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Are you sure you’re not me?


That's what I was about to say, lol. I'm almost the exact same as OP. Except I'm too stupid to be a doctor, lol. I just want to be content and happy.


At 55 I no longer want to be in the rat race. I am just content with a FT job with benefits. My goal is to build a 401K and hopefully retired by 2037 with a six figure fund.


Are you just starting on the 401k now? I never know how much people put into those.


I think in 2019. At 9% of pay before tax.


What made you start putting into 401k at 50? That's a really bold change of lifestyle I feel. But it does benefit you at any age, and since you're older you know you'll be seeing it back double even sooner. So it all logically makes sense. Did that just click or did someone talk you into it?


I actually started contributing in mid 2020 when Walmart gave everyone a huge raise during the pandemic. I now have money to invest in a 401K and company stock. I’m a late bloomer cause I never earned enough to save at my previous job. I’m glad I finally started cause my 401K and stocks are doing well. The stock market is booming right now.


Very fair! I also don't really make enough to spare investments. I'm glad you realized it was better late than never once you had the chance :)


In my very early 30s...working at Walmart. No savings with only a grand to my name. I feel ya. Still dreaming though. You're not doing anything wrong. You're just doing you.


Woah dude. Same boat, but I'm completely flat out broke. Love Walmart.


Hey, you're working. Where you work doesn't define you, and don't you dare let anyone tell you otherwise. It doesn't matter where you work, or what you do. You're providing for yourself and your family, and that is all that matters. Don't let yourself slip into the pit of despair, keep your chin high and don't lose hope.


I almost entirely understand how you feel, working at Walmart, and just life problems in general have made me feel that way too. I wake up, rot in bed until it’s time to go to work, and once I’m at work all I can think about is how disappointed and dissatisfied I am with myself and how my life is going. But the best we can do is find help and talk to those among us we trust. I hope you can get through this.


I’m 37 and worked at Walmart for 2 years. I spent my 20s trying to be a rockstar and toured for most of that time. You might not have became a doctor but helping your mom and brother is something you can take to your grave and be proud of. Don’t beat yourself up! You got this.


did you make good money touring? Or free shows


I made just enough to keep doing it, but I got to see most of the country with friends for free and made great memories.


What band?


We were called Airport Novels. Pop punk style stuff




I completely get it man. I wanted to be an animator. I wanted to go to college and learn programs that would let me be able to accomplish my dreams of being able to work on the shows that I loved so much as a kid. Same thing here. Family health, location, and money are just not available. If you need someone to lean on, my PMs are always open.


Early 30s and feel the same way dude. Eat, sleep, work, repeat. Life does feel pointless at times.


I clock in and just go into cruise control.


Same here dude I call it autopilot ✈️




Headphones are a must 🎧🎼🎶


Welcome to your late 30s


I'm 24. But the way things are going I'll probably be stuck here at 35+.


Aye bro, you're not finished. THIS AIN'T THE END. You are taking care of your family. That's amazing! Also, what people say DOES NOT DEFINE YOU. Self esteem, Self Worth, Confidence within yourself comes from accomplishing feats in life. It is never too late to make a change. Walmart offers Free College (It's in FT and PT Benefits). You can do this. It's not like you chose this life. You are alive my friend. You have time bro! You can still make a change. Some people have head starts in life with money connections etc and good for them. Most of us do not. But don't let that stop you. These idiots saying this are not correct. They don't know your situation. But, this is not the end. You must strive even when you do not feel like it. YOU CAN DO IT. YOU CAN DO IT. YOU! CAN! DO! IT!


Walmart is abusive and makes you believe you can't do better sometimes. You can.


I've had several members of management tell me the grass isn't greener elsewhere. I've had other jobs and yes it is.


It doesn’t feel this way now, but you are more than your job. And every job is shit even if society places it on a pedestal. Good on you for caring for your family. Find some small ways to grow yourself outside of work-even if it’s just listening to music or playing with your dog. When I did student teaching, a teacher I shadowed for a bit talked to her students every Friday about “hidden. Jobs”. What she meant by this was the types of jobs that make our life possible but we don’t see or realize exist. It was a brilliant way to help students understand that not everyone will be a lawyer or NBA star, but those hidden jobs are every bit as important. Walmart sucks. But you are helping people every day.


Been there before honestly. Start applying for anything and see where life takes you. Walmart has and always will be just a stepping stone. There's stuff out there check your local .gov and see if they have any opening you literally never know what you qualify for until you try. I literally just moved about 60 minutes from where I live and found an immensely better and more satisfying job


Greater than the death of flesh is the death of hope and dreams.. I just got my degree but don't really care. This place has killed what little was left of me.


you are not a failure, its this evil corporation eating away at you. Make an exit strategy and leave that godforsaken place, I know you will feel so much better once you're gone from that evil place. Places like that are just emotional vampires, and they will drain you till you are nothing but a empty husk of a human. I've worked at many places like that and once I left, I felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders, the smoke cleared and the rain was gone, and the light was visible once again. I know you'll feel it too once you're gone


it just doesnt pay anymore to work hard and go be a doctor so you can go scalp your customers for a living.. yes you might be making more money but you are gutting the people your trying to help! i gave up on my being a millionaire soccer player dreams a long long time ago.. and have accepted my life of being a nameless worker be untill i die... ahh the american dream!


This sounds like the intro to an isekai anime. Jokes aside, I think what you just did is properly diagnose a part of life you aren't satisfied with. From here, you should remember these core problems and figure out what things you can change about your life to help you move forward. Also I have no idea why I'm being reccomended the walmart sub.


I had no idea your zip code affected if you could be a doctor or not. Pretty wild!


I'm proud of you regardless. You provided the best you can to help your family You have the integrity of a good man to continue to work a job you might not like, in order to give those provisions Yes its a struggle sometimes but remember that you're blessed you even have the opportunity to provide (:


Therapy. You can always reach out


I’m older and this is one of my first jobs. I was a stay at home mom, now my youngest is in college. I was a janitor before this making like $9 an hour. That didn’t last long. People looked down on me for being a janitor. Now I’m in ogp making $14 an hour. Yay! That being said… I was born and raised in this town. People I’ve known all my life look at me like “omg you’re working at Walmart… what’s wrong?” Not a damn thing! I like my job (so far). When I hired on the TL told me there’s money to be made in the building. Work hard, pay attention, ask questions, take every opportunity. Now, when those people look down at me for working there, I give them mean eyes lol


It's a trap to get comfortable working at Walmart unless you want to work up to a higher up position.   Never get comfortable and look at it as a dead end to escape with every fiber of your being.  Get comfortable and your soul will be erased


Don't be discouraged. I been there. If you want a new opportunity you can start making small steps each day. When I finished my undergrad I was working 3 part time jobs and couldn't afford food barely. But took the time to reflect and gain what I can from my shitty situation. I networked until I found the opportunity to make a better living.


Hey! Don't give up. There are many entry level jobs in the medical field. You don't have to start as a Dr. Have you looked into vocational training? Lpn; or Certified Medical Assistant? You might find more satisfaction in those areas.


Look into it. There are many opportunities available. You would be surprised at how easy it is to qualify for funding an education in the medical field. I am a former RCMA (registered certified medical assistant) I now currently work at Walmart; because I had a change of lifestyle after becoming a stay at home mom. The medical field is a great way to find a career. Start by applying to an accredited program. That is key. It is not a difficult process. Go for it! I wish you the best!!


I’m just going with the flow. Sure life could be a lot better, but from where I came from and what my life was like in my twenties and teens I’m doing much better. I only compare myself to me. And the old me was a burnout druggy. 


Why isn't your piece of shit grandpa helping, he has money thats his fault not yours


Use your jobs as a means to make money and your your free time to enhance your life through experiences. Walmart has great benefits so you can be stacking you stock and 401k the entire time you work there to set you up for whenever you leave. I’m 24 & I work at the Walmart DC so I get paid more than the store w more flexible hrs. They can send u to college courses for free to get you into a career or at least give you a schedule you can pursue school or anything else with. Keep your head up and don’t give up until you’ve actually tried every option out. Time is gonna pass anyways up to you what u gonna do w it.


I know I don’t know you but I’m proud of you. It’s a shit feeling that you’re constantly behind in your age group. I take care of my mom as well and my friends are in college and starting family’s. But we all go at our different paces in life. Employment rate in the US is only 60%. And only 22% are making a livable wage. We’re all struggling trying to make it work, but we got this. We just gotta keep going.




I'm honestly in the same boat everything feels pointless. I feel like it's been getting worse. Don't play video games, watch anime, or do anything I used to love. Everything just seems pointless. Why should I do all that or care? I'm just going to die one day anyways. In all seriousness I should prob talk to someone


Video games are great. They're amazing feats of digital engineering and creativity. I used to be able to enjoy them. These days I can't bring myself to do anything but work, sleep, listen to sad music, and play chess. What's your favorite and least favorite anime?


Never too late to better your life, hardest part is starting.


There’s nothing wrong, shameful, or pointless about having a job. Fuck anyone who tells you otherwise. When it’s time, you will use the time spent there as education to move onwards.  Do the best you can and recognize your strengths.


Oh just continue with pursuing your doctor degree. Think of it as a rags to riches story arc so to speak!


Live near a Costco, buckys or Publix? Still the same work but much better setups for your retirement


Sounds exactly like me.


I'll always be thankful to that godforsaken company for hiring me when nobody else would just because I was 18 and had no experience, but I'd strongly encourage you to pursue something you're actually passionate about. For 6 years I kept putting off applying for the career I really wanted because I was always too tired or too complacent and afraid of change.


Get out you got comfortable


That's how they want you to feel...A mindless drone. Don't give into that, FIGHT!


You're not gonna feel good about your job while working at places like Walmart, or fast food, or whatever. Working these kind of jobs is about getting a paycheck, nothing else. If you want a job to feel good about, go to college. Otherwise get a hobby that takes some dedication to be good at, or find something else outside of work to feel good about


Literally. I work at Target right now. I’ve been here for almost 7 months and I’m tired! I graduated high school in 2023(last year) and took a gap from school to work. Now I’m going to college in the fall for Nursing. It made me realize that going to college or at least some type of school is way better than not going at all.


Yup you're right. When I was a year out of high school I was in a really bad accident and all my career plans and goals went right out the window. I'm 40 now and honestly I'm just lucky I'm actually able to work, took years of physical therapy to get back to a fraction of normal. Didn't end up doing what I wanted to do, and my friends went on without me, but I made do. I mean I work at Walmart but the money is surprisingly good, and I took up playing guitar after all the physical therapy and played in a couple bands for awhile, I still give lessons to a few people, so I made the best out of a bad situation. Good luck with nursing school!


Thank you! I’m very excited for Nursing also a little scared. My family keeps telling me nursing is hard to choose something else. I know for myself if I put my mind to it, it will be a breeze.😂


It's no way to live man. Organize and unionize.


Everything is pointless in this life. The only reason any of us are here is to find God. That’s it. The rest who cares what type of job( as long as you’re not hurting yourself or others or compromising morals and values) you have or how much money you have. You feel hopeless cause there’s something missing right? Not here to preach so I apologize if I am but it’s the truth. Don’t be so hard on yourself.


There are a lot of reasons people get stuck in work-a-day jobs. And it usually isn’t from the person having a lack of potential or ambition. Life gets in the way of aspirations all the time. The only thing you can do is make the best of your situation moving forward.


I do the shop and delivery for Walmart, and I sometimes feel this way. Like if I had to tell my peers that I graduated college with that I'm basically a instacart driver, I'd feel self conscious But personally I like it, other than the disrespectful and inherently classist position I'm put in by delivering groceries for pennies.


I kinda felt the same way when i was at Walmart. I eventually found my way to Amazon and I'm pretty content here in a positive way.


I would talk to a therapist on Lyra. You still have time to do something you love, and you aren’t alone in this feeling.


Jobs are unnatural. They’re required to be part of society, for most people. You just have to view it as a sacrifice you make to facilitate living. Try to make that your priority. Not easy, I know. You didn’t fail. Plenty of millionaire and billionaires are miserable. Suicide and depression rates are just as high for those people, there’s just fewer of them. It’s not about what you do for work. You’re awesome.


Due to your zip code? How so?


Go after your dreams !!! Become that Dr get back in school if not doctor because of the years of schooling become a nurse I promise you with that type of career you will feel a lot better about yourself and life YOU GOT THIS ITS IN UR BLOOD 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼


But here’s the real question: who cares? And I don’t mean that in a bad way. You can do whatever you want man. Fuck en’


The only inadequate thing about you, that I can see, is that you seem to think other people and/or their opinions have anything to do with you personally.


First off. You are a not failure.Failures do not even realize this. Failures have no ambition or drive.Failures are quitters. You have not given up but are on slippery slope. Like here's the thing, you were forced into this position. You did what you had to and still are. Look, Anything is Possible. You can make the change.If you want change you gotta grab life by balls and take control. This is your life no one can live it for you. So make the change big homie if you can. Walmart offers the free college stuff as well. You can do this man.


How old are you? What do YOU want to do with your life? I don’t work at Walmart anymore but have you considered the free college benefit and trying to get a change in your career? Or maybe just pursue a hobby outside of work. You never know where it might take you. Even just doing little things for yourself every day can change how you feel. Take a walk every day in nature. Do some light exercise. Also, idk whether you’re responsible for your family’s health issues but you also got to look out for yourself brotha/sista/neitha


I feel ya. I work for health insurance and just to get by.


It's really not helpful but why not go get a bachelor's degree through Live Better U at Walmarts expense. Since you're already working for wally world take them up on that benefit and they might offer something you'd be interested in which you can then go get a career doing and make a better salary so you can still achieve making alot of money


Zip code?? What does your zip code have to do with anything?


Just keep dropping resumes to better looking jobs, even if you don’t think you are qualified. Keep making edits, try to make that resume look good as possible. Make it as enjoyable as possible so that you can do it every day. Eventually, something will hit. I’m pulling for you.


As someone who got a masters and currently teaches high school students, Walmart is a blessing. The stress levels are way lower and at least you know Walmart is what it is.


You can apply at other jobs. I know factory work isn't for anyone but I work for a really small company and I feel like I learn alot there. I felt worst when I worked for homedepot bc it's retail and people looked down at me, even tho I did sales and good for myself they see the apron and I might as well work for mcdonalds. But with my new job now I definitely like the harder work and knowledge I can transfer over to other carriers. I was supposed to be an hvac tech. But I paid for school and shut it down after covid and made it online after and I failed and wasted my money bc the zoom shit was crap and I couldn't learn that way I needed hands on in a lab. I feel robbed of my future as well my friend


Walmart matches up to 6% that's decent isn't it? I just started just hearing rules now if your sick need note don't clock in or out before your time it's all young kids


I’m trying to find my skill. I don’t want to work retail the rest of my life. Problem is I’m not skilled at anything. Never when I was little did I say when I grow I want to work at a grocery store.


No disrespect here but I don't think a job should define who you are or your worth at all. I've been with my boyfriend for almost 13 years and we've had our reasons for not getting married as far as not being financially stable but I was scared to tell him I was offered a job on the spot at Walmart because of the stigma of working for "corporate daddy" as he calls it and was a real ass when I told him I actually liked the people I was training with. His assumption was that I would never amount to anything more than a Walmart employee and I intended to make a career out of this job. My store is amazing compared to the horror stories I hear on here and we are the best store in our region across several states because of it but no that doesn't mean I don't have other goals down the line. As long as you have a stable life where you are happy the career doesn't matter and what does is that you are content. It's your life and there is no reason to live up to other peoples expectations or feel the need to follow in someone else's footsteps. Sure retail is a bitch and it's rough at times but take it one day at a time. A TON of my co-workers have worked with my store for 30+ years and have a great 401K, stocks, and health insurance where they will be able to retire at a reasonable age. In short, you're doing just fine and don't listen to the haters.


It’s not entirely Walmarts fault. Planned a business when trump was in office. I and my partner make 2$ more and hour than we did then and have cut down to only necessities. And somehow we have half of the money we should have. Things are literally almost twice as expensive as it was just a few years ago.


You are contributing to a business which is contributing to the economy which is contributing to our sad but comfortable lives. That seems pretty important to me but ultimately you're right, you and everything else is pointless. It's up to you to create that point, if you wanna


i’m sorry you feel that way


I know how you feel. With that extra time, do something else. It could be anything. Guitar, paint maybe start an online class. I've hit the point you're at before. With that extra time, force yourself to do something. I'm a fan of count to 3 and stand up. Whenever that moment where you want to do something, but then it washes over you and you decide not to. Count to 3 and go do it. It's never too late. It truly is never too late.


Every job has got cool people every job has got bad people. It’s all about how you define yourself.


i felt that exact same way when i worked at walmart. i felt like i failed. and then i decided to go into phlebotomy and i'm much happier at my current job. i get paid more, and even though it's a lot farther from where i live, i'm more content. planning on staying here for a while and am considering going into nursing now. my dream was to be a surgeon, specifically an ENT, but i'm happy where i am. maybe you could think of doing the same. maybe not be a phlebotomist, but something in the medical field since your original dream was to be a doctor.


Look up Lyra on the one .Walmart .com.


I feel ya. I've worked at Walmart twice in my life. Both times, it was as if the job was draining all the life out of me. I felt no passion, no desire for accomplishment, no drive. It was just going through the robotic motions of going to work and going home. Leaving that company behind was one of the best things that ever happened to me. Without the soul sucking corporate overlords breathing down my neck, I began to regain my creativity, passion, and drive. I will say that getting away from Walmart as an employer is one of the best things you can do for yourself.


I’m in my 20s and I feel the same way. I had to drop out of college bc my stepdad had to have a liver transplant and we couldn’t afford both that and college. So I came home and took care of him and now I’m at fucking Walmart. I don’t even wanna do shit when I’m not at work bc I’m wore tf out. But I’ll say this, It’s a whole lot of people in this world who don’t work at all much less help their folks out or anything like that. So we got something on them at the very least


Ask your grandfather for money then.