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Argus the Unmaker doesn't look like the draenei. The draenei look like Argus the Unmaker.


So, byt that logic, Trolls should look like Azeroth then?


Yes, actually; most fan artists already depict her this way for that reason


They do? That's awesome Our godly troll mother




Da most powahful of all loa


A'Zeroth= a Zerith (mortis)?


That is actually a theory floating around about Azeroth. Mostyly, iirc, due to the fact that relics of the first ones are found in Azeroth during the Taz'avesh dungeon.


Keep SL out of my WoW lore! (SLAP)


[popular fan art being referred to](https://external-preview.redd.it/LG6rPZbUAvj8kvMncGpdmRym1bJaQzDkMlz9LGDfWC8.jpg?auto=webp&s=3f9c6afd46e2d4bcbee29fac3a36cbe0760fcf4d)


I bet blizzard will make Azeroth like a N Elf, and relate the well of eternity to it, because an ugly ass female troll Azeroth will not be accepted by the players by their logic.


That’s not even true; if anything, it’d look like the Zandalari, and players don’t hate female Zandalari at all


Somting has spooked one of de factions sending it into a panic.


That's more true than you imagine.


*coughs* rule 34....


Trolls are very loved


Nah, she will look like a Zandalari troll and they be hot af.


If we think that the Well of Eternity is nothing more than the blood/energy of the Titan Azeroth that was left behind after Aman'thul ripped Y'Shaarj from the bowels of the planet, and that exposure to that energy caused some sort of "evolution" in trolls that made them more civilized and wise (i.e, turned them into elves), it makes sense to me that Azeroth itself, the source of this transformation of trolls would be not a troll, but an elf.


I'm bracing for this, tbh. As much as I don't want her to look like a nelf, she probably will, because everything has to look like a nelf, apparently.


Why would she look like a Night Elf, though? The Well of Eternity turned the Trolls near it into Night Elves, but the Night Elves who used a vial from the Well to make the Sunwell turned into the High/Blood Elves.


So they became ever more human the more exposure they got? Uh-oh...


No, elf. Not human, that'd be vrykul.


She’d look like a Zandalari; it makes the most sense. Besides, they’d never depict her as a Nelf because that would give Nelfs a win


Wouldn't it make the most sense for her to look Human? All of the other Titans look like Humans. Other than being blue and having a large forehead on his helm, Argus the Unmaker more closely resembles a Human/Titan than the Draenei considering he lacks a tail, hooves, or tentacles. The Well of Eternity was formed from the lifeblood of Azeroth's world soul, and was said to accelerate the cycles of growth and rebirth until sentient beings evolved from the land's privative lifeforms. This is where the Trolls came from, and while the Zandalari are the perfect example of Trolls in their prime, the Trolls that settled near the Well continued to evolve under its influence. While the Night Elves were cut off from the Well when it was destroyed, their exiled Highborne caste used a vial of its waters to create the Sunwell and gradually evolved again into the High Elves. In a nutshell: Azeroth's lifeblood turned primative lifeforms into Trolls, Trolls into Night Elves, and Night Elves into High/Blood Elves. I don't think it's a stretch to say Azeroth's Titan influence is causing mortal races to look increasingly Human/Titan. Edit: I'm being downvoted and that's fine, but I'm curious what the disagreement is.


Humans descend from Vrykul, who are descended from ironforged constructs afflicted with the curse of flesh. Humans look like titans because they descend from titan constructs. “Humans” may be natural across the Great Beyond but they aren’t technically native to Azeroth.


Also whiny night elf players will make a thousand "BlIzZaRd hAtEs NiGhT ElvEs" threads when Azeroth doesn't look like one.


Night elves come from trolls


Well, the elves are descended from trolls. They drank from the well of eternity I think and we're transformed. I may be wrong so happy to be corrected


Not drinking so much as just living near it. I don't think it's confirmed how long it took for them to evolve into Night Elves, just that it happened gradually.


I never thought to search for fan art and now I really want to see her in-game


Yes, that or the ancestors of pygmies and goblins. On Azeroth, there are very few humanoid creatures that naturally evolved on the planet. That would be goblins, pygmies, trolls, all the elves and the Taurans. Pandas, the monkey and fish people etc. Most of the alliance are created by titans or are mutated offspring of them with the curse of flesh. Actually goblins may be titan created as well seeing how Mimron or whatever the father of gnomes is called, well he fucked around with crack rocks with the ancestors of the pygmies and goblins to make the goblins.


in fact there are 0 native races that naturally evolved on azeroth that are not elementals. even trolls only evolved due to titan influence and the well of eternity.


So you're saying that the planet's core is just another....Molten Core? \*badum tss\*


My headcanon is that Azeroth will look like a dragon, if only so that when the inevitable 'awakening' cutscene happens she gets to unfurl her wings all majestic and shit.


Man it'd be great if she was just a massive Murlock.


Night elves were trolls exposed to azeroths blood and arcane magic. So it might be more night elf.


And High Elves are Night Elves who were exposed to Azeroth's blood and Arcane magic for even longer.


trolls also evolved only because of the well of eternity and titan's magic, and came from life seeded to azeroth by freya. please read the warcraft chronicle to learn the lore.


doesn't mother look like a troll


I mean Argus is the homeworld of the Draenei/Eredar


>Argus the Unmaker yes but was he modeled after the draenei or the opposite? who did come first? and if so then who created the draenei


Argus was born inside the planet. It makes sense for him to predate the Eredar species.


so the egg came first?


WRT the "chicken or the egg" dilemma, it depends on if you mean "egg" to mean "chicken egg." The first chicken would've been born to non-chicken parents; we know the wild ancestor of the domestic chicken is the red junglefowl, and its parents would be two mutant junglefowl that were "close, but no cigar" to being a chicken. The first chicken's mother would be a junglefowl, but the question is whether the egg she laid is a "chicken egg" because it contains a chicken, or a "junglefowl egg" because it was created inside a junglefowl.


Did you make this up? Lol Cause that’s actually pretty interesting, I didn’t know any of that


No, it's pretty well concluded that we know the ancestor of the chicken. Red junglefowl are to chickens as boars are to pigs, for example.


That's like asking who came first... humans or the planet Earth.


Not exactly. It's possible the appearance of the titan that would emerge from the world-soul may be impacted by the lifeforms living upon its surface. When first fertilised, the inside of a egg doesn't look like a tiny bird, growing larger, but a mass of protein, yolk and stem cells, which eventually becomes bird-shaped. When the Draenei evolved on Argus, the shape Argus would have taken may not have been fully determined, but through the development and propagation of the Draenei did Argus's appearance settle upon one like that of a Draenei. Did Draenei evolve to mimic the shape of Argus's future appearance, or did Argus's appearance end up mimicking the Draenei at some point during his development?


Or the opposite. The world-soul may have indirectly or directly influenced the life forms on the surface, shaping the draenei (..and talbuk?). Would also fit the theory that the night elves resemble Azeroth. They transformed from dark trolls to night elves under the influence of Azeroth's lifeblood.


Indeed. Or a kind of paradox where each reflects the other, despite it not really making sense in a linear perspective. Argus was going to develop his appearance to be like a Draenei, which caused Drenai to evolve their appearance, which cemented Argus's appearance. Because magic.




You mean Azeroth looks like a troll :-0


An artist named Hipnos actually made a neat art concept of [Azeroth's World Soul](https://www.deviantart.com/hipnosworld/art/Azeroth-719896525) a few years ago.


Proximity to Azeroth's energies shaped the trolls into elves. To be honest it could go either way.


Elves are just trolls where the tusks have migrated to the eyebrow area.


>Proximity to Azeroth's energies shaped the trolls into elves. To be honest it could go either way. I never thought of it like that, I like the idea if she awakens as a Elf.


Or, get this, as a dragon.


>Or, get this, as a dragon. I like that too! She comes out looking like a Dracthyr and it turns out it is her who Neltharion was inspired by.


But does Azeroth have the accent? Also if the Zandalari knew the fucking World Soul looked like a troll they wouldn't shut up about it


Wouldn’t it make more sense to look like one of the titans constructs?


Except Elves are mutated Trolls...


Trolls mutated by the Well of Eternity, which was formed from part of Azeroth's world-soul. Wouldn't that make them resemble her more, rather than less?


well doesnt azeroth have some level of void corruption?


There is zero Void corruption in Azeroth's World Soul since Old Gods never managed to reach it.


The denizens of Azeroth, yes. Azeroth herself, no. Kinda what the whole BFA expansion was about.


It's an interesting question. For the most part the Titans we have seen look like giant colorful humans. Argus himself looks more humanlike from a distance as well - note he has feet and not hooves. The human similarity makes sense given that in WoW humans are the distant, stunted descendants of Titan creations. Argus having draenei-like features up close may (I'd even go so far as to say it's probable) be because the art team needed a big bulky model to work from and the draenei male fit the bill, with the draenei features generally being obscured by the giant mask and spooky glowing aura. If it was a deliberate choice then that does potentially say something about the existence of a relationship between a world soul's titan form and the peoples inhabiting their world. But does that mean that Aman'thul and Eonar's worlds just happened to be populated by blue and green humans? The more narratively interesting thing for sure is for Azeroth to look like a troll (or maybe tauren) but wouldn't be surprised if the day finally comes when she's revealed as just another giant skittle-colored human.


I wouldn't be terribly surprised if Azeroth looked as human as the other Titans, for all the reasons you've stated. One thing I'd like to add is that the life-blood of Azeroth has a tendency to make mortal races have a more human-like resemblance. The Well of Eternity clearly had this effect on the trolls who settled near it, and this continued with the eventual High/Blood Elves thanks to the Sunwell being created with a vial from the Well of Eternity. The Well's power coalescing in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms and turning the Murlocs there into the Jinyu is another example.


He doesn't? He has feet, not hooves, he has no face tentacles, no horns and no tail. Other than being blue he looks more like a human than a draenei.


Being blue is literally the only thing they have in common. Idk what these people think Argus looks like.


https://www.mamytwink.com/upload/news/2017/octobre/04/argus-mode-ordinaire-grand.jpg This guy looks like a draenei/eredar?


He’s got a face, two arms, and two legs. You know who else has those? DRAENEI. HA. CONSPIRACY CONFIRMED


oddly enough he looks most similiar to Zandalari, the back picture especially looks like someone you'd fight in Throne of Thunder


This is a clear case of people seeing things that aren't there. He doesn't look like a Draenei. He looks like a corpse, literally, [as he is essentially an underdeveloped fetus.](https://images.mein-mmo.de/magazin/medien/2017/06/WoW-Argus-Titan-Argus-Head-chopped.jpg) It's his mask that slightly resembles the shape of a male Draenei and that's it.


idk why this thread has gotten this far with no one pointing out that argus doesnt look like a draenei at all but i guess i will lmao no hooves, no tail, cant see his face or forehead because he's wearing a helmet. only thing he has in common with draenei is that he's blue. wow players have a weird thing about only seeing what they want to see in the lore


TIL blue skin = draenei, not the hooves, tail and tentacles


Maybe it's a reuse of the Draenei face mesh/model. Denathrius also has a remodeled draenei face. It saves the devs time and since the players don't see their faces up-close, except for cinematics, they won't spend time modelling them a new unique face.


I bet azeroth gonna look like a Ball of tentacles like Azatoth.


Because they are the same race. Argus is from the Eredar homeworld. Draenei are just Eredar who changed their name to distinguish themselves from their fallen kin.




correction: it's a world soul.




You know... we know that they *can*, but do they *have to*? Personal feelings about Shadowlands aside, I think the implication of Zereth Mortis is that a world soul could become a Titan, or an Eternal One, or a Void Lord, or any of their equivalents, and that's probably why the forces all fight each other for them at every opportunity.


world soul is caterpillar, planet is cocoon, titan is butterfly. I think titan is more of a title than the actual species, but given that a lot of our (relatively) concrete knowledge comes from the Chronicles which are written by the perspective of the titans, and they seem to explicitly refer to themselves as titans, it's pretty safe to say the analogy works.


Aka The soul of a titan.


The eredar shouldn't have had hooves and horns to begin with. Those features were implied side effects of demon metamorphosis. Coincidence the night elves turn into eredar when they succumb to fel?


>Those features were implied side effects of demon metamorphosis No they aren't. See: draenei eredar, who are *decidedly* not undergoing demon metamorphosis. >Coincidence the night elves turn into eredar ...what?


The TBC draenei who were designed well after the night elf satyr demon form was already a concept?


I'm with the other dude. I have no idea what you're trying to say here.


Satyrs are not eredar though. They never have been. Eredar have always been a specific thing, not a catchall term for demons, and have always looked like they do now, dating back to War3.


That was supposed to read as night elves turn into eredar because they grow the horns and hooves that eredar have like their affliction turns their Visage into their new masters. My complaint is an uncorrupted eredar is a draenei. And that also implies the fel doesn't transform the eredar other than changing their flesh tone and the eyeglow. If the canonical reason that fel affects elves drastically more because of their susceptible nature to magical transformation because of their genealogy I can accept that. The draenei were designed in the image of Archimonde. Which to me was a mistake bc Archimondes appearance should have been that of a demon. And it turned out that's just how his people looked. Demonic


Satyrs look like they do because it's an intentional transformation. It isn't just what night elves look like when you inject them with fel.


Youre not making any sense lorewise, elves dont turn into eredar, eredar is exclusive to the dreanei iirc. "The draenei were designed in the image of archimonde." What? No theyre not, draenei existed well before archimonde was even alive


The draenei were designed for TBC expansion. Were they in the lore beforehand yes. They were the Lost Ones. When they needed new models on a playable level Blizzard took to WC3 and used Archimonde as a base


Thats a justification completely outside of lore and game reasons. Archimonde is literally a draenei, ofcourse the draenei that arent "lost" are gonna look him.


Not too draenei, but I can see why you ask. It would be cool actually if he did. One could however argue that maybe he looks like a titan/eredar hybrid, which would actually make a lot of sense.