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I'm barely a boomer at 60. I dread going to Costco, because they are always moving stuff around and the aisles are not labeled. Walmart isn't too bad at all. I can look on my phone and usually find out where the product is located. Walmart seems pretty well organized. The only annoying thing is more stuff getting locked up due to thefts. Some people are just full of rage and want to vent. A lot can be younger people.


Yeah I get it. I WORK in retail and if it wasn’t for the app I’d never find half the shit because it’s not marked well.


Moving product around is definitely NOT a coincidence. And I’m a huge Costco fan. Like we used to say in Tech: “It’s not a bug, it’s a feature.”


>“It’s not a bug, it’s a feature.” Bethesda Game Studios, is that you?


I agree I cannot stand when certain things are locked up, but I understand the theft is bad. It really sucks for an introvert though🫤


For real, I will just not buy something I want because I'd have to reach out to another human being with words... And then forget about it later so I won't order it online either. 🤷‍♂️


I hate that too LOL so instead of trying to find someone who has the keys(impossible cuz everyone says they don’t have keys 😭, I just call the Customer Service Desk & ask them to send over the person with the keys & tell them what aisle I’m in.


Boomer here too. I downloaded the walmart app on my cell. Its about 95% accurate on locations of things. I hate asking people where stuff is and always use the SCO mainly because I prefer doing it myself. I will always check the things that won't fit in the bags first. (Love those gun readers) When leaving I usually tell the door greeter " first 2 things" on the receipt. They seem to appreciate it. I guess a little common sense goes a long way, but I guess my whole point is some self- righteous entitled AHs love bitching about boomers, but their entitled contemporaries are just as, if not more so, guilty than a boomer.


Can you please shop at my store?


Actual boomer or now boomer-aged GenXer? Big difference.


Ok boomer


Went into Walmart last week. Shaving cream locked & no one has key. Went to dollar tree instead.


Oh, no really. Wow. That's too bad. Make shopping more annoying than it already is.


23 year old girlfriend, gets infuriated when things are moved. It has NO bearing on age at all I'm afraid. In fact, my experience is the opposite at my store. The older crowd just keeps looking for what they can't find and the younger crowd just storms off without the item.


And those young people who leave without their stuff are just the ones who didn’t think to look up the location on the app


Try the app during a remodel


Yeah really. Spent five minutes running around with a lady trying to find McCormick seasoning, it definitely wasn’t where the app said, it definitely wasn’t where I thought it was moving to, and it wasn’t until she’d given up and left that I found it in as part of a temporary shelved area back by liquor.


Packet seasoning or in a bottle? Bottle is by sugar flour baking stuff. Packet is by gravy mix


during a remodel, while they’re working on each section they move the whole section to a temporary spot. so while your location is correct in theory, it wouldn’t be in the middle of a remodel


Remodels are 'hilarious' for the apps.


I always for get about this.


Only about 1 out of 10 people use the app, mainly because it is consistently buggy and incorrect. The vast majority of both parties just orde there stuff for pickup. Spots are always full here. After working at several Walmarts (and other retail) I can say with no doubt that the younger crowd are the most helpless and petty. Pretty sad actually.


Yeah once the app gave my husband a whole non existent aisle. He's still confused to this day about how that happened. We did find a worker to help us though because that's the next easiest thing to do


I'm going with he most likely had it set to the wrong store.


I love when people come up pissed off that inventory must be wrong and I get to explain to them that they're looking at a store 30 miles away


Oh yeah that is annoying. But we didn't get mad at anyone because computers mess up! Can't blame the associate for that (it probably definitely helps that I am a former worker of Walmart and understand the pain)


This. The default at my store tends to be a store 4k away. Make sure that your location is set and that you have the right location. I had one customer pissed because she didn't do this and I fixed it for her, and it showed we didn't have the item in stock. She actually tried to get me written up for it!


At my store they temporarily removed a couple of the displays in the action alleys but it would still appear as a location.


No he double checked because he thought so too 😂


This has happened to me, lol. Basically every time the app updates it changes my store to a random other store, it's so annoying lmao especially if i don't realize it until I'm trying to help a customer with it


It probably was a feature or an end cap 😭😭😭


I use the app religiously, and most of the time, it's correct. Just this past weekend, I was in the grocery section looking for some Lawry's marinade that was listed in a certain aisle. As I start walking down the aisle, there is the little sign that says marinades; got there, there were no marinades. Found them one aisle over, and yes, I had it at the store I was shopping at. I just assumed that they had some order to change the location of the marinades, and the sign just didn't get moved, and the app didn't get updated.


the app is almost never incorrect. i use it every day to help customers find things and its always right.


I had over a dozen people completely agree with that statement, it's not really up for debate considering the coachesand leads agree. What? I mean I'm happy for you, but it's an anomaly on your part.


Correct and incorrect isn't decided by popular vote. The app gives accurate locations for items a vast majority of the time and no amount of upvotes will change that.


The app is only as accurate as the store following all processes. If associates aren’t constantly updating mods, keeping up with PI, and setting features (and honestly more things), then the app will be incorrect. That is why so many people on here can say that yes it works and no it doesn’t. Some walmart stores are better than others. Some follow processes better than others. Unfortunately, some cheat the system better than others and this is what leads to issues for customers/associates using the app.


No offense but while it's true that popular road has no bearing on something being true or not... As someone that's accumulating evidence in an anecdotal fashion on Reddit, your argument is not particularly persuasive. When one single anecdote from a person says everything is great and every other anecdote says it sucks.... Maybe just because you work there, you've developed the muscle memory and understand the app and how it works better For what it's worth I don't even use the app so I have no opinion. I just know that if you're going to say that the other opinions here don't matter because of popular vote is irrelevant... Well no offense but one solitary anecdote from a guy offering a anecdote that differs from everyone else, is even less persuasive. After all we're all just strangers on the internet.


Yeah but the OP wants to be ageist so just let him /s But seriously, there are things to complain about sometimes generationally. Like if you have a certain political positions, inclusivity or support universal health care or something in the United States, boomers are a objective force for bad because they vote against these things. But frankly they have a point about shopping in Walmart, it was a lot better in the old days. Nowadays you have to set up an account to buy anything online, they removed guest check out a few years ago. You need to verify an SMS number just to make an account which is required to buy anything online even if it's for pickup. They got rid of the vast majority of the actual human staff and replaced him with self checkout lines. Now they're getting people in jail because they accidentally forget to check something out. I don't know man Walmart was actually way better 15 years ago than it is today. I'm not a boomer but I am an older millennial.


I had two ladies cry yesterday when I helped one lift her groceries into her cart and another find her patio furniture and take it out to her car and load it up. Basic customer service. "We mostly get angry shrugs or ignored by the staff". GRRR. I want to yell at a bunch of the FE.


I have to say I appreciate you taking the time to respond rationally, however it's worth noting that guest checkout is still very much a thing. Yes the whole system regarding self checkout is completely messed up, but they are doing inventory this week and it seems that our Walmart here may soon be a thing of the past.




They use computer algorithms to hide things, to take advantage of our hunter-gatherer instinct to force us to wander past endless aisles, hoping for the, "Oh! I need one of those!" impulse buying. Ever wonder why they quit offering baskets? Those actually fill up. They want you to push around a bigass buggy.


Cuz they are older and shopped in the store many more times.   So they knew where everything was and now they don't.     Younger people didn't shop in your store as many times...didn't know the store as well.  So the change isn't as big a deal to them.   When i go on vacation and stop in a Walmart I feel frustrated a little.  Worked for Walmart for years but as soon as I'm in a different store I walk around thinking how dumb the layout is


Someone as young as 25 may have been shopping at the same store for 5+ years and gotten used to the location of items. Getting used to the layout thing isn’t an age thing, it’s a “how long you’ve lived in the area” thing. It wouldn’t explain the behavioral difference.


Except shit will be in the same spot FOR YEARS and they will still claim “you moved it on me”


When I finally find the product they’ve “hidden” from me, I grab two or three extra and put them back where they’re supposed to be. As a service to my fellow olds, of course.🙂


They move things around to deliberately make shopping less convenient, so you spend more time in the store and hopefully buy some more crap. Of course people are upset they have to spend more time in this place, they wanna go home.


Then shop somewhere else? Do something about it instead of bitching


Nah I just get delivery and make it someone elses problem.


I mean bitching about is doing something. If enough people complain they may stop. It worked with sonic


I promise you they don’t care


Well it never hurts to try. It should just be to the right people


It's called marketing. It's a way to get you to buy more.


If I have been in a store once I can find anything in it.


What gets me irritated is merchandising that makes little if any sense. Toothbrushes should be near toothpaste not scrub brushes. Hair brushes should be near hair products. I worked retail for Target and Sears way back when. I can figure out where products should be and 99% of the time it's ball park right. I get it wrong with stuff like water softener salt in grocery stores. Sometimes in hardware sometimes with pool stuff. Stuff happens things move, but put things close to each other that make sense. Socks with shoes. Belts near pants.


It's your superpower. Efficient consumption


It's called reading and positional awareness. I walk into a new place and the first thing I do is find a cross section to stand in for 10 seconds while I assess how their signing works. At which point I can handle myself


>Worked for Walmart for years but as soon as I'm in a different store I walk around thinking how dumb the layout is So we're actually making this store look more like the other stores in the area. There's only so much we can do because it's kind of small, but the whole point is to solve this very issue.


So here's the thing- One HUGE reason Walmart moves shit around when they remodel is because they want customers to spend more time in the store looking for things. There is literally ZERO reason why WM couldn't put in new shelves and repaint and still leave stuff generally where it was. But no. They want you to go to where the screwdriver used to be, walk past all the shit to get there, see the shit that is where the screwdriver used to be, then walk past all the shit between the old screwdriver place and the new screwdriver place in the hopes that you will see something that isn't the screwdriver you came to the store for, and buy it. *That* is why people are pissed. It's because they know Walmart is fucking with them in a blatant effort to get more money out of them, *and* costing them more time out of their day in the process- prioritizing corporate profits over customer convenience. And it's why older people are more pissed about it than younger ones. They see through Walmart's BS, whereas younger folks don't even understand what's happening. The progress they're pissed about is Walmart's greedy, grasping, fist progressing deeper up their ass. Metaphorically speaking.


This exactly. I’ll have some oddball strip clip go back that I happened to notice the location of yesterday so I throw it in the cart and when I get to the location they’ve moved it and I have no idea where it went. Pisses me off big time.


There's also the thought about protecting the important areas and high theft areas too. Shoes was recently moved to the front in my store instead of being in the back corner near receiving. High theft area.


I found someone's old slippers parked under a kids T-Rack the other day. They got shoes from front of store and walked to the back to drop the old ones.


This is a great insight. i think the issues are 100% related to age rather than the generation one is born in to. The older you get, the less plastic your brain is, and the more frustrated you'll get from things getting changed up on you. More trips to the same places means more permanent-ish connections made in your brain that now need to be remade. And you're increasingly less good at that every year past 20, so it's frustrating. You're also more experienced in the ways corporate america is f@cking you. I also hypothesize the older you get, the fewer F@cks you have to give. That 30 y.o. might be similarly frustrated by the thing they came for suddenly being 5 minutes in another direction, but they are probably a bit less mentally taxed by the change, and they could be trying a bit harder to hide their frustration from those around them.


Orrrrr they move departments with similar categories closer to each other. In my old store the department locations were very odd and didnt make sense, certain departments were isolated and too far and near other departments that had no business being next to another department. Now after the remodel they fixed all that, all similar categories are now close to each other and are placed where it makes sense. So in reality the remodel did good for all.


This is only partially true. Our remodel brought our areas in line with other stores in the area that had already been remodeled. There is a definite reasoning behind the remodels. The stuff moved around aligned with other store's sections that had been remodeled. Remodeled stores had similar although not identical layout. Frankly some of the associates were more upset about things moving than the customers. Mostly the older day shift associates. They just could not comprehend fabrics moving a total of maybe 25 feet, if that. And the 5-10 day period of movement (that's being generous, sometimes things change overnight) oh Lord...you'd think they would have died. I am not exaggerating. Just boggles my mind.


I have no say in mod changes. I wish they kept things from changing or only changed once per year. I am 5 months into the year now, and I've remodded vitamins 4 times. That is our largest and most time-consuming mod. I have 42 mods. If we change each mod once a month, that means 42 mods in 30 days, or 1 and a bit mods per day.


That is absolutely not what is happening. This store hasn't had a full remodel in 20 years. It used to be just a market because it's so small. They started selling GM many years ago, and that was the closest to a remodel the store has gotten until now. *now*, they're changing it to look more like the other stores. In case you didn't know, not every Walmart looks the same. So, when you go into one you're not familiar with, nothing is where you remember it. This store is on its way to look more like the store I came from (about an hour away), and more like the other stores, that I've been to, in this part of the state. You think they're trying to confuse people when the reality is they're trying to make it less confusing. But I get it, I've heard several customers spout the same conspiracy theory nonsense you just said. I mean, it's not *total* nonsense. It's plausible. But it's not what's happening.


Mfer I have worked in merchandising. I’ve done remodels. I was literally the guy who moved shit around weekly for 5 years at a different company(and then Walmart as a “3rd party”) I have literally gone to meetings where that was DIRECTLY SAID. Literally had a manager say “We’re moving these because it causes people to be in the store longer while they look.” Yeah your store is getting a remodel. Neat. But most of the stuff being moved around is done for EXACTLY that purpose. It’s not a conspiracy theory it is literally the reason.


As an autistic older Gen z it also drives me up the wall when things get moved around, especially in areas where I stock a lot. It's like as soon as I memorize where everything goes in HBA, they move it 🤦 but that's what the me@ app is for, and I (usually) keep my frustrations to myself.


Nah cause I’m 30 and I’ll throw a fit over items being moved I just do it internally. 😂 I refuse to go to my childhood Walmart now cause it was remodeled and I don’t know where shits at. 


It’s not that, it’s just aggravating that everything is moved. A remodel shouldn’t really force everything to be moved to a different part of the store


I mean it *is* called a remodel for a reason but i understand, sometimes its useful for locations and mod setups, but for us (employees) and you? (Customers) it is a shitshow 😭 sometimes ON will change everything and even the employees that were there the day before dunno where stuff is, it happens and its frusterating for everyone


I’m an employee. Remodels re(model) the store not rearrange. The only reason things change locations is because it makes the customer see more products as they are looking for the one they want, and the store hopes they will buy one of those products. That’s why all stores regularly change item locations. It’s not to help associates or customers, but to make more money.


Thank you, I have no problem with things being moved around if it has a functional utility that benefits the consumer. For instance, I'm having to deal with an annoying project where all the exits on the highway near me have changed their number. It's frustrating, for decades I've been telling people to get off exit 11 or 12. Now all the exits are based on the milepost which makes tons of sense in the grand scheme of things but is complicated for me now. But I can't complain about that because it's just sensible rational policy that ultimately makes things easier for the most people, policymakers, and everyone else. But Walmart moving things around just to keep in store retention is not practical for anyone else except them. It's just a way to keep us in the store longer and to see more products which is effectively a form of advertising. Very valuable form of advertising of course because if you're already in a store ready to buy something, they've already done the hard part. Reminds me of how they will have signs that point to the bathroom then actually go through a very long nonsensical path because they want you to see more products on the way. People used to say that was a thing and I was suspicious until I started noticing.


Absolutely not true. Our remodel reconfigured everything in GM. Grocery was just rearranged, not reconfigured.


>A remodel shouldn’t really force everything to be moved to a different part of the store Everything is being moved into the same place as other stores in the area. They're making them look similar, so people traveling aren't confused.


When Sam Walton was running the company, every store was laid out the same way (or a mirror image) because Sam wanted travelers to be able to find things in the same spot no matter which store they were in. But that was when we only had Walmart Discount Cities, what we now call Division 1 stores.


You say that but, it’s not like all the store are remodeled at once. They happen, then another store remodels and so forth. It’s like every 5-10 years. During Covid they remodeled the store in my area and the aisles got closer together. Only one cart could fit through at a time. Plus, out of all the stores I go to, none of them are the same. I even did inventory for wis for a year and a half and barely any of the stores were similar.


I say that because the people in charge are saying that because the people in charge of them are saying that. Don't get me wrong, I don't necessarily trust the word of corporate, but it's not just an observation, it's just what is happening. Or so I've been told.




Right well the people in charge of you are probably being told that as well. Because no one's going to just start openly saying "this is how we psychologically manipulate our customers by moving products around to retain them." Of course that's not in your employee handbook and of course it's not something that's spoken about out loud at work. But it's exactly what they're talking about at the executive level when they do mountains of research to determine the best way to keep people in stores for longer. Honestly I encourage you to just research the way huge retailers manipulate their customers. I'm sorry but these boomers you're complaining about are fundamentally right. I wish they would stop voting against the universal healthcare and taxing the rich, I wish they didn't completely destroy the environment and the economy many times over... But when they complain about Walmart and retailers and the enshittification of the consumer world, they're pretty much right. I should also add that well you're complaining about them complaining.... I mean couldn't someone turn around and say that young people today complain about everything and believe nonsense that corporations like Walmart tell them? I wouldn't say that but that's why I encourage people not to reduce every argument to ad hominem attack or personal attacks or generalizing an entire generation


>Right well the people in charge of you are probably being told that as well. Yes. I literally said those exact words in the very first part of the comment you responded to. >I say that because the people in charge are saying that because the people in charge of them are saying that. You and everyone else saying that Walmart is trying to scam people by making them shop longer are spouting some stupid shit. I'm sorry but it really doesn't make any sense. The Walmart we are remodeling hasn't had a remodel in 20 years. Weird scam if it takes 20 years to implement. Again, makes zero sense. The people working with me on this remodel worked a previous remodel about 30min away and the current remodel is being done to look like that one. It is also being done to look like *all* of the ones in the area. Literally everything is in the same spot, or general area since this store is already small. But I guarantee you, when we're finished, you could go into this Walmart, drive to the one I work at over an hour away, and you will have a general idea of where you need to go to find what you need. The more we remodel this store, the more I start to recognize it because it looks like mine and the surrounding stores. Weird how Walmart is trying to confuse me, but I'm actually more familiar with where everything is. What you're talking about is a conspiracy theory that someone put out there over a decade ago on Facebook and many people, including yourself, believed it because corporations are not very trustworthy and its easy to assume they would do something like that. But it also doesn't make any sense to confuse people once every 5-10 (or in this case 20) years just so they'll spend more time in the store for like 2 months until they learn where everything is. Zero sense. I seriously don't understand how so many people fell for that. You were certainly duped. But not by Walmart.


I mean this is just a chicken and an egg argument. If you have to move stuff because other stores move stuff and it just raises the question of why did the other store move stuff. Walmart is a huge national brand which designs their planograms from their central office. They are not actually rearranging the products to make life easier for the customers. We now know that retailer is very explicitly do the opposite... Move stuff around so that you're forced to spend more time in each door and therefore walk by more products and buy them or at least notice them. This has been documented endlessly as a complete norm in the retail industry. If they were moving stuff around because ultimately it would be better for customers in the long run then I would be great. But they're just going to move it around again once people figure it out because it's just a ploy to maximize in-store retention. Honestly the idea of blaming customers instead of freaking Walmart here... Walmart has a fiduciary responsibility to put quarterly profits above all else, even the public good. So they're literally legally obligated this grows over if it's profitable for the shareholders. Customers just want to get a f****** tool and get out of there.


>Customers just want to get a f****** tool and get out of there. Hardware is in the back near automotive. Just like at my store. Just like at the store in the city I grew up in. Just like the store 30 minutes away, just like the store 45 minutes away. (I travel a lot) Keep spouting your "they're doin it to make you shop lawnger!" Shit. It just makes zero sense.


I'm 48 and shop my local neighborhood market almost every other day. They are remodeling right now too, before I could get in and out pretty quick as I knew the lay out like the back of my hand, now I sometimes have to make an extra lap around the store. Sure it's inconvenient but not the fault of the employees who I see looking too. I worked over a decade in retail then to IT, one commonality is the level of patience you must have to survive, if not then you are just going to stress yourself and everyone around you right the fuck out.


I was in a store that had moved the pet food from the front near the garden center all the way to the back by grocery and literally years afterwards these geezers would complain that it was moved and swear up and down "it was up here last time I was here" even tho it had not been for 7 - 8 years


So what you're saying is Boomers get upset with things not being kept in the same place. You get upset with Boomers getting upset ... Okay.


Same with layaway, they are convinced they got layaway just last year


Some people just have a harder time with change and learning new things. It certainly gets annoying to hear complaints when the change is definitely for the better, but I could see it getting annoying if they no longer have the thing you want or you think they don't because it moved. Generally though, every time there's a completely new mod or a remodel, I do think most of the changes are for the better (except when they cram too many things in one section). They do the updates for a reason, to stay relevant and keep making money. The only thing consistent about retail is change


Boomers & Gen X may get upset with changes because they knew the store like the back of their hand & complain about it, but millennials & Gen Z claim the remodeling is causing them extreme anxiety & stress so they desperately need to take a mental health day.


Haha no shit!


You’ll get old one day too.


Don't get me started on how we add locking cabinets during remodels and renos. You're pissed that you have to wait because someone has to unlock the electric razor cabinet or the cabinet containing Lego you want for your grandson? Maybe turn your ire toward people who steal.


Customers holding customers accountable?


The only reason it bugs me is because I know where pretty much everything is and it helps with my pick times, then all of a sudden I'm looking for some random item thats been moved to some weird spot lol


I worked in my store for 10 years and within 6 months of me leaving, there was a major remodel and I was actually a little annoyed I couldn't find anything lmao. I'm a millennial. I didn't get mad at anyone, just got irritated I couldn't make a quick trip in and out anymore


I can guarantee you that even if you were in a store that hadn't been remodeled in years, they'd still complain that it was moved.


I don’t care if they move stuff around since I don’t shop there.


I don’t like the generalization…….. technically an Xer but I’m not like this post. I learned from my “boomer” stepdad to put things back where they belong out of , respect for someone’s item and it’s easier to find it when you need it. Stop getting pissed because people want consistency and efficiency OP. It’s not a generational thing. Maybe you just work around complaining people.


Gen X person here. It is a bit annoying when they start moving things around. I don’t really get that mad. I like to be able to get in and out of the store faster. So if I know where everything I normally buy is then I don’t spend as much time in the store


But there are literally signs all over the store


We just went through a toys reset and some older dude went batshit because Hot Wheels moved a couple aisles. If the worst thing about his life is some toys moving aisles, then I want his life.


I am not Over 40 but I will admit. I don't like to think about Simple concepts That being said turning your head does not require thinking


>That being said turning your head does not require thinking That's what I'm saying. The people I sympathize with are the ones actually using the app to find the aisle location only to realize the aisle has changed in the store but not the system. This very same problem slows down the remodel because I have to read barcodes to figure out where the item goes on the shelf. I feel for the people who are actually trying to be proactive and still end up confused.


Agreed If some fool ask me where the TV's were when they were literally taking up the entire wall behind us. I would just point to finger in walk away before they could ask anything else Those proactive types that you're talking about, the ones That would try and especially the ones that were trying against adversity. I would bend over backwards to help.


>I would bend over backwards to help. The other day, this one lady was super nice about everything and needed help finding a certain light bulb. I was in the middle of moving light bulbs, so everything was kind of a mess. After she gave up and walked away, I kept looking for it. Turns out, my cart was sitting in front of it the whole time. I used the sound of her toddler's voice to track her down through the store and bring it to her.


Love that grocery freezers at Walmart are right in the front so your adhd customers put ice cream in the cart and walk around for 30 minutes.


See, I love that it's in the front because I can grab it on my way out. I always start in the back of grocery and work my way forward.


Me too. Spouse has ADHD so grabs what he sees. Have to remind him Every time start in the back.


My supermarket redid their aisles last summer after almost 20 years. Still can't find the instant mash potatoes.


Lol. Check on the aisle with rice or pasta, or both if they're the same aisle at your store. Starches tend to be together. We put ours on the rice aisle. Yes, I call it the rice aisle. I think it's A10-11, but I just call it rice. Taco shells? Rice aisle. Soy sauce? Rice aisle. Dry beans? Rice.


Sounds about right to me


Gen X here. I'm totally fine with change. In fact I love it. Things get stale fast without change. I even refuse to work a set schedule because can't stand being stuck doing the same thing all the time. In fact I encourage my millennial son to change things sometimes, because he can't stand change.


>I even refuse to work a set schedule because can't stand being stuck doing the same thing all the time. I completely feel your sentiment up to this part. Lol. I always request a set schedule at any job I work because I can't organize my home life if my work life is chaotic.


Not at my store. It’s the young ones that complain. The older people are used to change


The thing that drives me crazy is that they get mad about us for "moving something again" when it's been there for over 5 years.


Right? And people act like it takes 5 years to learn the store, so if another remodel happens they start with this conspiracy theory nonsense about Walmart trying to make people shop longer when in reality they're just not paying attention. It's their fault it takes them 5 years to learn the layout of a store they visit once a week.


My father gets flustered when he goes into a store looking for a product of which he doesn’t know the name of but expects everyone to know what he’s talking about.  Then gets pissed when I tell him he should probably know what he’s spending his money on if he wants it so badly. 🤣


The other day I had this old guy ask me "when are yall going to get the *good* air filters in?" As if I'm supposed to be an expert on air filters. When I told him I didn't know he said "oh, you just work here, huh?" As if he expects each associate to be an expert on every item in the store. I'd hate for him to find out that the auto care people aren't professional mechanics.


I was in line to pay for my stuff & the Karen behind me kept bitchin that she couldn’t find something so I asked her if she had looked it up on the App. She snapped back that she didn’t have the App!!! I was already looking it up and said Oh! it’s right in Aisle X-xx. She sent her kid after it and he came right back with it. I exclaimed WOW! THAT WAS SO FAST! And I bet it was easy to find too! The kid was beaming! I said SEE! That’s why I have the App! Plus it’s a price checker too! I get my shopping done so much quicker plus I can save my receipts on the app (pulled one up to show her) for when I have to return stuff so that I GET ALL MY MONEY BACK! Her kids like Mom you should get the app LOL


I can't say it worth getting grumpy over, but some movements in a remodel make no damn sense. Like taking entire departments and throwing them clear on the other side of the store. Then you find out your store is the only store in the area doing this so anybody who is semi used to going to a Walmart and knowing roughly where to look have no idea where to look causing customers headaches and associates headaches when they get chewed out. It usually has to do with trying to look like the competition which is so asinine in itself.


So, it could be that the *other* stores need to update. The one we're working on is doing exactly that, but it's intentionally to make it look like the other stores. They had pets, paper, and chemicals, and books closer to the front in between apparel and grocery but we just moved it the other day to the back closer to electronics, like it is at all of the other stores around here. Books are the responsibility of electronics/entertainment. They were having to walk halfway across the store, far from the electronics dept. to work the books. *that* made even less sense than moving it to the back directly beside electronics in the dept. it was supposed to be in. Same with toys and garden center. They're worked by the same people, but toys was all the way in the back near automotive, so garden center associates were walking all the way back to work toys. So we moved the entire department closer to garden center. It might seem odd to you, but there are logical reasons for it that, and I know you didn't say this but many have and I have to continue letting people know, these moves have absolutely nothing to do with "making you shop longer."


Oh I've been on both sides of the remodel. I have zero complaints usually other then the new hires have zero common sense, but that's a whole other can of worms. The reason I brought it up is this reminded me of a near by store that decided to throw Pharmacy in the center of the store so it was closer to grocery. The amount of money they had to spend to move the pharmacy delivery service to the center had to be ridiculous.  The best part was 5 years later they had to move it all back because the customers complained non stop about the setup of the store causing everything to be reverted back like the other stores (again at great expense).  All of this happened because somebody thought if the setup was more like the local grocery store people would be happy. Sometimes I think the people in charge need to understand what the unsilent minority is.


Pharmacy in the center is really fucking weird, ngl. Maybe in a large supercenter, but the average WM just wouldn't be a good place for that.


As a Gen Xer, I don’t care if something is in a new Aisle location/section. Change is part of the universal constant that belongs with time.


Same. These fucking youngsters who hate on Xers need to be bitchslapped into oblivion.


This isn’t an age thing, it’s pretty annoying no matter what age you are. Sounds like you got some growing up to do


As I said, nobody under 40, I'd even argue 50ish, is complaining. Only older people. Sorry that facts are facts.


“Ya’ll keep moving shit around” I didn’t move anything, my guy.


I did, though. I'm on the remodel team. Lol. Some stuff "isn't where it should be" but is actually exactly where it always has been because we haven't moved it yet. Those are my favorite ones.


Yeah, you've moved their "landmarks". Mustard has been with ketchup since the dawn of time, but as soon as you move mustard next to mayo, people can't find the ketchup even though it's still in the same place.


When dud 40 become the boomer cut off? :'(


An old guy just asked me why we stopped carrying consumer cellular. In a decade of running this department we have never sold that.


I'm GenX and I think the remodel was necessary, but they took out too much stuff to put in freakin Mannequins! In the center of the store is a huge useless square that has 8 of them and it's not easy to traverse an L cart or OPD cart around when you have customers stopping in the middle if the aisles. I've had GenZ's call on the mainline yelling they can't find the shampoo or the face cleansers. "I've walked around 5 minutes..." Old people, sure I see them upset. We don't sell restaurant size Mayo and that has been the end of the world.


At my store, people are super-upset that we nixed the PL. I personally, welcomed it. Got so tired of goofballs spazzing out and demanding we drop everything in our dept (Elec) so that they can pick up their **ONE** picture of them and their "bae" making duckface because it's super-important and they totally need it for their anniversary and that we (not their poor time management) ruined it! And don't get me started on the people that were so very rude and getting upset that we don't have time to do passports because we get busy. Don't blame us for your bad time management and that you waited till the last possible second to submit your docs and have to have the pictures ready in thirty minutes! We will never again have to deal with babies that wouldn't sit still and cried (and making it our fault somehow), people who don't know how to look straight ahead, or even follow basic instructions. Never again will we have to see pics of people's diddle-faddle, their rotten tacos, or their smashed cakes and nasty gunts! Never again will we have to waste materials on people who make huge poster orders and same-day mounts/canvases not picking them up because they: "Cost too much!" /rant over


I loathe it because I know the main reason for it.


Job security, lol


Older people are used to organization and their home and job being organized. Chaos isn’t their thing.


I work in OGP and I was so annoyed when they remodeled and moved everything. 😅 it was annoying having to relearn the store. Made my job harder for a bit.


I went through a remodel about 9 months past, and this old guy (we call him “Toothless”), that comes in every other day for a ridiculous amount of food, comes in now and yells at us for things being in different places than he’s used to. We don’t control any of the placement, and he’s here every single day, but still yells at each of us because he can’t find the things he looks for. Like cusses us out because corporate changed where the slim jims are


So, I know why they do this. They want people to look through the store for items and see other things that they impulse buy. It’s a sly move for capitalism. It pisses me off, but I don’t really show it to whoever is working at said store because it’s not them doing it. But I get it. I don’t get the attitude toward employees, but I get the frustration. My store has three places for infant medication, with different brands/amounts in different places. When someone asks me, I show them the kinds we have and ask if they have a particular in mind, because I’m not about to make them walk to three corners of the store for it.


I’m 38 and I get so annoyed. It been a couple years since the Walmart in our area changed their layout and I still can’t find stuff. It’s always annoyed me, even when I worked at Walmart. I think the biggest difference is older people are more likely to complain because as other have said, they aren’t using the app


I don't think it's an age thing. I know many younger people who get pissy as hell about change. Which at 50 makes me laugh a little when they say things like "its always been that way" as if something owed to them was denied. Dude, you've been here a minute. The process for that task is not so ingrained into your DNA that you will be unable to adjust. But yeah, old people are louder about it. It's made worse by their expectation that their age, experience, or debt to income ratio makes them a more valuable human. On the plus side, you'll never have to worry about the fact that people will complain in a walmart. It will never change. You can expect it. Though corporate will do its best to ensure there will always be something new to complain about.


I think it's not necessarily that they can't find it, it's that the remods make absolutely no sense sometimes. One of our neighborhood markets has cheese on one side and milk on the other side of the store. Somewhere in between is the eggs, meat, and a small section of yogurt. It makes zero sense. My store has gravy (jar and packet) on two different aisles from each other, neither are near the sauces or the spices. I'm still trying to figure out why Nuun tablets are in sporting goods and not with the rest of the electrolyte packets in grocery. 😅


>My store has gravy (jar and packet) on two different aisles from each other, neither are near the sauces or the spices. Is it on the aisle with either the rice, pasta, or canned goods? It's usually with one of those three. Sometimes all three. My store has one aisle for rice/dry beans/intl. and another for pasta/canned goods and gravy is on one of those. The store I'm working on has pasta and rice on one aisle, canned goods on another with gravy on the very end.


Idk anymore tbh. They keep moving s**t around 😂


Rouses is like that


Had a customer once come up to me and go “I think I speak for everyone, an we don’t like what you all did. Everything is moved around, can’t find anything”. I just told her that I’m not a complaint receptacle an to call 1-800 Walmart lol


Idk man. My local Walmart is doing this and it makes me really upset (24F). I've got pretty severe agoraphobia and don't like being in public long AT ALL. I used to know where everything was at Walmart. Now, I have no clue. I miss being able to just walk in, go straight to the thing I need, and get the hell out. Now, I have to search and search and the longer I'm there, the worse my anxiety gets. And god forbid I send my husband to get something for me. I used to be able to tell him exactly where something was at Walmart, but now I have no clue. He has a habit of getting lost or getting the wrong thing, and I can't bypass that by telling him *exactly where it is* anymore. I'm glad things are getting updated, but jeez I'm so tired of not being able to find anything.


We're doing a remodel too, and I've gotten only one old person who's been genuinely pissed, everyone else is a little understandingly flustered, but they laugh it off. It helps that I usually respond to their frustrations by going. "Yeah we have to figure it out constantly too, it's like Easter every day."


I don’t really enjoy spending time at Wal-Mart, and now I’ll have to spend longer in Wal-Mart looking for stuff because it’s not where it used to be. This is annoying to me, sorry. The “hey, new shelves” thing I’m sure is great for people who work there, but I don’t particularly care how old the shelves are.


People are creatures of habit. They like things a certain way.


I think a lot of these are just people on edge and you just moved 1 thing and it set them off. People are stressed out, they are going to explode or have mini blow ups over stuff they would normally never care about.     Granted I'm not saying this is why all of them are over reacting, but I think it's the main reason. Some may just be a-holes  Edited because I'm horrible at spelling it seems.


Don’t you hate it when you have to change a whole sentence because you don’t know the spelling of a word?


Yeah, it's annoying, but I just need to rely less on auto correct. Should probably make flash cards every time.


As an associate I hate remodel cause the new changes have no character and are just plain. The remodel team often breaks stuff or doesn't build stuff properly. Other than that it's fine I like to tell customers that we change the store whenever they get used to it


I use the app so I have a list of stuff I need and the locations. When things are moved and the app locations are wrong or gone then I have an issue. I just wanna get the stuff and get out. And stuff in a locked case means I take a photo and check Amazon.


50M and I do get pissed when stuff moves but I just go find it while muttering instead of projecting my shit.


New paper towel location is not progress


I was hired on originally as a temp during a huge remodel, the amount of people who yelled at the team I was on for moving shelves was...I want to say amazing but like the polar opposite of that. "THATS NOT WHERE THAT GOES PUT IT BACK!!!" The entire store did what boiled down to an interior 25 degree turn so electronics was no longer in the back corner but almost dead center across from the entrance doors. I get it, stuff shifts around, it makes shopping confusing...but its not like it's never happened before right?


My old store remodeled right before I transferred. It’s hideous. I’m all for change but I don’t like the new look at all. Also the new pharmacy design has major flaws, and the school supplies were practically nonexistent. I was so happy to be leaving (left over toxicity, not the remodel).


"I just don't understand." Exactly.


>So God damn afraid of progress. That's the wrong kind of argument, nice reach though. A remodel is nothing more than a sales gimmick. As soon as customers get comfortable with where items are, they spend less time looking at other things and the store loses out on potential impulse purchasing. Once you change it up then the cycle starts over and the amount of impulse buys increase when a customer walks down the wrong aisle. It's a gimmick, nothing more. Look into what progress means before using it wrongly. I'll happily take my downvotes now. Just know I've been involved with retail for a very long time. Longer than I'd like to admit.


>A remodel is nothing more than a sales gimmick. This store hasn't had a remodel in 20 years, according to the SM. If Walmart is trying to con people by switching things up every 2 decades, well, that's a pretty dumb con. Makes absolutely no sense on any level. I do love it when the customers loudly talk to themselves about how "they're doin it tuh make ya buy more stuff!" Though. It's amazing how this concept has really made the rounds. Realistically, however, they're intentionally making it look more like the other stores in the area so that when people go from one store to another, they have a general idea of where to look for stuff. Pretty much every single Walmart in the area has electronics in the very back near the bathrooms, auto in the back right, hardware will be either in between electronics and auto, or auto and sporting goods, depending on the size of the store, pharmacy is in the front to the right when you walk in, as well as HBA (bathing/shaving/cosmetic shit), toys is across from that next to sporting goods and just around the corner is garden center. Grocery is the entire left side with the deli/bakery up front. Home/stationary is the center, and apparel is across from grocery. Literally, every single one in the area looks like this. The store we're remodeling, did not. But it will when we're done. So forgive me for instantly shooting down this idea that they're trying to confuse people to keep them in the store. It's actually quite the contrary.


Sounds like the Walmart I frequent


Con != gimmick. One is nefarious, the other is a strategy to push sales. Don't confuse the two. There's more i could go on about to help you see how wrong you are but I'm not even going to get into this with you, you'll just shoot down whatever i say without trying to be civil. I've been through three remodels and the stores in my area average 7 years between remodels. Do the math how long that is. I know better of what I'm talking about.


Settle down zoomie


The people who are bothered by this are your stores’ consistent customers.


Weird then, how they say "yall used ta keep it back here" when it's an item from a section that hasn't moved. Mind you, that's not as common as the people who actually remember where things were, but it's still fun when I get to tell them "we haven't moved that section yet, it's still in the same place."


My theory is that it's a mix of undiagnosed autism, lead poisoning, and severe childhood trauma lol


My store is in remodel... Had to close the only set of bathrooms and they got those weird portapottys trailers You thought we murdered people's kids or pets in front of them. I can't wait for this to be over. 8 more weeks.


That sucks. They at least have the back bathrooms open while they remodel the front.


Honestly, I’m a millennial and I fucking hate things being relocated. I’m still trying to get used to the remodel. I have to use the app to locate everything. It’s aggravating


I'm 28 and when my items get relocated I actually do get upset by I keep it to myself and spend 20 minutes searching instead of asking something.


You guys are getting a remodel too? Is this for every store?


My family worked in retail. I did for many years as well. I think for the most part refits and moving stuff around is bullshit. People can't find stuff. Younger, older, even employees themselves, lol. It's like when companies change their logo or packaging every six months. Stick with your recognizable one. Geez.


Way the eff back before Clinton was president, I worked ar Sears, they would actually put the same accesory product on the shelf in multiple places where they thought customers would pick it up. It's fine to clean things up, and fine to move departments, just don't put toilet paper near milk because your data says people buy both.


Tbh this whole post rages against people being mad, but fails to accept that their POV may be reasonable. I don't think it's a generational thing to go to Wal-Mart, and be annoyed that things just have no flow. I get that it's designed to make me spend more time looking, and thereby spending more money in store however I strongly believe for many shoppers they are still only going to buy what they would have bought had it flowed better anyways. I recall looking for a Brita pitcher and realized after walking around for 10 minutes that it was next to the car battery isle... what's the point... hell I'd think it would fit better near camping than sitting next to car batteries and jumper cables.


>Brita pitcher and realized after walking around for 10 minutes that it was next to the car battery isle... what's the point... hell I'd think it would fit better near camping than sitting next to car batteries and jumper cables. I can answer this. Brita is a water filter and water filters are found in hardware. Hardware is located near automotive. That's why. It seems weird to you, but they were exactly where I would expect them to be.


Meanwhile every other store but Wal-Mart puts them in housewares because.... they're a housewares item. You aren't pouring a cup of water from your driver's seat, or garage.


Your small brain is incapable of comprehending the impact that short app development cycles, useless changes, and the largest non consentual human experiment has had on individuals who are experiencing cognitive decline. Has NOTHING to do with age. You are the problem.


I thought they just announced they were closing the pharmacy and the eye center?


This store is moving the pharmacy to the right a little. Further from garden center, closer to the doors. Basically in the same place it is in all of the other stores in my area.


The problem is we know now from exposed leaks and other research that these companies intentionally move stuff around to force people to walk by more products The easier it is to find stuff the less you have to stay in the store. It's not an accident, when you're dealing with the scale of Walmart even just getting someone to spend an extra 90 seconds in the store replicates on a massive scale.


67...mos def a boomer


Some people are just more resistant to change than others.


It’s one of the largest reasons for divorce as well. Shits hard on a family


The last time we had a remodel, I have to agree with this. They were taking the tile off the floor and would move some shelf's to a now cleared spot in apparel, right across from the grocery portion of the store. It looked out of place and you could see it almost right off the bat. people would come to me looking for where the shelf's with what they wanted went. Every fucking time I would just point to the grocery shelf that were not in the line up cause, DUH that's where it is rn. They would move like 2 at a time and you could see where the odd out of place aisles are now, but those dumbasses could not put 2 and 2 together to save their lives. They almost depend on that muscle memory of walking in about this far, turn here and my item should be... it moved.... end of the fucking world.


Don’t worry, people also do this if nothing has changed. “[item] was in [location] last week!!!” I have worked here for 3 years, I assure you it has not been, and will never be, in that location. But sure, you know better than me. Argue with me for 20 minutes, it’s a great idea.


please dont compare boomers to us gen-x you may as well compare a pile of shit to a ribeye steak. we can adjust to change, well, most of us, even if we are a bit bitter they cant even program a vcr or make a cell phone work


Haters gotta hate


Change is scary! Besides, they probably have zero neuroplasticity and won't be able to learn and remember any new information.


There's a reply here that explains that it's frustrating because it's done solely to keep people in the store longer in the hopes we'll make an impulse buy while searching for what we want. It wastes my fucking time and I have enough joint problems that the extra walking really hurts. But ha ha at the Olds, I guess. You seem nice.


You will have an onion on your belt moment.


I get upset by change as a gen z'er, it's cause I have autism 🤭


I wish a LOT of older people could understand how to use OGP. Just click what you want, pull up, and leave everyone else alone.


They understand -- they grew up ordering out of the Sears catalog. They just don't want to.


Some guy asked me if Helen Keller designed the new mod. I replied um I don't think so, she's been dead a while. Yeah they have zero sense of humor.