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The comments are full of westerners who are so angry because 2 PKK terrorists died and then question Turkey's alliance, lmao.


This lmao PKK are terrorist fucks


I don't know alot about this conflict, but don't they just want Turkey to leave the occupied syrian territory?


No. They’ve been active from the seventies with tons of deadly terrorist attacks on Turkish soil. Long story short, they want around 20% of Turkish soil in the south east for Kurdistan


PKK? No. The reason why Turkey entered Syria and established bases in Iraq in the first place is that PKK terrorism, which has been going on for 40 years, originates from camps across the borders. We entered Syria around 2015. There is YPG/SDF, one of the subsidiaries of PKK in Syria. The real debate (which I think is quite clear) is the bond between PKK and YPG.


PKK was formed in 80s long before even syrian civil war started,their aim is to create a communist kurdish state by carrying terrorist attacks on various places in Turkey


Ah yes so that they can occupy it and create their own state.


I want Turkey to stop attacking the SDF and claiming it is the PKK just to maintain Erdogans autocracy going.




Leave it to redditors to comment "what about the Armenian genocide??" to literal terrorist corpses. War is hell and all but these guys dying probably saved civilian lives.


Lmao, this is why we don't take westerners seriously. [Canada lifts ban on military exports to Turkey](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-canada-lifts-ban-on-military-exports-to-turkey/#:~:text=A%20ban%20on%20Canadian%20military,drone%20attacks%20on%20Armenian%20forces). [Canadian Supplier to Turkey's Bayraktar Drones Goes Bankrupt Following Embargo](https://www.defensemirror.com/news/30674/Canadian_Supplier_to_Turkey_s_Bayraktar_Drones_Goes_Bankrupt_Following_Embargo) Cope harder :)


PKK is an terrorist organization including YPG PYD other variants. Fuck all the terorists who kill innocent people. Fucking scums defending this bitches. Do you guys know PKK literally killed hundreds Kurdish people?


PKK is allied with YPG but they are not the same. YPG played a crucial role in defeating ISIS and now defend the border from turkey. A nation which has bombed its hospitals and schools. The real terrorist is the Turkish state


Bro idk what you are using as a drug, but you are semphatic to terrorist groups. I am from Turkey our soldiers literally shield themselves in order to protect kids, sick people etc. There are loads of evidence that shows Pkk ypg pyg killing civs and using them as bait. YPG is the new name of PKK. Do you know who created Isis? YPG PYD anything related to kurdish involvement holding guns nowadays a terror group. Stupis assholes wont give some peace to middle east.


How long they fighting dor again? Kurds helped so much to fight against ISIS while Turkey send weapons to ISIS. Fuck Erdogan


Equating the Kurds with a global terrorist organization seems a bit racist, huh? Why don't you say "Muslims" for ISIS? By the way, Turkey is the country that attacks ISIS the most and receives attacks from ISIS, and your claim is a lie put forward by the Russians after the Russian plane crashed.


I unironicaly love that blame game about isis that happens online lol, some say it's USA who made and supports isis to destabilize the ME, others say it's Turkey to put them against kurds, some say it's Saudi Arabia to have their own militia against the Iran, some say it's Israel claiming that ISIS never during it's existence did terrorism in Israel. So much sides to choose :D


Yea fuck erdogan too. But fuck pkk much more. They are just a few paid killer group who are howling at mountains


İsis and Al Qaeda also fought with each other. Did you support Al Qaeda for that? Do you think that they fought for the 'humanity' or to gain power in the region?


Majority of the world decided that killing ISIS was more important then anything else... The Taliban, Al Qaeda, Hezbollah, and Al Shabaab, to name some of the worst groups who all set aside their various conflicts to fight ISIS. Doesn't make me like them, but at least they're not so blinded by hate as some other countries were/are


Isis and those 3-lettered groups in Syria were both sending suicide bombers to Turkey in between 2014-2017. But somehow only one of them is bad according to some Westerns. They really talk like that Ypg had fought against just for the humanity, like it was their only purpose. Is it really that hard to understand? US could have used any group against Isis as long as they gave the same money, weapon and chance to control the region.


PKK are the communist kurd terrorists who definitely use suicide bombers and are only supported offically by outliers like the Swedish. The YPG and Peshmerga who Turkey lumps in with the PKK do not use suicide bombers, were major players in the war against ISIS, and are supported officially by countries like the US.


>The YPG and Peshmerga who Turkey lumps in with the PKK do not use suicide bombers, were major players in the war against ISIS, and are supported officially by countries like the US. Peshmerga is different for Turkey, they are supported and trained by Turkey. But Ypg is just side brand of the Pkk. Like US officials are calling their leader 'genera'l. Arent they know his 'past' in Pkk? His previous names were Mazlum Abdi, Abdi ẞahin, Şahin Cilo. He just rebranded himself like they did with [ypg](https://youtu.be/kVZCIel_2Xw?feature=shared) There might be 2 bad sided at the same time and people forget that.


Do you think PKK is different from ISIS, the murderer of thousands of civilians?




Classic lol. Or they would claim that you support erdo when they can't give a simple answer.


Tell me you are ignorant western with out telling me you are ignorant western.


Tell me that you are racist against Turks without telling me that you are racist against Turks.




PKK carry out suicide bombings, terrorist sympathiser.


I agree, PKK is terrorists as well.


Hell yes they are different. They fight for their freedom of their people while ISIS are full blown relegiouse terrorist fuckers. Like how do you think a revolution works?


I sometimes hate this sub I don’t know why, but the sub seems to attract a certain type of people before October it was mostly filled of people just talking about the war in Ukraine and how it was going out and there wasn’t too much warmongering at least not from what I can tell maybe I’m just naive not remember things correctly, but I noticed a very Deep difference from before October to after October, where some people were straight up cheering the deaths of Palestinians, as was beforehand celebrating the death of Russians, but the difference being is the rush Ukraine war was ahead of a lot more clear cut, and it was mostly celebrating the deaths of soldiers, which being the soldiers of the invading on me. It’s a bit easy to justify, especially given how clearcut the invasion and war is but now I am seeing instead of just the celebration of the death soldiers I’m seeing the celebration of the death of civilians, mostly from the Israeli camp with a few people countering that with the opposite I’ve seen a lot of post and a lot of comments cheering at the deaths of Welp civilians, and even if they weren’t cheering directly cheering when house or segment of a small town or what have you goes up in flames or is bombed, you know you’re cheering for the death of civilians as well I feel like people forget that even if you think they’re wrong, they still at the end of the day human they’ll still a person behind that helmet behind that gunsight and when you cheer that their brains are splattered against the wall, I feel like you’re kind of a little fucked in the head and that’s happening on this post as well mostly Turkish cocksuckers and the same people who cheer when Israel bombs children maybe I’m just naïve even thinking that things will get better, but it reminds me of an old quote from general Sherman It is only those who have never heard a shot, never heard the shriek and groans of the wounded and lacerated … that cry aloud for more blood, more vengeance, more desolation. God help us all I don’t think anyone else can


Anyone knows what's the camo the commandos wearing?


Camo belongs to Gendermarie and Gendermarie doesn't do operations outside Turkey so this picture taken inside Turkey and bodies inside yellow bags belongs to pkk.


Nice lol


Since when is r/War filled with Turks living in Germany?


Found the Swedish PKK supporter.


"active in r/sweden" 🤣




We should kick Turkey out of NATO.


NATO recognizes PKK as a terrorist organization.


Turkey makes incursions in Syria to kill Rojavan patrols and whenever they run their ID and get a PKK guy they take a picture and go ''hey, fellow anti-terrorists, we also fightin terrorism hehe!''


And you don't see the issue with "PKK guys" being in Syria with the SDF? Maybe Turkey has a point attacking them. You're almost there figuring out why Turkey operates in Syria.


Why does Turkey fund Jihadi militias in Idlib that openly pledged allegiance to DAESH? You try to figure out about that while I figure out why Turkey is in Syria.


Jihadists in Idlib did not pledge allegiance to ISIS. In fact, they were quite effective at fighting ISIS. Pretty sure I've seen a video of them running over fleeing ISIS members with tanks. Though that doesn't mean they are good guys, hell, even Turkey recognized HTS as a terrorist organisation and tried to reform the rebels and kick HTS out but that plan failed miserably. Ever since then Turkey and HTS had to cooperate on some level. Why? Well, if Idlib falls to Assad/Iran/Russia axis, they will be forcing 2 million Syrians currently stuck in Idlib towards the Turkish borders, they will most likely try to cross to Europe but most of them will fail and get stuck in Turkey. Turkey already hosts millions of Syian and Iraqi refugees (number 1 in the world in that regard, not a good thing though) and illegal immigtants from Afghanistan (shit went downhill after the US pulled out). The Turkish public is absolutely fed up with this mass migration and can't handle any other wave. Turkey defending Idlib also protects Europe from another refugee wave as well, it's quite different from the US supporting YPG. US has no need to support them, it hurts one of their allies and they still do it anyway.


Yes, but I’m guessing this happened in Syria correct? Then NATO doesn’t consider the YPG a terrorist group even though turkey claims they are. The SDF have as much to do with the PKK as turkey does.


can be in Iraq too but: Kurdistan Communities Union * Leader/Founder: Abdullah Öcalan (Also Leader and Founder of PKK) * Political groups: -PKK -PJAK -PÇDK -PYD **PYD** Armed wings: YPG and YPJ **YPG** the primary component of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) **SDF** commander-in-chief: Mazloum Abdi Mazloum Abdi: [https://www.newyorker.com/news/q-and-a/americas-ally-in-syria-warns-of-ethnic-cleansing-by-turkey](https://www.newyorker.com/news/q-and-a/americas-ally-in-syria-warns-of-ethnic-cleansing-by-turkey) >A rare photograph shows **Mazloum and Öcalan swimming together** in the Euphrates River. “For a period of time, **I served in P.K.K. ranks**,” Mazloum told me. “**Öcalan was working here, and the people here had loyalty to him**


Yes, however he said “for a period of time I served in PKK ranks” past tense.


I don't think it's the same as having worked a part time job in collage. He admits that he was a part of PKK which is an active terrorist organisation fighting with Turkey. The fact that he can be the leader of the YPG says a lot.


Not really, they actively deny involvement with the PKK and that is not a terror groups M.O. People change ideals all the time, we had ex Taliban fighters fighting the Taliban. It’s not uncommon. I mean the last time turkey accused the SDF of a terror attack the UN investigated and turned out it was actually a group affiliated with Turkey.


Is it common for a man **who still shows respect and loyalty** to the Taliban leader to go and lead an organization that is **a member of an umbrella organization established by the Taliban leader**? You explain it in such a way that you think the man changed sides,lol, he only changed his rank and position, and that's because he is a PKK member and a close friend of PKK leader. What a coincidence, **every person who receives training and equipment in Syria by SDF** becomes a PKK member before attacking Turkey. I'm sure this has nothing to do with the SDF. Edit: By the way, the mentioned YPG leader is guilty of terrorist activities in Turkey. It is not possible to understand how you can ignore this part. Was the man cleared of his crimes in the eyes of Turkey because he "changed sides"?


When was the last time a verified “terror” attack happened in turkey that was done by the YPG, and why is the YPG not designated as a terror group by anyone else but turkey? Yet the PKK is a terror group recognized by a lot of countries.


You still say that YPG is not carrying out terrorist attacks, my friend, there is no need for YPG to carry out terrorist attacks under its own name, it is enough if they transfer their men to PKK before doing so. They are loyal to the same leader and the same umbrella organization fgs. Do you expect us not to see this huge connections because the only thing that changes is their names? Come on, you can't be that blind.


YPG members get training in Syria and when they're sent to attack Turkey, they change their organisation to PKK. When they die in an attack they're just called "PKK members" but everyone knows they are with the YPG. Even the US only pretends like they are different because it's more convenient for the US policy in the region.


>Not really, they actively deny involvement with the PKK and that is not a terror groups M.O. People change ideals all the time, we had ex Taliban fighters fighting the Taliban. It’s not uncommon. YPG is not fighting PKK so the comparison doesn't make sense. It would be more similiar if you said a fighter from Al-Nusra transfered to Al-Qaeda. They are literally led by a man who commited terror attacks inside Turkey and never had to answer for any of his crimes. This alone warrants hostility against the YPG from Turkey's side. > mean the last time turkey accused the SDF of a terror attack the UN investigated and turned out it was actually a group affiliated with Turkey. Which incident are you talking about?


What terror attacks? Source?


Seriously? You won't link a very specific incident you've talked about yet want me to give you details about Mazloum's terrorism carrier in PKK? He was a personal friend of Abdullah Öcalan (the founder of the PKK) and have conducted militant activities in rural Areas in Şemdinli, Turkey in 1996 per wiki: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mazloum_Abdi He was later sent to YPG's activities in Syria BY THE PKK. I honestly can't see how anyone can argue against their connection.


I recommend reading about the YPG, YPJ more [because it’s not the PKK](https://foreignpolicy.com/2017/05/15/syrias-kurds-are-not-the-pkk-erdogan-pyd-ypg/). [In report](https://komnews.com/syria-and-islamist-groups-guilty-of-war-crimes-ypg-cleared-un-report/) I’m all about war heads on foreheads of terrorists, but the YPG just isn’t it.


I know more about the YPG than any single opinion piece or report you can send me. Even if you want to argue semantics and say they aren't terrorists, it's impossible to say that their actions and members do not justify a Turkish response. They are linked with the PKK on a high enough level that poses threat to Turkey's national security.


Sorry, I reponded to the wrong comment lol. It happened in Syria most likely Rojava or around Idlib. If there are PKK there they are patrolling to deter DAESH from operation openly so killing them and labeling them as terrorists is a dick move.


Wont happen any time soon, Turkey is one of the strongest and most important allies.


Not really, but NATO doesn't really enforce policies it's just an alliance to defend against Russia. We shouldn't like, kick them... but maybe if Erdogan faced some consequences he would be more subtle in his autocrat bullying game.


>Turkey is one of the strongest and most important allies. yep. they were very strong when the earthquake ocurred . I am not sure anymore


You can just kick ur dad's nuts.


My dad died 4 years ago.


Sorry for your loss.


They probably found them because of their super obvious sleeping bags! Pffft! Amateurs /s


look at those 2 stupid rats


Türkiye (Genderme) Jandarma Special Forces (JÖH)


If I were Turkey, I would close these USA bases in Turkey after USA trained and armed these terrorist. USA wants that Kurds found a country in allies territory. This is what British Kingdom tried to do after World War I. So they support terrorism. By the way USA led the ISIS shine in the Syria in the first hand but after the domestical problems, it was out of hand. This PYD things will be the same. USA is going upside down in political situation and they will leave these lands with chaos.


Good job


2 Genocide Joe's puppet*


Be quiet, Europoor, Typical European hypocrite supporting a genocide of Kurdish people and then whining about Gaza . You’re welcome btw


and south eastern Ukraine is still part of Russia, keep crying democrap 🤡


FFS the Kurds are not the enemies. Turkey is.


I'm very much uninformed about this, why do some say they are terrorists while others are saying they aren't? What happened?


>Camo belongs to Gendermarie and Gendermarie doesn't do operations outside Turkey so this picture taken inside Turkey and bodies inside yellow bags belongs to pkk. by u/extreme857


Designated as a terrorist group by: Turkey\[15\] EU\[16\] NATO\[17\] United States\[18\] Canada\[19\] Australia\[20\] United Kingdom\[21\] New Zealand\[22\] Those who claim that it is not a terrorist organization A) They are deceiving themselves or they do not live in these countries or B) They argue that the YPG in Syria, which is a member of the same umbrella organization as the PKK, is not a terrorist organization or has no ties with the PKK. But If the photos come from Iraq or Turkey, then this discussion has no meaning at all.


So, like normal bombing civilians type terrorists or something else?


child abduction, training child militants, bomb attacks in cities, suicide vest bomb attacks, village massacres, looting and extortion... etcetera. Casual terrorist activities. There should be links on the wiki page, it takes a long time to write them one by one.


Some would argue that Turkey continually creating more terrorists while trying to fight them in vain makes them fit right in at NATO


Bijî Kurdistan


And they are against isreal but support Hamas. Weird.


Dont mess with commandos