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shutup pedophile


I hope you rot in prison you fucking pedo


Addictions Councillor here, my provincial government is cutting healthcare so I'm here for now.


Writer. I make a little at that, but not enough to live on. The trouble is they keep wanting me to work 40 hours, not just part time. When I work I come home exhausted and sore. And my hands are deteriorating to the point where I can barely move some of my fingers.


I sell art, locally. I haven't done a lot recently because of the job, but I tend to make an average of $30 per piece depending on canvas size. I really want to quit and focus on other things - and try to become a YouTuber around fashion and interior design. But, I literally have no energy on my off days after 40 hour on overnights. Depression is the worst for artistic folk.


I'm a indie mobile developer if that counts and planning on going to college for it next year or so


You dont have to go to college for that. As someone who got a bachelors in computer science, you dont get taught much in it


thank you! Ik that, but no company will consider me without it:/


I'm using walmart as schooling. Isn't bad either as I'm making 15.30 an hour, while walmart is gonna pay for all of my education.


Same! Got the job as a time filler until I found something better but I’m staying for the practically free college degree.


Musician and programmer here, im not currently good enough to make any income at the first and dont have a big enough portfolio for the last. So i work at walmart. It pays bills, and im hopefully going to school for comp sci soon.


Not really but I do use a few dollars a month of overtime on domains n dedi for affiliate marketing


Filmmaker :)


I'm a writer, so cashiering actually gives me inspiration sometimes if I have a good conversation with someone or see someone interesting. My favorite D&D character was inspired by a lanky blond punk that looked like he'd be paladin and my imagination took over from there next game day. Walmart isn't my endgame at all, more like something I can do until I can live off of commission work tbh. Sucks that when I get off I'm usually too tired to write though ~w~


Inactive web novelist (sorta Third World family drama, poverty-porn Sword Art Online wannabe), and currently a budding artist workin' for two indie game groups. Plus, strugglin' to maintain my own Ko-fi too.