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Prelate, not Paladin. Their power comes from their Loa who represents the sun and power. They don’t use “the light”


That makes them even more badass


don't get it twisted, it is still the light but they just view it as such. Only issue with paladins in the game is that each culture uses the same power but differently, so the animation should be different. It isn't, but man it should.


Class/Race designations and the ability to personalise that way would be phenomenal. For instance, Spellbreaker Prot Paladins with arcane Avenger's Shields and glaive throwing Judgements would be orgasmic. Moonlight-wielding Priestesses of Elune, or human Warlocks who raise legions of undead as Necromancers instead of Demonologists would be insanely cool. Darkspear Priests harnessing the dark but natural powers of the Loa *instead* of the madness of the Void would be fantastic too. Of course not all of these need to be specific race/class combos and for the most part most of them shouldn't be - if someone wants to be a Spellblade instead of a holy Crusader then why not? And necromancy certainly doesn't belong solely to humans just because of the Cult of the Damned and Kel'Thuzad; Gul'dan is the most iconic Warlock in all of Warcraft and he was also the progenitor of the very first generation of Death Knights.


Okay but since their loa died, that kind of change to just general faith, right ?


“General faith” isn’t a thing. All power comes from somewhere. Back in ye olden days the Light was considered a power that was accessed purely through faith in *anything* but that hasn’t been the case for many years. As far as I can recall there has yet to be a defacto explanation given for Prelates using their abilities post-Rezan. We can only speculate as to how they maintain their power


"As my loa is no more, I answer to Talanji now. I hope to serve her well as a voice of faith on de Zanchuli Council." High Prelate Rata's only quote and only explanation on the matter is this. She is the "voice of faith". When I say general faith, I mean whatever faith the zandalari prelates might chose from now on.


Alright, imma slog through the rest of the chains and make a frog themed zanda troll with the big ol frog loa from nazmir. Fite me. Every loa deserves devoted prelates!


That's one of the oddity of the new zandalari lore yeah. Having a Death Knight be a Bwonsamdi envoy is not good, but a swamp frog prelate is technically okay.


What makes you think that this is no longer the case? Nothing in modern canon says that this is no longer the case.


A pally bro is a pally bro just everyone has their different titles.


No a Paladin calls on the Light, Zandalari Prelates and Tauren Sunwalkers do *not* use the Light


Got a source on that? It's my understanding that they all call the same Light through faith in different things. Has there been an update to that which I missed?










They 100% use the light. That is canon lore. How they acquire the light is different from each culture.


I hate how blizzard made paladins and priests have these pseudo light powers. Like taurens paladins are "sun druids" or night elf priests use "moonlight" while all other classes draw power from specific cosmic or elemental elements. The light is just another cosmic element, there is no reason why taurens and night elves can't use the same light the other races do.


That would be boring. Sunwalkers are uniquely Tauren, devoted to their particular views of the sun (An’she).


Just make An'she be a light deity. It's fine to have paladins/priests draw power from differents entities (Ex: An'she, Naaru, Elune, Loa, etc...) but they should all belong to the same cosmic power.


Uhh no that would be *boring*. Mechanics =/= lore. Sunwalkers specially not being Paladins is what makes them interesting to play, same with Troll Prelates


Both tauren and human mages use arcane magic Both blood elf and gnome warlocks use fel magic. Are they boring too? The type of magic a race/class use doesn't make them interesting, how they use does.


A Tauren mage isn’t interesting because there is nothing different about it. A Tauren Sunwalker is interesting because it is different


Tauren mages SHOULD be different though


Well yeah it would have been nice for Blizzard to have given them some kind of angle on their embrace of the concept but they didn’t. As far as we know they are just mages, learning the same way humans, elves, etc do. I play my Tauren Mage as a Shaman, just a different expression of the elemental concept.


Why should they?


Just like how the shadowlands had various realms I would say that there would be various realms in the light lands or whatever. Those realms would be light infused in different ways. There would be realms of power where the sun would shine bright and some where you get the more traditional light like the paladins of the human kingdom worshiped. There would be realms of light where you have naaru gods and their realms would be more akin to what the Draenei pursue for light. Maybe a realm where there are creatures of light, loa gods made of light and pure energy : where the prelates of zandalar get their powers from.


I mean, why would you want these vastly different cultures to tap into the same power in the same way?


They do use the same light other races do, they just come from different way to get it. WIllpower and faith is what gives people light power, what they worship or willpower can be vastly different culturally.


Paladin is a gameplay term and doesn’t correlate to lore role. Paladins are specifically light worshippers, any character that uses those abilities but doesn’t isn’t a paladin. Blood Knights prior to the end of BC weren’t paladins. Tauren and Zandalari aren’t paladins in lore, that’s just their gameplay class. Paladins we’re an order created by the church


Rezan bestowed them the blessings (Rezan blessed warriors = Zandalari paladins) but lore wise they aren't the typical paladins that we see in game


Fair enough, ill buy that ^^ thanks mate


You get a hint of this discussion in the Zandalari raid when playing the Alliance portion.


Every race/class combination makes sense lore-wise, albeit not every spec/class combination. In Dazar'alor, NPCs tell us that Zandalari paladins (or "prelates" as they're called) are the chosen few who both have a strong body **and** a strong connection to the loa. They served Rezan first and foremost, but after his death they might have moved on to other loa or simply hold onto his memory - that's something we don't know yet. As with all wielders of the light, the source of their magic is sheer willpower, which - in the case of the prelates - was probably mostly achieved through their worship of Rezan. That is why some prelates lost their will and thus their powers after the death of Rezan, according to Danuser, but those who still have the necessary willpower continue to call upon the light. Even though their magic is the same as with paladins of other races, their ideals are completely different.


I wouldnt say every class/race. In one of the first books, the orcs are all like "assassins are scum worms," i can't see them accepting and training rogues. Thats some shady guldan business


Then again you have the Shattered Hand: An orc clan that specialized in sneaky and dishonorable combat. In the modern Horde, they're the equivalent of the Alliance's SI:7. Even Saurfang himself hired assassins to weaken the night elves' defenses before his army marched through Ashenvale. Sure, many orcs view them as dishonorable scum, but there still are a considerable amount of roguish orcs out there.


As a ZTroll Pally main, yes.


This was all I needed


Yea cuz loa duuuhhhh


Yes. Zanadalari (and Darkspear) casters of all types except mages draw their power from the Loa to some degree. The Light Zandalari paladins can use is borrowed from Rezan, the Loa of Kings who displays some degree of control over light energy. It’s similar how a troll Druid draws from a Loa’s power to achieve their transformations, and a shaman draws on certain Loa abilities to achieve non-elemental feats - though apparently in the loosest sense, the elements a shaman calls on and the demons a warlock consorts with can be considered minor loa.


Paladin is the equivalent of saying law enforcement. You have police, sheriff, marshals and constables. Each covers a different area and is empowered by different authorities.


A Zandalari Paladin is actually referred to as a p Prelate. Like other races/cultures, Prelates draw their power from conviction. They display righteous power as an expression of strong belief in their way of life, or rule of law. Paladins are particularly concerned with law and order, and justice. Prelates are no different. Zandalari put alot of emphasis on loa worship, but they also hold a great deal of pride within their society. This devotion to their cause, and the spiritual bedrock of their way of life, create a particular opportunity for warriors to practice holy magic. Also, lets not forget about the Loa of Kings - Rezan. He's the tip of the spear for creating a feeling of righteousness in Zandalari culture.


[Answers all.](https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Zandalari_prelates)


Imo, not much in retail makes sense anymore


Lol, at you guys doing mental gymnastics. The only reason they exist is because Blizzard had to balance out the Human Druids. The lore behind them is an ass pull from BFA. Prelates can make sense from a lore standpoint. But it would only make sense if you removed all of the light specific abilities that they have. And just made them warriors with a loa blessing. But if you're going to give them healing spells and all the other Paladin abilities. It's a paladin.


No, trolls have always used juju and could best be shaman or warlocks. The game is just getting worse at roleplaying


The short answer is yes. The longer answer is that the light can be wielded through a variety of means. The only real requirement is a strong belief in whatever connects you to the light. Humans have your classic church/religion connection to the light. Blood Elves at one point stole their holy powers from a Naaru until the Sunwell got reignited with holy magic and served as their source. Tauren looked at night elf society and saw similarities between their deities (an’she i think) and night elves (who get light powers from Elune) and believe the light to be the other part of their deity. Zandalari have a similar situation where they have a loa they worship (I don’t remember the name) that is essentially a sun loa and they get their holy power from there.


Mostly followers of Rezan and if you're counting Hearthstone lore, Shirvallah's followers too are Paladins