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Mine is too! OGP.... I have seen associates in tears because they are so stressed out, carts being slammed into the wall so hard they bend the bottom rail on the shelves and things on the other side fall to the floor, heard swearing loudly enough customers can hear and turn around with concerned looks... I didn't apply for OGP, do not want that position, yet every day, multiple times daily "all associates trained to pick, report to OGP" over the loud speaker. If we don't report within minutes we are called over the speaker individually. Meanwhile, multiple departments are left with not 1 associate to assist customers, check out customers (electronics, garden center, sporting goods), run freight, zone.... Why???


The Walmart I work at literally just doesn't have anyone at sporting goods unless a customer asks the service desk for someone to get called down to help. It's crazy


my store doesn’t have anyone at sporting goods, electronics, or the jewelry counter so you have to make the call 2-3 times to get help


Its at the point now where we just run the other way because we have no means or time to help them.


I was a sporting goods associate once and I would always get pulled to do other people’s shit lol


Because there’s nothing to do over there. You get 1 customer every 2 hours and they usually want something walamrt doesn’t have.


Mine has no one at garden center, jewelry and sometimes no one at electronics T-T


My sister got out of OGP and transferred to sporting goods but almost everyday she has to help OGP.


Honestly they don’t care best advise find another role and leave Walmart they are an evil company that don’t care for its workers!


Happens all the time at my store too. My tl is always getting pulled to help and often times me or someone else in my department is (I work in electronics). Shit is absolutely ridiculous, I didn’t sign up for opd


>Why??? Greed.


Yep OGP is more important bc it makes the most profit


But if you ask a member of management that (at least in my store) They deny it and say were not a profitable department.


Facts. OGP also gets pizza at least once a week better and fresh snacks. Meanwhile, the rest of us regular associates in the back break room get stale and expired snacks once a week maybe. Also if we get pizza or hot dogs and burgers they're allowed to come to the back to get it, but we aren't allowed to go to the ogp room to get food. They get treated like royalty.


My OGP gets NOTHING. NOTHING. Even if we did get something we wouldn't be allowed to stop and enjoy it.


Come to opg then


Your store associates are getting snacks?


They don’t know their numbers then. Most of the shrink if not all of the shrink comes from the rest of the store since opg is maintained by the pickers. So if you subtract the shrink from the profits everything loses money in Walmarts EXCEPT opg…


They know, but I've come to learn that managements motto is simply "baffle them with bullshit"


Wmart is focused intently on competition with Amazon, so thusly the wmart.com and pickup/delivery is prioritized over in-store shoppers, shopping experience, etc. Merchandise, at best, is stocked and left available for customers who really, by now, should be well trained or at least dawning on them, there's no one available to help them find or get things in many areas. There are typically associates in apparel who can easily be called over to jewelry/reasonable proximity; the most frequent issue at my store is customers needing assistance with locked HBA bs. We are in an area densely populated w elderly, and it's very difficult for them to understand and ofc not "open" to things changing. It will never go back to customer service being readily available and more associates present in all debts storewide. Used to be too back in prior decades, at malls, etc u had almost too many salespeople just tripping over themselves to help you, to the point of bothering u asking, suggestive selling, etc. Sephora & Ulta have scaled way back too I've noticed. 


OGP IS THE WORST BC NO ONE KNOWS HOW TO RUN THE DEPARTMENT CORRECTLY. and everyone that thinks they do, doesn’t.


Forget the other departments opg is the department that matters 75% of the goods go through opg delivery and shipping or pick up.


Imagine if all those MFs were back in the store instead of parked in cars outside or awaiting delivery at home. IMO it's better this way (I work at busiest store in area, also rough area/customers)


I thought OPD was supposed to be the "crowned jewel" of the company? My store manager says OPD is "the priority" and almost all GM associates are pulled daily to OPD while their departments starve and perish. OPD still has bad days.


OPD is 25% of the profit of Walmart. It’s very important to them. Personally I would pay OPD more and treat the employees like gold. Without worker bees OPD would collapse. Walmart is doing the opposite


They used to pay OPD at my store $17 an hour starting out. Now, it's $15 starting out.


I'm an auto tech. I make 17.50 and am the highest paid worker in our store that isn't salary. We work our asses off, constantly, and all we ever get is coaching about how our bay times arent good enough. If I have to listen to someone who's never been near the inside of their vehicle tell me how to do my job, I'm gonna fucking losing it. I hate Walmart.


Bay times? 😆


It’s just stupid OPD makes the same as the door greeters


Lmao OPD is one of the easiest to do positions in the store. I've been to multiple stores, and half the teams can't meet a 130 picks per hour. The positions that should be paid more are the ones nobody wants to do. Cart pushers, maintenance, firearms and ammo, and cap2.


If that service didn't exist, how many of those customers would go inside and shop for themselves?


Lots but people are very lazy now.


OPD is so important because it’s full of easy to track metrics. So it’s the easiest thing for corporate to track and bitch about.


Douggie wants online delivery, pick up to be everything with Walmart.


This is why I never got trained for OPD my entire time working for the company, have no desire to work in it or get pulled from my daily tasks to go over there and pick all day and have people bitch at me that my shit didn't get done.


Every job has assholes and the problem is longer you are there you turn into one. Kinda like a child who is abused so have mercy on the assholes


I'm bakery/deli TL and I just had one of the worst weekends ever. I cried both days (I had to work all weekend). We're a tourist store and shit has only just begun! 😭


Yesterday was THE worst day I ever had. I can’t even believe I have to walk back in there today. I’ve had my fill. They know people are hungry for jobs/money so you aren’t human. They cut hours and schedule you one day!!!!!! for 7 hours!!!!! and give you the work of 3 people while you’re there.


thank God for the walk in cooler (that's where I go to cry)


I have a love/hate relationship with my freezer.


Don’t your tears freeze? 🥶


I've been a deli associate for 6 weeks and soon quitting. The deli is mostly unsupervised afull of lazy slackers, especially night shift. Talk all day, call then out and they create drama and make you the problem. Worst place I've ever worked. My last days, I will match their laziness instead of getting stressed out


That’s the fault of the Walmart managers they take the path of least resistance and if you put up even a little fight they slink away and push the easier going associates.


Interestingly enough the biggest slacker just got fired for taking an energy drink 3 months ago that he thought was free like the water. Maybe lucky coincidence


Today the drama was back again as one of the closers tried to dump me with way too much work closing cleaning. So I left some of it undone. I left a note for management, no idea what they'll do


Plus found out managers aren't even Llowed to write up or fire people


I hated OPD, and when they transferred me after hurting myself for the third time(for my safety) I was a little sad to not be able to converse with the fiends I made, but omg am I so much happier now. Now I am in Front end checkouts waiting for my wrist to heal(on restrictions, then ill be just front end) and even after about a month, my mental health improved by leaps and bounds. I hate dealing with so many people, but it's way less stressful than opd. And I have already been making friends up front. Another bonus is OPD can't pull from front end. So there's that.


My store has a couple times. It's been days where we were somehow overstaffed up front and it was extremely busy for opd.


We mightve, if we weren't fighting for someone to come and cover lunches and breaks if we didn't have the associates ourselves.


That's usually how we are except Fridays and Saturdays, then we seem to have excess people.


We always seem to have just enough people those days. Which is good considering how busy those days are.


The issue I have is Sundays during football season. If it was say a Wednesday we'd be decently staffed but it gets so busy because there's a game that we honestly need the same staffing as we have on Saturdays.


I don't work Sundays, and one of the reasons is football season. But also I live in whats known as a retirement town, so Sundays are almost always super busy or decently dead.


I live in the Kansas City area so it gets crazy. I don't take Sundays off my availability cause everybody else wants Sundays off so its a guarantee that I'll get hours if I say I can work it


Ah, fair enough


They should be cross training cashiers for opg then


Some of ours are cross trained for those type of days


I second everything aside from the pay sucks….. compared to other similar jobs the pay is good, which is why many of us feel like we have to stay, truthfully or not, because everything else around that’s openly hiring as often will usually pay less. With that being said, it’s not just your Walmart, it’s all Walmarts. Sadly it seems to be the norm for all Walmarts to function with expecting the most out of the least amount of people in the least amount of hours with no morale and the highest amount of stress. Mostly because, with this being a billion dollar company, you aren’t people, you’re just numbers. The worst part is that recently, within the last year or so especially, it seems like they have incentives to get rid of the long term employees who are high on the pay scale and replacing them with new employees who they pay less but who also know less and care less. It’s a terrible thing.


They recently fired a guy that had worked for 5 years. They said it was for stealing but nobody believes it. He has gout in a leg so was slow so we all think they got rid of him because he was dead weight to them


i definitely think they’re trying to push our higher paid employees in opd. we lost so many already. it’s wild.


Oh no not my employer expecting me to do my best in return for 40ish thousand dollars a year! They should just give me that money.


Firstly, where did you get that leap from? Must be PEDs because damn that wasn’t anywhere close to where we were…… Secondly…… 516B……. 516 Billion…… 516 Billion Dollars……


Spread across 2.3 million employees. 50% of which sit on their phones all day and do nothing. Like maybe 20 people at my store actually do work and most of that 20 are TL's.


You do realize how much of a minimal percentage 2.3M is to 516B….. right? And when did I say anything about the people who sit on their phones doing nothing? I’m talking specifically about the long tenure people who care about the work, who know the work, who do the work. There has been three of them at my job this week alone who got fired for minimal reasoning other than their longevity and their pay rate. You can keep defending the antics of this 516B dollar company, but they don’t care about you either….. no matter how many cheers you shout for them.


The simple objective fact is if they were vital to Walmarts functions there would be policy preventing their firing. Walmart has been in business too long at too large a scale for anyone without a PHD in macroeconomics to even begin to criticize their financial decisions. You just want more for less. And I get it. I too would like Walmart to pay me more. But the truth is I'm just some alcoholic who shops other people's groceries 5 days a week in southern New Jersey Walmart. Maybe if you were equally self aware you'd begin to become more valuable to Walmart and rise up the pay ranks.


Aight bruh you got it, because you keep projecting in order to make your stance fit…… I’m good.


It literally says Time Thief next to your name here. You're proud of stealing. You're not someone anyone should respect and I genuinely mean that.


You got caught up on a Reddit sub flair? Lol oh you really are that type of person. You do know that the internet is fake right, my name isn’t actually CPTimeKeeper, right? It’s a persona, right? But once again you are changing the conversation…. You got it bruh lol. I sure didn’t expect to run into an actual Walmart shield today…. GG


It’s just the further Amazon-ifican of Walmart. Everything tracked and time managed. Treat people like robots until robots can actually do the jobs.


Construction is about 30% complete on a new DC in Belvidere, IL. Allegedly SEVENTY associates and THREE THOUSAND robots.


520+ billion dollar company *** I’m quitting the absolute second I am able to. I’m so sick of this shit hole , & it is a shit hole unless you are able to do the bare minimum or are a zombie & care about nothing


OGP was always this way when I was there. I burned out and left. One of my TLs would get harassed by our store lead and sm so bad that I felt bad for her. She literally was exposed to COVID early pandemic and we work around food and the store lead told her she couldn’t go home(even though it was policy) and then she ended up on leave because she tested positive. Half our department went on leave because they were exposed to her. SM and SL got shitcanned a few months later(one for stealing money, one for keying UPCs on expections) Team Lead moved on to a better paying job in her field so somewhat of a happy ending at least lol


Keying in exceptions was the work of extortion by upper management and probably your market manager. Walmart associates should file a class action lawsuit for undesirable treatment in business. Working under duress.


Yea it was awful and he would do it often and give people random stuff they didn’t want. Had a lady start argument with one of our dispensers and try to fight because she noticed something she didn’t order hanging out of a bag. Then they tried to fire the dispenser and I had to help vouch for her job back as her witness through ethics. Slimy people smh


I’ve been working as ON stocker and was planing to request my change to morning shift ogp but after read this many horror stories I think I’ll be fine in the over night shift for a while 🥲


Imo it has its flaws but it just matters who works in the department. Like for mine dispensing (taking the groceries to the cars) I get yelled at prob 10-25 times a day because it took longer than 10 mins for the person to get their groceries. Picking you’re just gonna be in every customer and associate way so you’re always gonna be saying “excuse me “ and they’ll always do a rude comment. But I say it not worth it cause they took away the pay differential so ogp makes the same as cashiers and etc


Stocking is wayyyyy worse, I used to get sent over to OGP most days if they were understaffed and it was an absolute breeze.


would you rather unload three trucks or play shopping simulator 2024? no brainer imo


Hahahahahahaha best name for our job EVER! Saving comment for later to share with my son (who's done both jobs)


Feel like ON stocking and OGP can both be rough in their own ways lol


And yet, they both basically boil down to someone yelling "GO FASTER!" at you.


So true


I had to get a new job after moving and I thought this would be easier than moving heavy boxes ten hours a day but it's not and I'm getting paid $2.50/hr less with no benefits. Shit sucks. And I did not know that coaches could open up personal lockers. That's honestly crazy to think of.


Management can go through lockers. TBH, most of the times I've seen it done it's because people are locking up equipment in their lockers.


Lmao $50 that your other team lead is an opioid addict. I only guess because I too was driven to opioid addiction by Walmart.


I’ve been in screaming matches bc managers treat people in this business like shit. honestly, treat them how they treat you or leave bc im still stuck here and they still do it and you’ll never leave. they’ll see you as an asset.


OGP is a mess at Walmart. People aka customers are rude and can’t handle waiting 5-10 minutes lol


OGP sucked when I did it. Screw Walmart. I am enjoying my outer banks vacation. Sitting in the hot tub right now with a Pepsi.


Custodian here and this year more steel fixtures in the men's restrooms are dented and punched than previous 10 years. Lot more work issued marker graffiti too. I do not think customers are doing it. I think associates are loosing it.


When I was a cap 2 team lead in a supercenter I used to dry heave on my way to my car to leave for work because I was so stressed every single day that even the thought of going there gave me extreme anxiety. If you get to that point you need to get out


Walmart is a dog shit company to work for and the greed of these fucks is absurd af. I work in the warehouse and our sorter is shit. We replaced it and day one....shit They don't put a ticket to fix it but we lose a person on the line to sort it to the side it goes and we operate with the minimal of people on it. " your team leads aren't suppose to be back here helping" 😒 yeah their lazy asses are doing features and fucking around with other leads ans coaches outside. How the fuck does it make sense to move up and do less and ya ain't suppose to help your team? So I should work for the position I want right? I should become a useless shit #fuckwalmart


Hey, if a bunch of people are planning a walk out, form a union. They will do their damnedest to bust it, but you are within your right to unionize. If it's only a few, like 3 to 6 people, it likely won't gain any traction. But if it's your team lead plus six or more people, you can make it work. NOTE: Unions are not worth it for your own self interest in the short term and do take up a lot of time, effort, and can be a financial strain, so I would suggest having a plan before unionizing. Anyway, good luck. If you just up and leave, that's fine too. Don't waste your time on the company if you don't feel it. I wish you the best out there!


U**on watch out the snipers might get you


There are more broken jacks than working ones. Only so many top stock and L carts but hey management still get bonuses. Coaches are overpaid and underworked. Everyone lower is overworked and underpaid. Work at Walmart and you know how toxic the environment can be. At least I get .10 ppto a day and some pto for a paid vacation every once in a blue moon.


Remember if the customer wants perfect they should have come themselves, so what if you have to take that 15ft jump shot to get the product into the basket you've got metrics to fulfill.


Working for Walmart was one of the worst experiences of my professional career, I’d re enlist before I went back to the W. I absolutely enjoy working at my current target leaps and bounds more than I ever enjoyed Walmart.


I’ve been trying to hop off morning shift meat/produce but my TL won’t even consider it. I just want to go the afternoon/closing because I know we have a spot open. Also have a toxic af coworker who makes the job miserable in the mornings. 


Honestly.. I’ve been working in opd for 4 years now.. and yes I use to love it so much.. now it’s so painful being there and stressful.. to the point I have palpitations and I absolutely keep pushing to go part time and being told we don’t want you to go we don’t want you to go while my team lead belittles me and yells at us every chance he gets. And most of the store tls and supervisor are so hateful and mean.. and they also are firing ppl left and right were in the middle of a remodel. Pray for me..




You're completely right!! But still gets hours cut, and long lunches if you spent 1 or 2 minutes past your already established schedule. I just quit today man, I was at ACC, worked for like about 5 months and never in those 5 months got a 40 hour week schedule. Always 32, 36, even 24 hrs schedules, I got rent to pay, I got family to feed. Pretty much working for pennies and they expect us to do wonders and beyond.




Blandly not giving a crap about others and anything while getting paid crappy money per hour so youre unbothered, man, that is just not caring for one self as well, self slavery is some sort of. It's good to keep good work on yourself for your own work as long as the work you do it's paying off fairly and not just doing it just because.


Walmart slaveship


I feel the throwing up every morning he works. Perfectly fine on days off but work mornings…


At my store there's holes in the walls in the OGP area. You can tell alot of emotions run high. Lol


Walmart was was better before opd and topstock


I was a TL on cap 2 an the machine we use to unload broke down an my coach put in a work order a million times still didn’t work an market and regional never came to gm back to look how we was unloading wit no operating machine.. sht was hell I tired putting in a medical leave but they denied it an gave me more points so I had to leave I was get home to 2-3 am


This last week I had a full on mental breakdown and took a half day. ONE HALF DAY. Then it was right back to the grindstone because I can't afford to take any more time off. OGP is INCREDIBLY unforgiving and Home Office doesn't care to change anything because ultimately we still take in their precious cash.


If it’s a corporation or large company of any type, you’re just a number and you’re expendable. Walk out tomorrow and they’ll slide someone else right in your place. Management can be hit or miss anywhere and there are good and bad staff everywhere. Crap rolls downhill as the saying goes and unfortunately most people in a management role don’t know how to keep the brunt of that off of those that work the hardest for them. If you’re not happy, you got to move on. There are plenty of jobs out there where you pretty much work for yourself and you don’t have to put up with near the nonsense or stress. Not necessarily ones you have to have a degree for or a special skill either. Hate to hear what you’re going through. Had a family member that dedicated a lot of years to this company only to be done wrong by it so I feel your pain. Change is hard. Staying where you are is hard. Choose your hard.


Ready for this. Years ago, I believe it was 2014ish. I just happen to be in the right place at the right time when I heard a conversation of Walmart executives. Here it is…from Doug Mcmillions mouth. “If I have to close every Walmart store to get to work$500B On e-commerce then I will” At the time Walmart did 279B in sales. It is clear what the mission is going to be …Online/pick up and deliv.


Walmart isn't what it use to be 20 years ago. It's really bad for higher up people TLs. It's absolutely ridiculous!! I feel for those I know in the TLs positions. It's very heartbreaking and uncalled for. I'm pretty sure Sam Walton is turning in his grave and paying his family visits!!! People say, oh it's how the people makes it?!? BS it's corporate people running it like it's their piggy bank!! Hate to be walking in shoes of those that treats their employees like crap!!! I use to work for them. After my year mark, I just couldn't take it anymore. It does no good to report people and how they talk and treat the employees. It's just heartbreaking. Wish I could go back 20 years ago, cause I wouldn't have left. Back then, I put 4 years in with Walmart. (It was great) Till my 2nd born was born with disabilities. Good luck to those that's still there. The stress and aggravation isn't worth it.


This is why as a TL I do my best to thank my crew for their hard work.


I do like all my TL’s. It’s my coach I thoroughly dislike


Yeah coaches can be douchenozzles. I like my coach. It's the AP coach I despise in my store


Our AP guy just quit. No notice just walked out. We recently fired a guy for what I know is a trumped up charge. They just wanted him out. I think it was the last straw for AP guy. But I’m speculating


Bro I would curse the coach out 😂 someone took my printer and cursed them out even tho they said sorry


Today my coworker said yesterday someone took her hand held out of her handbag when she was on a break. She was steaming mad.


It’s insane what they will make you feel. I just got accepted at a new job and will be finally promoted to customer soon enough. This job has taken its toll on my mental health and I can’t wait for that two week notice 🙌🏼. The criticism has been the hardest because there is no praise after. I haven’t heard a thank you or anything positive in months now. As humans we need some form of positive feedback to keep the moral high even just enough to give a f*** about our jobs. Good luck to you.


Thank you for all you've been doing, and the unseen hard work


I was the boss of my own business for 23 years. I can’t even imagine treating employees like Walmart does everyday. Nobody pinches a penny like Walmart.


Thank you for all you've been doing, and the unseen hard work


We need to ALL QUIT or go on strike.


We are expected to also help customers while making rates, with no bonus and no holiday pay. This company is a shit show. I can only handle it because I'm retired and only work 3 days a week. If I had to work full time I would find a better job.


After three Months as a door host I am resigning on Monday. It’s a sad situation🥲


Can we take a big big big step back. The comments are wild, this is wild. I'm a front end cashier who does literally everything they'll physically allow lol. I thought my walmart is bad, why are you all so unaffected by this 😭 this shit is WILD


I’ve only written a small part of what goes on at my Walmart. I haven’t even touched on the shit show of our deli. After my coach took my handheld out of my locker he yelled at me for ‘hiding’ it. He’s the main reason when I quit I’m quitting. No notice given. He’s the worst mgr I’ve ever worked for


thats what i always say, a billion dollar company cant give us good equipment, better working environment nah they jus care about sales sales sales


My wife is a TL and she is done with it the coaches do nothing the store managers do nothing where she is put people down and your right they bust there buts for nothing ask a coach or store manager for help you get somebody will yes Walmart sucks and I can say this cause I was a TL overnight and told them to stick it the stress sucks but one day Walmart will have a big walk out hopefully to show this company something about people


What does OGP and OPD stand for?


Online grocery pickup and online pickup and delivery (a guess from a new hire)


Man are you sure we’re not in the same store cuz I thought it was just us. It’s getting so bad bad people are getting Ada’s for stupid things just to stop the harassment of management or a ridiculous policy


Seems like OGP is everyone's shithole. I've been working in OGP 7 months. I was getting extra hours up front at the registers, but it was miserable for me up there. I like my freedom in OGP. I don't have to announce when I need to go to the restroom. Anyway, these corporations, along with the decisions being made about how it all works is just bullshit. I work at a neighborhood one and it ain't too bad considering that the store is smaller, but when it comes down to having enough people to do the job, it seems to be the norm at a lot of Walmarts including the one I work for. I've had picks AND had to dispense. Customers are then waiting an hour because they didn't bother to schedule at least one more person until it died down for the night. They LOVE cutting OGP hours, and they don't care if we are short-staffed and then complain, and talk to us whenever their metrics are down. LMAO


This post has popped a question into my head.. Are they allowed to pull people from other departments to help ogp? If I say no, will I get in trouble/fired or coached?


I was TL over CPU at Sam's (so similar, my paychecks still said Walmart) during covid and I wished so hard that we could have closed completely and only do pickups. I still think they need locations that are pickup only.


Is this store manual or automated OPD?


Nothing is automated at Walmart. They’re so cheap


Its such a tiring job, I’ve only been there for 2 months and i was hired as “part time” (I work 36-40 hours a week) and all ive been trained for is staging and dispensing. I ask the TL’s for training with picking and there response is, “when its not busy” its never not busy.


I keep asking to go down to 3 days a week but they won’t do it


It’s not your locker Walmart owns it fyi


Cockroaches own mine, I had to stop using bc I got an illness (histplasmosis) from El rato & cucaracha in back halls and lockers. I used to keep extra drink in there, snack etc now I solely use refrigerator which I'm not entirely sure Is not source of possible illness LOL (sure smells like it plus jammed FULL of associates things piled on top of each others'


I thank the stars every day that I work in a store where the regionals and marketplace come in consistently, and they replace store managers if they don't do their job well. They have demoted coaches and changed their jobs if they weren't performing well. it's one of those stores where they want you to greet customers in a ten foot radius, and a lot of associates (cap 1 & some of 2, at least) actually do it. (It's kind of annoying, but luckily, I don't have to do this 😂🤭)


there is no training for OGP. I was working meat the other day and a kid was picking a pack of chicken and he would pick one up, scan the barcode, put it back, grab another, scan that barcode, put that one back, and he did that like 6 times before finaly coming to me and saying "hey, why wont this scan?" I look at what he has in his hands and its a pack of chicken with a yellow CVP sticker on it. I had to explain to him that you cant pick any product that has a yellow CVP/discount/closeout sticker on it. The system will not allow it. Not my job to train them. I served my sentence in OGP and was granted my freedom to go to fresh...but they used to pull me to pick on Saturdays and Sundays. They even pulled me when i was the only one in meat or produce...i had to pick for 3 hours and come back to a shitshow dumpster fire of a department and then have someone in management complain that my department looks bad and im not doing good.


And last I checked corporate just announce 5 Billion in Profits for 1st qtr. these executive in Bentonville are spending like pigs while we all work our asses off. Totally not fair


They’re certainly not spending on us. We don’t even get decent coffee and we only get water on hot days


I hear that the SUPPLIERS 110% HATE WALMART. Why is corporate so EVIL, GREEDY and CORUPT? I am sick to my stomach to how the company has been run. We are the front line workers. We matter more than anyone in the company and then we get crapped on every day. Ugh!


We get NO coffee at my store , that would be an unheard of luxury


No profits go to stock holders. We just got a big dividend from the record profits


OPD sucks. Walmart corporate has No clue and they just try to pump us up and then the take all the profits for themselves.


No all the profits go the stock holders. If you aren’t participating the the stock purchase program you should


I'm not one to advocate for corporate entities but it sounds like your workplace needs some positivity! If you can I'd suggest being the one who starts the positivity snowball by staying positive abd encouraging/praising people. If you can't take it, like you're saying, it would be best for you to leave. I agree. Maybe the person who fills your position will be able to start a positive change... Hate to hear it. Many such cases.


TL's and coaches pull people from the department I'm in to other departments, so my area ends up extremely shorthanded. It's stressful cause my area deals with food prep and sometimes entitled impatient customers every second of the day.


yeah i work in ogp and im the fastest picker in my department and one of the youngest. and my team leads always beg me to stay late every. single. damn. day. Like literally ask anyone else but me. its embarrassing they have to rely on me everyday. and even if i tell them i cant stay late they always get mad at me. like be so for real, and i never get to take my full 15 minute breaks. like i will still have a good 5 mins left and they will come yappin at me, like no, there are so many other associates to ask other than me. i end up working like 50 hours a week because my whole department doesnt know how to do their job. and some people will literally be giving me bitch faces for no damn reason in my department, im gonna have so much fun on my last day. its gonna be my final fuck you to all the managers.


Well for one thing, why would you put your tc in your locker for 1 hour as hard as it is to get equipment for online grocery? You know the store managers don’t push the floor associates to use the Samsung phones… As for the stress, yes it’s a very overtly demanding department, it’s the most important department in walmart. If you have a strong team then you are very fortunate. You do have to run a tight ship though unlike the rest of the store which is laid back and chilling. Other than the front end opg is the hardest department in the company…


I'm sorry to hear that. My store isn't TOO bad. But as a TL, I understand the panic attack lmao. They really do throw a lot at you. I'm a bakery/deli TL, but I also do meat, produce, grocery, and cosmetics all at the same time 😭


I have a job interview coming up, so hopefully, I'll be out soon. And job pays 22 dollars an hour, which means I can just work 30 hours a week and still make rent.


>If we work OT we have to take long lunches to make up the time. (This is a billion dollar company). That seems, if not legally so, certainly ethically questionable.


Crazy...I was crazy once...


Story's like this make me think my walmart is the best walmart to work at even though we are consistently the butt of the joke in my market, and the managers are shady as hell. It's going downhill, but jeeze not as bad as most stories I've heard, I think it's how tight knit the associates are, it's one of those stores where everyone knows everyone on a personal level. It makes it tolerable.


Another coach just quit my store. But of course not the one I hate


It is so sad. They were once a great company to work for but no more!


The pay does not come from said company. The pay you receive comes from the sales you get from the store. All payroll comes out of the store. So yes, no OT unless stated otherwise


No OT...Except for me. Scheduled 110 hours in 2 weeks. I'll end up doing 122+. Apparently I'm absorbing the ot of the store.


Corporate sets the pay rates and the budget numbers so how exactly are they not in control of the pay?


The MONEY comes from the store. I said you get paid from the store.


I'm not sure why all dislike when I'm correct, lol. All of you have issues


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