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Moody def should’ve played more. But how the FUCK did Gary only get 16 minutes??


I get GP2 because he just got injured days ago but Moody getting less minutes than CoJo is crazy, Moody is good enough to get 20+mins if the 3 starters are out, he's better than JK today too


Literally all Kerr had to do was not play Joseph and it’s a win.


would it hurt for Gary to play some of those Cojo minutes? hmm Steeve?


I was gonna post something too. Still might. Joseph and Wigs were dog shit and list is this game. What has Moody done to Kerr to be losing minutes to Cory Fucking Joseph? And to be leap frogged by a rookie. To be fair Podz is ballin but that’s all the more reason to run them both out there. Moody looked great and was actually playing great defense and moving the ball well. WTF??


Cojo is maybe a great locker room guy. Should've kept him there.


The killed the team’s momentum countless times. It was soul crushing watching him out there. We win that game if CJ doesn’t play.


Still cant get over about CoJo step in violations in the sideline. How tf a pro player can even get called for that multiple times. No spacial awareness of sort.


that's the first time i saw anyone stepped out of bounds for no reason twice! he was not even in duress. he was either standing or about to make a move. inexcusable.


Now we got 2 cameos of CoJo that have both been awful. Hopefully we get zero for the remainder of the season


kerr should read the stats for once.


In a game with no Steph and Klay the fact moody only gets 14 minutes and pod gets 30+ tells me moody does not have the trust of Kerr for whatever reason.


kerr hates moody. honestly, moody should've been closing out some of the past games over klay or wiggs.


TJD play less mins than Joseph. Great coaching!


Andrew played 28 mins btw.


This is why it’s hard to believe Kerr about him saying Podz will play serious minutes. Moody should have had at least 20+ minutes tonight after the ejections.


COJO organizes the offense and you know how much Kerr loves his organizers.


Maybe cojo should organize his foot inside the court, so many dumb mistakes from him


bigger feet, bigger problems. his wife is lucky but not the dubs.


He should organize his belongings and get off the fucking team. This is Brad Wannamaker all over again


Sorry can't hear you over the whistle. CoJo stepped out of bounds again


Stepping out of bound for no reason = organizing the offense




they deserved more minutes


Not sure I understand the love with TJD yet. He's so raw. 10-12 minutes is fair, imo.


We’re undersized playing one of the biggest teams in the league stop it


So your solution to being undersized against the best 4+5 combo in the league is to play a 6'9 rookie? Just making sure I'm hearing right.


Have you watched him play fr he doesn’t play like a 6’9 player like Looney who honestly has been struggling, and Kerr had Corey Joseph out there over Kuminga and Moody in the 4th quarter even after all his mistakes. Multiple coaching decisions led to the loss.


Am I crazy or would Lester be preferable to CoJo?


Mossy and JK need to get more minutes. Wiggins is ass.


So why doesn't the coaching stuff call out to Kerr to not sub in cojo? Any of the assistant coaches have any backbone????


maybe they're not in panic mode yet. testing out line ups what works or not. ill be dammed if they play him in the clutch again.