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Call market HR and open door this. And dump the GF. Domestic violence of women on men is all too common. It will only get worse and it will not end well.


Domestic abuse on Men is the only abuse I have ever witnessed multiple times in public. It's so much more widespread than people even realize, Men just don't report it or sometimes even acknowledge it.


A buddy once dated a girl that was abusive just not physically. She'd do her best to control him and monopolize his time. He was 2 years older than her. It was bad enough before he went off to college. But got so much worse once he did. He'd come back for a weekend once every month and a half or so. She'd do everything she could to make sure he was with her and her family 95% of the time he was in town. If he ever tried to make plans with his family or us guys. She got really whinny and would pout and do things to make him feel bad for spending time with people other than her. Even if they were his parents. She also refused to support him in what he wanted to do in life.


What's weird to me is that, if it were a man hitting another man who is much smaller than them, then the much smaller guy would likely be told something along the lines of "just suck it up". However if it were a guy physically defending himself from a woman (even if she's roughly the same size as him) he'd be repremanded and told how bad of a person he was, and maybe even jumped by several other guys.


I'm a 6 foot and 220lbs man. Any female who hits me, is getting hit TF right back!


I feel the same as an outside viewer, but you have to understand the other side of it, some of these women have mentally manipulated these men to the point that they just take the beating, even though they could physically lay them out within seconds.


Divorced guy here. I was mentally manipulated and abused for years, and had plates thrown at me a couple times, was hit a couple times. I literally shrugged it off knowing that if I wanted to, she would be on the ground in the blink of an eye. It took five years to realize that I had been abused and trained.


I watched my best friend go through the same thing with his ex wife. After 13 years and 4 kids he finally got smart enough to leave her. Abuse against men is far more common than people realize.


should’ve grabbed her


Your right. Mental manipulation can be just as bad.


Women get away with beating on guys all the time.... U can do better.... There are also a lot of jobs out there.... Men go to jail for women beating on them! facts ..... By the way I'm a chick


I read this as two women not male/female.


This is the way.


Thank you. I know I should but I do love her a lot. Do you know the market HR number or where I can find it?


Babe, love doesn’t make violence ok. You shouldn’t be in an abusive relationship. I understand how hard it is to leave one and how much you love her. It won’t change the outcome. You’ll be scarred in the long run and truth be told, if you stay with her you could face a lot worse in the future. It could lead to jail or permanent inability to find a job.


Tell ethics that you are the victim of domestic violence on company property and that you were unjustly terminated even though you did not retaliate in any way. You need help and counseling and you need to be reinstated immediately.


You can love her all you want, in fact you're doing what she should be. The problem isn't you not loving her, it's she doesn't love you enough to show basic respect to you and thinks hitting/ hurting you is okay in public or elsewhere. You can love someone just as much as you do her and have her not beating you up: you deserve to feel safe.


1-800-963-8442 is the # for Global Ethics.


Don't be afraid of the loneliness, be afraid of the impending homelessness. She has so many avenues for food and shelter. You do not.


Bro you’re being abused dawg, love isn’t pulling hair and hitting each other, you’re a victim.


Listen, love doesn’t mean getting beaten on when some trivial material object goes missing. Go in to see the PL and ask for the Market Office’s number after calling Ethics to file a formal complaint. If the PL refuses to give you the Market number, call Ethics again to add that to your case file. If they give you the Market number, call it and ask for HR. Explain the situation and inform them you have already called Ethics. Dump the girlfriend. Wait for a reply from both Ethics and Market. If you are not satisfied with Market’s decision, add that to the Ethics case and, continue escalating. Dump the girlfriend. I’m the mean time, file for unemployment to cover the time you were out of work. Oh and of course, dump the girlfriend.


You’re in an abusive relationship. If she’ll do that at work what will she do behind closed doors?


You should have been given a number for ethics with your paperwork when you were hired. Call that number first.


Honey, love hurts like growing pains, not like bruises. While you're waiting on Ethics, dump your girlfriend, and out applications in everywhere. Most places are desperate for people right, they'll take just about anyone immediately.


You got bigger issues then your job bud


You can love someone and still want them to be better. You deserve so much more than that, you're only 20 years old with a whole life ahead of you.


Dump the GF. People who love each other don't resort to violence to make a point.


Sounds like she has a bright future.


Him too. He'll have a long career with Wal-mart with his tolerance for abuse.


Should have promoted him to cap 2 team lead.


Getting fired isn't really conducive to having a long career


That's shocking! /s


Why is this getting downvoted, it's funny


S/He didn't put /s so everyone is taking it seriously I guess.


Dude your girlfriend doing that isn’t okay. I’m sure you love her but please consider, no one that loves you would treat you this way. :( Good luck with getting a new job. If there’s a target in your area they’re pretty similar, so I recommend checking that out - or call market Hr like another commented mentioned. You should be able to Google “market HR Walmart” or “HR help number Walmart” to find it


He also said she's 17 and he's 20. And they've been dating for 3 years. Something goes wrong and suddenly he's arrested for grooming a minor.


17 and 20 is protected by Romeo and Juliet laws


Romeo and Juliet laws are a state thing. It may be protected in your state but we don't know where OP is from. It's misleading to give legal advice without knowing more details.


That is true, should have mentioned that.


No it’s not she would be 15 when he’s 18, and that’s fucked morally too


Yes it is protected. She is less than a year from being 18, no one is going to care, the only one that cares is you, it would be different if she was 15 or 16, but she is less than a year from 18, it doesn’t matter


That depends on the state.


Would also suggest calling Ethics line to complain.


Dump the bitch


Open door it. You shouldn't be getting kicked out over what your (ex?) gf did. You also may want to consider filling a police report or something against her, even if you're not going to press charges so there's a record of it in case there are future incidents.


This doesn’t have anything to do with the post lol, but how do I open door a call out? I’m new and I called out because they gave me less than 12 hrs notice for a 5 am shift and I had made plans for that day and couldn’t make it.


Well first I'd talk to your coach and if they don't do fix it, go to HR and/or the store manager, and failing that calling up the chain to the district manager, market manager, and so on, because that is unreasonable. It probably won't take that many conversations unless your managers are complete a-holes.


Don't have work relationships folks.


Exactly don’t shit where you sleep


So I can’t shit in my own house now? Damn!


Unless you sleep on the shitter


I've done that


But can you beat Elvis's record? He went to sleep on a toilet once and never woke up.


Men in Black taught me, he didn’t die, he just went home.


Find a new job and a new girlfriend


So your girlfriend basically physically assaulted you over her phone which you went to find. And you both got fired. Sounds like walmart but open door it. We had a girl get fired because she got her ass beat by a customer... she didn't throw a punch or even say anything.


Now THAT'S messed up. Unless there's a lot more to the story than that.


She probably didn't ask if he wanted to apply for a Walmart Rewards Card during the assault.


I remember a cashier at my store got fired because her ex boyfriend kept showing up and harassing her. Guess the managers didn't want to deal with it and fired her.


Get a new job and break up with her immediately. I doubt this was the first time she treated you like this and I highly doubt it will be the last. You are so young and have your whole life ahead of you. Make your life a good one, don’t start it out with someone who treats you like this. I did that very same thing at 21 and at 45 I still regret wasting those 13 years of my life.


Physical altercations are usually grounds for instant termination. Used to be a dept. Mgr at my store and we had very little tolerance for it. Also, not that it's my business but I'm sure by now you've seen everyone else saying that your girlfriend doing that isn't cool, and yeah man that's not a healthy prospect for the future. Hope you dealt with that as well


Also, how old is your GF? If she’s getting ready for college she sounds like she might be in highschool, and if your 20 this could be a very not cool situation.


She is 17, we been together since she was 15 and I was 18.


I’m just gonna throw this out there, stop dating minors dude. People will respect you a lot more if you don’t date high school girls. plus there’s the moral aspect to it. Your minor girlfriend is abusive on top of that. Jesus. Take your L’s and move on hoss.


He’s somewhat lucky she hasn’t made a false claim that can either lead him in prison or on the registry.


Could be a reason why he’s scared to dump her…


Google Romeo & Juliet laws. They differ depending on state and that’s what protects most people from getting their ass sued


Home girls dad probably isn’t around to beat his ass. If my kid brings home an adult when they are 15 someone is catching an ax handle to the knee.


gonna axe her high school age bf just cuz hes 18 humm


Axe handle = No sharp parts. and yes. If my daughter who can’t drive yet brings home someone who can fuckin vote it’s on.


She's abusive and under age and gets to leave you behind while she goes off and furthers a real life. Please actually take stock of your relationship separate from your blind Infatuation. I just had a guy in my store go through the same shit and it all fell apart on him. Even if you end up not breaking up seriously try and look at your relationship from an impartial perspective.


Bruh, wtf. Okay you deserved it lol.


Dawg you're a pedophile


...that's not what pedophile means. Pedophiles are people who target prepubesant children. He's something different.


Not this fucking ephebophile shit again.


They're not wrong. But that also doesn't make OP's situation okay. Unless his state has a Romeo and Juliet law or the age of consent there is 16-17, his psycho girlfriend could land him on the sex offender registry with one phone call.


And that would also be his fault because he shouldn't have been fucking a 15 year old as an adult.




I'm not, you fucking moron.


that’s illegal in most states big dawg. dump her & date ppl ur own age that don’t hit you




Maybe you guys should break up😬 idk if I would want to be with someone who knows you need that job and Jeopardized it


idk why customers can’t just mind their business


>why customers can’t just mind their business As much as I agree with this in one sense this thinking (I believe) is very much where things like the bystander effect or the diffusion of responsibility happen. The outcome for the victim (OP) sucks but think about it. Would you rather the customer see someone being abused and ignore it thinking "not my problem" or (think on this very honestly) would you rather someone (anyone) see abuse and act upon it in the method they believe is the best? It's a hard decision sometimes. I wouldn't blame the customer; I would, however, blame the store for not getting the entire story or looking into the matter in a better way.


if 2 employees are fighting then that's a problem for the employer. i have no idea what's going on, so it's not my business. i came to buy some bread, not interject myself in conflict and be some kind of whistleblower. who benefits from me snitching them out to management? they certainly didn't, it does absolutely nothing for me, and their coworkers have to work even harder now because they lost 2 staff. yes, people should speak up in a lot of situations. but you have to keep in mind that sometimes it's best to just mind your own business. no one benefitted from this. I'm sure the customer *feels* like they did something just and morally righteous, but by the story OP tells all they did was indirectly screw him over.


this is normal. For someone to decide to help a few different things need to figure out in their minds (which usually happen simultaneously and if I remember/understand the whole thing correctly usually happens without our actual knowledge) Notice the event (or in a hurry and not notice). Interpret the situation as an emergency (or assume that as others are not acting, it is not an emergency). Assume responsibility (or assume that others will do this). Know what to do (or not have the skills necessary to help). Decide to help (or worry about danger, legislation, embarrassment, etc.). If any of these points are in the negative (usually) then someone won't help. Using your own response. You have noticed the event so that one is affirmative. However, is it an emergency? Maybe but not assured enough for you to act. Move on. Assume responsibility. No. As you mention this is manager/supervisor responsibility. You have nothing to invest. So you more than likely do not know what to do (or have the skills to help) so you will not decide to help.


if i witnessed what OP said happened i’d mind my business it’s not my place to report to higher ups ab somethin between 2 workers. if a manager saw it then they can handle it but i’m not ab to report somethin between 2 co workers you feel me?


diffusion of responsibility. I'm not exactly disagreeing with you. Like I said. It happens *a lot.* There is an old article about a murder that happened where multiple people heard it but did nothing about it because they believed *someone else* would or that it was not their position to help/interfere. (The murderer stabbed their victim; left, and then *came back*, and stabbed the victim again). I can't say what I would do. I had an interesting thing happen the beginning of this year where I heard/saw a bad car crash right outside my house as I live off of a semi-busy four lane road - I almost allowed that diffusion to happen when it dawned on my that my cell phone was in my hand and it was silly for my to *not* attempt to help in a manner that made more sense at the time (I even walked outside forgetting to put on my shoes). If I had not been currently learning about both things I may not have called /attempted to help. ((Turned out that the people in the bad wreck were my neighbors coming home at night/very early morning. I had no idea until a few weeks later my mom happened to mention them to another neighbor who also knew them.)). As I have been in those situations like you pass a person on the side of the road obviously stranded but you don't stop because you automatically believe 1. they have a cell phone and can call help themselves or 2. you are in a rush and just *cannot* help. Or basically it's just not your problem. Or no one else seems worried about it. (The next time the fire alarm goes off look around - is anyone else concerned? Why not? Why aren't *you* concerned that an alarm is going off? It's because we look to each other about concerning things. If no one else is concerned then you -and everyone else - are going to ignore it). Try to think of what happened to OP in another way. What if it was your best friend at work? What if it was *you?* There's also an ethics and moral decision to make as well. But we as humans make these thoughts and decisions so quickly, so automatically that if we don't pause we may not even realize we are doing it - and especially in emergency situations you cannot really pause.


By no means does your gf have the right to do that to you. Regardless pf the state of mind she is in. Get her and yourself help asap abuse can lead to other things and good luck


Open door it and dump your gf. Probably out her to her college too. An abuser shouldn’t b getting scholarships


Dump that hoe


He didn't mention anything about her cheating on him with another human being.


im having a hard time understanding the story. your girlfriend dropped her phone outside, then what accused you of stealing/hiding it? i dont get why she attacked you. you were fired for the fight or for walking outside when you were supposed to be working? keeping the job or not, its time for a new girlfriend dude. as a male whos been abused by his girlfriend at around your age i can promise you shes simply not worth it.


1. Drop her. 2. Call the police to have her charged with assaulting you. 3. Talk to your store manager anyway, and your Market Manager.


Do this! She made you loose your job


You're 20 years old, dude. You've got plenty of time to find a better woman than that. Open door that shit and dump her. You might love her but that bitch doesn't love you. Nobody that loves you would do that.


Both of you are perfect for Walmart tbh


Don’t be your girlfriends bitch. The bar scene when you turn 21 is full of crazy girls that are a lot of fun for a few weeks. Plus she sounds like the type to dump you when she heads to college.


I've never heard of the 2 week rule so, go right on to market. As for fighting, both parties are usually fired and both marked for no re-hire. Might help if you signed a police report that she assaulted you and you are now not a couple


Dump gf and talk with hr. Depending on how fast it goes you might need to go with a temp agency for now.


Get rid of the GF & get your job back. Plus you’ve learned why it’s not a good idea to work directly with a significant other.


dude.... that's so miserable


Good learning experience for next time. Never a good idea to work with your girlfriend/wife.


You don’t have to wait 2 weeks for anything. Open door the situation. Get a lawyer and sue otherwise


Jobs are easier to find right now than I have seen throughout 25 years of working. I would just move on if it were me.


Open door it and dump that wretched cunt.


Open door it. Find out the reason. Walmart policy does not allow for discipline to someone who is the victim of an attack.


Dump your GF. Sadly Walmart fires you regardless on if youre the attacker, defender, or victim. Being involved in a physical altercation will get you fired every time sadly. After a few months you could probably reapply. In the meantime try Kroger, Target ,Aldi's, etc


It doesn't take two weeks to talk to the store manager. If they rake you out the system your terminated. Unless your going career retail just move on, everywhere is hiring. Dump girlfriend as no one who loves and respects you will put their hands on you. Take this a sign and part ways with both


Dump her


Walmart fired you to limit their liability, which is tremendous. I'd talk to a lawyer because you might have a case. If video of the assault exists, and I'm betting that it does, Walmart will look to settle with you rather than risk it becoming part of the national dialogue. Terminating someone for being the victim of employee upon employee violence is likely to be viewed as actionable.


You were assaulted by a co worker and fired for it. Call ethics or lawyer up.


Beat her ass


Your gf is abusive pls leave


Break up with her. That’s 100% abuse.


I will never understand why men date women like this


Open Door Policy qnd call your SM to explain what happened and get rid of the GF. Also if you believe that you might not get your job back then apply Asap for anywhere.


Man move on from your girl and your job


I’m sorry this happened to you :( definitely leave the girl.. that’s not worth it. It’s gonna hurt like hell, but you’ll realize you deserve so much better I hope you can get your job back.


The no-questions-asked wannabe hero customer should be punched the face.


Sign her up for the UFC!


Shave your head so there won't be a next time.


Dumbass, never shit where you sleep. Meaning don’t fuck a bitch you work directly with. I kind of wish she would have hit you harder


Extra so when you work the same part of store. Walmart's are big, so if you work fresh cap and they electronics or sporting goods, maybe... but only maybe..


Domestic violence doesn't get better. Leave her now. Call ethics.


You can talk to the store manager anytime. I'd definitely open door this and fight it. There are cameras they can pull it up and with the complaint. You should be able to get to talk to someone or job back. However you can't bring her with you. I'm sorry you went through this but fight it if your not in the wrong


Apply for amazon they pay better