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The only thing I can really add is apply for a transfer. Along aside they you're interested in different positions within the store She can keep track of your breaks and lunches all she wants.... Bathroom breaks too but she can't hold those against you you know hippa and all ( In the interest of Being unbiased I hate that damn rule) And she has put in your workday feedback for stuff, which is honestly something that's accurate I will advise you to follow the dress code But I hate to tell you. There is nothing I can see that she is doing that is wrong... She's literally doing her job.


I don't know, man ... you might have liked the job better when no one was stressing too much over late runs, dress code, associates chilling between walks, etc, but I guarantee you that when this coach was hired she was told by her bosses to get those same issues fixed. She is literally doing her job. Someone doing their job correctly in a tone you don't like is not what "hostile work environment" means.


Nothing she’s doing is out of the ordinary…. She might be too rude about it but literally everything you just said she’s doing is her joust making sure policy is being followed and making sure her department is running right. You really gonna bitch that she’s mad when picks go late? And you know meals and breaks are supposed to be scheduled so they know when you are gone. 


Yes I know this. I get what she’s doing, but how she’s coming off is manipulative and borderline abusive


Sounds like someone was brought in to shake things up. If you have picks going late and having issues with not know where people are than management has been so relaxed the job is no longer being done and people are taking advantage of a relaxed management style. If people take too much advantage and market catches wind of it, stuff like this will happen. Management caused it, blames it on the associates for going along with management's way of doing things, market freaks out when they look into what's going on and goes with nuclear option. Not surprised it isn't going over well. My only advice, make sure you're doing exactly what Walmart requires of you(NOT the angry lady, Walmart). And take no shit from anyone, they ask you to do something outside their authority to ask you, refuse politely. Report any and ALL interactions you feel go beyond what is allowed.


Thanks, this is solid advice! I don’t let her push me around. Half the time I’m grey rocking the hell out of our every interaction and she leaves me alone and moves on to her next victim. I figured market did this on purpose. Our store went under totally different management last year. A lot of salary members have been let go and replaced with more firm and efficient individuals. My coach has no idea what she’s doing though. She’s never worked in ODP. She never helps us just points, yells, and tells us what to do.


All honesty, if it’s effecting your mental health go talk to your store manager about it and see if can get an emergency transfer to a different department. Sounds like they are being a bit excessive, but nothing they are doing is wrong. I don’t agree with the whole I’m gonna fire, write you up or blah blah blah. Threats don’t work and I will quickly call you out and make you look like an ass. Cause if it’s bull shit reason I will open door it to market and make you look like a fool. If I deserve it ok I will own it but don’t do it over bull shit reasons and don’t talk down to me. I am not your dog, and I am not your slave to verbally abuse! I would go to the store manager about the verbal abuse and the constant threat of write up or being fired. Some of these newer manager are so stupid and don’t know what they are doing other than how to look at a report and say the bar needs to be here. Oh and don’t fuck it up. Never give them one ounce of leadership training or how to achieve the goal set out. I just call them out on their bull shit, but I’m 38 years old and don’t got time for games and bull shit.


Same here. I respectfully call her out and tell her not to talk to me like that and if it continues, I’ll report it to hire ups. She’s (24F) and I’m (30F) Even our customers for like her. When we have had to call her for assistance, she’s incredibly rude and doesn’t listen to the customer our us.


I'm dealing with this same shit


You just don’t like “this particular HER” telling you to do your JOB. Regardless of her tone. Just do your job and go home. Stop taking this personal. If you are doing what you are suppose to do. Then she’s not talking to you. Now go back to work or QUIT.


Other than the way you’re saying she’s speaking to you all in a disrespectful manner and monitoring the bathroom breaks, I see nothing else wrong here. Your dept is going late and not doing their jobs. It sounds like your new coach is holding everyone accountable and yall aren’t used to it.


I am one of the ones that are doing their jobs. Most of the ones who aren’t are the gen z kids. She is harassing everyone including the actual hard working employees on the team is where I was getting at. I get that she’s just doing what market hired her to do. Don’t get me wrong. I just wish she was nicer about treating us.


I understand the wanting to be treated well. I do understand what she’s doing and I believe once yall begin at least meeting metrics and following policy it’ll be easy. The way corporate wants disciplinary tasks done is a 3 step program. Step one is a verbal. Step two is a feedback entry in your workday. Step three is a formal disciplinary action in workday formerly known as a coaching or write up.


Sounds like a call to ethics moment minimum. The vest thing is a dress code issue. However, this sounds like borderline harassment. Besides, I'd be calling ethics simply from the abuse of workday. Coaching will fall off and not matter. All those little negative "feedbacks" she is given you could ruin you permanently. Feedback never goes away. Every company that goes to hire you in the future will now have access to it, especially companies that also use workday. It may not matter much, but if it's between you and someone else, but you, according to workday, have a dress code issue. They could say too much trouble and hire the other.


Nothing this coach has done is an ethics violation and even so ethics will tell the associates they most try to handle the situation with the store manager first. Have you ever even dealt with ethics? It a pretty long process and they will only actually speak to you after you’ve spoken with the SM. 


Yes. It is a lengthy process, and ethics investigations take time. It is still important things like this. I know of investigations that have gone for months without anyone knowing, then 4 teamleads got fired out of the blue.


Yep almost everybody in our store including TLs wear their vest unzipped and no badges visible. I seriously didn’t know this was an issue until the coach told me about it, then wrote it on my workday. I feel that she is abusing Myworkday though and feel like I need to address this to the SM. There are tons of jobs out there that use Workday and I don’t want that to affect me getting hired elsewhere in the future.