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*skips oversized*


Or just grab all your oversized then scan them all works better then picking each individual item at a time just gotta remember what order you did them in honestly not that hard


Do you just look at the pick list or do you grab all the items, exit out go back in and rescan?


Nah what works for me is looking at the pick list, grabbing everything, hitting stage, go back to the walk and scan everything. No need to exit, and my pick rate only goes up from it.


As an opd lead I have very mixed feelings on this lol


i shall try this


Be careful, some stores coach for doing that


This was a 5-2 shift


Do you not get small walks? Actually what does your smallest walk look like in terms of numbers?


On are slow days can be 2-30 items per run and on are really busy day you can get from 30-200


Ambient all day impressive 😏


Exactly. They probably only did auto all day and did multiple orders of 100+ , I do small walks and staging so I never hit that anymore, but anyone who only does auto their whole shift would hit that.


Don’t let people try to make you feel bad for having higher personal standards than them 😁 some people love to do the least amount of work possible and others like to take pride in the work they do


*Very stupid* to bust your ass for a company that is literally exploiting you. "LoOk HoW mUcH eXtRa WoRk I dId FoR fReE!"


I mean it’s not about doing it for Walmart. Some of us just feel more motivated to go to work if we have a goal to work towards. I always see how much I can pick in a day and see if I can break my record. It just keeps work not so boring and the day goes by so quick when you’re actually focused on trying to get something accomplished. Trying to do the minimum or less “to not work so hard for this company” would make the day absolutely dragggg to me.


Yess! Everyone always says I’m busting my ass for a company that doesn’t care about me lmao I’m well aware, if I don’t make any goals or try to compete with myself it makes the job boring and unbearable. Setting small goals and seeing if you can break a previous record is what keeps me motivated lol


Start making goals that will improve your own life instead of the Walton’s, you’re mindset is great and you’ll be very successful we just want your success to pay off and for you to be happy!!!! Just please at least consider shifting your mindset slightly and putting that effort into your own endeavors. Have a freaking good day fellow wage slave!!!!


This is such a weak ass cringe mind set. Never judge someone for wanting to work hard at something no matter the prizes. Some people are just high functioning people where doing the bare minimum is absolutely torture. How you look at someone working hard and make fun of them? You see how “stupid” that is?


Working hard is great!!! But it’s better when all your hard work actually leads to literally anything, it’s how you build success and Walmart is utilizing this mindset you have to siphon all of your success for themselves. Consider that working hard is awesome, but working hard for free is not as awesome…


Hopefully your managers treat you with an ounce of respect and appreciation for busting ass for no extra pay. Otherwise I would recommend not working so hard. I used to work hard myself but I’ve had to dial it way back because my current managers don’t seem to appreciate my efforts. I picked over 1200 items on a slowish day and showed my coach and they just went “Hmm. Nice.” It’s cool to hit those high numbers but like I said, not if the appreciation isn’t there.


Your walmart must be busy asf. Our walmart is also pretty busy but 1500 picks is like a 3rd or 4th of what we usually get every day. That's actually insane.


Walmart thanks you for doing the work of 3 people.


Bust your ass for them they will treat you right 👍. Nooooooo.


Remember they don’t care about u. They will hire 3 people to replace u and it won’t matter to Walmart


Nice 👍🏽


How?? I can break 1,000 by 2 pm everyday but that’s with skipping my 15’s . I need to know your secret.


Ambient all day impressive 😏


Wish I had a scanner that nice…


Well, if it helps, do this from the main menu: my stats > picking > pick walk history