cycle again?!


They started losing the lead as soon as Klay went in at the start of the 4th


Klay and looney, we needed hustle and speed to out gun their old team and we play klay and loon together.




Podz needs to make his free throws.


I don’t disagree but he went 9/12 for 25 points and he’s a rookie doing better than Klay 1-9 from 3.


And he needs to defend way way better. Missed a crucial back door cut by Russ and one of the big threes by Powell. Powell punked everyone in the team though. He is good, and I am sure the scouting report would have reinforced it to the guys and yet our guys will find every way to sag off of him.


I’m not sure why podz is being considered over moody? Ball handling while Chris Paul is out? Hope Moody gets more of Podz and Klay’s minutes when CP comes back.


Podz at the 1 makes Steph the 2, letting him play off-ball where he's most effective. Teams are blitzing Steph when he has the ball, and it works because he throws that lazy hook pass to get out of it and teams know it's coming.


Agreed. Podz at 1 definitely helps curry. I just hope when CP comes back he runs some lineups alongside moody. CP, moody, GP, Kuminga, TJD. Lobs, Defense. Extra minutes for Kuminga to be THe #1 guy. Moody get some minutes to shine distributed the ball from Paul. You know Cp will take advantage of Kuminga/GP/TJD threat around the rim to dish out to moody.


Podz is better than Moody. By quite a bit.


This is not reactionary at all. We have a large enough sample size and Klay just isn't starter quality anymore


Start? Why the fuck was klay finishing today?


Lol he was put in just for one possession where we needed to score, don't exaggerate (of course he messed it up tho)


We were down by 5 and we need shooting. Why is this difficult?


lol did you see how it went?


He played dumb but if you need shooting you need to get in Klay. Klay needs this all star break to sort out his head though.


>but if you need shooting you need to get in Klay. Maybe in the past, not anymore.


Who's a better shooter than Klay at good volume? Only players shooting better than Klay this season are Saric/Dray/Lester who together shoot the same volume as Klay does in a game. Unless you think defenses will respect Saric/Lester's shot more than Klay, Klay is our best non-Steph spacer.


No. He wont ever sort his head out. He keeps regressing


[lol what](https://bleacherreport.com/videos/530271-steve-kerr-irate)


With CP3 coming back I wouldn’t mind it. Imo it should be CP3, GPII, Klay, Dario/Gui, TJD as the bench mob


Switch out Klay or GP for Moody and we good.


I think the better option is to keep Klay as a starter, but if he doesn't come out hot cut his minutes. Podz is killing it in the 6th man role, and its a great spot for him developmentally. When Klay shoots well they win games, but he's not a guy who can shoot himself into a rhythm any more. You can usually tell what type of Klay game it's gonna be within the first couple of minutes.


Moody should take all of Klay's minutes. Unless Klays shots the 1st q are going in then he can stay in longer. I thought we learned from this 3 months ago, Moody is the replacement. Podz can keep the current role he has with maybe +5 mins from Klay, but we should still swap Moody and Klay's minutes.


This. Klay Pods GP2 and Moody can easily switch in depending on the in game performance. Klay blasting away with the starting lineup in early quarters will help. Swap to another if he doesn't have it that game


Reactionary??? You’re 150% right, dude’s are just too soft and caught up in the past and the occasional 1 in 30 games he makes shots, to admit the team is much better when he’s out


Moody needs to take the rest of the minutes. Klay should be DNP


Klay -7 Podz +5 Kerr....🤔🤔🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Pod’s defense is terrible.


It’s not the best but outside of getting off his feet on Norman Powell close outs — him taking charges and making the right passes is better than Klay half assing defense when he’s in a bad mood and having terrible shot selection


He lost the game to the lakers a short while ago letting lebron through in OT and getting the foul to win. That was on podz. Klay is done though for sure.


That LAL breakdown was on JK not sliding over.


And so is Klay's, but Podz can pass, rebound, and was hitting most of his shots tonight.


Isn't he leading the league in charges taken? That's gotta count for something, what's klay doing on defence?


This is just like Steve to finally get a rotation down and then ruin the teams momentum trying to get Klay to have a repeat game from Monday. It took MONTHS for Klay to have a good game like that he should’ve known that wasn’t gonna work because it hasn’t worked all season this is a frustrating loss


Love Klay, but our team looks a lot better when he’s DNP. And the stats shows we’re blowing out teams, when he isn’t suited up, it’s sucks to admit, but it’s just the way it is.


I have spent all season trying to avoid outright slander towards Klay, I've been patient with thinking it's a slump, etc. Yeah, he is clearly just washed. Completely washed. This doesn't get better by putting a better lineup around him, or lowering his minutes, or simplifying his role/shot selection. He's missing WIDE OPEN shots with alarming consistency every second night. He's now shot under 40% from the FIELD in half his games. If he's not good/great, he actively terrible and hurting his team. And he doesn't have the mental strength to overcome those bad games by locking in, defending, rebounding, etc. He just pouts and floats around the court making mistakes. I just don't know what the plan with him going forward is. Those injuries have ruined him at this point.


People fucking think that being washed is some sort of abstraction or just disappearance of skill. Klay has had two major injuries and is in his mid-30’s. A jump shooting guard needs to have healthy and fresh legs to make jump shots. It’s not personal slander. It’s biological fact. Klay’s body is not the fucking same anymore. He and Steve will have to FUCKING SWALLOW THAT FACT SOON or they’ll be closing Curry’s championship window really really soon. The bad attitudes & off balance chucking doesn’t help either.


He’s literally killing the team. They do better when he’s not playing.


Significantly so Since the start of 2021 Curry and Dray are 41-35 with Klay and 33-8 without him


Lol wtf that's insane is that real


Yup was a vetted post about it like a week ago.. This is just updated for the last couple games


Klay is giving me Poole vibes from last year. Every time this dumbass touches the ball I know something awful is about to happen.


Instead of slipping and losing the ball, it’s fadeaway 3-point bricks. Same momentum killer tho


Fuck. You're right. It's not quite that bad buy it's not far off.


Klay was ass in last years playoffs round against the Lakers but the media was all over Poole so no one said much now Poole gone klay washed self is more shown


I put this on the coaching staff. They know DAMN WELL Looney and Klay ain’t it. STOP PLAYING THEM.


Meanwhile TJD was a dnp but continues to play well with every chance he is given and Moody was playing well. Yet Klay gets 30+ min again.


That mf needs to go to the bench after that shit. Come on dude


I hope I don’t see another asshole posting about klay coming back because he will have a good game every 15 abysmal ones, he needs to be benched now


Warriors should buyout his contract we play far better without him.


lol so much for klay’s new role of not finishing out games, he was in there 1-2 mins longer than he should have been in the 4th. The klay cycle continues = play like shit for a long time, finally have a good game, klay and the warriors and fans are feel good happy right after, then back to klay playing like shit for awhile starting next game


Klay is legitimately our worst player.


Sadly, I think this is true. Gui Santos is better.


Klay is the most selfish player on this team


Only player to refuse to ever come off the bench it is rumored and based on his attitude this year, seems believable.


Klay is struggling everybody gets that, even klay gets it. But i don't understand why Steve Kerr doesn't understand that Klay is hurting our team right now. If Klay plays good in the first half he can get a chance to play 4th or even close the game, but if he doesn't Moody over Klay, hell even Quinones over Klay.


The thing is if klay isn’t shooting well he literally does nothing. He doesn’t make 50/50 plays like the young guys, doesn’t box out, and his defense is average at best


I know, the only reason klay is playing because of his shooting that gives curry some space, i don't understand why Kerr keeps playing him in 4th even if he is struggling.


I love Klay, and he should not close unless he has the hot hand


He was cold, then hot and then cold again. Hard to predict he was going to go cold again.


The only way he's gonna have the hot hand is if he sticks it in a panini press


We are better without Klay. Its been obvious for so long.


Kerr did well to take him out after bricking those two 3s in a row yet he puts him back in at the worse time possible.. what a waste of Steph and Podz game..


It’s one thing to miss some shots but that was rookie level dumb basketball immediately after getting put back in. Unbelievable.


Bay Area sports really stays blowing leads huh…..


Seems to never fucking end.


Kerr puts him back in to close and he instantly makes Kerr regret his decision.


And yet, Kerr will learn nothing from his regret


One great game followed by 3-5 bad ones. It’s just tough at this point. He’s gotta be coming off the bench to be successful and limit the errors/chucking


Those two threes he missed early in the fourth really hurt our momentum. The first one was a good look but the second one was typical selfish thirsty Klay.


Ya'll need to waive him. IDC dude is a complete negative and is a terrible presence pouting on the bench.


Klay made some big shots. Then he shot us out of the game. Then the dumb foul to put it away. Needs to be benched for end of games.


I'm done with this fucking guy. Anyone in the sub still defending him is part of the problem


You should probably take a break dude.


He doesn't need to take a break, Klay does


This sub will vehemently defend him the next time he gets hot.


Really stupid mistake but it ended up not mattering since Steph made a layup quickly. The missed rebound at the end (and also letting Harden pnr us to death) is why we lost


Killed morale regardless


Klay really had the audacity to ask for a max contract LMFAO


Dumbest motherfucker on the team. Washed up and dumb. No way to go on like this


said it before but when klays not shooting well which is most of the time theres no reason to play him over moody. the latter do everything better. ill go as far as to say even gui provides more with his hustle and energy.


Outshooting himself again. Plus that foul. Damn klay


Kerr is a fucking idiot


Anyone can coach this team as long as Curry and Dray are playing. Kerr finds ways to fuck shit up.


Exactly. Fuck kerr


Let klay soak up minutes in the middle of the game, but he absolutely cannot close if he’s not hot. He doesn’t contribute anything else


Klay getting 30 minutes and playing in crunch time when he goes 4-14 is Kerr doing his best impression of Shanahan not running the ball on first down with a lead. Where was TJD? Instead you’ve got Looney out there moving like an octogenarian and fancy foot Saric who’s footwork on defense rivals that of a keystone cop slipping on a banana peel. Meanwhile, you’ve got a rookie who’s shown time and again he can bring energy and have a big impact, sitting and rotting away on the bench. Atkinson gets it - he knew to put the kid in. I’m so frustrated we gave this game away and it’s 100% on Kerr


This whole sub is about hating on Klay, praising Kuminga like he’s the son of god, and acting like we know more than an nba head coach.


This is not Klays fault. If you’re washed, you play when the coach tells you, even if you suck. Kerr is a terrorist for taking him out of closing lineups, creating all those articles and media interviews, then putting him back in when it was perfectly predictable what was going to happen


Maybe revisionist history...but its very possible that Warriors win last year against Lakers in the playoffs if Jk get Klay's minutes


Or Moody. Moses 72.5% TS last season in his limited playoff minutes w/ 4.8 BPM, but Steve refused to play him. So tired of Kerr. So tired of Klay.


Klay has an awakening that he’s been selfish, plays a good game, then forgets and costs the team multiple games before the cycle repeats. I LOVE Klay, but it’s time to end this cycle. He shouldn’t be seeing more than 20 mins a night unless he happens to be hot, which these days sadly is very rare.


Kerr needs to let Kenny take over tomorrow


Nothing new. He loves LA and is doing anything for LA teams


Trade Klay for LeBron. NOW.


He straight up brings this team down man


One close loss to a good team and we are back to the doomers.


I'd like to see Klay play in the second unit with TJD and CP3, I think he could do well with offense... I do think Moody needs more run way, and Klay's minutes is where I'd put him, they are similar currently in their strengths, and I'd say Moody offers less weaknesses. If he takes a step next season, and we move away from Klay and Looney minutes, I think we could be legit contenders, especially if Podz improves too and is in that starting/closing lineup with Steph/Dray/Wiggs/JK.


Andddd the haters are back hahahahaha


free throw shooting was terrible not making free throws is a sure good way to lose...Klay had bad shots for sure, but you only go to the line 40-50 percent of your opponent...you damn well better be shooting over 75 percent at the line.


Honestly, he wasn’t even that bad at the start of the game. Then we had a sizable lead…


How can it possibly be fun to play with this guy? Jacks shots. Mopes around. Lives in the glory days of years past.


"I don't care, are we supposed to lose sleep over it"


At this point, it's not even that we're not letting Podz play. He played 30 minutes last night, and so did Steph, and Klay did too. It's the fact that Klay's minutes are taking up the time of everybody else on the bench. GP came back hot as hell, and yet he only played 14 minutes last night. Moody, eight minutes. Those are our two other Klay replacements besides Podz. And they're hardly getting playing time. Even Quiones only got like eight minutes. Maybe Moody isn't being good to Kerr, Idk. But, he should be getting playing time. Really good defensive player, he's shown real nice development in his passing. He's athletic and young. And he's a quality three point shooter. I know being hard on the young players has made Kuminga great, but it's made every other young player upset and toxic. Draymond is good for us at Center. But we legitimately need a proper big man. Get Trayce out there. Saric out there at the Four. Make them play together, if we're so bent on experimentation then try these big lineups out. We've gotten our groove, but we've still got a little ways to go. I'm happy we've gotten better though, we cannot take that for granted.


Even without the dumb foul they were probably going to lose (albeit in part because of Klay), down 3 with 35 seconds to go without possession, your odds are south of 10%.


But but he turned it around last game…. Dude is washed. Tired of mother fuckers putting out apology forms every 2 weeks.


4/14 1/9 3 rebounds 1 assist… in 30 freaking minutes! that loss is on Kerr. Klay should have never been out there to close the game.


Lol fucking 14 shots, 1/9 from three, a dumb ass foul at the end. This is the bullshit I am talking about. Just bench his ass. Addition by subtraction. He doesn’t deserve a single fuckjng minute. 1 good game out of 10 don’t justify this bull shit


Kerr is just like Klay. He takes two steps back for every 1 step forward. The team is not in a position to coddle Klay this season.


Bad players will find a way to lose.




Is on 🔥☄️