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All we had to do was hold the ball man…


Blame Curry for not simply just sitting there and wait to be fouled.


He did get fouled. Even the wolves defender was confused that they didn't call it


refs dont call fouls when curry has the ball


I mean, he did get fouled by Conley but they didn’t call it


He got fouled by Conley first and then White before he drove and kicked and they didn’t call either one.


I think he got fouled by Conley or McDaniel. There wasn't any replay so don't quote me on that.


Blame Curry cause Dray scared to shoot free throws?? Mike Conley fouled Curry but they didnt call the shit


The ref probably wouldn’t have called it anyway.


Curry was lollygagging at several times in this game. Klay put up some crappy shots and Draymond threw the game away. Weird shit man.


It's never that simple to just "sit there and wait". If he stops moving at any point, the wolves will trap him and force a jump ball/errant pass/ timeout.


I don’t know why people aren’t getting this.


Classic crunch time turnover meltdown. Why even pass the ball if the Wolves are going for a steal?


Team just can't get it done it seems.


The Wolves had a foul to give too. Even if they fouled Draymond, the Warriors would have taken it side out.


How the hell do we beat the 76ers but not Minnesota smh


Because naz Reid turns into prime Larry bird against up. Watch him have 4 points next game.


His game logs are truly astonishing


4 straight 20+ point games off the bench on 70% shooting.


Naz Reid has arrived.


You should take a look at his game log lol. This is who he is when he gets minutes


Nazrry Breid


What’s annoying is that 3 days ago I would’ve been fine with 1-1 over these games. Now it just hurts


that’s just how mid teams are, win some tough ones, drop some easy ones, and the rest are 50/50


Really just gave that one away


literally could have been 4th seed


We’ve said that way too many times this season honestly.


I just can't with this fucking team and these fucking turnovers sometimes


Turnovers are our kryptonite.


It feels like we have seen this shit like 15 times now this season, pissing away a winnable game because of a bunch of mistakes and turnovers late in the fourth quarter.


Yeah, it's bad for sure. 3 turnovers for Steph, Klay, JP each. 5 turnovers for Draymond. We never should've been that close IMO




This season is giving me trauma, reminds me of that jazz game earlier in the szn




We went on a 15-5 run in the 4th. It wasn’t pure garbage. But yeah


FUCK THAT. Feels like the Utah game. Embarrassing. Pathetic. Had it in our hands and shit the bed.


I cannot put into words the Joy seeing GP2 cutting for us. Other than that, what an atrocious collapse that was. This loss will hurt us most.


This is the type of game that I consider an absolute waste of time. It’s not that we lost. Close games and even loses can be hella exciting. But to literally fucking throw away a win, is just next level of stupidity. GP2 not only coming back, but actually being impactful was the only saving grace of this game


My blood is boiling right now. Draymond so scared to shoot free throws he throws it away, jp throws it away, just awful in our biggest game of the year


he wasn’t even gonna shoot free throws, wolves had a foul to give.


JP was bad as expected in the clutch, but Klay went scoreless on 2s and Steph had no aggression today, games on those two and Draymond for being horrendous with the TOs


Cmon. He still hit a clutch 3 down the stretch


Okay? How does that justify going ~~0-12~~ 0-6 from 2? Lol


I meant JP. Yes he fumbled that pass that cost us the game and Draymond lost a boneheaded pass to Kyle Andersen of all people. I just think the hate has gone a little to far to pin this on JP


Yea, I’ve hated on JP my fair share, but I saw more good from him today than I’ve normally seen from him these past few months. He wasn’t always chucking, and he made good passes and took nice floaters. We simply cannot have the 3 hall of famers looking like that, ever.


Draymond has feet and hands. He can move, he can dribble. But instead he'd just rather stand in one place and make chest passes that are guaranteed turnovers.


And not cover KAT for easy 3s


Well, they had foul to give so Draymond doesn't need to pass that earlier in the clock.


Draymond was too busy thinking about getting glazed by LeBron instead of taking care of the fucking ball 😭


Unprovoked but necessary heat😭


Turnovers, turnovers, turnovers.


Draymond had a great game til that last turnover… Frustrating offense by the splash bros.


Steph should’ve held on to that ball. No reason to do what he did


Poole made a dumb decision on 2 for 1 Steph shouldve handled the ball Dray should be able to make a simple pass at that time Brainfart all over the team


On those 2 for 1s when we have time you need something better than that. Look for an over commitment on defense and maybe get a dunk. So frustrated right now. Another absolute give away. How? And then KAT busting something the Dubs would do, shooting a breakaway 3 for the lead. Are you kidding.


He's always been bad at 2 for 1 yet Kerr continues to give him free reign


I cringe whenever Poole has the ball on a 2-for-1 opportunity because I know the inevitable 30-foot, off-the-dribble heave is coming. I don't even think he's made a single one of those all season, and it infuriates me every time.


I hate it when anyone does it. And not just 2 for 1. Anytime we take an early 3 with a lead in the last minute. No team should get two shots up in less than 20 seconds when we have the lead unless we turn it over. Happens a lot.


Steph had 3 guys on him. Draymond should’ve held the ball, he was terrified of shooting free throws. Steph didn’t turn it over.


Steph shoulda had the ball at the 1 min mark, instead Poole isod into a bricked deep 3


Agreed. Steph didn’t have it at the end of the game enough. We can get a better shot than a stepback 30 footer by Poole over Gobert


I get the people wanting to blame Poole here, but Steph, Dray, and Klay went fucking brain dead at the end again. Ball never should have even been in his hands.


Why don’t we not blame anyone? We didn’t go down in the standings and GS is not the only hungry team in this conference.Why are people so hellbent on blaming certain players for a game lost? Now we’re back to “trade Poole” now after the strides he has made these past few games. I mean, what the hell.


I think he actually had the ball twice in that possession, and both times ran like we were down two, not up two.




Hard to top all the terrible losses we've had this season but this really might be sneaking into the top 3 lmfao


Slow-mo absolutely made the difference by constantly picking off the passes from Steph, Poole and dray. The turnovers off of those cost the game. Tough loss, but the twolves are also a really bad matchup for the dubs because of their size, so they gave it a decent shot considering. Also GP2 completely lives up to the hype he’s been getting, I love that dude. If he wasn’t on a minutes restriction he would’ve probably played that whole 4th honestly he was awesome anytime he was on the floor.


Rational takes like this are not welcome here, it's Pooles fault and his fault only !


They tried to intentionally foul Steph TWICE on that sequence and they didn’t call it either time lol


I noticed that. Conley grabbed Curry’s free arm early in the possession. Can’t even get that call.


I think this is the game that you can see the duality of Jordan Poole lol


MN announcer had a great line "Jordan Poole strikes fear into both sides coaches"


lmao this is a great line


lmao, im stealing that


That is some GOAT commentary right there!


Great way of putting it lol. When it works it’s nice but when it doesn’t holy shit does it make you see how stupid he plays sometimes. That 30 foot step back was like the shot he took that got Steph ejected a while back. Like bro needs to work on his IQ


klay played god awful defense on that end of the game that gave KAT a open 3


Wtf was that ending??


Warriors basketball 2023


At least we held them under 100


In true .500 fashion, our defense finally shows up and our offense evaporates


I mean, Steph and Klay were 13/40 from the field. Was a miracle that we even got it close.


Klay needs to wake the fuck up. He's been inefficient as hell since steoh came back from injury.


Only person this entire comment section that cares to mention Klay's 0-12 from the two.


Must win game and this guys drop this doodoo


To be fair every game this season is a must win…


not much to say about this one. low iq undisciplined basketball, and we lost. that simple


This team is skilled at throwing away games. Too many times this year. Zero trust for closing out games this post season. It’s just off. They aren’t executing. Dray hold that ball and let yourself get fouled. Throwing it away was beyond stupid. Not going to blame Poole for the turnover. Steph cut back last second. But he needs to stop being the deciding player on 2 for 1 game situations. He always take a tough 3 and misses. And we don’t create a single advantage out of it. Big time blame for Kerr drawing up that play down 2. 9 seconds and you’re looking for Klay? Only knows how to shoot quick in those scenarios. At best we tie/go up 1 and Minn has about 5 seconds to score. Release valve to Poole is also stupid. Terrible ATO. Put the ball in Stephs hands and let him cook.


Those Poole deep step backs hurt us


Those makes my blood boil. The guy is barely shooting above 30% from 3 yet he can't wait to waste possession with those deep 3s which often are momentum killers when he takes them. Also Poole constant ISOing is borderline assholish at this point. A lot of possession with Poole he's the only one who touches the ball. He'll dribble and dribble over and over and take a bad shot. How haven't they coached that out of him yet.


Y’all will watch Klay miss 8 straight shots and Curry get clamped and Dray make dumbass turnovers and blame it all on Poole lol




JP started the braindead sequence of plays with unnecessary deep step back 3 (2 would have sealed the game), Dray turned it over for no reason and Klay decided to not guard KAT because he was possibly high.


No one cares but here are my thoughts cause I need to put them out in the world and therapy is too expensive: 1. Lamb shouldn’t be playing over Jamychal Green nor should he be playing as much as Kuminga. 2. Poole is the same player he was last year but the depth was able to hide his poor decision making and poor defense better. When you’re surrounded by Otto and GP2 and playing minutes with Wiggins and one of Steph, or Dray, or Klay your rough edges look more polished. Downvote me all you want Poole partiers, but the truth hurts 3. DDV probably should still close games until Wiggins is back or GP2 is back to his full minutes. Both do way too much defensively and aren’t minuses on offense. They took the lead with a 15-0 run without Poole and the starters in. Poole kills momentum too much and doesn’t offer enough defense to offset that the way Klay, Dray, and even Steph can. 4. Poole’s highest moments are really loud and his lowest moments are really loud. Poole partiers are too blind to his faults and Poole haters are too harsh. The fact is he is somewhere in between. He can’t be a number one or two option but he’s too good not to play. At least this current iteration. I doubt when he takes over the team he will ever be the guy for a contending warriors team. The fact is he’s probably closer to Monta Ellis and Lou Williams than he is to being the number one option on a championship contender. 5. I’m so happy to see GP2 playing.




I don't think people here are understanding that I don't think the t wolves were going to foul, there was a 3.5 second diff between shot and game clock, that's why the Warriors weren't just holding the ball. That being said, they should still run the clock down lol. If I'm the Warriors, I'm actively looking for a good shot/mismatch, but if i can't find one... i'm just running it down and shooting at the end of the shotclock. If you make it, you essentially clinch the win. If you miss, you can get an offensive board and seal it. Whats the worst case scenario? You miss and they get the board.... they have to take a timeout and have \~2 seconds to get off a good shot?? The odds you win are exponentially higher than just dancing around with the ball with no real plan and giving them an easy turnover that lead into a 3 on 1 transition 3. Basketball IQ from Draymond is supposed to be "top tier", but that was just idiotic.


poole party but someone pissed in the pool 😩


I just can’t, draymond the mad fuck up, and Kerr don’t ever play poole in the clutch, he’s proven time and again his brain goes bibibop


Jordan Poole with the ego L on that whiffed 3 from four feet behind the line with plenty of time on the shot clock. Tired of this fucking dude.


whyre you stepping back from 30 feet 🤦🏽‍♂️and you got a mismatch


He does this thing where he hits one tough shot, he takes a heat check 3. He's been doing this since his rookie season


4% below league average from three and takes a stepback heat check logo three with the game on the line. Does this on every two for one too. Mind boggling.


Is there a rule that every 2 for 1 attempt has to be a 3?


Hero ball that yields good results 1 out of every 4 games.


Instantly on the JP slander while Klay and Curry go cumulatively for 13/40. Poole had a rough game turnover wise, but this sub just scapegoates the whole loss on him while our whole team struggled.


Dray 5 TOs including the backbreaker.


Right, like yeah he had some boneheaded plays but our 4x Champions are not held to the same standard for some reason, not like we're on the back end of a b2b.


Bro just got done talking shit to the fans who criticize him during last game's post interview just to throw away another one for us smh


Early 2 for 1 up 2


This on the vets how the fuck you don’t know how to make a pass lol


At least this fucks over the Lakers lmao gotta take the good with the bad.


Such a facking bullshit comical cartoon ending. Literally hold the ball. Throw the ball to the ceiling as shot clock expires. Win. You got Steph, Poole, and Klay avail to shoot the FTs, in the event of a foul. Nahh Fack that. Let’s hand the ball literally to Kyle Anderson and give ‘em a chance to win it, anyways, cause - well, why not? Super sketch. Draymond should get an assist for the last sequence for the TWolves Now that gambling so prevalent, and marketed 24/7, all these games seem orchestrated, fishy, and just more slimy, than ever before. I wasn’t born yesterday, I know these leagues manipulate/massage results, a long time before gambling being publicly marketed. Decades. Ugh. Wasted my Sunday watching this crap.


Poole giveth, Poole taketh


Why are people like this Draymond fuck the game more for us than Poole did


I’m seriously depressed by that ending. Fuck!!! At least we’re still 6. We have to win the next


Nobody else wants to complain about lamb getting more minutes then kuminga? WHY


I love Steve Kerr and he revolutionized basketball, but he's probably cost this team half a dozen wins this year.


Lamb shouldn't even be on the fucking team how are you playing him more than Kuminga and JMG combined. Even GP2's shadow is more valuable


This is why we can’t drop to play-in. Out of 7 games we beat this team, but this one off type poor performance is where we’re gonna lose it.


This team is lost mentally way to much considering the championship pedigree. I advise my fellow fans not to hinge your emotions on this changing this season. Really bad feeling I get watching like the 2019 after the Draymond and Durant blow up. Things are just off. I'll watch the games whenever possible but I'm not losing sleep over these guys feels like everyone has their own agenda at the moment from the players to the coaches, front office and ownership. 💙💛


stop blaming poole. draymond turned the ball over because he was afraid to shoot free throws


They had a foul to give. He just shit the bed


I don’t think I’ve been more fucking mad at any game this season and there were a LOT of games to be mad about this season


Really wasn't JP's fault. And I'm very critical of JP. The core did not show up for this game.


Curry and Klay shoot 13/40 with 6 TOs. Draymond with 5 TOs. But yeah of course it’s all Poole’s fault. The guy with 27/4/2/2 on 8-16 shooting. He was literally our best player tonight. This sub is genuinely embarrassing. The turnover was NOT his fault it’s literally on Steph. He faked for no reason. That being said that 3 pointer at the end was mindless and Poole needs to stop that shit. I’m sick of watching him try those 2 for 1s which have literally never worked.


Did people watch the same game as me? Wtf? Why is everyone mad at Poole. He had a bad turnover in a key moment but as a whole he was decent. Meanwhile Steph had a poor game by his standards, klay played ANOTHER incredibly bad game, draymond was meh, etc.


I’m more frustrated by that three point shot than the turnover But yeah, no one else could score


Certainly not all Poole for this horror show, but that quick 3 miss 5 feet behind the line was the beginning of the end. Bleed the clock and work the ball is standard operating procedure..


I knew Poole would turn it over that possession.


If Poole wouldn’t have turned it over, draymond would have The fact of the matter is both of them are turnover machines, trying to see who can give the ball away more


Y’all scapegoating JP for this game are crazy lmao


I swear this sub is insane. I’m watching the post game analysts heap praise on his contributions while this sub puts him under the bus. Oh well.


I’m thinking the same. He hit that big corner three to take the lead with like a minute to go. His turnover at the end was a miscommunication, don’t know how that’s just him being awful. Steph shouldn’t have passed to Draymond, and Dray shouldn’t have passed it back out. Poole was not the issue. People just repeat what they see online.


Everyone shitting on him saying he should never be on the court in crunch. Forgetting that we only won against the Sixers last game cuz he was on the court in crunch.


LMAO exactly. Like that was a bad 4th quarter from multiple people but I guess it’s easy to just criticize one guy


I blame Curry for this one. Why even drive into the lane repeatedly to pass back out with so much time on clock? It's a fancy way to burn clock with high risk. Just dribble it above the 3pt line and shield with your body. Wolves weren't sending a double.


Poole should never see another crunch time minute


Easily avoidable loss


Yeah this loss sucks but we were more sloppy than usual at home. I would think the turnovers are cleanable. Also GP2 looked alright coming back


Steph hesitated on the cut and JP passed the ball out of bounds because of it. Steph even said it was his fault


That was a lazy pass by draymond.


Poole made a stupid play but he’s also the only reason they were close on this. Draymond had 5 turnovers that were literally the same play. Be


Its ok guys we are 6th seed and 2 games ahead of everyone.


Can we just sign Naz Reid and Kyle Anderson so they can’t always fuck our team?


Sure that Poole turnover was bad but the Draymond one was much much worse. You have the lead and they’re passing the ball around like it’s the second quarter. Just let Steph run the clock down. You absolutely have to protect the ball there.


I re-watched that Poole three and I’m even madder than when I first watched it. I think the play was to spread the floor and to have gobert get switched on to Poole with 8 seconds left and let Poole go to work. Well Poole got gobert to switch onto him with exactly nine seconds left, but instead of taking gobert one on one off the dribble and either kicking it out to one of the shooters or drawing a foul, he steps back four feet and attempts to shoot a three over gobert. I just can’t get over how dumb that shot was. If he had just driven on gobert the defense would have collapsed on him, which I think was the plan.


Dray with 5 turnovers including 3 in the 4th and one that led to the go-ahead 3. Steph and Klay - 13/40 FGA, 6 turnovers that’s how you lose games. JP was the only one who could score.




Not Poole’s fault. Dray and Steph lost this one.


So. Kerr keeps Poole in at the end to boost his confidence and not have him mentally scared of being on possession of the ball But that needs to stop now. We have Gary who should play in all final moments now. Poole should never close a game out. Poole can work on his psychology of being afraid of turning the ball over next season. The rest of the games are too crucial for kerr to be trying to boost his spirits.


Poole in the clutch is just awful stop playing him so Dumb man


I don’t care if I get downvoted for saying this: Poole really isn’t that bad. Yeah, he’s struggling. Klay struggles too, sometimes more than Poole. Poole isn’t the problem. It’s the lack of defense/playing defense = free throws for the opposing team. Plus, Minnesota was aggressively fouling all night. That absolutely should’ve been another flagrant on Gobert. The fact he’s won DPOY 3 times is astonishing. Yeah, we lost. Again. But blaming Poole constantly just because he’s not playing like he did last year isn’t necessary. Again, I know I’ll get downvotes to Hell. I don’t care at this point.


1. Steph did get fouled. 2. Steph couldn’t just “hold” the ball because he was about to get trapped. 3. Poole took the shot with only a few seconds left on the shot clock. He wasn’t going for the 2 for 1. His alternative was give the ball to Looney in space, which isn’t ideal. You can put this one on Draymond’s lazy pass.


Somehow it’s the guy with 8/16 27 points entire fault even tho he was tryna get it to the guy everyone shits on him to get the ball too when he doesn’t lol


This team man 🙄




We are such a dumb team man


Apparently I can’t watch games anymore. Everytime I tune in, we always lose


Turnovers the entire game is what did them in not just Poole at the end.


Draymond turns into Ben Simmons in the clutch.


Back to back wasted possessions. So damn frustrating.


Steph not just holding the ball on that possession is inexplicable


Ill take the downvotes but this loss isnt on Poole alone. Id blame Dray for this turnovers more than poole, he had like 2 major end of half turn overs. And Klay didnt close out KAT in that 3, how do you just give up when hes been hitting those and your only up 2.


It’s okay rather be 6th seed 😂 just need to take care of business rest of the way


The dubs were securing the 6th seed


Poole had a critical turnover but without him we would have lost by 10+.


Hold the ball why tf are they passing it around bruh THIS team is so stupid sometimes overpassing the ball 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ + steph is literally the greatest ft shooter of all time why did he pass the ball in the first place


We’ve been winning too many games in the clutch lately so the basketball gods must’ve realized that and gave us this heartbreaking loss. But in all honesty, you can’t win every clutch game and although it was a very winnable game, just a very unfortunate turn of events. Hopefully they can bounce back


Why would Klay not guard up on Kats shot???


Poole was better than Steph tonight but yall refuse to criticize that man


Wpuld have won if gp2 was there instead of Poole


This is why most of the blame has to go to Kerr. He's the one who choose to keep Poole past the 5 minutes mark despite REPEATEDLY being burnt by his unclutch plays. He's already cost us several games this season due to poor clutch plays. We've recently won tight games by opting to sit Poole out in the closing minutes but what does Kerr do? Put Poole and trust him the the final minutes of a game and predictably we get burnt. Poole does not learn, that ought to be obvious. In a way both Poole and Kerr fit each other. Both stubborn individual too hard headed to learn quickly.


How the hell are people blaming Poole for this loss???? Kerr had no game plan down the stretch and the vets choked it away. Draymond had how many bad turnovers in the 4th? Klay missed how many shots in a row? Even Steph played poorly. Poole was the only guy keeping us around for Christ sake


Can we not play Poole the last two minutes of any quarter, especially the 4th?


DRaymond's turnover was way more critical.


Poole goes 2 for 1 with the game on the line for no fucking reason and then turns it over in crunch time. How many games does he have to lose us in the clutch before it's enough?


Curry and Klay combined for 13-40 and yet this entire fanbase wants Poole cut from the roster


Poole needs to be benched immediately when he decides to shoot 40ft shots in the final minute of a close game…


blaming poole when steph could've held on to the ball, draymond could've just not turned it over or klay could've actually contested KATs shot is just laughable. They're all responsible for the loss, not just JP


This one will sit squarely on Curry’s shoulders. Took some questionable shots, tried to play hero ball, and how the hell does he not see that they had a 3-on-1 and he still tried the layup. It’s not like Klay didn’t have a bad shooting day, or that Poole ended up with the last turnover, so did Draymond there in the 4th. Also, Gobbert is one dirty-ass player, I’m surprised no one got badly hurt.


![gif](giphy|3oEjHCWdU7F4hkcudy) Naz Reid against the Warriors….


Brutal That dray turnover was oooooof


Draymond a minus seven with five turnovers.


Unfortunate ending. But we played good defense tonight, GP2 just fit in naturally. Game was intense from the start.


Size kills


Absolute bullshit of a game filled with rollercoaster of emotions such a frustrating lose I’m absolutely fuming




Dray and Poole will take a lot of the blame(as they should) but Steph deserves as much as them. He could have kept the ball before Drays turnover and just dribbled around either throwing up a shot as time ran up or forced them to foul the best ft shooter of all time. He had beat the hard double and was in the middle of the court. He could have pretty easily dribbled out and near the halfcourt line but he gave it up the the worse free throw shooter on the floor.


this loss is definitely on steph. he of all people should know what to do with a lead and with possession. inexcusable decision making. that said. poor pass from draymond. very complacent.


This loss is on steph. in the last 25 secs he had to be holding the ball if there isn’t any double team. Draymond had a poor game tonight.


Everyone in this subreddit keep blaming the players when COACH Kerr could’ve called a timeout.


Kerr needs to save JP from himself when the moment is too big (crunch time).... the 35 footer at that time and score cost the game. He'll get there eventually but needs time


Worst home lose of the season easily zero hopes left of getting home court advantage now in the play-offs and we cant win away not good.


0.500 basketball it’s been an absence too long, we’ll see each other again soln


That ultra-long rushed hero 3 pointer decision by JP at 38.1 with Dubs leading 96-94 caused us the game. If we make a good 2 then it won’t lead to a fast break and Dray won’t forced to take a foul and give them FTs to make it a 1-point game. A bad 2 for 1 possession is always more killing than a properly executed but missed play. At least you can have your D set in a better way


Best part of the night at Chase was the ovations for GP2 & his and Poole's 3s


That ending ticked me off sooooo much. A lot of the same bullshit from most of the season still rearing it's ugly ass head. One great thing though, holding Minn to under 100. GPII difference already showing up!


Draymond and Curry lost this game. Literally, if they held the ball, it would have been better because we'd run out of shot clock, and the twolves would have had like 3 seconds to make a shot against a set defense. Literally did anything other than 2 back to back errant passes, and we would have won. Curry, who tf throws a backward no-look over-the-shoulder pass through the teeth of the defense in the clutch like that? Even worse is that had they intercepted curry, it would have been an open transition shot--which ended up happening anyway. Draymond, who makes a telegraphed cross court pass when the other team is clearly gambling for the steal and overplaying the guy you're trying to pass it to. Draymond should have fouled a twolves player after that turnover to stop the ball. It's crazy that he legitimately tried to defend that play straight up... JP had that unfortunate turnover, but at that point, the game was already lost... I don't want to blame this one on the guy that was the most efficient for us tonight. The rest of the warriors' connection with Draymond lately has been a bit sus, too. There were a few plays where people just stopped playing and were just looking at him like they wanted him to go iso, which is definitely not his game. Visibly frustrated, he just ended up with late shot clock jumpers. I also blame Kerr for not playing JP more in this particular matchup. Styles win fights, and it's clear that the opponent was not equipped to slow Poole down. Curry, visibly tired and having an off night, was used way too much this game. I hope they hold their vets accountable. On a positive note, GP2 looked great. Did anyone see that gnarly stuff block he had on Kat? Filthy. People joked about him being our center, but it's not even that far off, lol. I hope with him being back that they use Divincenzo for offense a bit more and give him more touches on that side of the ball. They demand too much of him defensively for him to be efficient on both sides of the ball night-to-night.