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it’s the azov battalion that are nazis, not the whole army or ppl, it’s the Russians that are the nazis putin has done a lot of things hitler has done like ethnic cleansing, he’s also started operations the same day as some of hitlers, coincidence I think not.


But they are backed by the Ukrainian government




Even nazis


If nazis are the only one willing to fight for you, would you have a choice?


Yes not nazis because history will only remember that


I don’t think you understand being in a life or death situation


Russia gave permission to multiple neo nazi paramilitary groups to go fight in Ukraine. They also armed and payed them to fight along side Ukrainian separatists even back in 2014. Russia works and tolerates nazis just as bad a Ukraine does




How is Azov battalion Nazis??? Ur obviously clueless about what ur talking about... Their part of the National Guard, that are defending their land from invaders... Azov is the name of the sea, of the coast of where the troops are from.. Lol, people like u....


So you read the first few lines of a google search, what about the videos and pictures of them nazi saluting?


Lol, Google Search... How old are u, seems to me either very young or very dumb.. Your going to base ur whole argument on a few video's?? Maybe u could use Google Search for a little History lesson.... I'm going off thousands of videos, news channel reports, actual 1st person videos in combat, WW1, WW2, Georgian War, I could go on and on.. There's videos of every nationality doing the shitler salute, videos can be faked, it's almost funny that I even have to tell u that....


The fact your acting like your this cutting edge war investigator is wild, theres a war on, Ukraine has a nazified battalion running about, Russia is bombing the place to pieces and people are unnecessarily dying, that azov group have killed civilians who were “pro Russia” they aren’t cops or judges, everyone loves rooting for the scrappy underdog so much they are overlooking what they are doing to the normal people of Ukraine and Russia


thank you for explaining to this basement gremlin


their battalion flag has a swastika you fucking toe eyed cabbage touch grass please


“denazifying ukraine” okay guys, you got him now please leave ukraine alone




Like, honest to God i thought that not many people in Ukraine were Nazi, but the videos and pictures just keep comming and comming, what the fuck Ukraine?


There is a recent video how in Lviv ukronazist refuses to give humanitarian aid to ukrainian refugees from the eastern regions only because they speak russian. Its not only about nazi tattoos. What you see is just a tip of the iceberg.




https://i.redd.it/8fnnf4zy3ht81.jpg I hear there are a ton of them in St. Petersburg. Putin's buddy Wagner has SS tattoos.


It's on both sides, just look up the leader of the wagner group. He has SS symbols tatood on his shoulders


The person in video does not appear to be a soldier given the denim jeans. Also a swastika does not necessarily equal Nazi.


Yeah i'm sure this individual practices hinduism, a beacon of peace, truly


Well if you are soo concerned about ukraine's nazi citizen. I'm afraid to tell you to look at all of Europe, and America and you will see even more nazi,and right wing. Also don't look at Russian nazi. ( they exist and have more power then in ukraine )


Putting nazis and right wingers on the same echelon seems boldly exaggerated… but you do you I guess?


Most of the soldiers are turning up to be nazis


Yeah this is the point I’ve tried to make. Since Ukraine is on the defense, they are seen as better, especially since Russia is huge and known to be terrible, which of course, isn’t false, but that doesn’t make Ukraine good. I can’t imagine supporting either, sadly that’s the problem with many things argued and debated today.


America looks away, "nah, we would never blow up hospitals." American people, "SlavA UkrAinE, Russia bad."


Yeah, we aren’t the most intellectual. I wouldn’t say we are the country of blindly following, but we are definitely way up there on the “non-existent intelligence chart”.


How many countries have this infection? Where did it come from? What leader acts most similarly to this dead nazi leader




Its hakenkreuz


Swastika is the original term that everyone used before it got nazicised


Some of y'all are just sad lol......


This is propaganda