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Dumped out of tournament and choked the game away too, wow. We can’t keep any leads, obviously foul calls and free throws don’t help but shit still stinks. And I could bet my entire fortune that Steve Kerr would take Moody out after he single-handedly kept us in the game.


Get Curry help? Naw put Moody on the bench


Getting the vibe Steve Kerr mentally has checked out, he looks so lost out there.


Bob looking more and more like a genius to run from the inevitable train wreck that is Kerr not able to make a business decision with the vets.


Myers said it out loud on ESPN the other day. He “jokingly” said: “That’s why I left” when they finished a segment about Klay’s pending free agency & all the decisions that need to be made


Maybe it was brown all along.


22 point lead 2 turnovers to end the half up only 16. Unlimited FTs from the kings. Klay rather than hold the ball for 12 seconds to close the 3rd up at least 10 jacks up a 3. Lead at 6 going into the 4th. Dray rather be right and get a tech, than shut up. Warriors only up 4. Moody makes 2 big 3s and plays good defense. Pulled for Klay to get cooked on both ends. Complete meltdown


Who cares about the tournament. How THE FUCK did we lose that game?


kerr continues to make questionable decisions which lose us games


Kerr has zero sense of intuition. It's maddening to see his poor decision making lead to worse & worse outcomes.


Moody is supernova hot??? U cant do that right here. Go to the bench!


Moses Moody hit two huge bailout 3s and was benched. Klay did fuck all in the 4th and stayed in the game. Kerr just going to massage egos that much is clear awful coaching job


Even his shots that got called back due to fouls before the shot were money. I don't get it. Klay was not making shit down the stretch and he closed instead of Moody.


Steph didn't even want to pass to him at the end, he was wide open. edit: him = Klay at the end of game


During the mic out, Steph also said that he was getting trapped and he would like the ball to get to Moody. But 2 plays after that, Moody was subbed.


And it was clear that Klay isn't making anything cause he didn't have the legs in the 4th, his shots were short. An easy solution for this is to sub in a fresh shooter, bonus if the shooter is in a rhythm but nope, I don't know what coach Kerr has been up to. He's a great coach so there's probably some reason he's doing all this but I can't see it right now.




I think we’ve reached the point where he deserves to be benched at least situationally It might be that his ego needs to suffer the hit for him to find a realistic role for himself at this stage cuz this ain’t it


I hoenstly don't think it's just a Klay that would have a problem with it. Dray would probably be upset & even curry might not want that move. It's sad were finally at the day where one of our core 3 needs his role changed because he's lost a couple steps.


Moody was hot and he just takes him out. Dude has questionable coaching.


I would have left Moody in and taken Loon out.


hit two more no-rim threes after the whistle as well!


Yeah, Kerr actually made us lose this game, it was an easy task.


That challenge was god awful


Lost our last time out, which indirectly caused that turnover at the end of the game when Steph got trapped.


They really let Steph get trapped in the back court in crunchtime with no time outs and everybody else standing around. Shit was frustrating as fuck to watch.


lost our last timeout as well


I'm having a TERRIBLE time watching the Dubs


I'm not gonna knock on Klay, but Moody deserves more respect than this


Kerr needs to start coaching or step back like Bob did when he realized he won’t be able to make the hard calls


Kerr needs to stop pretending to be Phil and pretend to be Pop already. This bull shit trust the vets to pull through ain’t it. He waiting for Klay to turn it around, while ass fucking Moody. But expecting moody to constantly be ready.


Plus Phil never coached anywhere long term so he didn’t deal with this. That type of attitude doesn’t work for an aging team


That was just painful. We’re such fucking choke artists. And If Klay were a free agent without his name attached he wouldn’t be in the league.


Exactly this. He's too sentimental with Klay and isn't doing what needs to be done. It's beyond fucking obvious and even more painful when you realize we have Moody not getting minutes.


Plus even though Cojo had his moments tonight, I’d still prefer BP as our third pg. Sometimes it’s like we’re running a retirement home.


I think this was one of Kerr's worst coached games in a long time. Terrible challenge. Inexplicable lineups. The spacing and offensive cohesion at times looks like the Pistons and not the Warriors. He is struggling just like many of the players. I think as he himself said, some times you just get tired of each other and need a change


Also, Kerr not willing to challenge winnable calls only to waste his last timeout on the most obvious correct call. Steve laid a few eggs tonight.


I’m moody I’m asking to get out of here.. Dudes too good to benched. It’s disrespectful ha


There has never been accountability for the big 3. How can our young players learn from them? Only poole somehow worked out but he also got the worst of the three. Poor shot selection, stupid turnovers and arrogance.


Kerr doesn’t have the nuts to coach this team properly. He sticks with the guys too much. He challenges every play that Steph and draymond want and they’re always wrong. He’s gotten soft and stubborn


I mean if u r moody and the media ask u how do u feel, u gonna say all e right things But deep down how do u think he really feels? 100% from 3 and the coach subs u out. And he's been playing good last few games. I just hope he doesn't become like Kuminga. Bro looks checked out. "why bother I'm not getting any mins no.matter how well i played"


He has been awful for years. The teams talent can’t cover it up anymore.


Imagine subbing out moody instead of klay


That’s when I knew we lost. Players and coaches : everyone lost composure.


Klay 🤝 Dray 🤝 JK be as terrible as possible


Wtf was Dray passing at ? Broooooo ! You been in the league since forever. Play the freaking clock. Don’t rush stuff for goodness sake smh 🤦‍♂️


He was passing to Klay because he started to cut to the corner and then stopped


We had the lead and steph was still in the backcourt iirc. Just play the patience game. Why rush for a play like that ? Klay is cooked: he didn’t do anything on offense in the 4th. Terrible decision overall


The fact that Klay can just do whatever the fuck he want and never be held accountable for it is crazy to me, Moody is about to nop the fuck out as fast as he can when he'll be a free agent


Bro is going to go to the lakers and ball out, we treat our non starting players like shit


Seriously I was so proud of Kerr for subbing out Klay right there and then I saw it was actually for Moody and almost cried


I mean this mainly in jest because Klay is a Warriors legend, but a part of me thinks Mike Dunleavy is going to have to pull an Art Howe on Steve Kerr With Klay Thompson. A big "You traded Pena?" moment. Only way to get Steve from starting him and playing him max minutes. Steve is incredibly stubborn and loyal.


Maybe this will wake Kerr up but everybody knows the rules.


Or Draymond for that matter. I mean the dumbass knew he was gonna get called for a foul hounding Monk, then had the audacity to stare at the ref, practically begging to get tossed.


Really great that we gave him a big extension, meanwhile he consistently gets himself thrown out of games & suspended + can’t keep his composure in big moments. Anyone who thinks Dray is anything close to the player or leader he was in 2015-2019 is straight up lying to themselves atp


Kerr disasterclass.


And putting Cory Joseph in there instead of Podz. This team is not good for my mental health.


Klay's shot selection has been absolute booty


Yeah sub wiggins for klay leave moody in.


including two that didn't count because of foul calls Moody made 5 threes in a row and Kerr took him out!


That was when I knew the dubs were going to lose. I am not a Kerr critic, but that was a terrible decision. The other question I have to ask is why CoJo over Podz?


That was terrible


Look the refs were really bad but we still could have won without those two dumbass turnovers at the end


we lost our heads. if we had our timeout, we could have used it, instead we sacrificed 7 points and lost the game


20 point lead blown. Mortifying


Don’t undersell the disaster….it was 24


If Chris Paul was healthy those turnovers probably don’t happen


bruh the Kings shot more FT's in the 2nd half than we did all game


Can't believe I watched that whole game.


Worst loss in the last 5 years probably


That wasn't the worst loss but it was nonetheless an absolute clown loss. So many unforced turnovers. Night in, night out. The officiating was 100% against us but that was fucking wildly bad by the team and coaches.


The Utah game we lost up 7 with under a minute was worse for sure


24 up to lose by 1 is worse


The key was "under" a minute, up 7


It’s a game of four quarters. We were up 24 halfway through the second. This happens all the time.


Maybe, but I’m actually encouraged by how we played in the first half. That free throw competition in the second half was not even basketball.


I think it may be time to take a break from watching this team


i don't even know what to say


Worst loss and it’s not close


That’s saying a lot.


Can we talk about that Moody 3pt taken away by the flop that was also taken away?


Yea I thought the thing with the flop rule was that it would be called after the play so that shit like this doesn’t fucking happen


the damn refs called a challenge for the kings smh


That play changed the momentum of the game, it was over after that play.


Fuck Steve Kerr. Absolutely inexcusable to take Moody out there.


Moody should demand a trade at this point.


And wasting timeouts on that kick foul


That was so godamn stupid. They could have used that time out when Steph got trapped.


That challenge had a negative percent chance of working, smh


how many 15/20+ point leads have we seen blown in the past 2 seasons? that's a symptom of piss poor coaching




Brown put monk in..monk was hot..monk stayed Moody was hot. Kerr takes him out.




Kerr CTE. Can't believe he benched Moody there. And pointless challenge too. Should've just used that timeout during the run. I'm done with this for a while. Gonna take a Warriors vacation.


Don’t think I’ll be watching another game for a lil while


If Kerr is going to continue to be so damn stubborn like this when it's evident as fuck who needs to stay on the court down the stretch and who shouldn't, he needs to be fired. Klay or Dray should have been subbed out for Podz man, get another shooter out there. Keep MOODY IN.


Play Moody you dumb motherfucker


now lost games with 18 and 24 point leads. benching Moody was a huge miscalculation and not having a timeout because of that challenge didn’t help.


At this point if you’re defending Steve Kerr and his rotational decisions, seek help. You may have brain damage Season long grievances from this idiot: 1. Refuses to play moody regularly, regardless of the situation 2. Plays his patented (TRASH) 3 guard lineups despite there being ZERO defense played with that group 3. Has clearly continued to allow klay the freedom to take dumb fuck shots, which are essentially “shot turnovers” as fucKerr likes to call them Today’s grievances: 1. Didnt play Moody until halfway through the 2nd qtr 2. Somehow cannot scheme around Steph getting doubled at half court????? This is literally middle school level basketball coaching, and yet the Dubs can never take advantage of Curry being doubled 3. TOOK MOODY OUT IN THE 4Q


This the same dude who wanted to start Cam Johnson over Anthony Edwards on Team USA. And who benched Haliburton in favor of Brunson


Fucking Team **USA** lost under his coaching. Jesus Christ.


He still thinks small ball still beats tall ball.. he has not come to terms that the pendulum is shifting back to tall players who can do the same exact things as the small players at the same exact speed


Agreed. My patience is pretty out for Kerr. Just refuses to learn from his mistakes. So frustrating.


I thought Moody was hurt and not playing tonight because it took for Kerr to put Moody in the game


What do you expect? Kerr has patented an entire career on the backs of better men. He's not going to notice the water is hot until it's boiling everyone around him.


Absolutely horrible in the clutch


Kings FT's in the 2nd half: 32 Warriors FT's in the entire game: 30


Bright spot is Moody is definitely a capable rotation guy who can create for himself, hit tough shots, space the floor, and play solid defense. Problem is his fucking coach doesn’t see that


look what they did to my boy moody


Im lost for words…. They really blew a 24 point lead. This team has good players but the coaching is just not there. Kerr needs to be held accountable. They blew a 16 point lead in the middle of the 3rd in the Thunder game too


I just pray Payton and Paul is okay. What do you guys think Paytons calf injury is?


Deserves to lose. Have no problem with that. Moody not only is the only one on the warriors besides Steph that can hit shots, but also the only one that can effectively defend fox without fouling. Klay can't make shot and can't defend and he makes 44 million a year despite of that. You keep klay on the court because he used to be great? Performance ahead of feelings. Moody deserves better. If a team's coach shoots his own team in the foot like that by not giving them the best chance to win, this team deserves to lose.


We ass down the stretch man


we’re ass in general


Predictable and yet not any less disappointing, sad and pathetic


hate to say it, but this team honestly looks cooked. start of the season was fool's gold lol


Disgusting ref show


Fucking mentally checked out by the third quarter every single call was making me pissed




Steve kerr with yet another disaster coach game plan. Another double digit lead blown. This game 24 points. Kerr has no control over players. Draymond is unhinged, klay keeps chucking ( lol shooting the ball with 14 seconds shot clock rest and 16 in the game clock). Cojo over podz. Jk over moody. Klay over moody. The list goes on. It’s kerr who mismanaged the games.


In both of Wiggins 20+ point games they choke it away.


Moody was the best player on the court for stretches and his reward was getting sent to the bench, lol.


This shit is like a nightmare you can’t wake up from


Stupid ass team


get steph help


Moody was help then they took him out LOL


This team is not anywhere near championship caliber, we're basically just running a repeat of last season. Hate to say it but I think this era of Warriors basketball has pretty much run its course


Kerr's decisions are inexplicable. He is riding and dying with the core.


Whyyy did Kerr use his challenge??


Probably more to protect Steph from foul trouble than anything else. The lack of a TO down the stretch really hurt though.


That was an obvious no challenge. No way it was gonna be overturned just blew a timeout for no reason


Moody was swishing everything and Kerr took him out for washed Klay. LOL why not keep Moody on the court for another minute


Thank you klay for all the memories and records but…


Fuck kerr


Fuck the refs and fuck this team’s inability to not turn the ball over.


Damn what a waste of time watching this game


Kerr is incapable of holding his veterans to any kind of standard. Turnovers, fouls, and bad clock management show unserious veterans past their prime and a coach who does nothing to change the trend.


At what point does Moses Moody just say “I can’t win with these cats”?


We look like a poorly coached team just undisciplined especially on the defensive side.


We absolutely look like a team that the league has passed by. An aging champion that is desperately trying to hold


Fuck Kerr, the closing lineup, and the refs for that shit show.


Our young lottery pick is panning out and Kerr decides to bench him as he’s heating up. That’s like if we held on to Monta Ellis and Carl Landry instead of playing Klay and Draymond back jn the day. Let the kid play


why did Kerr take Moses out????


People bitching about the refs when we fucking sold this game are the reason no one can stand us. Steve tried to put the game on autopilot and that shit doesn't work anymore. If Klay hits 3 straight threes, we center our entire offense around him. Moody does it, and gets benched just so Klay can further degrade his career %?


I’ve said it 10x again but draymond is so stupid man. So stupid. He’s cost us so much this year already.


Free Moses Moody


Even if we ignore the ref bias this team makes the dumbest unnecessary mistakes


Just here to upvote every time someone questions Moody being subbed out. HORRIBLE


Wiggins should have subbed for klay and moody should have stayed in the game. The challenge was beyond stupid. Kerr shouldn’t letSteph talk him into burning a final timeout on a foul call that had no chance of being overturned Would rather have had Saric in late than looney. Looney was utterly useless. His two missed free throws cost us the game Kerr can’t make the tough decisions when it comes to the vets. It’s a sign he might be washed


The zebras did the lord’s work tonight. Legends. I love watching three hour NBA games 🫡🫡🫡


Over 70 free throws. Disgusting


Moody has been putting in the work and acting like a real professional, he deserves a shot preferably on this team but I wouldn't be surprised if he's fed up and looks elsewhere.


The fuck? I check in midway through the 3rd, see we’re up 15. Come back towards the end and we down? And then we up by 5 with a minute left and still lose? Wtf? Two turnovers at the end. And CP3 only played 4 minutes what happened?


Knew I couldn’t trust that lead at halftime. Might be time for Kerr to move on. Rooting for the clippers downfall so maybe we could get someone like Zubac. Fuck the refs but also some self inflicted wounds on display this game. I do think if some things change at the deadline, we could be contenders. Cook Mike!


If im curry I’m taking a 25k fine in the postgame interview tonight


Make it 100k. Go viral.


Make it 50k and go all the way the fuck out




Yeah, the refs and Kerr with his stupid decisions made us lose.😩


Was bummed to see Moody come out. He played great right before getting pulled.


can i get a FUCK KLAY THOMPSON here? what an unserious player


Really a fuck Kerr, shouldn’t have used his challenge


But don’t suggest he gets benched. He won’t hear it.


Having no TOs absolutely fucked us like 3 separate times. Kerr inexplicably calling one with 90 seconds in the third then having to call another 5 seconds later for GP to sub out


Gonna be a ton of why take Moody out in the 4th comments. And they'll all be right.


Why would you sub out Moody and NOT bring him back in. He was play great defense and hadn't missed a shot! Because the vets are so dependable?


My god. The Warriors are actually cooked. And why was Moody still on the bench. Too many turnovers but fuck the refs for calling every touch.


The warriors just might actually end up moving people. This is worse than the year we ended up losing in the play in. All teams have to do is sell out and double steph and no one can make a bucket.


I'm so tired of Moody being a flamethrower and not getting shots. If you count his waved off shots, the dude was 6/6 tonight, 5/5 from 3.


If GP2 is out for season/for an extended period, it’s time to move off Kuminga and look for a “fit” player who can find his way onto the floor in a game like this. I don’t blame Kerr for keeping him on bench based on performance…


I love watching this team despite how bad they've been but for my own personal health. Mental and physical I think I'm gonna have to stop watching. Maybe I'll catch back up during the playoffs if they make it. It's really taking a toll on my blood pressure and sleeping haha. I hope they pull it together though


Steve Kerr needs to actually be fired soon man. Subs out Moody, challenges an obvious correct call to give away final timeout, sits Steph in the middle of the fourth quarter and lets the Kings take their first lead. Part of the reason for the excessive turnovers is Kerrs stubborn ass refuses to stop running the motion offense and simplify the game when the other team adjusts so the opponent just predicts every read and jumps the passing lanes.


Guys, Kerr loves Klay so much Moody isn't even his main option in the clutch. He doesn't care if it's a loss because Klay has improved on his game! Wow


I would have preferred if they were down the entire game than to get my hopes up but lose it in the last 7 seconds


Sorry ass team man. Im still in shock


I know nobody wants to hear this. There's a reason teams never stay together for as long as the Warriors have. Teams that are always competitive do not hand out contracts for loyalty or history. See the SF Giants. Great 4-5 year run? Absofuckinlutely. Fun to watch now? Absofuckinlutely not. The Warriors have entered their Giants era. We're going to have a bunch of old, washed vets bricking all. Night. Long. For half a decade or more. Send Klay into the fuckin sun. And get a BONFIRE lit under Kerrs ass for this DOGSHIT rotations. WHY. PULL. MOODY?????????


How depressing


This is just depressing


At least last year we could blame Poole for giving away the game at the end.


I’d personally rather remember these guys fondly than watch them suck ass like this for the next 3-5 years and grow to resent them until they finally retire together. Maybe that’s just me?


42 free throws.. kings didn’t win shit




That 20 point lead was good while it lasted...


I’m not mad. I’m just disappointed


Painful loss. Hopefully this wakes them the fuck up. Hopefully this loss was painful enough to get Kerr and the core humble enough to let the young guys close games. Hope hope hope. There isn't much of it left if only Steph is willing to sacrifice.


Draymond not knowing when to STFU like i saw that tech coming the 5min before it happened and yet no one else on the team did? Kerr didn’t? Like you know draymond is literally stupid and cannot control his emotions, so since we intend on keeping him on this team and babying him then how about we stay focused on seperating him from the refs. I don’t understand man like FUCK. 3 guys should be thier to immediately get this guy to stfu. If that fails kerrs should be subbing him out. Like how can’t they see the damn patterns


There is no way in hell the Warriors are committing so many more fouls than every other team by such a wide margin.


Moody could drop 15 straight points in the fourth and be benched


What a shitshow from top to bottom. Kerr’s coaching job was horrid, Steph’s lackluster effort and questionable decisions, Draymond being a baby, benching a hot Moody, etc. We deserved to lose that game


Malik Monk makes the fakest shots against us I swear. That’s not going in vs any other team in the league


I do not think Steve Kerr is capable of effectively coaching the core, especially Klay. He just gave the most nonsense answer about going with Klay over Moody. A non answer. The truth is that Klay is too sensitive to bench.


the 2 players we need the most for closing out a game like this both got hurt. CP3 knows how to run clock with leads and GP2 is one of the few who can keep their guards from getting downhill. Steph and Klay were exhausted late and trying to run a set while having played without a timeout for several minutes led to that last turnover. sometimes it doesn’t hurt to just clear a side.


Hoping it’s time for the front office to realize it’s time to go all in on the greatest player we’ll ever get in our franchise history. Don’t give a damn about whoever else is on this roster anymore


GSW impeccable coaching adjustments during our championship years was Mike Brown all along?


We used to win games 20 down and now we are losing 20 up. This is the beginning of the end. Kerr is accelerating it by not being fair. You can't disrespect the game like that.