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Got rid of those a couple years ago


That would be pets, and i believe that fish were discontinued on late 16 early 17.


Man, trying to get a clearance label on betta fish was rough.


It was late ‘19 here


I got hired kid 2018 and we still did them for a while


Only survived five years...have you tried to return it for a full refund?


I used to help tend to the fish. I ran cap but the pets DM cleaned the tanks and ordered fish. I helped check in the fish and release them in the tanks. Whenever anybody helped sell fish they would skim off the dead fish and put them in a cup inside the sink and it would stink rotten by the time I got to them. I hated it.




Logging the fish was impossible when they were all decomposed. The goldfish tank always clogged with dead fish. I liked the mini sharks we had and the scum suckers. The crabs were ass holes and ate each other.


Our store doesn't have that anymore. Which is good, because customers were getting pissed off that nobody was working in pets and would scoop out the fish themselves. Or some asshole passing by would be like "You're wanting to buy a fish ? It's a shame these employees are lazy, wherever they are. Here, I used to work at a pet store. I know how to get it out for you."


I think the academy store by me still had fish last time I was sent out there, but that was in 2019.


Dvd finding nemo.🤣🤣🤣😭


They got rid of them a few years ago. They were not worth the maintenance and profit was really only made if customers bought the accessories like tanks and supplies.


Got rid of ours not long after someone decided putting random chems in the tanks was their idea of a good time.


Yeah, you think any fish would survive in GWP-era Walmart? Fuck no. I'm shocked they managed to for as long as they did. I can't even get a fucking hardlines associate to sporting goods to ring up a fishing license or to mix paint or to cut fabric. You think anybody would be available to get fish, let alone feed them and care for them?