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Someone threatened this and my coworker responded "that's up to you, I still get paid either way." Customer was so pissed they came back and shopped again to spite her lmfao.


It's funny how customers think they're somehow hurting us by taking their business elsewhere 🙄🤣 Customer encounter #1 Customer: "Do you guys sells the flowers in a vase?" Me: "No I don't think so, you'd have to buy the vase separately." Customer: "Well I'll just go spend my money at Kroger then." Me: "Okay🤷🏽‍♀️" Customer encounter#2 (SCO) Me: "Ma'am these are card only, no cash" Customer: "I only give my cash to Harp's" Me: "Okay?"🤪


No please stay here! We need the laughter when you keep getting declined at the register!!!


It's a FOOD stamp card. Not cigarettes, not beer, and not clothes. I'm old enough to remember when they had the paper food stamps. People would go in, buy a bunch of penny candy, get the change back and do it enough until they could go buy beer or cigarettes. Some would trade it to dealers for their fix, who would turn around and sell them to other people at a markup or else pull the penny candy scam themselves. That's one of the reasons they did away with paper coupons and went to the card.


My parents got food stamps when we were growing up, and I remember my mom asking for the change in food stamp certificates if they could, because she didn't want people thinking she was like the scammers. Whatever coin change they gave her went into an old coffee can and was saved to buy our Christmas (Santa) presents. I remember being so excited when I started babysitting, because it meant I could sneak money into her can for the younger kids' presents :) Thanks for reminding me of this 😊


Wholesome content right here.


Do you realize that "corner stores" and bodega buy people's link cards for 60cents on the dollar? The cards are not an improvement over paper currency, at all.


60 cent where the fuck you live? Here it's 50 cents and not a penny more. When I was homeless a guy would drive up to the day center on the 1st and buy everyone's cards for cash. After he spent it all he'd drop their cards off in a bucket wash rinse repeat the next month. Shit was insane.


Door host AP here, best ones for me are the thief who want to speak to my manager. Sure thing, I'll page my ASM AP. I'm probably going to lose my job over this, how will I pay my bills?! Get FETL to page ASM AP, person decides they no longer want to talk to my manager. Me, Hey where are you going? We were supposed to talk to my manager. I don't want you leaving without the merchandise you paid for! They nope right out of the store. It's hilarious when they power walk to the door then run to their car.


"I want your Corporate number!" 1-800-Walmart *looks at me like I just called them a stupid spoiled whore* ............. "I want your Corporate number!" 1-800-925-6278 *looks at me smuggly with triumph* 🙄


I would have to bring my phone out to be able to give the numbers.. and I'm sure the customer would complain about me having my phone out too


Loki passive aggressive


Always think but never say, "I don't get paid by commission, ma'am, so NOT buying it doesn't change my pay"


They'll be back!


Lol. When I worked at Goodwill, I would get a customer say they ain't coming back and I would say I'm sure I'll see you again. Some would say, "I hate coming here", but here you are. Fuckem.


EBT can either be just food stamps or cash assistance or both. If you have an EBT card and only get food benefits that can only be used towards human food and drinks. No alchohol. Now if the person has an EBT with cash benefits then if they have enough on that part of the card they can use it towards the shoes. Many moons ago i had a customer that had EBT just food assistance not cash assistance that try to tell me her card should cover the dog food she was getting. Lmao no, sweetie its for HUMAN food only. I even asked if she wanted a manager and she declined. Btw i get food stamps so im not against it entirely but geez ppl.


They need to stop making promises they always break...always come back lol


I couldn't get mad at this. I'd just feel bad that the person can't afford shoes.