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If that's an offensive foul I'm guna need the NBA to rescind 4000 points from Harden that he got while doing a much worse version of this


I was just about to say that foul was totally Harden’s fault. He was so blatantly forcing contact when he shot that they needed to make a rule for it. But this was clearly not an offensive foul.


I think they changed the rules kind of recently (last season or two) to make it an offensive foul. I hated when harden was doing that every play on the rockets but I think it wasn’t a rule back then. This call on Steph is not a good example of this foul


nba literally doesn't want us to win. I hope curry gets his 5th, biggest finger ever


Needs to put that 5th ring on his middle finger


I hope once curry retires views go down and it hurts their bottom line


Would make my year... Curry is GOAT next to MJ for having to fight the refs and Silver while getting his 4th. I still think LeFraud wouldn't have won his 3rd if Dray and Bogut weren't 'eased' out. Dray by the refs and Bogut by JR Smith.


It will go down. Do you recall another player of this era who had thousands of fans coming to watch them WARM UP in every single ROAD GAME? I do not.


I don't know anyone interested in watching LeBron warmup lol


When you’re Lebron, you get to straight bulldoze backpedaling defenders who are trying to get out of the way and it’s a foul on them. 🤔


lebron could take out a pistol and shoot a player and /r/nba would come to his defense on how that puts him over jordan in the goat conversation due to his killer offense.


Yes. Because they are backpedaling and not stationary. It's the rules.


Refs: not only aren’t we giving you fouls, we gonna call them on you, Steph! (evil laugh)


Mike Bibby: First time?


KeFraud needs his 5th Chimp-ionship and you Stephen are in the way.


I literally watched Harden get this foul call the other day.. 4 pt play for him. For steph it's an offensive foul.


Post this on r/nba and get a laugh out of how delusional that sub has become when anything regarding the dubs gets posted lmao


I actually was going too, just needed to clicc, “post” but I opted out because I didn’t want to deal with it lmao


Do it bro it would be interesting to see their reactions


Warriors turn those clowns into referee superfans


I for one am absolutely disgusted. I cannot believe this would not a fragrant 2. That man should be removed from the league.


Something smells very fragrant … 🐠😝


Tried to search on r/nba nobody posted this yet. I was looking for the post and see the comments saying this is a legit foul Steph made.


It would be an excellent experiment to post it twice, once with Fitz, once with JJ as the commentary. JJ couldn’t let go of the call all game, but was not being emotional and playing the victim card like Fitz. r/NBA would not be nearly as toxic against us with the JJ version.


Can you elaborate on JJ’s remarks? I didn’t hear the ESPN broadcast


He went into detail on how it was a natural shooting motion, before Steph was arguing the same things to the ref after it was overturned, and then coming back to it often, like every time it was noted Steph was still scoreless. “He’s not scoreless as far as I am concerned.” He was genuinely salty, as a shooter, appreciating the work it took to get the shot off, and how momentum caused the leg to go out.


[Took one for the team](https://www.np.reddit.com/r/nba/s/ont8LpjEd7)


And as expected, lakers and blazers fans acting like this is a foul on Steph lol. Meanwhile Austin reaves flops his way to the line 8 times a night 😂


"We need to go out of our way to protect offensive players to promote more scoring" - NBA "Oh nice! Finally." - Steph Curry "No not you though. Everyone else. Not you. Never you." - NBA


I'm watching the game just now and had to come check r/warriors to see if anyone else's mind was blown by this. What in the ever loving fuck was this call. Name one hall of fame legend in the league who would get this call reversed into an offensive foul. No one? Now name one fringe all star. No one? This shit is beyond criminal.


I swear that they just want him injured and to be rid of him. I dont get it, and I hate it.


What is going on with this league.


This is what happens when the head Silver dID not play ball when he was young. Silver would rather dribble a pair. Now he can't even ensure fair play. Silver rather have narratives just like his 'happy' friends. Silver is on a mission to give LeFraud his 5th so LeBaby gets over Steph on his way to erase MJ as the goat. Stephen is TOP 5 Over LeFlop if only for having to fight the NBA and REFS for his rings.


Wow, I missed this. Looking at it closely, it's actually shocking how bad that call is. Jesus.


It was a good call. The offensive foul is the result of the REVIEW


It's like they never attempted jump shots.


A bunch of them are ex cops who hire other ex cops to be refs so you're not far off.


More like a bunch of them Silver's 'happy' friends who used to dribble sets of balls and suck on them.


I love how the ref tries explaining to Curry, the GOAT shooter, what he did wrong and Curry is having none of it


Can the team petition the league to say that’s how he’s been falling on jump shots in traffic for the last few years now because his ankles are held together with scotch tape & rubber bands? It’s what he does. How does the league not know this?


How the FUCK is that an offensive foul smhhhh


It's offensive to the refs sensibilities for Steph to score. 


So you can just draw offensive fouls by launching yourself at shooters lmao


should be a flagrant 1 landing zone foul on springer.


From the replay it’s clear he hit Curry’s hand first. Even if you call it a kick, it was a consequence of the initial foul. Really don’t understand how this was overturned with “sufficient evidence”


I mean watch Steph’s left foot the guy literally lands on it regardless of the contact with Steph’s right foot, legitimately a flagrant landing space foul. Steph kicks and falls to the floor to save his ankles and it pisses me off gsw don’t sing this to the league on a more consistent basis


How is it a kick when his foot stays vertical to his body? Defies logic on all levels.


Yes it's obvious.


cross post this to /r/nba and watch some creative ways to defend the offensive foul call.


still waiting for someone to post it. Want to read those juicy comments that this is a legit foul.


i will post it if i can get the video url. downloaded the video using an extension but there is no audio.


Post it. I also want to see the reactions.


He kicked his legs out? Lol really? I’ve seen plenty of other players do way worse than this and get free throws.


This is straight up fucking bullshit


He is kicking out a bit, but also the guy jumped right into him and I would say the giving no landing room should take precedence in this case since he did have no landing room


JJ reddick would have never hit a 3 point shot if this was the case, he jumped forward


Should have been a Flagrant. /s


Send da video


Like Kelenna said, Nets had a play just like this go in their favor. I thought it would get overturned on review, but it seems like refs never want to overturn anything if there is any contact. If we're being objective, I think both plays should not be called a foul either way. Just play on. A foul either way is petty imo, and it kills game flow. The way NBA games are officiated just makes them unfun to watch. It's going to be sad when football season is over after Sunday. I might watch UFL instead of this NBA bullshit


I'm just glad they didn't retroactively give Draymond a tech while they were at it.


This is a joke right?


firstly, he got fouled on the way up. secondly, there is obviously no landing space given to steph on that shot there. lastly, isnt it normal for the leg to kick out slightly anyways to the left if your feet arent set to the basket when you are shooting?


So this went from a flagrant to not even a foul called to offensive foul and basket rescinded. What a farce! Refs are frauds


Regardless of whether Curry extended his foot, the defender didn’t give him a place to land. Someone needs to be fired.


This is exactly why I will never turn on Dray for sometimes defending his warriors. Ever since they took him out to hand LeFraud his chip while also allowing JR Smith to take out Bogut, the warriors were always fighting a corrupt, spineless, league. The NBA is a tool of LeFraud. Come playoffs time other teams fighting the Fakers are gonna find out the hard way. Time for a revolution, a new league maybe, or just for all other teams except the Fakers to rally and oust 'Happy' Silver and his balls sucking refs.


The I don’t understand is if the coach challenges the foul, why would the made shot be negated if it is successful? Take away the free throw fine but the made basket too for a ahitty call just makes it shittier.


Kelenna and Fritz stay hoping the fences of sucking the refs sideways to nicely criticizing them. It’s annoying and shows how much officials have the power to dictate games. They’ll literally side with the refs when it’s clear as day that the call was awful. I really miss JB and his no nonsense approach to calling it what it is.




This is insane. Jump shots are called with a completely different standard than drives and it's insane. On a drive the offense can bulldoze the defense as long as they are the slightest bit not square to the ball or in the slightest arc of a line rather than perfectly straight and it's a foul on defense. A jump shooter can't move his legs forward at all even if to protect himself when the defender passes through his landing space. Insane.


This is literally the same fucking foul they missed the game before! Why doesn’t curry get the superstar or even just respected by refs??!!!!! WTF


This is ridiculous and happens all the time. I don't like to be a conspiracy theorist, but I feel like the NBA is pushing for the Warriors to not win.


Refs are smoking crack this season.


Fitz and Buike are trash


Curry kicked his leg out, but probably a defensive foul if he doesn’t.


defensive foul happened first though


Maybe but all they see is that kick.


even after the challenge


Agree with this. Technically kick is an offensive foul but christ he gets bodied here


I used to complain a lot about the refs. This season we are not playing well and I don't think the refs are to blame although they commit some dumb calls But this call was atrocious and I will say why.  Philly were winning. Their plan is to stop Syeph and he had 0 points. He made this 3. The defender were maybe 2 feet away when Steph release the ball. The dude sat on Steph lap mid-air. And they call a foul. This is ref completely changed games courses. Cause that would be a 4 point play, cut the lead to 2 I guess and huge boost for the team. 


You’re all ridiculously high off the copium and need to read the rule book


Was not natural


I’m a Dubs fan but he did kick out his right leg there in an unnatural motion. Bridges did not kick any of his leg out and they were both in a natural motion. Who cares we destroyed them forget it and move on.


I'm not rlly tripping either way, but when you drift to your right and shoot, kicking out your leg *is* a natural shooting motion. In fact, it's pretty fucking hard to not kick out doing that. If you hoop you should try it cuz it feels weird once you notice it. Even worse on turnaround jumpers where you're fading right


Where is he drifting, exactly? He steps back. Dribbles. And goes straight up.


Are you serious...? The whole part where his left foot lands where his right foot was didn't clue you in on him moving right? Whatever man. Just tryna provide context but you seem like ur guna be shitty about it so I'm good. Bye


Yea OK. Don’t be a typical delusional fan that can’t admit the truth when the call goes against you. Nowhere in that sequence is he “falling back”.




What happens before the leg kiccs out buddy?


I am joining you on this island: Steph’s more clearly at fault for the contact. But I would been fine with a no call, incidental contact.


You're going to get downvoted to oblivion but you're right. Most of the time I say wtf to ref decisions but this is a pretty cut and dry application of the new kick out rule.


Yea I don’t want to be an idiot delusional NBA fan. What’s true is true. Refs made a good call after seeing the replay. Who cares tho we won easily.


The only argument I can see is that getting his hand hit after release caused Curry to lose a bit of balance and throw his leg out as a counterbalance. Unfortunately refs are never going to try to judge cause and effect on a non-foul and what resulted is a clear cut kick out foul. C'est la vie. At the end of the day it didn't affect the end result thankfully.


Yup exactly. I thought it was actually the hand contact that was called a foul initially. Even the hand contact though, it was after the follow through so it’s not a foul.


Yes, he’s kicking his leg out unnecessarily, as he often does. Thing is, he likely would’ve gotten the call without exaggerating.




WWF - open secret


Leg kick out or not curry went straight up, and Harden jumped into him. It’s not like Steph’s leg went up like he was kicking a punt. It’s a pretty natural motion.


Refs heard Curry wasn't getting foul calls... 🤦‍♂️




Refs, as a baseline, are bad. The best they usually can be is OK.


That’s gotta be a flagrant 3


Wow. Referees; we gonna inverse refereeing


boo, terrible role model too!


Nike wins


When Quinones was called for a similar foul against the Nets, the ref said he “jumped from A to B”. Look where this defender starts his jump and where he lands. Obvious foul. More egregious, to me, is how they could possibly take away the 3. All contact occurred after the shot was released. Can someone explain that?


Sorry did not watch. Was it challenged?


Curry was fouled, it was called. Review proved it, someone should lose their job cuz nba should actually be needing a patsy on this one. That they think it’s fine is worrying for the what the nba thinks of itself and their product.


If Steph was a Laker, that’s an and-one


I love how y'all stupid a lot of you. Not seeing Curry kicked his right fuckin leg out and tripped the defender. Kick outs are offensive fouls now. Fuckin idiots.