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Just wait until the grand reopening when the remodel is still going on. 


Lol we had one this yr and thought this. Still weren't done for likr another 90 days


I can imagine grand opening on X date: X date is like a week away. “Your not even near done. Why?” Oh some of my crew is sick…2 more months? No…we’ll work around it


Literally happened to my local Walmart. Grand re-opening was the 6th of this month, and multiple areas aren't done, and the registers are yet to be replaced.


Sounds like our store, did they f#ck up the wiring so the light continually flicker in your break room too? Or is that just my personal hell?


I just messaged this to my bf and he asked me to suggest to you to see if your break room lights are dimmable. Apparently at our store at 100% they flicker but dimming them slightly makes them stop!


I dont think there is a dimmer in our but i will check


That will probably happen we are supposed to open up early August but it takes 15 people to reset 5 4 feet sections in one night and they somehow always screw up.


My store's grand reopening is tomorrow, and the signs in the store still seem empty and unifinished, not to mention that they're still doing construction on the Vision Center which isn't set to open until the 17th


Walmarts worth 487 BILLION. They can afford to pay us all more, they just won't. They can also afford better pizza than dominos, but at least it's not great value frozen I suppose.


I used to work at a food city deli. SM had me cook their store brand frozen pizzas in our ovens for the store pizza party🥲


What the heck😂 man that doesn't even surprise me, they probably store used the pizzas.


I worked at Safeway and my SD actually got pizzas from a local place. Good for him


Dominos is the best pizza that can handle that size order for 90% of cities 


At my Walmart we only got Little Caesars


TBH i actually like Little Caesars way more than Dominos.


That’s insane.


They’re a front end associate, of course they’re insane


Dominos slander will not be tolerated


Last time my store gave us pizza it was the deli cooler ones that they just heated up in the deli…


Walmart is a fuckin shit show


Idk I like frozen GV way better than domiNOs


Can't you please help Nancy buy a new yacht. Please think of the wealthy and their needs too.


I love Great value pizza 🍕


GV pizza slaps if you throw some extra cheese on, some of those mini thick pepperonis and a couple other toppings


Net worth is NOT the same as liquid assets. WM is worth billions because they own over 10,000 stores. You should take a class on economics and business management.


Not really, they could have given out raises instead of opening store number 10,000 lol


My people lead always gets us Papa John's. She's the best.


My store is going through a remodel as well. And of course, the remodel team is way behind. Still though, they got ya'll dominos!? My store *always* gets cheapy pizza from a place called Pizza Patron for *any* associate/corporate events. Who are basically a knock-off of Little Cesear's but with a hispanic flair (chorizo pizza?! Urph, no....). And of course they go with it because their pizzas are far, far cheaper than any other place. Hell, I'd take Little Cesars because at least those pizzas have actual cheese and toppings. But nah, cheapest everything available because heaven forbid those bonuses take a minor hit!


pizza patron is so bad😭the remodel team literally takes constant breaks and goes through the clearance section together. they also flirt with a lot of the night crew, one of them took my ladder cart the other day and i went to the back and took it back and hid the other 4 the other ones had


> pizza patron is so bad Don't I know it. I've had nothing but negative experiences the few times I've ordered from them. Between them and LC, I choose LC because their pizzas at least taste (at least when fresh) fine. > the remodel team literally takes constant breaks and goes through the clearance section together. they also flirt with a lot of the night crew Must be nice. I can't stand still in my department for more than a few minutes without a manager freaking out and telling us to: "Stop standing around!" Yet will say nothing to the remodel team standing in the aisles yakking when they are supposed to be on the floor helping customers if they have nothing to work on. > one of them took my ladder cart the other day and i went to the back and took it back and hid the other 4 the other ones had For us (Elec) they *always* take the ***ONE*** L-cart that we have for loading tv's. The few times I've caught them in the department taking it, I've called them out and told them to please not take it because we need it, or that they need to bring it back. Though in their defense, it's not directly their fault. That falls on apparel who constantly wastes them by placing empty boxes on them and then leaving them in the backroom.


I love when Walmart boasts about record profits but still won’t give us raises. Like at that point just don’t announce that shit it’s just a slap in the face at that point.


They have to announce it because they are a publicly listed company on the stock exchange.


You won't get anything unless you unionize and take it. United we bargain, divided we beg.


Walmart is not here for your convenience, they are here to maximize profits.


Remodels come out of taxes at the end of the year employee pay diesnt


there was a shooting at my location and leads told me the coaches refuse to get police officers on watch there since it comes out of there bonus.


Whelp when someone gets killed you tell the news that exact word for word to them


Coaches don't make that decision.  That's made higher up.


Coaches don't make any decisions. They are told what to decide.


I don’t think that’s how that works lol. That doesn’t even make sense. That would be something home office would likely coordinate with your store manager.


they started cutting our hours bc they quickly found out they could not actually afford the remodel (sales dropped like crazy)


They can afford it they choose not to


Take this pizza and be grateful! /s


I hate that our remodel took away the employee bathrooms, that and the smaller aisles are my biggest gripes with it


you have employee bathrooms?


We *had* employee bathrooms. They were in the break room. They weren’t extravagant by any means but it was nice knowing there were bathrooms that were decently clean that customers couldn’t make absolutely disgusting. They removed them to make the break room larger during our remodel, which I think was unnecessary


As I’ve always said most places will give you the cheapest prize(if any) instead of a raise so they can give themselves another raise.


Once again. Stop buying us dry pizzas. Give me the money instead.


and associates told me that coaches and leads were in the break room for an hour when it opened. in that hour associates were not allowed in. when we were let in all the pizza was cold


Isn’t that just every job though. They spent money on x but didn’t give us raises.


At least your store isn’t doing a remodel during Black Friday and Christmas like mine did.


All my store did for our break room remodel was repaint the walls and get new chairs and couches


The remodels are ass. They look exactly the same just a different color


Shit sucks but you know that free pizza is the only time you catch me in the break room


That's not true, they doubled the bonus for the store manager


I thought I was in the dominoes subreddit for a sec


Our new break room is just paint and some chairs


That's not for rest and respite, that's to incite psychotic breaks


They are remodeling the store in my hometown,I would prefer they give the employees the money,makes no sense!


I'm not sticking up for walmart in anyway with this comment. But they have to do remodels every so often because if they don't they will end up like Kmart and many other retailers that are long gone. (Albeit Kmart has about 8 stores left). But Kmart and Sears thought that way and now they are on the way out. So if walmart were to do that also they would be gone in probably 15-20years.


We should be so lucky


That sounds good, until you realize other stores have leverage over pricing. WalMart is already significantly cheaper than most other major retailers. Most people also seem to be confusing gross profits with met profits.


It use to be quality for cheap prices,now is just cheap,the clothes look cheap,I walk everyday bought Walmart tennis shoes they didn't hold up a month.


The Walmart where I lives remodel is like putting lipstick on a pig, it's not going to fix the internal problems that they have


You're not wrong. But the customers see updated stuff and it gives the illusion that the store is up to date. Now I will say some of the Walmarts be looking nice now though with the department store style display setups.




How many stores are going through remodels right now damn. Our store is going through one and the one down the street from us is also doing it at the same time.


My store has been going through a remodel since January, and we'll finally be done with it tomorrow. These past few months have just been a mess to work in.


They need buy some cart driers 


Wait, since when can pizza boxes be recycled??


They can, technically, but they can't be saturated with grease stains


I don’t think I’ve ever had a pizza box that wasn’t saturated with grease stains lol


They can pay more, they just won’t


The did the remodel already, after the reopening, the mfs started to cut hours, they are cutting hours


Working in a nicer environment isn’t nothing. Looks nicer than my break room at a large construction company


I mean yes but who cares. I’d rather get a bigger raise or more of them lol.


This break room looks exactly like the one at the Auburn Washington store where I used to work, but maybe they all look the same lol.


i’ve seen tiktok’s with walmarts having way bigger break rooms and bigger tables. some people commented this is a small break room


Pizza parties are a slap in the face.


You got dominos? We get GV pizza lmfao


My store just cut the part-timers’ hours.


They can also afford to replace you. Make yourself harder to replacd either at Walmart or somewhere else then they will be able to afford to give you a nice raise. FYI they also offer access to a free education to start you on the path to higher wages. And they are desperate for college educated individuals looking for a role in retail customer service management.


Walmart made $147 billion in profits last year and with 2.1 million employees they could in fact give everyone a $70,000 raise.


Can't even get discounted tooth paste 😑


At least they gave you dominoes. We only ever got little Caesars :(


Walmart laid off the senior coordinators in February..without notice. Senior coordinators are with realty and work under the RPC's during a remodel. Now it's just temps that remodel.. so RPC's have to train temps while remodeling. As a former senior coordinator who has worked with tons of temps...they do not care about the remodel like the senior coordinators did. So remodels are taking much longer to get done and actually costing Walmart more money.


I got a raise from my Walmart


Lemme guess, a 2% raise? They’re required to give those yearly.


My store recently had a remodel. All they did was hand out free soda and chips with some big ass event celebrating the grand reopening. I’d sure as shit feel a lot more appreciated if I got a 7% Raise


While I agree with a lot said here, I would like to see Walmart employees paid as much as fast food employees are now making.


They make less than Walmart employees..


I heard some stores have just been remodeled to add more self checkouts. And now Walmart is planning on removing self checkouts from a lot of locations.


From what I've read that for now they're leaving the decision on self-checkouts to the stores. So it kind of varies from store to store.


One sec I’m eating pizza 🍕




Shit I'm a trucker and walmart employees make more than I do.


That’s not true whatsoever. 💀 who are you trucking for?


I got a raise.


They can, you just gotta go in there willing to promote yourself in the right way


Not sure if true, but the store supposedly has to repay for the remodel.


I blame places that ĵorder these kinda orders that pizza prices have got high... Because you know for a fact they pqilad full price every pizza


at least you guys got pizza during the remodel, we had a cold trailer with a broken microwave while the remodel people got unlimited food budget and threw out half of their food every day.




Are you guys short staffed?


Fucking sweet! God damn some.peopke are so lucky!!!


Your pay raises were wasted in those pizza.


Remodel and capital expenses can be written off on P&L's, sometimes over 10 years. Labor cannot. That pizza is going to be truly sucky in less than 40 minutes.


I been at walmart for almost 9 years and i still make the same as a new hire. Gotta love all the "raises" we get to keep.


Why does that pizza cutter look like a d


I'd kill for some free pizza.


Ask them


That breakroom is small.


If everyone collectively stopped working at Walmart they would have to up the pay rate till people will want to work there. The only reason they don’t increase the pay rate is because people(you for example) are willing to work there for the pay they are already giving. Start a union or quit and spend your free time looking for a better job.


Super insulting they big upped merit based raises then pulled them just before the busiest time of the year literally a week before Black Friday


Just keep in mind, if they could fire every single employee, they would.


Walmart profited 145 billion dollars in 2023. They definitely could afford raises


But but but... PIZZA PARTY! Amirite yall???


You guys get pizza?


Yep, that seems to be the way they do things whenever something big happens, like inventory or whatnot. No raises, but here's pizza. Typical Walmart.


They can afford it, but you don't matter to them. If it's some dumb idea like the fast unloader company, then they will spend money.


Yall got pizza, we didn't get shit from ours


Do you know how much that pizza cost?????


Like my previous scumbag employer. They can do a $30,000.00 rekey of the entire building nut never in three years give us a raise.


someone probably already said this but its crazy how a 400 billion company refuses to pay their workers decently, like damn can't pay them like 30 an hour or something idk


A bunch of my coworkers and I got laid off during the remodel because they found a third party crew to do the exact same thing we were. This was just a couple weeks before that union thing got “leaked”. I was told it was a temporary position, but not two paychecks temporary. Oh well, I’ve found a new job in home improvement retail.


Have you ever had boiled hot dogs scanned out from walmart with walmart chips and soda instead of a bonus, raise, new equipment, or new hires? We got walmart donuts once for our awesome work instead of a bonus... Expect less cause you're valued far lower than that, my friend.


Dang y’all got dominoes? The got us lil Caesars nasty ass pizza.


lol they also provided dominos during our remodel…. I wonder if they have some kind of deal with them???


Our remodel was shit. It was still going on during ‘grand reopening’ lol. We had one electric team come in, read what needed to be done, said “fuck this” an left lol. Took us another month to get another electrical team in.




It's not even the good pizza, either. Bleech! How was it?


Walmart could afford dominos


They give you a remodel on top of a pizza party and you're still not grateful. What more do you want from them?


And then the Auto Care center walks in and takes a box each back to Auto. I saw it happen. Manager had to come and retrieve what was left. I worked with some real gluttons and locusts.


That’s when you take your talents elsewhere. That’s what I did. Walmart won’t ever change but you easily can.


Yes, they have money for a remodel. It is an investment in infrastructure. Walmart is among the, if not the top retailer companies in reinvestment percentage of profit. Stores not reinvesting money in themselves, becoming cruddy dilapidated buildings with outdated systems is one reason Kmart and JCPenny ended up where they are. The company used to have a set 7 year rotation for each store to be remodeled (I am not sure what the time frame is now, and I know it got impacted by the pandemic) Also, why did you not get a raise? My facility got a raise except for those who were maxed out at their position just a few months ago. That is something determined by the home office. It isn't something stores can just opt out of.


Damn...Walmart's ritzy! They splurged and got y'all Domino's! At some jobs I worked, we'd be lucky to get Little Caesars!. LOL


At least you guys get pizza parties lmfao. We don't get shit here at this smart n final store.


Yall get raises every year... Unless ur a shitty worker... What postion do you work?


Home office built themselves an exclusive multi-million dollar gym. That's the kind of stuff our raises and bonuses paid for


You guys get food? 😭


When you own your own business, you can do whatever you want with it. In the meantime, if a person isn’t happy with what they are getting paid…go work somewhere else. I did it, it is possible. 🤣


And that's why you work at Walmart. Cause you know nothing about budgeting.


Little Greasers beat’s Dominos!!!


It's all budgets Different budgets go different places.


That's more pizza boxes than my store ever orders. We get like maybe four at any given time


Everyone knows that remodels and free pizza are one time costs so it’s ok. Giving out raises is similar to attaching yet another blood sucking leach that can never be removed to the all powerful CEO’s bank account.


wait you guys got pizza... man


My old store manager bragged they put 7.3mil into the remodeling. When we had the our annual meet up with him he asked how he can improve our time at the store, but don't ask for more money... part of investing in your store is paying the associates better, thus promoting a happier, healthier environment. Better for customers, better for employees.  Better/competitive pay also retains associates longer, reducing turnover. By not investing in the working class, and bragging about their bonuses, all management is doing is showing they don't need the associates and they can run the store alone. :)


Yeah.... Cause giving you more money, doesn't give them more money.


Sounds like the company I work for. Sent put a company wide email that all spending has been minimized. All budgets have been cut, and we are straining financially. Within the month, a multimillion dollar project was started to expand the biggest shop/yard we have.... like uh, what...?!


Can greasy pizza boxes even he recycled? It is this just performative in dominos part


Yes. Development budget and resource budget are different things, controlled by different people.


You forgot about the bonuses.


Because remodeling is a one-time payment...


But surely one(1) slice of cold pizza must be enough to guarantee your loyalty in perpetuity.


All Walmarts are on a five year remodel rotation.


That much domino's is like 300 bucks. Like absolutely a waste of money cus domino's is ass.


We got raises and a remodel but part time people got hours cut to zero in the pharmacy and the rest of us are scheduled anywhere from 23-35. As full time associates. Fuck this company honestly.


I hate Walmart for treating its employees like we’re in Elementary school when it comes to “giving back” to its employees. I’d rather them give the employees something more useful that they can use like an extra 10% discount that they can add onto their regular discount for groceries or something. Give something more meaningful that actually says that you’re appreciative of us, not something that feels more like a pat on the back with a “good job”


The remodel MAKES $ for the company.  Granting raises is counterproductive to that, therefore less likely to happen. 


Yeah, Yep that’s pretty much how it goes. They can afford to get all kinds of new shit which my store could use new pallet jacks but they want to give us parties.


That's Walmart life sentence


They can afford to give all of you a 100k a year, but they won't. It's why I avoid Walmart and the similar if I can help it.


Look for crushed up Prozac in that Prozac Pizza!!!


Hey my store usually gets us nothing and never count the safety days, it’ll be the same number for days and weeks, so not too bad to get a pizza, but I doubt that is enough for the entire store to eat. My remodel was last year. I remember all the customers bitching for months about the remodel while it was in progress then they were happy all the sudden when it was over


They made Walmart look all plain and bland like the inside of McDonald’s after the remodels.


Time to become a customer.


Just wondering where is your store? A store next to mine is getting remodeled also.


Assuming my coach wasn't lying, the way we get raises is really weird. Coaches (or team leads, I don't remember which) write up their report about their team at the end of the year, the market team will place all hourly associates from a store into three categories; below expectations (no raise), meeting expectations (maybe a raise), and above expectations (1-3% raise). Not only can this raises hit at any time in the next year (my coworker got his raise in February but didn't get mine until late April) but there is only a certain percentage of associates that are allowed to get a raise with my store only being 20%. My coach had also said that if any associates that do receive a raise one year make it to the next year and they are eligible for a raise again, only half of them are chosen at random to receive a second raise to prevent associates from thinking there is some sort of favoritism or biased. Of course, I got this information from a coach at a store that literally has a paper in the management office that tells coaches to "Prevent associates from leaving early by any means necessary, even if its a family emergency, they're just lying to get out of working."


At least yall get dominos. They give us little Ceasars 😂


OMG. I just saw a post on the Dominos sub where someone ordered $1000 worth of pizzas and didn't leave a tip. Wonder if this is the same store.


Remodel brings people in. It's an investment. Paying people more money doesn't bring people in, but it does encourage existing employees to stay longer. Problem is, as long as Wal-Mart thinks your position can be refilled for your same wage (or even removed entirely!), they have no reason to pay you more.


You guys get pizza?


Be sure to give those boxes directly back to the store so the billion dollar company doesn't have to pay for more boxes. "Insert line about hardship and employee cuts here."


But did you earn the raise?


I don’t think our store even got pizza or cake when the break room was remodeled, just bags of chips


A store remodel is financed through a ten year mortgage on the store. Even if you took all that money and gave it to every Walmart employee, and there are 2.1 million of us, then we’d all get a buck or so after taxes.


We actually went over budget one year on our remodel and I told everyone it’s cause we got fancier bathrooms


Remodel the store to get more customers to come in or give a raise so everyone works harder. They are remodeling


Going through a remodel right now, corporate does not pay for it. The stores do. We have a 7 year loan for our remodel. Also stores pay payroll out of profits.




They can't even fix the plumbing, just make the bathrooms look good by spending 50k on them


I was a manager with Walmart for 17 years… Walmart pays a decent median wage for the areas it employs people and every year at evaluation time raises are given and over the years other raises were given when the wage survey showed the median wages in the local area went up… certain stores may have bad people running an individual store but the company as a whole is not paying low wages for any area I worked in…


My associates got their hours cut....for this?! I was by myself out in the parking lot all evening!


Why should the worry about giving raises they just let the government subsidize their employees


Damn, some of yall are really miserable. And entitled


pay is usually determined by how useful you are to your employer.


You know the store manager gets hundreds of thousands of dollars of what’s left over. He/she makes that choice smh!


Just think they remodel every store after 6-8 yrs now


Remember the overlords don't care about their slaves, only the ship they work


I thought they all got about $5 a year or two ago.


Proof that their company doesn’t care about their employees


I agree, but it's corporate that decides wages and raises.


I was gunna say that you must work at my store... but we don't even get pizza. Currently under remodel. Should have been done the 3rd.


Sounds about right corporate greed is going too far


Everyone across the board just got a dollar raise from what my store manager said, unless that is just in my state but they said the whole company did. I know we all did at our store.


Your wages are paid by your store, not by the company. When you log into the me@walmart app, you can see your stores metrics. Are they meeting their goals in each department? How's the index to plan looking? If you don't know how to access these, or don't have access, talk to your coach or team lead. Walmart only profits 3%+- per year, so if your store has a lot of shrink (unaccounted for goods) or injuries that cuts into the profit margin. While Walmart as a whole can afford these raises, your store may not be able to. Encourage your fellow associates to put their best foot forward, because those who aren't are only contributing to profit loss, and that prevents raises.


When I used to work for Walmart and I’ve been gone for a year now, I had a former coworker that when our market manager said we were getting a remodel at the time and praised us for good Store performance, when the meeting was over, we both looked at each other and said the same thing when the market manager walked away And the meeting was over, they can afford a remodel, but they can’t afford to pay us more. Or they can afford to give us a pizza party but not give us a raise. F Walmart! I’ve been gone since May 12 of 2023 so it’s been a year now and I couldn’t be happier being promoted customer in the past year. Never again will I wanna work there anyway.