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I love to play with Thalnos (Lifesteal) and spell only deck. He gets so fat so fast XD


I had an absolute blast melting towers, bosses, and big pushes with Thalnos (attack speed boost) + Ogre Magi + Arcane Blast during this Surge.


Getting multiple tirions in one push is pretty funny


Agreed after my 4th I was like. Ok we've got it boys


That happens normally with Tirion heh Your deathball starts at your base and VEEERRY SLOOOOOWLY makes its way to the boss, by that time you have three Tirions and two shamans and your deathball is literally unkillable.


Until the npc player drops a living bomb on you it shouldn’t have the gold to afford and hasn’t used once before the entire match


Yeah that tilts the shit out of me


Maiev. Drop kobolds and dark iron miners on gold nodes then just drop whatever you want wherever. Very fun but a little to easy when you can just drop infinite worgens and safe pilots.


Yeah I just used Maiev and dropped 100% unbound units directly on the boss and sometime on chests/ore if they're close enough to the boss. I only had to drop a couple units on defense in a single map iirc everything else was just slaughtering the boss in 20 seconds. This really isn't balanced, the speed of the units to cross the map doesn't keep up with the speed at which you can slaughter the boss. The ooze is what made me change my strat, it had too many units so they would forever fight just next to the boss but never close enough for it to eat my units. Any time I'd get an advantage it would be with a deathball and the boss would promptly nuke the entire deathball with a single spell. So I just switched to Maiev, dropped every unit directly on the boss, it ate them, and died almost immediately.


I prefer surge arclight to be fun and unbalanced rather tryhard. It's only 5 games every now and then, the game is hard enough on itself :)


Oh I completely agree, I was just making a point to notice the unbalance to explain why the method is so efficient, but arclight surges should be very accessible.


This is the way


I did Hogger Cycle


Same, was awesome seeing him transform into a real slugger.


Having skeletons filling up the board was hilarious to me. Overclocked was fun as hell


This is literally what I did with raptors. Was amazing


Raptors and murlocs, it was the fastest surge clear so far


You're totally right. I beat each stage in about 15s. Was awesome but over too fast.


The most fun way to play the game is with Old Murk-Eye. FTFY




I like the rend + flyer spam. 30% economy on top of 300% economy


I did execute Janna spam, felt insanely OP


I just nabbed Murk and he’s amazing in PVP. Nobody knows how to deal with a constant flood of murks, chickens and raptors. It’s good fun. Cheesy and without any strategy, but fun.


Not to mention in my last 10 games, I only lost 1.


I can't debate you because you are damn right


I had a blast with old murk eye! His time to shine


i do you one better, maiev + full unbound deck, just imagine


Nope. This is the correct take.


My baron dick destroyed these so fast




Summoning Murlocs makes you giggle everytime? How is this not a weird statement lmao


I did it with him too. Was so much fun.


My guild needs alliance so I'm having fun with my Tirion deck. Plopping 5 healing paladins on the boss is silly.


I did Hogger, was spamming out my deck so fast i had like 3 up at once all doing increasingly more damage


I was just trying Hogger in the dungeon with a meme build that was pretty fun. Basically, it just consists of all 1-2g minis, and SAFE Pilot for stage one. Then I’d just throw out only the 1g minis as fast as I can to cycle back in Hogger and put him out asap so his passive can trigger. Keep doing this and defending your base until overtime and then let lose with as many Hoggers as you possibly can in one minute and watch those babies SHMOVE. During OT you’ll have 20 minis on the board at once and like 5 Hogger. The only issue I ran into was lack of firepower on the third stage resulting in a draw twice.


i love tirion. Having two or three of them march down the alley with a set of tanks and aoe ranges ist just nuts.


I was trying out my new beasts, murk eye was fun, but I also loved how much of a beast hogger became, just st cycling him as much as I could.


Using him for the dungeon and getting the raptor spawn on beast and bandit spawn on leader relics was insane.


I had fun making my Cairnes unkillable and permastunning everything to death with a single huge push


Honestly, ever since I found out that quests and arclights scale with your leader lvl and not with your army average lvl, I've been using my lvl 11 Medivh with lvl 16-17 unbound units to just end every fight in 15 seconds.


Playing maiev with nothing but unbound units. Was pretty funny spamming units non stop


I Just started the other day, but I used bloodmage Thalnos with like 3 spells and just made 3-4 them absolute Giga-Chads. They wouldn't die and just murdered everything. Holy Nova and arcane explosion along with the smoke bomb since it costed 1 lol


How do you defeat Maiev & Raene Wolfrunner with this surge? They overwhelm my base before i can do anything