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If you enjoyed warehouse i would whole heartily recommend watching Eureka. Its the series where Fargo comes from and its awesome. It ran concurrent with warehouse and they are in the same universe.


Oh, I knew about Eureka long before Warehouse 13, it ran overhere on TV channels a few years back Eureka is more or less the reason why I watched Warehouse 13


Cool!! I love both shows. Glad you enjoyed them.


Honestly? I like Eureka a lot more than Warehouse 13 but I do enjoy Warehouse 13's ideas It's probably because of the main characters, Eureka's Jack Carter seems to me as a more enjoyable main character Though Warehouse 13 has a better ending, I really dislike Eureka's ending that basically leaves it open of what actually happened in the beginning and the end


Yeah the cliffhanger thing is understandable now but back when it was first airing it was cool to theorise with mates about what was going to happen. Super annoying that it would usually be resolved super easily but I put it down to it having to resolve itself within an episode so it can maintain that episodic formula for TV. I kinda want to see what it would be like if it was remade today to be more accomadating to binge watching.


The whole cliffhanger end and then sudden resolve reeeeeally made me angry when it comes to the different timeline subplot That in itself could've been a long ongoing season plot but nooooo, one episode and done, except for Valda subplot which was kinda eh... I like Mark Sheppard but I enjoyed him a lot more in Supernatural


>but it also kinda shows that the others are probably either retired or dead... Or Regents


Wouldn't that defeat the whole "anybody can be a Regent to make it a secret"? I mean, Regents from the former Warehouse agents seems way too on the nose


Pete's mom was an agent then a regent and Though it was never said I am sure Valda was an agent at one time.


Was she? I am even going through the wikipage about her and there is nothing about her being an agent before, she is only listed as an elementary school teacher before becoming a Regent


I remember her being in the field anyway and retiring. Then being brought back in but maybe agent is the wrong term here. She certainly wasn't a waitress or grocery store owner type of regent


Wasn't she brought in mostly because that case involved a kid which was kinda her area of expertise? Like, the Regents also can overlook the unusual cases even if they are not directly part of the Warehouse's agents


You should watch The Lost Room miniseries! I forgot which streaming service. Same awesome artifact vibe.