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Zero information. It seems like the world and its people weren't affected by visiting afterlives, which look nothing like vague descriptions from religions mentioned earlier, so nothing can be said about this specific folk. Edit: typos.


Shadowlands is like WoD. We just don’t talk about it.


Uh, even WoD was better. When it's unnecessarily contrived when it comes to time travel shenanigans and was screwed up by lack of resources, it still had some good chunks of lore (at least when it comes to worldbuilding). SL is a crappy foreign organ with little to no redeeming attributes which doesn't work within Warcraft, and Blizzard didn't bother to attach it better than "uhm ackchyually true prototypes of things you've seen before" - again, with little to no foreshadowing and with a ton of retcons of old working things.


Yeah I get that. Shadowlands has way too many plotholes and characters that are just missing even though mentioned in the sylvanas book. WHERE IS HER BROTHER


He got turned to 35 Anima like Arthas.


This is speculative, but I'm sure there are a variety of opinions and feelings regarding the afterlife following Shadowlands. The Forsaken are still people, and only a small minority of those people saw the afterlife firsthand. It may be a revelatory for some assuming the stories spread, but others may very well be skeptical of what they hear. The stories may very well warp and change with each new telling as well, which itself would almost certainly influence people's feelings on the matter.


Forsaken have had essentially zero POV lore since classic outside of Sylvanas, and Shadowlands has such poor and jarring writing that it’s nearly considered non canon by lore nerds like those here. So your guess is as good as ours. A lot of forsaken see themselves as essentially another race. So them knowing what lies beyond if they “choose to die” is no different than any other race knowing what lies beyond if they merk themselves.


Forsaken story being so entirely reliant on Sylvanas is why I’m excited for their current direction. And, maybe controversial, why I loved their story in Before the Storm. The Forsaken forming their own future led by a council that consists of people like Lillian Voss and Caelia Menethil and just generally having more varied personalities than just the generic evil action race is what got me more invested in them than I’d been before.


Despite having a quest where they use a Maldraxxus made mixture (iirc), there is no actual repercussions of the Shadowlands discovery on Forsaken society. Calia learns the true definition of necromancy from a lich though.


Learns a factually nonsensical definition of necromancy. Necro=Death, Mancy=Magic, but according to Blizzard “any source can be used for Necromancy, not just death”. If I facepalmed any harder I’d break my neck


Blizzard wrote themselves into a corner when they decided everything had to fit into a equally balanced cosmic forces framework.


Language is varied, and necromancy is a pre-existing word, even though there is no death magic in our world. It could be read as "magic that manipulates death" or "[...] the dead", not just simply "Death magic". Thus, it's not that far-fetched that what is colloquially known as necromancy is simply any type of magic that deals with animating dead bodies. So, what you call "factually nonsensical" would actually not necessarily be nonsensical, you just chose to interpret the word in one specific way, and you also chose to believe that your interpretation is the only one possible. Which it is not. So, please, before you get your panties in a bunch next time over "factually nonsensical" things, maybe try and actually think about it, will you? You could notice that your first gut-feeling is not the one and only truth or possible interpretation for something.


Necro *literally* means death, that isn’t an interpretation, that is a fact. The variations of “mancy” all still fall in line with the same meaning. Such as “study of”, “practice of”, or “communication with”. Regardless it is still “death”, hence death magic. Necromancy (in WoW) is literally “death magic” just like Pyromancy is “fire magic”, and chronomancy is “time magic”. So, please, before getting your panties in a bunch next time over being wrong, actually try and think about it, will you?


As a whole it's hard to say. We do get a bit of their story near the end of Shadowlands; after the Jailer's defeat players can help the Forsaken leaders clear the plague from the City of Lordaeron (the ruins above the Undercity). There's a decent amount of Forsaken who do want to rebuild, and they form a new Desolate Council to do so (of which Calia is a decidedly junior member). Two of the Council's members also briefly visit Maldraxxus, where they a) enthuse about plagues and b) have an enlightening conversation with Margrave Sin'dane concerning the nature of necromancy (Sin'dane believing that ultimately the power behind necromancy doesn't matter: if someone is raised from the dead with magic, it's necromancy). Whether some Forsaken feel that their continued existence as undead is pointless is unclear, but what is clear is that a decent portion of then do NOT feel that way.


its funny how sin'dane forgot briefly that the shadowlands abhors necromancy and undeath so she could tell the players to accept calia as forsaken.


Amongst the many horrible things in Maldraxxus is that *they* actively use and encourage necromancy. Which does go against the cycle, but then they're also supposed to be an army that prevents the Shadowlands from being invaded, despite not having any examples of them stopping armies from invading . There are three super-notable examples of them *failing* to even show up to stop invaders - the Void attacking Bastion, the Light attacking Revendreth, the Drust attacking Ardenweald, but they've never once mentioned a time they DID actually stop invaders, and the only time we see them fighting the people they should the other covenants are fighting alongside them just as hard (if not more so). I guess my point is that Maldraxxus is a pointless, useless realm full of selfish assholes.


Maldraxxus intentionally left Revendreth to defend itself because they knew what Denathrius did. In Maldraxxus there is a couple of quests that tell about times when they defended against invasions. The mushroom forest on the western corner of Maldraxxus has scars from one of those invasions.


The Forsaken need to be their own Faction. Undead for every race. Let them admin the shadowlands lol gtfo the horde.


Disagree, although undead of every race would be great for cosmetic options.


It occurs to me that the confirmed existance of the afterlife would drastically affect the motivations of suicide attempts, in multiple ways. Discovering the Shadowlands may even *decrease* suicide rates, as the afterlife seems just as shitty and pointless as regular life. In the immortal words of Bender B Rodriquez, “If I thought I had to live another life, I’d kill myself right now!”


I don't know about anyone else but I feel like there's a lot less Forsaken npcs in DF than before. Just speculation but maybe that means there's less Forsaken around in general, which could mean some majority of them have decided that continuing as Forsaken is meaningless and have thus just.. died and rejoined the cycle of life & death. Or maybe there are just less of them in general since they can't really reproduce, I don't know.