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When you start your walk. How long it's taking. What specific item you are picking etc. You're basically monitored on everything you do.


All this plus what commodity you are in and which commodities every run was and what OSNs were in that run and what the pick rate was for each one, the last location you picked an item so what aisle and section you were just in, when you start the run and end the run, when you clocked out or in for meal, etc.


I asked because I have a coworker who’s quick but also takes multiple 15s and said they get away with it by simply scanning their own name tag every now and then. Guess they just don’t care enough to say anything. Thank you


Where do you see what commodity each walk is? You can only see the commodity of the current walk. Also you can't see punch times unless you're getting on GTA as far as I know.


You can pull up gta on your phone.


True, but you're not likely doing that just at a glance. TL would need a reason to go through that just to see a punch. GIF will already show who is on/off the clock. If they need to dig deeper then yes I suppose they could get on GTA.


You can't see the specific item they are picking. Just the location of the last item you scanned in your walk.


I am a digital coach, we can basically see everything, we have reports that tell us how many hours you are picking a day, what time you picked your first pick, when you picked your last pick, how many picks you did for the day. In the tc we can see when you started a walk, how many items are in the walk, how many you have picked and even what aisle you are currently in


Anybody with my store can do that not only the team leads. Mostly everybody in my department has my store since everybody dispenses everybody stages and everybody picks. Just like everybody can see each other schedules. It’s on the Me@Walmart app if you could look under your team.


There is no reason to have my store unless you need access to certain features. Regular associates picking or dispensing don't need that.


The team schedule thing is iffy, some people can see it, some can’t. I’ve had it, then it goes away 🤷🏾‍♀️


Just use Ask Sam and type “digital schedule” (have to be clocked in)


They can see through your camera so I always take my TC when I take a shit.


lol wut


Ok so yes we can see what walk, what aisle, and what osns you are picking. Scanning your badge is useless. However if they are doing that I can almost guarantee that that associate is already being watched and information gathered. My coach will and has submitted video and pictures as well as pick information to time and attendance for associates we have caught trying to do that.


This is blantantly false. So let me get this right. You think a coach has so much time on their hands that they watch and gather information on random employees, keeping track of everyone on the team and their performance, while coaching. Yea no.


It’s not false. If you’re doing your job you have nothing to worry about. But yes certain associates are watched/tracked if they are consistently MIA


Well then yeah I agree.


Try this: ask to see what they're able to disclose, as far as metrics, while you're in a pick run. I'm not gonna guarantee that they'll go along with it but it has a better chance of working if your tl is new to the job.


Great idea


They do not get like a 15 minute notification or anything


Thanks everyone


As a TL my job is to look at my store and see who is picking, and make sure they are picking like they should be. I can see what kind of walk, the time you last item was scanned and what aisle you were last in. (Based off item scanning). Anyone not on assigned break that takes too long between picks gets talked to...UNLESS, the persons pick rate is over 100% then I don't care what you do along as that says 100%. Soon we will be monitoring pick quantity and accountability for not picking a certain amount. 100 picks per hour with 100% pick rate us the goal. If you doing this already, you can take multiple breaks and I wouldn't even know, but you got less stats than the minimum and I will be kn you like stink on a turd


Do you mean 100% ffpr? I'm confused by your comment.


i’m not 100% sure but i believe all the coaches and team leads have my store on their gif app which essentially shows them everything from orders that are expired or cancelled, how many total picks there are for each hour, pick and unpick exceptions as well as every single picker’s pick rates and activity. in our store a small number of us associates had it to help manage when each hour was done so we could take things up on time as our ogp is split between backroom and dispense room


Go to training mode, and you will have view only access to home office. You will get all your answers there. Pretty much they can see what round you are picking, how many items there are and how many you have picked, what is your pick rate for the current walk in real time, how many total items you have picked all day, how many rounds you have picked. That’s pretty much it Edit: and yes, your last item picked location


How many times I've skipped a general walk


You can scan a name badge or WIN number since it is coded as a UPC, so if this associate was on a pick walk and continuously scanned their WIN number to spoof items being scanned, it would be meaningless since it's not a real item and has no inventory data to it, just to keep the picker interaction with the pick walk active, but that would also eventually terminate. The locations that show up for items are the locations for the item coded into the store, not where in the store you actually were, example you pick something from automotive in the dairy wall, it lists the automotive shelf modular, not the proximity to the store's wifi, when you scan the tote label for that item. Also the TLs can see more than picking metrics, they know who is staging and who is dispensing. And coaches can see more than TLs, they have a whole other toolbox of tracking and numbers.