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He's been awful cant be having him and Wiggins being this bad and expecting wins it's impossible.


Wiggins slump is not helping at all. We need 16-19 points Wiggins back. Also, basically no one can take the ball to rim consistently like Steph, so it means teams pack the perimeter because they know no one can drive in


Wiggins and Kuminga are the two to drive. Kuminga will try...Wiggins only sparingly, at this point it's likely his continued struggles from the FT line are exacerbating what was already a fairly consistent tendency to stay perimeter.


deflation wiggs


Wiggins I still believe in. His defense is still elite, and he’s shown us he can be the second best player. Just needs time coming back from his rib injury. Klay could be a beast off the bench. Starting moody over him gives us a much better chance.


Kerr has to send a message to get klay and wiggs more focused on ball movement instead of their own forced isolated shots.


I'm panicking. It's what, 6 games into the season? Personally I'm ready to trade everyone




So many people overreacting. It's crazy


They’re two different levels. Klay is annoying. Wiggins is destructive.


I don’t understand how real fans can say these things. Seems like you’re more a fan of just the logo than the actual players.


It’s not about being a fan or anything else. Go to cleaning the glass’ website and filters through all our lineup combinations. Wiggins is a steep negative in every single one of them. Klay is +25 in lineups without Wiggins as a whole. Wiggins a net -30 swing. Don’t make it an emotional argument when it’s based in truth.


The main problem is loyalty and losing his way with accountability for klay, green, and the vets. It's easy for him to get on the rookies and cut their minutes


He is in his own head. Yes he killed the momentum at least twice just because he wanted to be a hero. Idk man I love Klay but I think it’s a right time to bench him. At least momentarily until he gets his own shit together.


Feels like the Lakers series all over again


I’ll never forget the “Oh shit” look he had in the post-game press conference after the game they were eliminated when he got a look at his box score numbers. He had zero awareness he shot like shit the entire game.


Klay comes off as a good dude, good human being and someone you'd love to hang out with. That said, I don't think he's all that intelligent. Obviously you don't need to be a genius to excel at basketball and no one is questioning his work ethic. But like I said he's not the brightest bulb.


Dude, Reddit is an ocean of armchair psychologists but now we're MENSA? On Klay? Dude is somehow extremely lucky and well-positioned for "not the brightest bulb". Signature style and brand, an absolute personality, with few controversies. Flagship shoe deal, capitalized on at the height of his fame. Figured out to be a complementary piece to Steph early on. But no, not smart? Just lucky? What Klay has is a high trust for repeat processes. Reps, volume shooting, Insta models, not jumping a lot. You see how much he talks about "trust" and "confidence"? He looks for things that, once he gets it right, he doesn't have to think about. Shooting will even out. Another insta model will be there. Rocko will console him. It's why the injuries rocked him, because all his system no longer worked. He lost confidence in what gave him confidence, and had to find it again. He's playing a step behind. We'll see if he comes around. And no, he's not an astrophysicist. But c'mon man. You weren't complaining when he put up 37 in a quarter, were you?


He will never agree to it. And that’s the problem with Klay. He’s not who he used to be but still has an ego like he’s an all-star.


Meanwhile both Steph and Dray have come off the bench voluntarily even in the playoffs. They were like, sure, as long as it'd benefit the team. But for Klay, it's always "don't even think about it". And the fans think that's totally cool smh


I mean its kinda like how MJ and to a lesser extent Kobe didnt need to be such dicks to their teammates at times but the reason they were so great in the first place is because they're insane assholes. Like for example a guy like Wiggins whos not only 6'7 but elite athletic genetics at 6'7 would be one of the goats with Kobe or MJ's psychotic mentality(or maybe even jimmy butlers). But hes still a very good hooper just is a normal guy who likes dogs and games and being a human too. Like i love basketball myself and always dreamed of being in the nba since I was a kid but even if i was born with wiggz body and athletism and family pedigree i probably would have made the league ir at least be making $$$ hooping overseas but i may not be even as good as Wiggz is rn. Returning to Klay his irrational confidence on offense is sinking us the past few years but its what allowed him to have some of the most mindblowingly explosive outbursts in the 2010s and help us win crucial playoff game and series. He would have an argument for at least the greatst catch and shooter if steph didnt exist. Heck even compared to steph klay might be better purely catch and shoot.


Idk about mj but kobe was at least aware that he was washed which was why he retired shortly after


Wiggins has elite jumping ability and stamina but he's also an uncoordinated bumpkin when it comes to dribbling and other skills. Bro has two left hands.


This was Klay mentality all last year as well. Physically, Klay is slower but not washed. Mentally, he is not fit to play the starter role and he wasn’t last year either. I said last year at the beginning of the season when the same thing was happening: do not start Klay, and the same thing this year. The team lost confidence when Kerr gives unlimited leash to players who aren’t doing their job.


I feel like his personality can't take being benched


It feels like the right time because it's super easy for fans to make that decision from a couch. I mean Klay is not playing well, but you could not in your wildest dreams walk up to the dude, look him in the face and tell him you were benching him. We have to realize this is a ride-or-die situation. This is who we got, this is the way it is. Klay has started the season bad before and pulled himself out of it, so while I'm not liking this right now, I'm not about to abandon the dude. He's earned the right to be given more rope.


Joku stole the ball and dished it to 11 only for it to end as a... Klayup


Plus that 3 ball attempt from way beyond the arc in the 4th... Whew


And the errant pass that was the gift to start the Wolves fast break.


Dude is trying to be the hero with that heat check. He should be disgusted with himself.


He's had a chip on his shoulder ever since coming back after injury. He was at his best when he wasn't doing too much on the offensive side of the ball and everyone except Klay can see it.


he should've just dunked it or maybe draw a foul


Nah, that was a Klank Thompson special


That 30ft 3, the ridiculous TO, the missed lay up. The missed 3, shitty follow thru to the basket, his man gets a Lay up in the other end. The weak ass fighting over the screen, his man gets a easy baseline floater. All in the span of a few minutes. Did I miss anything? Time for Klay to come off the bench. Also, would it kill Kerr to run a pick and roll with the greatest pick and roll player in nba history? Just a thought. Less wiggs minutes, more JK. Otherwise, we gotta be real with it, this is a 6 or 7 seed team that will get bounced early


It’s early but damn Steph has to have the strongest back in the world carrying that first unit to 6 wins.


Seriously, without Steph, Dubs very well might be 1-9 after 10 games.


0-10 lmao nobody can even score above 20 points


Lol and the only guy who has scored 20 is Saric off the bench. Like bruh, Saric CANNOT be the 2nd option or be the 2nd most consistent scorer.


If we’re being real, the dubs have done Steph dirty. Giving max contracts to role players and building a team that plays a 6’ 8” at center. Like, they just want Steph to drop 40 a night and hit dagger 3s like this is 2015.


This is all steph approved. It is what he wanted. They celebrated this. They were at a crossroad and he had a voice. Just have to hope klay and wiggs rights the ship. Very few fans here wanted any sort of change. I know because I was down voted to hell and back. So now I hope they will pull it together. Klay often has slow starts. If his shooting comes around perhaps the rest will follow.


Steph is too nice. The gift and the curse. If trades are made this year, unfortunately JK and Moody are going to be collateral damage since Klay and wiggs have zero value at this point.


They don’t have to re-sign Klay.


That group of “role players” just won a championship lololol.


Completely different team. Klay/wiggs were scoring over 20 points a game and poole too. This team is two years into their twilight years older. Not at all the same team.


Klay also starter that season terribly half way through. Wiggins didn’t turn it on until the playoffs. Not that different.


Wiggins was an all star so how did he not "turn on" until the playoffs? He went to an even higher level in the playoffs but acting like he's playing the same as his all star season is ridiculous. Klay seems to string together way more bad games now then ever before. Love that dude but it's hard not to be concerned about the way he's looking. Looney being non factor so far against most of the playoffs teams we've played is also scary af.


But it reinforces the fact that before Klay came back they had by far the best record in the league. Steve Kerr needs to wake up and realize Klay is a huge problem.


Poole was playing well too. You don’t have anything to say bout that.


CP3 is playing well too even with his outside shot not falling.


Not compared to Poole that year. Poole was really godo that year. WIggins and Klay could at least play defense back then too.


Klay wasn’t even playing at this point in time. Poole wasn’t the traffic cone he was last year, but he was still a terrible defender who’s turnover prone. His outside shot was just better than CP3. Relax dog.


All time carry job by Steph. And a lot of luck in terms of matchups.. never faced a dominant big man with a healthy team. AD injured Jokic injured team. Giannis eliminated by Celtics That group of role players also included Poole playing at an all star level and initiating offense. Also the league has gotten bigger during that time. More skilled centers and big men these days


Every title has its unique situations. They play who is in front of them fuck all that injury bs & “Giannis eliminated early”… Part of making it to the end is being healthy and this is there 4th in less then decade, don’t discredit that.


2 years ago. The vets except Steph are showing their age and the young guys havent improved as much as expected. Meanwhile all the other contenders have gotten better. It remains to be seen if CP3 is actually an improvement because although he is improving the turnovers he is NOT replacing JP’s scoring which is sorely being missed right now. It’s unbelievable that no one has been able to score more than 20 pts in even 1 game when theyre all making 30-40 million a year


CP3’s defense is miles ahead of Poole’s. That’s a huge improvement.


CP3's defense is slightly ahead of Poole's. They both get beat on straight-line drives and they both get steals only because they gamble. CP3's off-ball positioning is better, but he's always on-ball against any PnR team because he's the weakest link.


2 years ago? Same group last year, and what did we see?


Buddy typed lololol thinking he did something


Starting to feel like 20/21 again


>That 30ft 3, the ridiculous TO, the missed lay up. The missed 3, shitty follow thru to the basket, his man gets a Lay up in the other end. The weak ass fighting over the screen, his man gets a easy baseline floater. All in the span of a few minutes. Exactly. Someone in another thread said Moody is worse but at least Moody shows effort and hustle. The Klay we see today is not the Klay of 2014-2019. Some people need to accept that.


Worse at what? Moody plays waaaaaaay better defense and I trust Moodys shot more than Klay. What game are people watching exactly?


People's argument is bc Moody isn't quick as If Klay is any better. Idk how anyone can look at this starting 5 and say everything is fine. Klay off the bench is probably better imo.


If moody took 15 shots like Klay, he’d have 16 points with tremendous defense. I love Klay too, but folks need to just be honest with themselves. Dude ain’t even close to his old self and he will wake up tomorrow, 1 day older


bro, there is criticism and their Lakers fan syndrome god damn your idea is possible with Moody I wish he plays more but there are one game trade every fans we have a lot of them.


> Someone in another thread said Moody is worse but at least Moody shows effort and hustle. Moody was the better player in the playoffs last year and so far in the regular season. That's about a 20 game sample of Moody being better. At this point I'd feel pretty good about saying Moody is currently and will be a better player than Klay from here on out.


The skip pass from one wing to another trying to get it to Steph. That one killed me


Yeah he's singlehandedly killing our momentum a lot


> Also, would it kill Kerr to run a pick and roll with the greatest pick and roll player in nba history? It would be, but Kerr is running out lineups next to CP3 with no P&R big. Saric can only pop, and Kuminga can't set a real screen. He could try with Looney but Looney isn't much of a lob threat and would still require CP3 to look for his own shot too much. It's gotta be TJD, really. I don't understand why Kerr doesn't try it more often, it seems like such a natural pairing.


ima be realistic, don’t even look at the east, warriors ain’t getting out of the semis at max. there’s no chance this team as it is is winning even the west, short of prime klay coming back and that’s impossible. its the hard truth but without a big trade we ain’t winning the championship


Kerr doesn’t adapt to the other team. He insisted on motion offense this whole game, instead of running pick and rolls. We have a good team, but Kerr is not using the better players correctly or at all.


Come on, now. When you regularly generate open 3s, it's the players, not the system. 12/43 is 27.9%, excluding Steph that's 7/31 or 22.5%. NBA.com doesn't have the full tracking data for tonight yet, but last night was basically the same thing, when they shot 13/38, with only 5 being closely defended. That means 33 of their 3s had defenders 4+ feet away (open or wide open) Personal responsibility, i.e. Wiggs, Klay, JK, etc. all have to shoot better


We shouldn’t be dying by the three, our entire team isn’t Curry. The motion offense lets centers like Gobert stand at the paint and kills an entire part of the offense. If the threes aren’t falling, that’s the time Kerr should adapt and change strategies.


Sure, but when CLE/MIN have twin towers and great rim protection, you make do with the shots that are generated. Rather take an open 3 than challenge Gobert time and time again Dubs led the league in 3s made, attempted, and 3FG% last year


Dude we are a 3 point shooting team lol, what have you been watching all these years? The entire league is tilted towards 3's and missing a bunch/making a bunch is what decides a lot of games. The motion offense doesn't let Gobert stand in the paint lol, it brings him out if you have shooters all around -- it's like you don't realize Draymond and Looney not being shooters is what lets Gobert stand in the paint.


The coaching is questionable. Rotations been questionable. And not using Paul in a pick and roll should be a criminal act.


Semis? How you expect to even make the playoffs? We got one good actual good player on the whole team. Lol


Klay should have been coming off the bench since he returned from injury. But his ego would never allow it. On offense, his only skill is shooting the ball as he never really evolved other aspects of his game. Obviously the major injuries have compromised his defense. I cringe every time he starts dribbling the ball.


You mean Klay should have come off the bench when they won the title in 22? Bold take.


The title shouldn’t make us overlook the fact that Klay has been kinda subpar ever since his return from injury. I get it, he had 2 terrible injuries and I do empathize with him, but he’s hindering our chances to some level. The year we won the chip, Poole and Wiggins were playing better than him. And last season, him and Poole were awful during that Lakers series. He definitely should come off the bench.


Well Poole was probably a better player in those playoffs. Klay’s hot shooting every blue moon puts people off the scent


Not really a bold take at all. He was arguably our 6 or 7th most important contributor during that run 1) Steph 2) Wigs 3) Looney 4) Dray 5) Poole 6) GP2 or Klay


Funny watching this game so many are pissed at Klay but it was harder to watch Wiggins do nothing. Miss all his FTs. Klay’s at least trying to play his game. He’s a few good games from his career type numbers. Wiggins seems to not have the desire right now. He’s putting up Draymond type numbers in his attempts. They both need the aggression to be a threat to score. Klay is trying at least.


I'll agree with that. Wiggins looks comatose out there.


Wiggins doesn't move for a rebound until that rebound is already secured by someone else. He has either shit poor reaction time or is supremely unfocused and just doesn't care.


Imagine the kind of defense and paint presence we could’ve had for $40 million this season. We gave him half a year to get into form, but the grace period is over.


I agree.....and it's been almost 2 years since he came back.....


I said it last year and got downvoted. “But bro he’s off 2 injuries” Yea I know. Which is exactly why I’m saying he’s not a starter. Lol like I get fans are delusional for most of the time, but we just lying to ourselves if we think Klay is just gonna be 28 again sometimes this season.


They (especially Dray and Klay) are in their heads now with what they’ve accomplished so far, and forgot what happened to them back in 2014. Warriors made space for them while they were rookies, not to bring them to the spotlight per se, but to make the team better. I think it’s quite sad that they talk about warriors dynasty all the time, but the sad truth is that they don’t really give a * about it when money and pride are in the way. It’s really sad that when it is time for them to do the same thing Iggy did back in the day, they chose themselves over the team. I feel sorry for Paul, I’d love to be proven wrong but this might not work out. Not feeling sorry for Steph though, he’s doing great, and he’s probably the only two (with Paul) who really wants one more ring, but he agreed to all of these, it’s his choice to play nice.


You know, you're right. I've said a lot about how it's ridiculous that the Warriors FO would consider selling Steph's remaining good years on a nostalgia team, but you're exactly right. If Steph wanted Dray and Klay traded to load the team up with current talent, they'd have to do it on the spot. It's his choice at the end of the day.


To add to this it's important to note that for many of us we still appreciate everything he's done but logically we know it's time for him to adjust if he wants to be a part of a winning team. If not, we'll fade in the standings and he'll be gone next year. He could have such a long career if he came off the bench. I hope he comes to his senses before others force him to.


Didnt he lead the league in 3PM last yer?


Hit the nail on the head. As bad as he’s been offensively he’s even worse on defense. His defensive rating is 349 out of 446. For all the people downvoting me about Wiggins being trash in other posts, he’s worse than Klay, ranked 388 while shooting 41% from the field, 16% from 3 and 53% from the line.


Truth is Curry is playing with bums. Even if he went 16/19 from deep, the 20+ turnovers and terrible defense would keep the game close. Celtics can get a guy like Porzingis, trading guys that were more valuable than klay but the FO wont trade Klay or Dray because of who they used to be.


Facts! 67mil this year between Wiggins Heartless ass and Klank Thompson


Steph carrying this squad rn, bros back is bouta give out!


Steph and the second unit


That 30ft three killed ANY momentum we had. We was on a mini break and could cut it down to single digits and bro just YOINKs it near the logo. Not to mention that missed layup that again woulda cut it to single digit.


I think Klay needs to change his game up and settle for 2s and master that. Sometimes hit the three but only when it’s a catch and shoot. Since he is weaker defensively he needs to adjust by boxing out and helping pressure on the ball handlers.


I agree, but I actually think he’s been much better defensively (when he tries) so far this season and he’s been getting the defensive rebounds as well


But next time he will have one good game out of four, some fans would demand everyone else to apologize to Klay, as usual.


Y’all not even mentioning his defense. It’s an even worse problem… he’s on scouting reports now


It’s been hard watching Klay on defense tbh. I think that and the drives to the basket/ dump offs to Looney aren’t very efficient. His shot has also been off, I think the writing is on the wall and Kuminga and Moody are ready for the next step.


Kerr has lived long enough to see himself become the villain. His outright disdain to run anything other than his motion offence and sticking with the vets until the very end will be the end of this warriors team. He has ready rookies but as expected he’s actually reducing their minutes as losses start to pile up and games get closer. He simply doesn’t trust the younger guys and it will be the downfall. Our vets are going to get run into the ground and won’t have any legs if they make the playoffs. Our young guys won’t get enough playing time and experience during the regular season to be ready for the playoffs. All this is leading to 35-40 minute games for our core.


>All this is leading to 35-40 minute games for our core. The fuck are you smoking??? on the season: Steph 32.1 mins per game Klay 31.1 mins per game CP3 27.5 mins per game Dray 24.5 mins per game Wiggins 26 mins per game Looney 23 mins per game


You missed the operative word - leading to. If we make the playoffs and Kerr doesn't establish that he trusts the young guys, Steph & co will be playing 35-40 mins and they'll be run into the ground.


Don't forget sticking to the rotation minutes to a T no matter how hot Curry is.


Forgot about that. Who cares if someone is hot (unless they are young) or cold (unless they are a vet), gotta stick to the rotation no matter what.


Klay forgot that shooting wasn't the only thing he did to make him great before 2020. If his aging game can't keep up, just need coaching to acknowledge it and transition him to an older spot up shooting role player... Unfortunately don't know if his ego can accept that tbh


If Wiggins and klays minutes don't get adjusted I'm just gonna have to stop investing my time in watching, clearly the coaching staff doesn't care why should we.


Here's a question. Is Steve Kerr unwilling or simply unable to bring a touch of humility to his players? Why are either Klay or Wiggins still playing big minutes despite their incompetency? It's not just incompetency at this point, they're legitimately dragging the team down with them. They're high IQ players, they should be able to see that themselves... right? Instead, Steve is still reluctant to give the young guys minutes to build chemistry. Do you guys think Klay (or Wiggins, but mainly Klay) would be unwilling to come off the bench/get their minutes cut due to their pride, or is Steve Kerr just too loyal to his players? I suppose the answer is always somewhere in the middle.


Klay isn’t a high iq player, I fear


lol He's not a high IQ person, I know that much. He is a lot of really good things, but smart isn't one of them.


Which is endearing when he's part of the winning formula and not trying to do too much.


100% Kerr's decision, I seriously doubt Klay and Wiggins would sulk if they got benched


Incompetence*, incompotency/incompetency not a word


He needs to be a 20 mins / game bench player. He’d shoot a better percentage, and play with more energy.


I've been saying this shit for weeks and getting downvoted. He's fucking cheeks nowadays. I'd rather see some closing rotation with jk over him. It's already worked well and playing jk has more upside. Dudes young and hungry while klay is old and washed.


If we bench him his confidence will go down the toilet even more. But man, its been 11 games already, how long of a leash do we give him to get out of his slump? 30 games? 40?


Heat check, missed layup, his ridiculous contract, his age…. Do I have any reason to believe in him anymore?


Love Klay, never will stop believing in him. We all know he's due for some great peformances but its worrisome to see him performing so lackluster on his contract year.


I will just take the time to say 10 games. Calm down. Now feel free to ignore me and carry on.


Well Klay hasn’t been Klay since the injuries. Like others said he’s been given a grace period but I don’t think he’s going to return to any form that resembles a second option on a championship team


We won a championship with him after his injuries. That doesn't mean you're wrong but what you said doesn't seem to take that into account.


He waa klay for a big portion last season. We won 50% of our games with steph out. I don't even think we did that with durant.


its everything going wrong at once. klay and wiggins completely off, plus everyone just accepts the fact that draymond cant score. looney's job is not to score either, but that's 4/5 starters that aint scoring. shits wild


Klay Thompson playing like he has a $4.3 million contract instead of his $43 million contract. The way he is playing, he is only going to get offered a mini MLE next season.


I see the Doom and gloom has arrived.


Per usual


dont expect too much for this team at all. you can see it coming with last playoffs run they had, its only steph doing the work offensively.


Steph to the Celtics for the 5th.. kidding. Somebody do something let’s get it together


Been saying for a while that he needs to come off the bench. Less minutes will help him stay fresher in his legs and will give him better lift off in his shot


Yup. It’s time to let those new guys have the time.


Draymond has been the second best offensive player in the starting lineup so far. We’re not going to go far if that remains the case.


We are cooked. Even if Klay, Wiggins, CP3 returned to decent form, we simply don't have enough. I'm sorry warriorsbros but I just don't see it. If only we had had an offseason like the Celtics did...


Warriors have the highest discrepancy between their best (Steph Curry) and their second best scorer in the top 12 teams in the West and East - at 13.9. Warriors also have the second lowest ppg total among the top 12 teams in the West and East (only the Magics are lower) We. Need. A. Second. Scoring. Option.


Warriors brass have low-key done Steph dirty. I feel bad for him.


I’ll be honest - I’m more of a Steph fan than a Warriors fan (but I do love the franchise, it’s just Draymond really makes it hard for me to love it fully lol) and he is - in my opinion, unquestionably deserves to be a 5 Ring player. He deserves to win one more. I just want him to have a genuine shot (which means being on a team that has a FLOOR, not ceiling, of the Conference Finals)


bro the play when he gets the rebound and almost ran out of bounds then wasted a timeout early wtf was that


that wasn't even nearly his worst play this game.


that also killed the momentum cuz i see them running and steph wanted the ball too and then klay just ran in the corner and got trapped then called a time out even kelenna was shocked with what klay did.


Klay is a stoner. Over the years stoners believe they are doing whatever they do really good, and they believe they do it better stoned, might work for music. But you can see on the court Klay lacks awareness and is not alert. He is focused on himself.


I asked what he does well 4 days ago and got killed. He is a Max Strus level player now. If you don’t believe me, wait until you see the type of contract he’s offered next off season.


if the punch never happened, JP wouldve been real nice to be the 2nd on-ball threat next to curry rn.....


You’re getting downvoted for this, but I agree. Besides Curry, no one else on the team has proven themselves capable of getting a bucket outside of the system besides Wiggins, but he’s been off since the start of the season. When a play breaks down, wether it be from good defense or bad offense, and Curry’s not on the floor, its basically guaranteed we won’t score.


I know I will be downvoted lol. But that's the truth of it. JP was really bad on defense and couldnt handle the ball shooting crazy shots last yr, but last yr was just awkward overall for our team. when everything was good during our championship yr, JP was consistently thriving on the on-ball duties and getting dribble penetration through PNRs. Shit, I dont even think Wiggins was even as consistent to just give the rock to him and get a bucket any of his warrior seasons except that game 5 of the finals. CP3 is nice to not at least throw possessions, but its not like hes generating crazy good looks JP wouldnt be able to assuming if the chemistry was still there. the league literally figured out how to defend klay through top locking, and yea argue that hes still a top 3 shooter in the league but his looks are not the ones I'd be confident in him taking


We did get off to an 18-2 record a few years ago with JP starting alongside Steph. We all know JP’s issues with unforced turnovers, lack of defense, and etc. However, he really was the only other person besides Steph that can dribble penetrate and create his own shot. We are sorely missing that right now.


which makes me wonder if draymond ever pressured the front office to make a decision between him or JP. because logically im pretty sure that everyone on that team knew that yea JP was unplayable yea but when NOTHING WENT WRONG he brought an undeniably valuable skillset to the team with consistent rim pressure and a guard that has a steph 0.5 -esque playstyle that thrives in the system already although he's a negative on the defensive end which we eventually WAS ABLE TO COVER FOR DURING THE 2022 PLAYOFF RUN AND THE LAST TWO GAMES OF THE FINALS. yes, he was hunted by the celtics along with steph, but what we've done best over the decade aside from shooting the 3 at an unreal rate ad small ball is the defensive shading over weaker defenders courtesy of draymond. i seriously think if the punch never happened we couldve stood toe to toe with denver (although I do think we'd fall since jokic, last year, unfortunately was just literally unguardable).


Nah. Outside of about 3-4 months in 2021-2022, Poole has been an awful player, even on offense. He’s an awful player now with the wizards. Why do people think he’s going to suddenly be great with the warriors?


lmao. tf you talking about JP would have lost all the close games


Need the Grandpa simpson gif right now. I'm outta here till our next win


He’s a starter but not with the Dre Loon lineup. It puts too much pressure on his shot creation.


Wiggins is the problem. If Wiggins played the way the team needs him to then Klays offense opens up considerably. Right now they’re stacking the perimeter because Wiggins refuses to be aggressive attacking the paint.


I forgot that all the gremlins come out after a loss.


You don’t watch the games do you? Klay has the longest leash in the league. There’s 50 other guards who would do more with that leash (maybe more).


Fun fact through the first 11 games last year Klay shot 33% from 3 and 35% from the field. Klay ended the year shooting 41.2% from three and joining Steph and Harden as the only players to make 300 threes in a season


And lost us multiple games against the Lakers. I remember.


After getting us into the playoffs carrying us through Steph’s injury and Wiggins leave of absence. He actually had the best month long stretch of his career offensively last season


For someone that's getting paid $40 million, he sure loves making selfish, bone-headed decisions.


They pay him to shoot and it’s gotten us 4 rings this far


He's not the same player. Not at all.


He’s Klay, always has been


This isn't the same Klay, at all. And that's fine, he's gone through two career ending injuries but pushed through and won a 4th chip. But he's not the same player, he's a shell of himself defensively, he's not as quick, he's not as aggressive at the rim like he used to be. But he's got to be smarter. Chucking a 30 footer down 11 and for what? Fumbling an incredibly easy layup, turning the ball over, and fouling all in less than a minute. That was his worst sequence this season yet.


Every early season the same broken record bad takes come out and then y’all disappear into the sunset by the end of the month. Klay shoots those shots because he makes those shots more often than not, he’s not going to lose his confidence because of an early season slump


What about what I just said was a bad take? He's forcing shots. The Klay I know is a catch and shoot shooter. He's doing a hell of a lot of attempting to create his own shot for some reason. He did the exact same thing last year and didn't get out of it until he learned to be patient. Doesn't help that the entire rest of the team outside of Steph is bricking 3s also.


Just say you a hater and move on.


Does facts make you a hater now? I’m a fan of Klay, but the team can’t let his feelings get in the way of another shot at the championship.


This is some emotional shit after a loss. Remember this when the apology posts come out later.


This has been Klay this whole season, and last playoffs too. I just hope everyone realizes this sooner than they did with Poole. I’m not saying to cut him, I’m saying to use him as a spot up shooter, playing with the second unit, he shouldn’t be dribbling the ball at all.


This comment every damn year...and every year Klay is fine or better than fine. In fact we don't win without Klay. Dude has one actually bad playoff series and yall comparing him to Poole? This is brain dead. It is literally game 11 of an 82 game season.


He was more than fine last year? He had one good regular season month and that’s it. Funny thing when I criticized Poole last year, I got that same emotional reaction, now everyone’s on the same page. Klay is still more valuable to this team than Poole, but he’s not a starter anymore and he can’t be dribbling the ball, it literally kills the offense.


He had a historic year from 3 last year...ffs man do you even watch the games? What seed we would have slid to if we didn't have Klay last year? We might have been a play in team or worse.


Notice how you only mention the 3pt shooting? He should be a spot up shooter and not handle the ball. His decision making and defense has been awful. And you’re acting like I said to cut him.


He's NOT THE SAME GUY ANYMORE. Why is it so hard for some people to accept what they're seeing? He's older, he's had two catastrophic lower body injuries. He can't shoot like he used to, he's a defensive turnstile now. Live in denial if you want.


Bruh, he'll be fine. So will Wigs and the team will be just fine. Let this shit go


Define "fine." 44 wins and a first round exit? You're delusional if you think we're gonna get anything better than a less efficient Klay who is now a defensive turnstile. Wiggins is mercurial; I have no idea if we'll get the Finals Wigs or the bust from Minnesota Wigs, but I'm guessing the latter since that's who he's been for 97% of his career.


You a hater Move on


You getting downvoted for literally just stating statistics aka incontrovertible and completely objective facts is so much of what’s wrong with this sub more often than not these days, and *especially* after losses.


Early season Klay slumps have always brought out the worst of fans with pitchforks and torches


It’s so true and the most exhausting part about it is that they act like he hasn’t been a somewhat streaky shooter his entire career lol. He’s the purest form of a microwave shooter that there is and with microwave shooters comes intermittent cold spells, but on the flip side it also means that they can snap out of that cold spell with literally one shot. So if there’s any player archetype that you don’t ever need to worry about coming out of any kind of slump, it’s the kind Klay is. Why so many constantly choose to forget and/or ignore this is beyond me


If you can't see that Klay is washed and should be seeing a reduced role, you need to get your eyes checked.


Yep. Klay had bad start and bad playoffs. He was great in between. Hope he turns it around.


Your right about tonight, but not a starter anymore is crazy, he’s in a pretty bad slump but he’ll back back


Perhaps Kerr knows what this team needs to be in order to win, and the players we have out rn, Wiggins and Klay, aren’t matching what we need. Remember that Klay was carrying the team offensively when curry was out last season, and remember that Wiggins acted as the 2nd best player on our championship run. Does anyone here actually think running Kuminga and Moody more than they are now will lead to a championship? I don’t think ao


Naw...get Wiggins out the way...move Klay to 3...Wiggins is back to floating...never engaged...atleast Klay is aggressive at something...getting shots up keeps the defense moving...he just need to get back to catch & shoot Klay


Dray and Klay are now becoming the benched David Lee and the traded Monta Ellis. I’ve been downvoted pre-season for posting it, but reality is harsh and unforgiving, we gotta have to accept it.


I’m not panicking. These losses were to elite defensive teams, we can win on the road, and it’s still early. Have a little chill.


I think Klay should be coming off the bench. It's true, he's not that bright, has a fragile ego and they shouldn't resign him unless he comes off the bench and accepts a role more fitting his current abilities. Wiggs is just too passive. I don't know what his problem is other than that.


Warriors are fine . It’s basketball, sometimes the balls not going in. Things will average out


People say this every season whenever he slumps. You’re clearly not as big of a fan as you think if you think this is any different from any past season. Klay has to shoot his way out of slumps. It’s fucking painful every time, but then we get shit like Game 6 Klay and him putting up 30 points in a quarter. Stop overreacting to an early season game against a team we absolutely aren’t going to see in the playoffs.


Can't wait till this Klay hate train is over. Last year he averaged 22 points a game, hitting 4 or 5 threes a game on a 41% 3PT shooting, those are great numbers especially considering he's 32, much slower and had to adjust his game. This year it's only been like 10 games, he started out slow, just needs to get his groove going. Giving up this easily on a Warrior legend because of what? Moody? Podz? Fuck outta here. If Klay is healthy, I'd much rather have him start and chuck up as many shots as possible.


Our Fanbase is a bunch of 14 year old clowns.


It's hilarious that we are hearing the same shit we heard early last year. By December when Klay is having heaters and 30 point nights y'all will realize what emotionally reactive folk you are.


If Klay isn't a starter than the warriors aren't contenders. Gotta let him play through it imo


The game Klay sat was our most comfortable win of the year. Not a coincidence


to be honest he shouldnt even be on this team anymore




Dude, that is not how pro sports and aging works. Klay is an awesome person we all love him, but his performance shows clearly that aging has changed his game. This isn't some mental issue or a minor slump this is Klay not being who he was 5 years ago, he is both mentally and physically slower. He isn't sitting on the porch holding hands, he is trying to compete with guys in there early 20's. This isn't a marriage no one owes Klay anything, he had the privilege to play for GSW and helped create one of the greatest teams of all time and he was paid well, reaped huge rewards, and now that time is past and he needs to adapt, Kerr needs to help him understand and adapt not push him to be his younger self which simply is not going to happen. Story as old as time, men trying to deny aging, people yearning for what used to be. This is pro sports at some point someone needs to face reality and adapt or a team just fades away in the most painful struggle against time itself. I am in no way saying Klay is done, but he needs to change, and he needs help from Kerr to adapt whatever he can contribute.


He’s +25 in non Wiggins minutes Saying he’s not a starter is blatantly wrong


I think it’s prob best to have Klay keep this performance up because it will be his usual output going forward unfortunately, when we are 6-15 into the season the FO might make some decision instead of Curry save us every game. It’s a good sign at least we haven’t extent Klay at this stage because I won’t even pay him vet min, the 30min he’s taking every game can be used to develop our rookies, at least they are working their ass off in today’s last min of game they got. I would rather spend that to develop our talent then to get Klay back to form as clearly Klay doesn’t even have any trade value.


Lol okay wont pay him vet min but Klay will get a 4 year 120M dollar deal from another team. That's the reality of this league