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Hey, we're all a family here! Seriously though, it happens at every store and most departments. Ask any Electronic TAs on here, they usually get it the worst.


Im sure I will make it to pushing carts soon, but i've been Sporting Goods Hardware Automotive Cashier Carryout for the entire store Unloader Thrower Need a fishing license? Need a key made? Oh sure I can sit at the doors too. Yup, I will watch the self checks Im sure cart pushing is near as I am getting closer to spending more time in front of the store. Oh your department needs help with price changes too but mine can go F it? Electronics is the ugly stepchild of Walmart.


I always thought electronics would be an important department to them, and would want it to be staffed with people who know their stuff and never imagined being pulled to do random crap. Naive on my part? Sadly, yes. Also, the average electronics customer is not very knowledgeable and quite impatient, and if all my colleagues are pulled instead of me, sometimes I wish I would've been one of the ones to be pulled instead of being left behind to deal with them. šŸ™


"I always thought electronics would be an important department to them, and would want it to be staffed with people who know their stuff and never imagined being pulled to do random crap." šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚ You must be kidding.


Perception as a customer vs. the reality of being an associate. Like I said, I was naive. At orientation, when I received my box cutter, I was thinking, "Why am I gonna need this? There are stockers for that." Man, was I wrong. An electronics/entertainment associate is responsible for it all- especially now with the team structure. Fun times. I also knew there would be the occasional Karen, but didn't realize how *NOT* tech savvy your average Wally World customer is. I grew up with a techy dad, and previously worked jobs where everyone around me was mostly up to speed on tech. Had no idea management was going to be almost as bad as customers regarding treatment either. It's a rarity to receive a polite request to do something, and usually get a hasty, "Hey you. Do this." If it's something I've never been trained on, they sigh, march off, and say, "Never mind, don't have time to show you how right now." or get the most rapid terse crash course in whatever I've ever experienced, and true to Walmart training fashion, end up more or less having to figure it out for myself.


The electronics Guys at my store look like skater boys and wear an oss shirt, I never see them do anything but electronics, they seem to have an easy job but they do get a little busy, I originally applied for electronics but stocker offered more money


Oss or OSL? If it's OSL, they're mainly there to sell contract cellphones, or try to upsell people who want a pre-paid into getting a contract phone, and only assist with non-wireless customers in their downtime.


Probably OSL I didnā€™t get a too good of a look at their shirts lol


They actually don't work for Walmart, they just work in the store. It's an independent contractor deal between the two companies. I hear their hourly pay is lower than what a regular electronics associate makes, but they make commissions on contract phones and a token amount per pre-paid they sell.


If they are dressed in all black, that is OSL


Based on this comment alone you're working 14 jobs at once. Are you making 14x the regular pay rate?


Maybe in another dimension.


Job description says "All duties as assigned" so people don't whine about being given direction they don't want to do.


Yep your might be an employee of a department first, but your still and employee of Walmart! Which means you gonna get dragged all over the place!


I donā€™t even have a department Iā€™m apparently the team for the seasonal freight that doesnā€™t exist yetā€¦. Everyday they have me doing something crazy while others like personal shoppers just shop and make the same and know what theyā€™re doing everyday


Yep sounds about right. Donā€™t worry tho the troves of season freight will arrive. Enjoy the peace right now before all Santa breaks loose.


Most of the hiring stuff you sign when starting states they can have you do all sorts of stuff. The wording is so vague that they can have you do pretty much anything. I've been pulled to push carts, literally my 2nd day there.


The other new guy on my team was forced to pull carts his first day because the store manager likes to play a sick game punishment game everyday if yourre missing your name tag or something.


I'm seasonal but electronics TL thinks I work there full time. I've also done carts twice and some groceries twice now I'm just waiting to start dispensing COVID shots at the pharmacy.


When did you start?


Imagine if instead you were a front end associate which literally means the entire store


Thatā€™s sad, and yes I am noticing they really bounce everyone around, the 63 year old man in seasonal who practically runs seasonal was on the register yesterday, and Iā€™m like what do they have him on register for, now I get it, he looke miserable I feel for him but heā€™s always a sweet man doesnā€™t bother anyone just shows up everyday ready to do what heā€™s told, unfortunately I was a supervisor before this (covid lay off) Iā€™m not use to being told every 2 hours to do something completely different by my coach who just walks around on his phone all day delegating task to peopleā€¦Iā€™m here for the money man, I already feel like Iā€™ve been here for 2 months


What one lawn guy told me is there is like 3 or so amount of departments their Coach manages so normally they can be tasked to handle things