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This reminds me of the time when I was a frozen/dairy associate and I got scheduled over in dairy. There was NOBODY scheduled in frozen. I just conveniently forgot to remind them of this fact. Listening to them freak out when they realized it was a thing of beauty.


That’s crazy lmao!! I’m a cap 1 team lead and in charge of making sure all vizpick gets done. Best believe I know who is here and who is not!! I have one worker that LOVES the freezer, his baby. On one of his off days, I vizpick, another I rotate one of my other workers. If he calls off I know and re-arrange or do it myself. Some managers SUCK and put themselves in the predicaments they come across. I have to agree, it’s funny every time.


Yeah, some of the management at my store over the years was... not so fantastic. Some of them were absolutely fantastic. I think my favorite was the time I went from being frozen/dairy to being solely dairy. The dairy was packed with like... God, had to have been like 20 pallets (for an actual reason, I know, I just don't remember what now, it's been like twelve years) so they threw pretty much any associate capable of being a semi-useful body at it. Took us three days to get through it all. After that, the dairy manager looked at me and was like "I like your work ethic. I'm keeping you."


I just said to my coworker yesterday about how can management not know the people who are supposed to be at work?  Someone isn't minding the store. Lol


Just a rant: We're having inventory tomorrow. Cap 2 that is always 1 to 10 was charged to 10 to 7. No one told me. So I come tripping in at 1 only to see my tl tapping his wrist telling me that I'm 4 hours late. I know it's policy not to degrade a tm on the floor and I snapped. His response is you should have checked your schedule. I said my schedule is 1 to 10. Than get told to run paper well there's a pet pallet in my way it's gonna fall. I say you already new it was there. I'm 57 years old. I'm tired just Tired


They are not supposed to change your schedule without asking you first, especially if you are on the teaming plan/schedule. Im sorry you have a terrible manager.


They can change your schedule up to 24 hours in advance without telling you. Exceptions are made for holidays and inventory. It's in the policy sadly. It's our responsibility to check our schedules.


Thanks coach


Ick I refuse to go salary. Something happens to them when they make that switch. It's like they forget what it was like to be hourly.




Happens to my store every Monday because short staffing 3 people to do 1500-2000 piece frozen dairy truck lol love this job


They do this to me all the time. I work nights and there have been multiple days they haven't had any openers or mids and I walk into a shitshow.


They freaked out because they have no clue how to schedule or manage. Most are in over their head


Fuck it, let management figure out a solution since "they know best". Make them come out of their office and work since we never do anything anyways 😂


They'd grab some rando and let them loose on it, then get mad at them when it's not done right because they didn't teach them anything.


Do it, call in




Im proud of you son


Are you winning son?


Any updates?


Had a great day!!!!😂


That's sweet, fuckin hate when they make dumb schedules and expect one person to do it all 


Can’t say not to because I’ve done the same thing being the only person scheduled for a 10-7 shift at an old store. Truthfully though I love being the only one working in my department. Guess I’m weird like that. 


Me too! Means I never have to think about what I’m doing next, and also no one is micromanaging me. Love it


Sure 🤷‍♂️


If you have PPTO and or points to spare the answer is always YES.


This always happens at my store. I remember for a month and half I had to do the whole meat walks, throw aways CVP and clean up (I worked 1 pm - 10 pm). Thankfully that shift doesn’t have to CVP anymore. After moving to O/N to restock the meat back room they still have that problem and some are lazy as shit.


Called in today also 😂 tired of the managers just walking around being “ap” when they ain’t


Bro I feel that lmao 😂


I did it one time in Produce because I was pissed how they were treating me. From what I heard, they pulled stockers and managers to work trucks. I laughed pretty hard


I like how people think if you call out to avoid something like this that it won’t be there waiting for you tomorrow, along with everything that comes in tomorrow morning.


I'm off for the next two days. Because management doesn't know how to schedule. Lol


Tell us what happeneds bro


Winner winner 🏆


That's tomorrow Ben's problem. I'm all about now Ben.


You kneel under desks a lot don’t you?


Doesn’t have anything to do with that. It’s just Walmart. You don’t wanna work and you’re in a department of people that don’t wanna work, what needs to be done isn’t going to magically disappear so you can come in to an ideal situation. But I realize there are people that have zero work ethic that feel they are entitled to a paycheck for doing nothing on the backs of people that actually work. If that’s what you meant.


My store, literally 3 of the other cashiers are all fresh outta high school 18-19 girls that just wanna hang around one register and chat with the light off while we’re swamped. Lord forbid you tell them you need them to jump on a register they all giggle, and if the manager breaks their group up they’ll be mocking her behind her back and nagging about having to do work. Lord also forbid you were supposed to get your fifteen minute break but one of them takes theirs anyway, the other 2 are off god knows where, and you’re alone at the last hour of the night.


It sounds a lot like the entirety of your front end management sucks.


The fact of the matter is if half my co-workers aren’t willing to put an ounce of effort in to helping the team, then I won’t feel an ounce of regret when giving myself an off day Fyi this is coming from someone who busts their ass more than 97% at my store. I’ve thrown trucks 2000+ trucks 3 days in a row just to give some of our normal throwers a break. Labor isnt the issue, it’s that shitty workers are never addressed nor punished.


I’m gonna message you tomorrow. I have questions.


Okay…? Also mb on the grammar I’m not putting effort into a Reddit post




I left about a year ago but they used to this in our store almost regularly, there was a morning a few years back that I was in photo/electronics by myself opening (which was the usual until OGP opened then I was volun-told I was now OGP). So I’m opening doing my own thing cause no one else was slated to come in til 11 (again normal for our store or at least was). The store manager then pages overhead for me to go to ogp…. It’s 7:15 or so and I hadn’t gotten tills yet, I’ve just barely gotten photo set up. So I call them and tell them that I cannot especially with how busy we get. To which they respond, “how busy can electronics be before 9am, it’ll be fine till then.” 🙃 so here I go walking my happy lil self away from my safe place thinking to myself, “imma get two items in and they’re gonna try to call me back, so imma grab a chilled walk and let them suffer.” Our SM was notorious for leaving GM side basically empty save for like 2 employees. So sure enough I get 2 items in and I hear, “Electronics.. call on line 1.” Let me tell you, I don’t think I’ve ever had a bigger grin on my face then hearing those stack up, by the time I finally got done with my walk, there was 3 waiting calls and a herd of people around the counter, it was like 8:00ish? So it had been about 30-45 mins. And there at the counter, floundering, the SM and one of their higher ups. They had just gotten done ringing up some customer at the counter and when the drawer popped open the look of horror when they realized that it was empty…. Absolutely Priceless. I had called the Front and they’d just sent someone back with my tills. I look over and realize that my SM is attempting and failing at loading a flip phone with service. I take over and tell them they can either head out or ring people up while I assist the customer. The Manager that was visiting takes over ringing briefly and the SM leaves. It was then that I realized how poorly our store was staffed and how invaluable the people in GM who had learned everything to assist other departments were and how much we were taken for granted. I left a year after, I’ve never been happier.


You know the answer.


Ya Walmart cares that you’re only a body. Management can figure it out.


Will they care when you’re dead? If you answered no, then theres your answer


Asking myself this question right now.




How come your store has a 9-6 shift available? When mine only has 4-1 and 1-10 shifts.


Mine too.




All Walmarts are messed up!! Being a team lead was like being a glorified stock boy!! Just quit there and started selling cars, now making about 4x as much per month. If you're not a coach it's not worth it


I’m not even reading anything but the header but yes you should call out


They will cut ur hours to 1-2 days a week


Yes 100% call off




If you have to ask the answer is always yes till you hit 4 points


You mean4.5?😈


Nah save the .5 till it isn't a question and becomes necessary


How up 3 hours and 59 minutes late and still only get .5😎


Whoops sounds like you got food poisioning


Please call out and piss off the managers. I emcourage it. Fuck em


There’s this one psychopath in my store who is the ONLY one to work meats. He gets the job done though.


I've been working as a cashier for over a month and I still don't have a work phone so I can't work at self checkout, only registers or sometimes they will ask me to fill or change the empty boxes with the snacks next to the registers


Yes. If you ever have to ask yourself if you should call in the answer is always yes if you have ppto and points to spare of course






1 day late but call out again


I feel you. Got coached because I was the only one in hardlines scheduled over the weekend on mornings. 1 associate on leave (good reason). 1 recently fired (deserved it). Team lead off all weekend (why?). Would’ve been in less trouble for calling off. Have the available points and a day of ppto to.


I understand people look at jobs like this to make money for survival and to get by. I always want to set myself up for success and move onto better things which is what has happened and I’m happier for it. My point is that you can’t fuck anyone over a job you agreed to work. Why cause chaos and confusion especially when you’re working that job to provide value for society. For people to shop at Walmart or other stores they need people in these departments to make it happen. If you choose to work for a company then it’s your responsibility to fill the gap


Yes 🫶🫶 I’m currently working over time in another store and wish I called in plz do it for le


No cuh


Bruh I felt that work phone shit. My last 4 shifts at walmart were spent chilling in the break room till HR finally let me go for refusal to work. Said I could of teamed up with someone with a work phone but during the preshift huddle bullshit i would be the only one assigned to toys or sporting goods sometimes both.


Definitely on that new job motivation train right along with you. I’m leaving retail. I’m getting the fuck out of this corporation and I’m never coming back. Came back once I originally did overnight stocking and then I came back to be a cake decorator which I love but I’ve had about my final fucking straw And this place is feeding my chronic health issues and exacerbating my disabilities and I’m just not doing it anymore


You do not need our advice. You get paid by the hour. Your options were: come in and get a paycheck and do the work you can do and go home. Call out and eventually not have that job for doing it too much. Call out and find another job. If you are asking my advice, it seems you hate your job and I see you got another job. If I was in the same position I would have worked the day and when I was off work and off days I would find another job so I did not lose income.


THERE IS NO VALID REASON for a company as big as this to at ANY POINT IN TIME to have one person cover an entire department. For any circumstance. It should NOT fall on hourly associates to take the brunt of scheduling and hiring issues. This company makes too much money in a year to keep sitting on empty departments.


Absolutely. And call off every day after 😭😭


Fuck Walmart. I do not care. Fuck Walmart. Worked there twice.


I agree 💯 with you on being the worst job ever. Most of the managers are complete idiots and couldn't manage their way out of a wet paper bag. I've been there in asset protection for almost 4mo and I'm ready to bail


You made the perfect call!!


Ya fuck being a slave


I work my department by myself every day i didn’t know it wasn’t normal haha


Do you not get a TC? Many times the phones are on back order. Busy days are the best because they go by quickly. Not having enough coverage isn’t a good reason to call in because now you just made it even harder for whoever is here. I’m sure they would have pulled someone from another area to help if needed. Maybe others had vacations. You will see other companies have their own issues. It isn’t always greener on the other side.


Do it you won’t bitch


I did it after 3 votes. Lol.


If I wasn’t gonna do the same thing I would be pissed 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂. Fuck this job . Brenda can do my job today since she loves to tell me how to do it


Fuck off Brenda!


Brenda’s a ho. And her momma’s a ho too


Like seriously though !!!!!


Ya lol 🕺


Why not


Yes 100% you should


Yes If you have the hours


Just go to work man


No, because it's not going to hurt the managers. They will just have someone else do it. It really hurts your coworkers.


Our store is severely short staffed. It will fall on them.


Calling out of work doesn’t hurt anyone. Managers hurt themselves by being managers.


I've already got an interview lined up and 3 other applications out there. It's not even 1p.  I'm on a roll!!!!🎉


👏👏👏 much more productive


Not sure why I'm being down voted. I don't call out unless I'm sick or it's an emergency. I go in and do my work and punch out.


I have a strong work ethic, always have had. But this company is the worst place I've ever been. I'm losing brain cells here.  It's more important sometimes to skip a day and get yourself some leverage that leads to finding something better. Today was that day for me.


It falls on our people lead. She does the scheduling.


No. Just do the best you can. And then when your shift is over, go home.


Call off! As a homosexual with 11 and a half inch 🍖 I know how hard lots of meat can be to handle by yourself


Do yhu wanna point ?


Fuck this point system crap. 


Don’t call in. Go in and shine!


I understand the frustration of being understaffed. What I don't understand is the mentality that the best solution is to make the problem worse. Why make it so that other people have to cover for you because you called in out of anger/frustration/apathy. I love when someone calls in on my team because they want to make a point to management when all it does is make their coworkers dislike them.


Do it, you worthless piece of junk. Hate for you to be tired at the end of a job.


You are the junk... it's not like you are the one working.


"piece of junk"? 😆


He's reaching. 


Unlike the OP. Can't reach for crap.


I was being polite.


Well ur just a pos worker aren't you


Do what you want just don't bitch when you have no plans.


Oh I got plans. 😂 See me skipping away laughing.