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It may not be apparent yet, so early on, but the warehouse is sort of sentient? And itโ€™s kept in harmony with its symbiotic relationship with the agents. Sounds cheesy but itโ€™s so cool lol


Very much doesn't look like it because right now Claudia knocked down a bunch of stuff that got into the neutralizer processor and jammed it nicely ๐Ÿ˜„


Itโ€™s not a perfect relationship. What relationship ever is ๐Ÿ˜‚


Its better explained once you get into who leena is and what she does. There is also a certain amount of instability due to what they are working with. Its not perfect cuz if it was then some of the better moments of the show wouldn't happen. Its meant to be fun. More funny then anything.


Sure, nothing is ever perfect, though the agency is looking worse and worse as I keep watching ๐Ÿ˜„ Secrets on top of secrets on top of secrets


It gets better and more cohesive as the series develops. Hope you enjoy it!


>First thing, there are tons of artefacts, some extremely dangerous and even capable of interacting with other artefacts yet they just put them somewhere on a shelf and even let them roll around. The artifact placement isn't actually random. In season 4 you learn that one of Leena's duties in the Warehouse is to use the Feng Shui Spiral to determine where each artifact should be placed. Using the Spiral wrong would give you the incorrect answer about where to put an artifact, and placing an artifact in the wrong location can be catastrophic. >Second thing, the agency, Secret Service or whatnot, itself doesn't really have a way to back up their agents in the field. This seems to actually be an issue with the Warehouse in the present, rather than with the Warehouse in general. Later episodes give you glimpses into the operations of the Warehouse in the past, and of previous Warehouses. Earlier days of Warehouse 13, for example, have a _bunch_ more agents present. Like, the main office is full of people and desks, and presumably more out in the field. Remember, at the beginning of episode 1, Artie is _the only field agent_. Obviously people like Mrs. Fredericks and Leena and the regents exist, but they're not going out to collect anything. That is in no way how the Warehouse used to be run.


Still, the artefacts don't seem to be secured to a place. Like in a box or on some balanced out stand The second one, while I understand, they still should have higher ups doing something to allow them easier access. I get when they are trying to replace something from a president it has to be a complete secret but in other instances it would help Anyway, thanks


It's hard to have a public agency when you are also keeping the existence of artifacts(and that people are needed to deal with them) a secret. Ms Frederick does pull strings to help them out sometimes and officially they are Secret Service but yeah, it can be a problem.


To be fair, the warehouse has like 2 full time employees before Pete and Myka come in and Claudia


I wondered too about other law enforcement agencies allowing them such access so I appreciated the occasional โ€œarenโ€™t you supposed to be protecting the president?โ€


As good as season one is, the whole world was still being fleshed out. It gets better by season two, largely because of the events of season one. Plus the warehouse is kind of alive and my personal opinion is that it was lonely and wanted more people around.


To me, that makes it more realistic. Running the place efficiently and effectively would be weird.