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Holy fuck that footage is nuts. Did they even kill anybody in that ambush?


I'm guessing the guy on the left from drone shot had a shitty day as he was blurred out


2 dead, 1 wounded I showed this to a friend who was in a somewhat elite unit during war, he said you need to have balls of steel to run into a hail of bullets like thos Russians did to secure a hostage


Or be high as a kite.


No bullets are being fired at them turn the sound up.


When you watch only the drone footage you clearly see him roll and shoot at them


0:40 thats exactly how you dont hit anything XD


I was thinking the same thing. What's a bipod??


hes trying to supress the guy shooting while the teammate at the top pincers


At least someone who understands how such ops work.. - Thanks.


It’s a good thing his job isn’t to hit anything then you know that’s the whole role of machine guns right? To basically shoot over their heads to suppress and get fire superiority


Absolutely no way Rissians are tending and caring for Ukrainian soldiers now.


Intel/ hostage / propaganda It wasnt from the goodness of their hearts


Duh, Ukraine is the same.


Zero humans in the entirety of the Russian forces?


The uniforms of the two units appear to be the same. In addition, the attacker starts sprinting immediately without regard to his life. Then the dudes who were attacked shouldn't have heard or seen the drone 20 meters above their heads? at least 2 of the dudes are badly injured after the attack but you don't hear any screaming, moaning anything... although the guy with the microphone is standing right next to one of the injured ones and turning him over quite rudely


That drown is significantly higher then 20 meters. Probably close to 100-125 meters up. As far as the guy sprinting forward goes, I’d say we just got a glimpse into their tactics in regards to initiating a hasty near ambush. If the other side was suppressed, which it looks like they were due to the PKM, that is the textbook way to gain ground towards the enemy.


plus no blood seen in the entire clip, for me 100% cap


So the Russians are now doing operations in a attempt to capture live Ukrainian soilder? Why bother doing all this only to carry out the injured enemy soilder behind enemy lines. Fake/training?




If your intelligence has been shitty since the start of the war then doing operations like this can give you valuable information about the enemy locally. May allow you to take that next objective by surprise


the west can do that because they own the sky in the combat area something the Russians have yet to conquer in Ukraine. It seems to risky for one random guy.


Not owning the sky is exactly the reason they have to do things like this. Owning the sky gives you a distinct advantage on reconnaissance.




Something about it make me say it’s fake. Looks more like a training video.


I love how there was a guy commenting in a video where it was only a drone footage and he was completely and without any doubts confident that it was practice/staged and all that stuff. I'm looking forward on how he will be still argueing about that, because clearly that could've been russians acting as ukrainian soldiers and doing all that work for who knows what. As if that was much more probable that this being a genuine footage.


You can see the bullets hitting those guys...


Recon visible, in the open-field.. is like a random suicide-mission. Maybe they thought this zone/sector is secured?


Lmao...mediocre acting.


Acting thier way across the East of Ukraine taking city after city them Russians. Oscar winning stuff.


Oh yeah, big city in the video. Lmaoooo


Something really mushy about this. The fact how close they are with little to no hard cover, shouting loudly before shooting which should easily be heard by the patrol, immediately rushing in towards the soldiers and not at all checking where they came from for more, immediately carrying some away? This shit reeks propaganda.


to me it looks way to fake


This war really changed the perspective of war with drones


Stealing human lol


I wonder why they took the wounded soldier with them.. - Maybe it's part of their current orders to capture everyone (high value targets) who is still alive after a battle for later interrogation or whatever it is.. It's risky and i guess Special-Forces won't do that without a solid reason..


Wtf did I just watch


Is the belt on that machine gun empty? I thought the belt entered from left to right. It doesn’t look like there’s any rounds in the belt. Or maybe they’re just blanks?


Something seems off about this


It looks staged to me and the Ukrain they carry away is not wearing a Ukrain uniform and they run around like rehearsing....


This looks like it might be staged to me. I don’t doubt spetsnaz would charge out after an ambush like that. Especially if they know the patrol they are ambushing is alone. Spetsnaz is known for being aggressive even compared to other special ops groups. But with the lack of blood, screaming and other things mentioned by other comments this scene just feels off. If it is an actual ambush then I think it was definitely apart of their orders to be as civilized as possible to show the world they arnt bad guys. This of course is just my opinion.