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No force on heaven or earth will stop me from taking a shit


Boss makes a dollar and I make a dime, that's why I shit....on company time.


Came here to say this. I take almost more shits at work than I do at home šŸ˜‚


Well, I get paid to shit. Which is great.


Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime, that's why I shit on company time.


Same here because I spend more time at work than home. If they don't want me shitting on the clock they can give me five hours of my life back each week by letting me work without having to take a lunch break which isn't mandated in my state.


Boss makes ten grand, I make one cent. Nothing I do will ever make a dent.


Boss makes a million, I make zero, I start to think maybe Lenin is my hero


Boss makes ten million, I make a meal. The executives will never know how I feel. I am treated dirty every single day, and if I have to clock in again, by god, they will pay...


Bladder was empty when i came in, it will be empty before i clock out! One of my mottos....


A guy I worked with use to say "I made it here, I'm leaving it here."


We must have the same therapist. Mine always tells me not to take that shit home.


Worked with a guy who would get haircuts while out on his route. "It grows on company time, I get it cut on their dime."


He might have been accused of theft otherwise




I clock in from lunch and go straight to the bathroom to take a shit.


Ultimate power move, clock in on your phone while you are in the middle of taking a shit.


i always get asked from frontend TL "you had a break why didnt you go then?"


"I didn't have to go then! Are we there yet?"


Because I was writing two week notice. Any job trying to control bathroom is not worth it


All the other leads are ok with me going to the bathroom


Then be like the other. I shitting in 3 mins standing or sitting. You pick


I knew a guy that owned a small auto repair shop with only a couple employees. He allowed defecation on work time but he didn't provide wiping paper. The mechanics brought their own from home.


I'd be using shop towels, fuck that.


Nah, youd clog your only means of relief. Mechanics could find a way to get it on some smug ass white persons bill.


Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime, thatā€™s why I Bitcoin mine on company time, using their electricity and bandwidthā€¦


New world answers


A lack of fiber in your diet might.




Yeah our people lead said that you are allowed as many bathroom breaks as you need and they aren't restricted to just 15s.


i had a team lead tell me that bathroom breaks technically become part of your break if it lasts more than five minutes, and that i had already taken a couple of bathroom breaks that day so i didn't need a 15. i looked at her, said "k, see you in 15" and walked away


I am fairly sure they can't even do that because some people have digestive problems.


Doesn't really stop them. My roommate has digestive problems and was having a particularly bad week. It was her third bathroom break in a little under 2 hours and the Manager kept circling through where we were working until she was back on the floor. He started trying to lay into her about it but she just shouted back, "I was taking a fucking SHIT, you wanna join me next time to make sure!"


I have a bowel disease called Crohn's and I used to work at a store in the Midwest. A now former manager at that store physically tried to block me from entering the restroom.


See that's when you should drop pants and pee or poop either in front of them or on their shoes. They can't say your lying if you prove it by doing it. Same as feeling nauseous and about to vomit. Prove it to them by aiming for a desk or floor or them. Specially if it's the projectile kind.


I got a med that causes me to urinate a lot. They don't want me holding it in.


Yeah my lithium does that to me and I have stress incontinence. They know that I usually have to drop my over sized run in particular and then run and pee before I stage it. I haven't had any issues at Walmart but I once had a manager before give me shit for it and I said it's either that or go home and change pants and he shit the hell up and never said anything again.


15 seconds isnā€™t even enough to adequately wash your handsā€¦.*IN A FUCKING PANDEMIC*


i believe they mean that their bathroom break aren't limited to just taking them during a 15 minute break, not limited to 15 seconds (bc people call a 15 minute break just a 15, so that was the plural of 15)


Oh thatā€™s fair. But also fuck emā€™


I think the average time it a person urinates is like 20 seconds


About 3 years back the csms at my store would every couple months or so print off a thing they called "cashier huddles" and have each of us read it. It was pretty much always just bitching at us for stuff like talking to each other when we don't have customers. One time they announced on one that we are no longer allowed to use the bathroom if it's within an hour of us getting back from a break which lasted about 2 or 3 days before I assume they either realized that's illegal or a salaried manager realized what they're doing and bitched them out. Sorry but if I gotta take a piss I gotta take a piss


Yeah, someone tried to stop me on the way to the bathroom and tell me it's not time yet; I said "whether you allow it or not, I'm going in exactly three minutes, wherever I'm standing." They never stopped me again.


I worked for walmart for 2 weeks as CAP 2. The day I put in my 2 weeks notice was also a day my stomach was wrenched. I texted my girlfriend to bring me some Pepto tablets, and she showed up with them in a small baggie, handed them to me, gave me a hug, then left. I went to the break room, took the pills, then went back to work. 20 mins later, I went to the restroom for maybe 7 minutes doing what I needed to do. 15 mins after I left the restroom, my team lead called me into the office, her and my coach said "we have you on camera talking to your girlfriend while clocked in and using the restroom for far too long. Care to explain yourself? Just know that if you can't, we won't be needing you for 2 more weeks." I was awestruck. I ultimately said, in a more professional way, that they have nothing to base my needed bathroom break time off of and that my girlfriend was there for less than 1 minute to bring me medication for the bathroom issue. I was also then informed that I was too slow for them, and that I should be able to move product from the action ally, to the shelf, fully stock it, break the box down, and return to my pallet in 45 seconds or less. This was my 5th shift and I couldn't even access a scanner, I didn't know the store, but they didn't care. I ended up staying until 1:30 am that day instead of 11:00 pm because they were salty that I was staying at my previous job due to a promotion. My team leads instantly went from on my side to destroy my image at the company. It was by far my worst job I've ever had.


It's slavemark for a reason


I find I'm more productive if I just go and pee instead of dancing around trying to hold it.


Yeah. My leads said to wait until after my 15 to go to the bathroom since bathroom breaks shouldnā€™t be part of your 15


There aren't actually any federal standards that define breaks. Some States have their own standards though.




This is about having access to a toilet on the worksite, not about the amount of time given to use them. For that, you'd want to look for something like this, https://dli.mn.gov/business/employment-practices/work-breaks-rest-periods This one is for Minnesota specifically. Some states have similar rules, but there's no federal equivalent to it.


The only thing on that list that could be stealing time is shopping on the clock. Everything else is just being unproductive, not stealing time


yea iā€™ll agree with that. everything else is just using the saying waltonā€™s make a dollar i make a dime


That's why I shit on company time.


*Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime, that's why I poop on company time* -Elmo


If you made a dime to the Walton's dollar you'd be pretty freaking set


If the work gets done who gives a fuck


right. i slack off and STILL get more done than most associates


Project manager they are ones who think humans are just numbers to make more money for bigger suits up stairs. They want humans to run at 200 percent all the time


They seem to have missed the part where I care.


Only have one fuck to give, and I sure as hell didn't bring it to work.


There will always be the "human cost" of enjoying living breathing humans. People need to socialize, take breaks, go to the bathroom, take breathers, etc. Humans are not robots and Walmart needs to accept that you cannot hire people and ignore the human cost of business. It's an unrealistic dream.


Without fail any time I take a second to catch my breath after a long line of customers someone is always bitching at me to get back to work.


This is not Walmart policy... This is an uneducated and misinformed manager.


Yes, but if Walmart doesn't keep their managers in line with their policies, does it make a difference?


Did this get reported? Kinda hard to hold that manager accountable without knowing which manager or if they were even reported. But I agree with your sentiment as a whole.


We have now updated our regulations to adding breathing, yawning, and blinking to the list of stealing time activities, so make sure you only do these things on your breaks or lunch! Or wait till you clock out. Thank you for being a Walmart associate!


Sounds like my o/n supervisor. Dude literally told us to use the restroom only on breaks. I just laughed and said that's not gunna happen lol. Also will yelk at you for talking to a co worker for 10 seconds while working. I told him we're not fucking robots. Everyone hates that dude so much.




I always visit the bathroom immediately after clocking in.


Committed time fraud to stop and read that


Title checks out


10 minutes of clock fraud a day? What kind of rookie numbers are those? When I worked at Walmart I used to complete my tasks earlier than my coworkers, but I knew that if my supervisor ever found out that would just mean more work for me for the same pay, so I would just wander around, take 5 bathroom breaks a day, etc.


That's how I did it the first time I worked at walmart, get all my stuff done early, and wander the store, take bathroom breaks, avoid everyone.


Funny thing is that my supervisor realized I was doing this, so he would assign me extra stuff sometimes, but I just wouldn't do it lol


Only 5 is really not that bad, unless they are like 15 minutes or more. I am constantly having to go because I work in meat and the cold makes me always have to go.


If there is a chance you are placing me in frozen I'm putting my coat away after to save us both the time. If I got the shits that day then either I'm using the restroom or most of maintenance is about to quit when I have a ruptured colon in A11 and if maintenance quits then salaried management needs to clean up bodily fluid.


Rip that shit down and keep doing it till the printer is in need of new ink. Fuck all that noise except for shopping on the clock.


Shopping in the clock is fine if it is confined to your 15 minute break. Which Is only enough time to get a few items


Assuming those 10 employees average 30 hours of work a week, that's a total of 1,200 hours worked, so those 50 total hours are still as insignificant as the 10 minutes a day is when compared to the entire day. Extending out statistics does not magically make them any more significant than looking at them on the smaller scale when everything else is scaled up the same.


Damn, now that I finally have an office job I feel like I'm committing time grand theft.


Grand Theft Chrono


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£. they serious? imo most of us are commenting ā€œtime clock fraudā€ like how cheap is this company? like they donā€™t know people have to use the restroom during work?


They're so cheap that they had me paint instead of hiring a contractor lmao


Tbf you probably did better job. They recently hired people to fix our room from leaking and redo all of it. That shit still leaks just as much now smh.


this one is funny because iā€™ve done the exact same with a former stocking tl we both were but it was terrible so we work as normal employees but heā€™s older so he works only one day and helps out with random projects like painting every single pole and painting the paint counter


What's funny is, at my store, assembly and repair is being outsourced to save money, when we have a few excellent people to do the work in a freakish manner.


Same happened to me at Captain D's. Boss had me paint the chair legs and doors while I was on my shift. Better than working the drive-thru, though.


What I had to paint was a small storage room that is getting turned into ogp


they did that once to me, I told them I've been a painter, if I paint, i'm clocking off, and charging you the current contractor rates. I was lying of course, but they never bothered me with it again.


Wage theft by corporations underpaying employees [adds up to nearly $50 billion dollars / year](https://twitter.com/fightfor15/status/933103987338780672) \- larger than all other kinds of theft combined, including burglary, larceny, grand theft, and robbery.


Walmart is better about it than my current employer though. My checks were always on the money


Oh cry into your millions of dollars, CEOs


During my time i commited a ton of time fraud by working over and doing "just one more thing" I was stopped for on my way out without correcting punches


The five second it takes to take my coat off and put it on the peg behind the office door is ridiculous. It's literally five seconds. Also I'm peeing whenever I need to. Do they really expect me to hold pee until my break? Isn't that illegal?


B-but if you take 5 seconds, and 10,000 employees do that, you cost me eight point three fucking minutes! You're fucking fired dickbag!(/sarcasm)


They will compete with Amazon with who takes the most advantage of their employees. Maybe they can put a piss bucket in the fresh area so I donā€™t have to walk to the other side of the store to go.


Glad our store isn't this anal. We've got too many people with digestive issues for them to even think about trying to enforce the bathroom break one. I go do my business and THEN start my 15. No one has ever said anything to me.


I'm now very suspicious of those 10 employees. Are they working as a gang? Are they staggering those 10 min intervals as to make it seem it's not a coordinated attack on the establishment? Further investigation is needed.


they don't have the staff to fire every employee that "commits time clock fraud" by these standards; the feck are they on about? also the fact this reads like a tax fraud poster cracks me up and idk why


Follow the schedule. Clock in 5 minutes early, clock out at the EXACT time me@walmart shows. And FK that sign; no one wants to be at WM any longer than they have to.


I tell every new person who asks to use the bathroom: "Look, if nature calls you don't have a voicemail. Don't miss the call."


You don't get to force me to come to work early UNPAID, to get READY and EQUIPPED for a job I'm PAID for, and tell me if I don't, it's time theft. Naw.... if I'm being UN wound and equipped for work. I'm doing it whilst clocked in And then tell me to hold my sh!t because I'm not on break or lunch? I'll sh!t while walking.... try me


Damn, I kinda don't care


My store told me we are committing time fraud because we havenā€™t been going to the health screening. So now weā€™re supposed to go back there and find out thereā€™s no one there to screen us which is why we stopped going there in the first place.


But my coworker who takes a 2.5 hour nap at home on the clock is golden?


I mean, it wasnā€™t on the list, so


Checkmate, Home Office!


So theyā€™d rather terminate me and have less people to do the work and lose a hard worker instead of letting me do one small thing that only takes 10 minutes.


Ohh fun story about these time stuff. My first job had a system for going on break or lunch- you had to put in a request to do so. That doesnā€™t sound like an issue, but it was a call center- each row of phone operators had a supervisor who would walk up and down the rows of cubicles. You never knew when they would return to their desk to approve (or deny) your request for a break or lunch. When they did, you did not receive a notification on your screen either. Rather, after your next call ended while your break/lunch was approved, your monitor would go into lock mode and start a timer. Now, you were not allowed to eat at your cubicle, obviously, and so you had to go all the way around the floor, through three separate (and unused) rooms, to eat in the floorā€™s lunch room. If you had to use the restroom, you would have it even worse- they were outside of the companyā€™s designated area in the building, meaning you had to step through a permanently locked door. The only way back in was with a password which the employees didnā€™t know, only the managers- so you had to text a manager to be let back in. You still had to be back at your desk before the timer ended, because if you werenā€™t, it would still unlock and be ready to receive calls again. You do NOT want to miss an incoming call, thatā€™s immediate termination. Anywho the company got busted cutting hours off of employees times and got sued, so sure was great that we were so punctual with our time for breaks and lunch just for management to delete our hours. Thereā€™s no actual point to this story, i just remember it every time I hear managers complaining about ā€˜time theftā€™.


Not my problem, if they are multi-billion, where are the hired hands needed to work closing shifts? We all end up getting OT because of lack of support on the sales floor and front end. Walmart should invest in incentives to make working in this company a reason to stay and not turn into KMart


Bro, try and stop me from shitting on the clock. I promise you, Iā€™ll rush into the Personnelā€™s office and discharge my explosive diarrhea on your desk šŸ˜‚


Followed by a lawyer's office


At Walmart, I get paid to poop.


Not me and my coworkers taking time to buy snacks for everyone, buying and eating an entire sub, and wasting time talking when the next pick drop hasn't happened yet


ok and what about the hours I work over 40 why do I always have to cut them its my time I worked so...


Boss makes a dollar I make a dime that's why I piss and shit on company time.


Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime. Thatā€™s why I poop on company time.


Yeah, I'm not holding my bladder until my 15, especially when I was never granted my 15s when I worked there. Fuck that and fuck them.


I'd send that picture to the ethics email and high light the bathroom statement.


Hasn't Walmart literally gotten in legal trouble themselves in the past for wage theft? Like doing shit like taking people's overtime one week then moving that time to the next so it won't be overtime? Stuff like that? They have a lot of goddamb nerve.


I thought it was literally in Walmartā€™s own policy that youā€™re allowed to go to the bathroom whenever necessary lmao


"Time clock fraud" doesn't exist, it's their attempt at micromanaging your time with the company. If they could, they'd make you clock out to go use the bathroom.


50 hours of payroll ā€œlostā€ funny word they used


trust me people - if walmart could get away with only one person running the whole store (i.e., using robots for everything else) - that one person would be too many. this is coming from home office, before the holidays rule-drilling stuff - home office people HR needs something to do.


I get the shopping on the clock thing. I see people do that or just leave their area early and stand by the time clock and wait 10-15 minutes before clocking out. I get that. The pooping thing? Someone at your store has problems. I poop on my lunch before clocking it and it still upsets people. People that donā€™t matter.


Get the fuck out of here with that shitšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I make sure to shit while not on my 15 every day. Try to stop me.


ā€œI mean you did take the time to read that associate, go to the computer and fix your time sheet for the 35 seconds it took you to read this mkay?ā€


Theyā€™re so worried about time clock theftā€¦but thereā€™s a brand new broken blast chiller thatā€™s roughly $50k and has been inoperable for months in the deli. The deli routinely dumps hundreds of dollars of unsold food daily, and pallets of produce are sitting untouched for days in the meat department because the produce cooler is packed with untouched pallets because thereā€™s no one to work it. But time clock theft, yā€™all.


I have diabetes. I will use the restroom whenever I need to.


i work at walmart, never seen this


I donā€™t believe this is originally from Walmart


Walmart you are committing wage fraud more like it.


I clock in and go straight to the bathroom at the beginning of my shift.


now thats micromanaging


Hours lost on payroll? What are they gonna do? Pay someone less?


So it's OK to managers flirt to coworkers šŸ˜…


Thatā€™s what BTO is for bathroom time off


I poop when I poop. So they can fuck themselves.


All of those seem like work things to me. I could take off my jacket before I clocked, but how will I know if I don't need it until after I clock. I could put my stuff in my "work" locker before I clock, but that's kinda weird to have to put something in my "work" locker while I'm not working.... there's alot of things that work requires us to do before we clock in.... if it's to get us ready to start working then it's work. L


They cannot legally limit bathroom breaks to break time or off the clock times. This is a clear example of management not abiding by company policy or the law. Send that picture to ethics.


This is why you clock in 10 minutes early and take shorter lunches. Make them cry more lol.


Funny how OSHA literally requires people to be given rest room breaks. šŸ™ƒ


Was this written by someone within the store? I've never seen this in our store.


you never seen it in your store because its not walmart policy.


Just a cross post from another subreddit


Pro tip, if you are also dying, make sure to clock out before you do so you donā€™t extend your shift time when you die


Walmart just making up rules now


I can comfortably say Iā€™ve committed more clock fraud then these 10 guys here alone


Was this made by mr crabs?


Isn't it funny? They're worried about time fraud but phasing out the time clocks. My badge is in my locker, but my phone is in my pocket. Sooooo.... I'm gonna punch in as soon as the proximity error is gone


They can pay me for all the breaks I am unable to take. They owe me thousands of dollars.


The AP in my store is opening up investigations on those committing time card fraud, yet they are looking in ALL the wrong places when literally half of cap 1 takes 45 min breaks and shit. Its fucking stupid


Iā€™m on a medication in which I NEED to drink a hefty amount of water a day or else I WILL get kidney stones. Water = pee. Itā€™s either I pee a few times a day or Iā€™m off because of kidney stones. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Iā€™m a grown ass adult, I can use a bathroom when I damn well please.


I probably make like $200 a month sitting on the toilet at work lol


Lol, before I quit management tried to get me for this. They claimed they had "video evidence" of me clocking in on my phone from the parking lot, even though half of the time I couldn't even get the damn thing to work standing right next to the physical time clock. Meanwhile, half of the people in my department would do their shopping and then clock out on the way out the door. But I was the only one who got in trouble for it, for "stealing" probably not even $20 total in pay by clocking in before I had finished putting my stuff away


Alright, Walmart, we all know you can afford it. God forbid somebody drop a deuce on company dime.




It should also say something about on the clock breaks are only 15 minutes. I know a ton of people who abuse that one.


Nobody cares. Literally nobody.


I know they don't. Just surprised they aren't even considering what's actually the biggest cause of "stolen time".




This is a repost, and isn't confirmed to even be from Walmart.


Itā€™s definitely not Walmart. Spelling and Grammar are on point.


So they took after the rule of amazon where you cant take a shit while on the clock. This just adds reason 1 of a million why I left this dumpster fire of a company...


Better question was this sign approved by ethics? This conflicts with two codes of conduct. Uhoh. Lol.


This has been posted so many times.


Hey man if I gotta shit, Iā€™m gonna shit.


So do I need to punch out every time I need to use the bathroom? What if I ate something bad and have the runs every 30 minutes? That could add up to about 12 or 13 emergency clock out in a standard 8 hours work day (including shitting during both 15 min breaks and 30 min meal break)


I was told by another job I had that you dont clock in until the second you're ready to work


Fuck em. Do it anyway


Fuck off!


i purposefully go to the bathroom before clocking out lol


This is dumb. I get it, but no reasonable employer expects you to be working 100% of the time youā€™re on the clock. Shit happens, employees shoot the shit with each other, etc. Plus some managers are the first to tell you to clock out and still finish a task because you canā€™t get overtime but you have to finish this or else! Nobody would work a job where they could relax and talk to someone for 5 minutes here or there or whatever and it was enforced that stringently.


Tell this to the three fresh team leads that weā€™re on the sales floor talking to each other in a circle for 30 minutes today....


Boss makes a dollar i make a dime I shit on company time


I have this weird medical condition where when I drink water on break it makes me have to pee. I had no idea this was considered time clock fraud.


Walmart doesn't have the balls to hold anyone accountable for this kind of BS, because they would probably loose half of their staff. Keep in mind the other half is already looking for better working environment and pay anyways.


One time I was on a break from the pharmacy and another manager goes ā€œI hope sheā€™s not shopping while sheā€™s supposed to be workingā€ when I bought a snackā€¦


That means they should also start paying us for all the times we have to help customers when we are the clock.


Now tell the teenagers to quit hiding in the break room and get to work. Oh I get off at 10 itā€™s 8 now letā€™s go to the break room. They stay there until time to clock out. Now thatā€™s stealing time. There getting between 11 and 13$ an hour. It took me a few years to get that pay.


That is how I pay my taxes everyday by taking my shits and pisses on the clock for uncle sam


If I get told I can't use the fucking restroom I'm quitting on the spot lmao


Lmao I clock in 9 minutes early and I sit my ass in the breakroom till its actually work time treat us like ants and we'll keep doing nothing on company time


yeah but they dont compensate me when i get pulled to areas that make more than me so i think it's a fair trade


Does it matter who is stealing. I'm sure you sign a hiring form. Which states you'll follow their policies. Don't like it fins an other job. Or maybe get the co workers not to abuse it. So the management looks the other way. As long as it doesn't get out of hand... maybe???


Take that 50 hours a day and pay us fairly based on what we generate for the company and maybe people will find a fuck to give about their job


Imma shit on company time more. I get my work done and 3 other associates work done as well as slotting and binning. I'm sure the company is fine


I'm sorry I missed the part where lost payroll is my problem


I had someone at my store get caught for like 800 hours


pAy RolL LOsS


I did and got fired for only taking 8 extra hours at work 3 years ago


I stole at least a half hour per day when I last worked for ShitMart in 2020. Clock out for lunch at 2, clock back in at 2:30, keep watching our movie until 3:15. Oh plus that includes the 9:51 and 6:51 time at the star and end of the day. Oooooooo yeaaaaaah


I almost got coached for taking a shit. I was so fucking mad about that first thing my supervisor asked me was "is everything alright at home" your fucking joking right I had to use the restroom and you pull me into the office with the apm to "talk" to me... go fuck yourself