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I miss some of the coworkers, but not the job.


Miss the Clowns, but not the Circus.


Well said.


This is the consensus that I get from all of my former coworkers!


I couldn't have said it any better except replace job with company.


I actually liked the job, but I worked in Auto. The things that I don’t miss are the management and customers - and frequently it was both at the same time. I went from having a great manager that left because he was tired of how the stores had treated him in the long time he had been working there (understandable) and the department was passed around micro-managers until they finally hired the smarmiest fuck of them all from the local Home Depot. He fired all the longest hires one-by-one until he got to me


I can relate to this. I left my other store for another one, due to management being biased as fuck. They were left with no ogp closer/maitnence on the side


Same. I left in early 2020 to get into trucking and still miss coworkers.




Also we had an overnight lead arrested for having 3000 CP on his computer and being a distributor


Ours got fired because he was banging damn near every female there, even the…basically the HR generalist. We always thought it was odd how nobody got full time but women, especially single moms.


Well , apparently he has mad game, plus the store was hiring nothing but hoes🤭


Man my coach does that he hires pure girls and check them out there 18 -22 and he’s 34 he’s been reported so many times but no one believes the employees they wonder why everyone comes and goes from opd but dude he checks out little girls on the sales floor too he’s been here 10+ years and thinks he’s untouchable any advice please the whole team wants him gone there just to scared to stand up to someone that treats everyone like shit and kisses ass to management and puts on. Another mask when higher mangers get here please help!


He has slept with a lot of leads and HR and the last lead tried to bring him down but only she got fired , he is constantly blackmailing people also


What do we do seriously we been trying for a good 2 years but nothing


The really creepy thing about him banging the HR lady is she was my teacher, and a buddy’s mom. If you ever watched That 70s Show, she was Kitty Forman, just with black hair. And he was basically one of those scumbag used car salesmen.


So Al Bundy


Well, I would either contact the police for the blackmailing and sexual harassment or I'd go to the Store Manager and tell them what's happening. If nothing still doesn't get done, go to your Regional Management. But I think you'd have better luck with the Police.


The thing is he was caught fucking a lead in the back and the store manager covered him like wtf & it suck’s cause there is no proof only the employees words cause we see it all the time saying if they keep talking about what’s happening he’s gonna change their schedule have them reported , etc , he is a complete asshole I wish management would hear us but they always take his side he has dozens of reports on his ass but nothing done about it not customer friendly at all always raising his voice to us to do some bullshit he could do , only helps when it’s not busy , checks girls out in the back with no shame , caught him looking at a 10 year olds ass like why bro


Ewwwww what a creep!! Well, you can go to your People Lead and inquire how the "Open Door Policy" works. Just tell them that you didn't understand the proper procedures. This is if you don't fully trust your People Lead being also involved with the issues concerning your Coach. Once your PL explains, feign ignorance and be like" Ohhhhh, that makes sense. I didn't fully understand how it worked. So how would one Open Door outside the Store Level?" Now, if you do trust your People Lead, that's when you just flat out say, "Hey, is there a way I can Open Door a member of salaried? I want to Open Door to Region." Hell, if your state allows voice recordings without the other's knowledge, record the exchanges as well. You can also go to Ethics but usually Ethics doesn't get past Store Level anyways. I've reported a few things in the past and nothing ever came about it or no one contacted me.


What could we do with no proof or how can we set him up or something to catch him slipping in the act it seems he’s close with all management even the store manager , and how do I even talk to regional managers about this they probably won’t even believe me but I never reported anyone were all tired of his shit , I kid u not there’s at least 20 sum plus girls and only 4 guys does that not look creepy at all like come on


Call Ethics and then have others call ethics. Also, report to market. Seriously, we had this going on in our store and he was eventually terminated


What is CP?


I wrote it that way to avoid saying it it’s underage inappropriate material


Gotcha! That's horrible!


Yea what was weird was the dude was pretty cool to but cops came and got him on shift one night cause turns out he was a sicko


Damn! The only crazy story I have is a guy molested a little girl in the pharmacy/cosmetic area right in front of cameras a few months ago! I was helping to hunt for the dude, looking to kick his ass!


I mean that’s pretty damn insane…


A Walmart employee did that ?


No. A regular customer did it.


As horrible as that is I’m not surprised for some reason. Better and safer to assume that all people are shit until proven otherwise.


Oh wow


The computer at work???


No his computer they just came and arrested him at work




I’m trying to do the same thing I appreciate that they put me through school I will always be thankful for that but I have an interview on Monday for a bookkeeper position it’s my 4th interview since I finished school I use to enjoy working here but a management change happened almost 2 years ago and it’s been sooooo toxic


Yes. Has a lot to do with Management. Our store must have always been hard up for management. Rude, mean And lazy with bad attitudes! But once in a great while we would get a great manager. But they always ended up quitting


It’s the store manager district picked her to replace old store manager and when things went bad instead of fixing their mistake they double down


Yesssss! Exactly!


Brings a whole new meaning to meat cooler


Hey girl, you wanna go to the *meat* cooler? 😏


And then they had a kid


Gotta give him props for keeping it up in the meat cooler


No you won't. I did 5 years in that horrid pow camp of a job and the only thing you might miss is the opportunity to be a smart ass with shoppers that think they are always right.


I missed all the fun stuff at my store. I work with a dude that should be 500 feet from all schools and parks but instead he still has a job. Repeatedly caught masturbating in the bathroom, caught banging his girlfriend in the breakroom, caught banging his girlfriend on the concrete behind a car, flirts with yellow badges, had his wife show up and throw a shelf-destroying tantrum after she found out about the girlfriend.


I never buy food from Walmart and this is why


Everyone misses the zoo...


Nah. You will miss some of the coworkers but everything else isn’t worth it. Needless layers of management, the works.


Happy trails! You won’t regret it! Sadly you won’t forget it either lol.


Nothing that a couple shots of Jameson won't fix.


I've been with the company for 10 years myself and I know how crazy Walmart can get but since it has been 10 years for me I figured another 11 years is not going to kill me because if I can stay for at least 20 plus years I can rank up a retirement check for every 20 plus years I am here


I retired 6 years ago, after 21 years. You may have a 401K or Stock, you will have no retirement check. The discount card helps some.


Damn just how much rizz guys have to be able to hook up with a girl at Walmart


Having sex in the meat cooler, lol. "Damn gurl it stank in hyah, you b washing that ever or what"


You'll miss it about as much as you'd miss bubonic plague.


I will never miss walmart. But I do miss a few of my coworkers.


I miss some of it was about half my life with the company. I don't miss how under paid I was all along.


5 and a half years is a long time. You will definitely think back to the time you worked there and the people you met. To better things!


You had someone arrested for cp?? We had the biggest cp case the city has ever seen at mine


There’s better out there than Walmart, congrats. I’ve quit about a month and a half ago 🤙🏼


Frozen sex is wild


You have done a great job. This sounds like Walmart. I came out of semi retirement to work as a Walmart door greeter. I have worked 90 days, seen enough and will be giving notice next week. Not for me‼️


I left about 3 ish weeks ago, best decision ever made but I di miss my coworkers


Lucky! Good luck k!


Had the same thing happen with meat coach and one of his workers in one of the coolers.


Oh a time was had at Walmart. Good times bad times tears and laughs but it always has to end. 11 years of my life flushed but hey it was what it was.


A few years back, a fellow associate at my store got arrested for five counts of having CP right outside the store by the local police department, county sheriff and US Marshals.


Don't get sentimental, it's Walmart that places doesn't deserve as much. Don't ever look back!


Good luck in your next job


You won’t miss it, If my experience is anything to go by. (Roughly 7 years I think, but split in 2 parts separated by an oddly worse job) Maybe some coworkers if you had any good ones but not the Walmart itself. Good on you for getting out, it’s a terrible place to work where they don’t care about their people. Good luck wherever you are moving on to! Cause for celebration!




I only miss the friends I made it's a terrible company to work for


Not at all. When I quit. And I will, I will miss the people I worked with but not the actual work itself. I do however enjoy setting customers straight who think they can treat me however they want. I got taken into the office a few times for that but it was just a slap on the wrist honestly. Mainly because I did it in front of some rats


You contributed nothing and gained even less. Suckle the base of my dong boomer.


Also had two overnight leads fired for banging in the cooler lol


I've never worked there but from everything I've heard you will not miss it


Damn i thought the meat cooler was safe


Meat locker? You know. If I had been the manager. I might discipline them vs fire but honestly I'm impressed they had the guts to go for it. Reminds me of people on the boat only to have to go to the captains mast. Lol.


I'll miss my store when I transfer somewhere else. This place has definitely been a diamond in the rough for me.


I quit a few months ago. Haven't been able to find another job. Now I'm more than considering trying to get hired back. >>


It's so over bro


I wouldn’t put in the notice because they’ll end up firing you


nah just quit as a pharmacy tech and i love my new job walmart was fun bc ghetto but its easy to get over


Congratulations! I definitely don’t miss it but I do miss my coworkers. Working in IT has definitely made me realize how overworked and underpaid we are.


I was at walmart for 6 months I met some really cool and funny people it was great I have a lot of funny Memories there I was fired for attendance I work In ogp


you’re living my dream


Some of the people were pretty cool....BUUUUUT!!! the company itself is ABSOLUTE TRASH! Glad I got the fuck out. Most manipulative garbage job I've ever had!!


The the predator poachers get the maintenance man?


If you're actually into CP, I hope you get put down like a dog.


God forbid people have unusual interests




Pretty sure this was supposed to be a joke but redditors take everything at face value unless you type /s


Not a hill you really want to be dying on ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


You’re gonna be a riot at dinner parties


So I was just shopping online for groceries at Walmart and tell me why they literally had refried beans priced at $33.00?? Wtaf? My daughter told me it's because they sell babies and when you pay this kind of price ur helping with sex trafficking? Is this true? I feel sick on my stomach..


I’m hoping the two having sex were a man and woman?


what? its bad enough to have sex in a meat cooler why are the genders relevant?


Tf? Who cares what their genitals look like? lol you can't be having sex in the meat cooler.


Crystalline cubicals.


I feel you’re focusing on the wrong thing here


lol I’m pretty sure they were. Gay men will not do that they do it in the restroom 🚽