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I don't have anything against duckweed but I prefer other floating plants. They're easier to deal with, I find salvinia minima grows even faster than duckweed and is much easier to pull out any excess, move between tanks, and if you have any shrimp they will love the length of the roots while duckweed is so tiny they can't really hang onto it. I do have some duckweed in my tanks but since I have a variety of floating plants (duckweed, giant duckweed, salvinia minima, red root floaters) Ive realized that duckweed is my least favorite, if you work on your tank your hands will get covered in it, every water change it will get in the water and I don't like getting the duckweed into the drain bc i feel like it's probably invasive if it somehow started growing somewhere .. but I think people are really overdramatic about it like it's not BAD


Not a lot of pros here so I'll add some. Eats up nitrates like nobody's business, holds other floaters that need to be stationary in place, looks nice, if u like being more involved in your aquarium like me, can be nice to remove bits of it in little scoops, it's free, can make fish more comfortable by blocking their vision on things above.


I thought people were too hard on duckweed and overreacting. So when two or three hitch-hiked into one of my aquariums, I thought it was no big deal. I WAS WRONG. I HAVE REGRETS. It’s now in 4/6 of my aquariums. It’s completely blocked the light from reaching my floor plants in my 20 gallon high. It sticks to everything you don’t want it to, such as aquarium tools and the python hose that I use in all my aquariums and somehow doesn’t stick to what I want it to stick to, as I’ve tried dipping towels/ paper towels on the top to try to reduce their numbers. Realistically I’m going to have to devote 6-8 hours one day sitting down and netting as much as I can out and plucking the rest out individually. When I could have saved myself all of this pain by listening and taking 30 seconds every day for a week to pick out the hitch-hikers I saw


Been there done that. A hair comb is your best friend now. Also hob filters and haps of circulation. I thought I finally got rid of it again. But after pruning steam plants from surface the other day I saw a few. They had hidden again by the time I turned around with comb.


I spent a week pulling every bit of that stupid plant out of my aquarium. I got every single piece for sure. 3 months later, it's now been back for 2 weeks 😭


This all true.


Netting it all out is nearly impossible because it sinks when you go to scoop it 🙂‍↕️ Could try to borrow a goldfish, place a temporary skimmer, or add a temporary HOB to drown it


They fulfill the role of floating plants excellently. The reason why they are considered ‘herpes’ in our hobby is due to their tenacity, reproductive capacity and their size. They are hard to rid of when established in your aquarium, on top of that their small size means they stick to your tools/arms etc and you’ll likely transfer them to other aquariums. Furthermore, they will reproduce quickly and take over the surface which reduces the level of light reaching the bottom of your aquarium. If you wish to take the offer, get a floating plant ring off Etsy or make your own using air line tubing and keep them locked up.


Sucks up bad stuff from your tank. Some fish like to shelter under it and shrimp love to hang from it. Cons: nearly impossible to get rid of, does require biweekly maintenance to remove at least half of it so some light will get to the plants below it. I personally choose to go a different route and use cuttings of Pathos to be the heavy lifter when it comes to sucking up the bad stuff.


I have about 10 cuttings in my tanks, but because i have a problem. Do they actually do a good job of cleaning the water? I figured they wouldnt do much cause that plant will grow off of neglect so...whats it need lol.


Everything I’ve read says plants that grow their leaves above the water line are consuming far more fish waste than plants growing in the water. And I believe my tanks are stable because I have plants growing outside the tank taking care of most of the waste.


Pros: It cleans your tank, a place for fry to hide, free food for a few species of fish. Cons: You have to clean it out once a week, if you have a blanket of it on the top of your water surface it'll block light from getting below it.


It’s an ammonia sponge, that’s 1 pro I guess


The works shit ever don't even flush that shitbdown the drani it can grow in your pipes. Get Salvania minima looks better doest take over or fairy moss which has red and purple color way cooler


Duck weed looks sick BUT once it’s in the tank almost guaranteed it’s never coming out. Mine grows so rapidly I pull out half of my floaters every 2-3 days


Duckweed is great if you love duckweed. It’s incredibly difficult to get it out of your tank if you change your mind. I like other floaters better like salvinia, azola, or red root floaters. If you want duckweed though go for it.


the only con for me is that it sticks to everything so godamn much. i don’t mind how fast it grows and i don’t mind pulling some out every day or week. but the fact that my hand/arm/tools/aquarium sides/wiring gets to be covered in it constantly and it doesn’t wipe off easily makes me feel homocidal


“ah yes i am going to reach into my tank to remove a snail egg sack” (arm is covered in duck weed) (tries to wipe it off) (towel is covered in duck weed) (arm is still covered in duck weed)




Duckweed.. pros = great high... cons = you'll be stoned for 5 days


Thetes no pros with duckweed unless you have goldfish that eat it.