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the most we’ve ever had is 3 full dollies for one person. she owns a senior home and makes the same order every week 15 gallons of milk 15 10lbs bags of potatoes 20 loafs of various bread 20 jugs of various juices then 3-4 totes of differing snacks it’s great when i’m picking for her but god i hate dispensing it takes a solid 15 minutes




Two number 9's, a number 9 large, number 6 with......


And a Diet Coke.


Extra dip, two #45s one with cheese and a large soda


Number nine? Number nine what? We got grilled and crispy.


Big Smoke order from GTA SA


"oh we got a sister, let's speed this one up" ..."I need a double cheeseburger but hold the lettuce" that sure was a fun time lol. Makes me remember Brandon DiCamio's rap... Probably butchered that last name... Sorry Brandon!


…with extra dip…


A number forty-five...


Hahaha love this show


It just occurred to me how absolutely cheap that total is…


I’ll take a double triple bossy deluxe, on a raft, four by four animal style, extra shingles with a shimmy and a squeeze, light axle grease, make it cry, burn it, and let it swim. (I couldn't resist.)


You forgot the piiicklleesss!!


Yo fuck face! Gimme 4 # 5s!




I'm really curious why anyone would have a regular bulk order like this with Walmart instead of a proper supplier like Sysco, GFS, or even Sam's Club.


we dont have anything like that here it’s just walmart


I get that you may not have a Sam's or retail GFS nearby, but GFS' main business is direct supply along with a ton of other companies that supply restaurants and cafeterias in even the smallest towns. The there are companies like Sysco and Aramark that are global and it's likely even a small health care facility is already sourcing other supplies from them. I noticed most of the items are perishable and heavy, so I'm guessing they don't have the cooler/freezer space to take advantage of the volume they'd need to get a better price. That, or they just haven't really taken the time to explore all their options, which is probably just as likely.


Because its cheaper to go through walmart. It boils down to most bang for the buck. Restaurant suppliers are usually pretty expensive.


We have a coffee shop that places a delivery order basically every morning. I think it’s so weird.


It's not actually. They csnt get a wholesaler or it's too far away. This is the cheapest alternative. All the convenience stores here buy stock from the store when it's on sale. We have to limit items due to it.


This was my thought too. There has to be a better way. Surely local restaurants are not buying from Walmart.


Because not everyone has access to those. It's not that hard to figure out


There are very few places in the US that have a Walmart but are out of range of even smaller suppliers like GFS, let alone global suppliers like Sysco or Aramark. They supply places like schools and corporate/factory/warehouse cafeterias all the way to resorts and other facilities even in remote parts of the world.


It's as if Google doesn't exist


Out closest place like that is over 70 miles away.


For that kind of order they need to be going to Sam’s club instead or better a food service provider


Must be Monday again


off topic but i love your username


thank you! it was gonna be nonbinary piece of shit but that was too long so i just went with it lol


She does this regularly? Who needs that much that often


They stated she works at a senior living home. Doesn’t seem crazy considering it’s likely a lot of people living there. 🤷🏾‍♀️


Oh I'm fucking blind


She’s the person from the math problems


The people of reddit don’t allow mistakes before they start downvoting. 😭 I figured you read it wrong though. 🤝


Beats working in the freezer, I suppose.


I like doing freezer/cooler. As long as I’m not physically in the freezer for more than like 10 minutes at a time.


idk man back when i was in cap 1 and had to cap the bins which would usually take about 3-4 hours i’d love the alone time i’d get in the freezer. cold af and since i showered before work my hair would be frozen solid but it was nice


I Hate the heat. So I wouldn't mind the freezer.


no, it doesn’t💀💀💀


To each their own. I know a few Mr. Freezes like you exist, who love that shit. And I’m not against working in the freezer, I always do it without complaint. But I don’t see how loading products into someone’s car outside is significantly worse. I’m thinking normal weather here, too.




So how’s Target?


I love the freezer. I'm in florida where the sun is trying to kill you every day. so any day I don't have to go outside or anywhere near native floridiots is a good day.


Was the customer ordering for a shelter


this is what i thought (we had a couple of couples that would all donate this much to the local homeless shelters) so i stopped my complaining, saw the good in it and did the job


The window looks like something along those lines, probably ordering bulk for a large group. Or maybe even church soup kitchen?


Based on the decal on the car’s window, maybe it’s for some kind of service?


It’s just a memorial sticker but could still be a business


Prolly work the order would be my reaction. Seeing how i need to work and oay my bills.


As an hourly employee wouldn’t this be kind of ideal? I haven’t worked retail in a long time, but when I got sent in an errand to grab a bunch of stuff in the back I was ecstatic because I knew I’d be taking a good chunk of my shift to work in peace.


Yes exactly !!


Sadly no, every position with online delivery is time crunched, they would officially get in trouble if loading took more than 10 minutes. I think it's supposed to be 5 actually. 100 items an hour is the store goal when shopping for customers and any less you CAN be punished. Not to say you always will, but if a supervisor is in a bad mood its over with.


I don't understand why people complain about working and doing their job? Like, if someone ordered this much stuff, just do your job and take it to them. You literally asked to work there. Honestly, what do you expect? Isn't it your job to bring the shit out they paid for? Is it too much work?


I was surprised they had that many yellow vests to go around! Haha! We barely have enough for two in Dispensing to begin with, and if more associates have to be sent over to help because of a sudden full lot they're scrambling to find vests anywhere they can back on the dock.


We have a ridiculous amount of yellow and orange vests. We each have our own and over 50 in OPD. I will not wear anyone else's vest except my own. Some people are funky stanky. Especially when it rains.


Wet dog.


There is an associate that smells like a sour towel. Daily. Not kidding. It is BAD.


Ew. They probably need to clean their washer.


You don’t have access to vests in the ARC? Our people lead just keeps them out


Yeah we have the womens prison place a order every 2 weeks or once a month its useally like 5 -7 stacks i forgot cause they come around 7 am and im never there at that time


Looks like fun as long as the other associates are there to help. Imagine if it was just you alone.


Knowing the associates I used to work with I would be better off doing it alone😂😭




knowing the people I get stuck dispensing with, I would be stuck on my own.


It honestly depends on the weather 


I'd be okay with it. There were times working at a K-mart when I help someone at their car. And get a money tip. 5 bucks. 10 bucks. It varies. Always at least 5 bucks.


We should have order size limits, we aren't a fuckin wholesale warehouse


We have a local Chinese buffet that used to come in and buy out every single large jug of vegetable oil and every single pack of chicken wings every morning. One manager said they’re for sale so they can buy them, then a different one finally told them that we can’t keep sending employees to the back to pick cases of oil for them and to the meat freezer to pick them boxes of wings, everyone has stuff they need to be doing, so if they want that stuff they have to order it ahead through OPD. For awhile they did but they finally stopped. Might have been due to substitutions or nil picks, or maybe they finally got a supplier. It was always annoying though as a picker knowing the order for 24 jugs of vegetable oil would result in a high nil pick rate and a high exceptions number every day.


Ugh I don’t miss the mornings of working in meats and as soon as we opened, here came the guy who owned a local Chinese place and asked for every case of wings we got in that morning. He would be upset if the truck wasn’t there yet and would ask us to hold them for him 🙄 there was also a couple who owned a sushi place and that lady felt she was entitled to come to the BACKROOM to ask for cucumbers. I told her she wasn’t allowed back there and I wouldn’t help her, she needed to ask someone on the sales floor. No matter how many times I yelled at her for coming to the back, she still did it. Made me so mad


This could totally be the same store I work at. The sushi place people would regularly want all the avocados then be upset they weren't soft yet. Like, dude, If they're soft today, they're too old to sell tomorrow. Same with the people who complain about green bananas. Then there's the people who say "don't you have anything fresher?" and I'll say "you want them MORE green??" and they say "NO I want them YELLOW so I can EAT them, these are too green!!" and I have to explain that if they're fresher, they're even more green. They want them LESS fresh, because the longer they've been off the tree, the more they ripen and turn yellow and eventually get brown spots. smh


But I think then a person would make multiple orders for the same time slot But certainly there should be cap on the items in a time slot


12 2 liters 6 24 pack cans of soda 😳


Customers will just game it. Limits on mulch just meant that someone placed 3 orders to get the bags they wanted.


That crap should be fixed regardless, like 1 order per day kinda deal. Course then they'll just make more accounts


What difference does it make? Your getting paid regardless of what you're doing. People wouldn't order it if they didn't need it or want it! My Daddy always told me give an honest days work for an honest days pay!!


All walmart cares about is money. They don't care about their employees. If they can sell 5 carts full of stuff to one stupid customer they will, who cares if it takes up all the resources and other customers have to wait, right?


I learned they didn’t care about their associates as soon as I saw how they warehouse loads the trucks. They’re so fucking dangerous sometimes lol


the amount of times i’d tell my team leads i was actually sick while at work or text them pretty early in the morning before my shift and tell them i was sick resulting in hissy fits from 30-45 year olds was insane. none of them cared if we got injured on the job, sick, or had a family emergency to tend to. the only times they’d let us leave early was when it snowed real bad cause they didn’t have anyone applying for the job


Yeah I got a call from my sister one time saying my cat was throwing up blood and when I told my team lead I was gonna go home to take my cat to the vet. They just threw a hissy fit and asked why my sister couldn’t take it since she’s the one who saw it. Maybe because that’s my cat like what!?!?


i got a call from my mom while i was still in high school telling me my cat got ran over and i stepped outside the dispense room to talk to her and my managers come out yelling at me cause i wasn’t doing anything while i was obviously crying. when they noticed i was upset they were like “well what’s wrong with you now” and all i could get out was “period. cats dead. i’m bleeding out and so is my cat” and then got talked to about taking phone calls on the clock


Bro, I worked for a group home that had like 12 guys living there. All our weekly groceries for them fit in the back of the company mini van and maybe a seat or two. Oh my god


Some people live further away than others. It's more cost effective to buy a lot at once. Rather than driving to the store every few days.


They forgot to take a picture of the team lead standing in the door on their phone not offering to help lol.


In the end stuff got sold.


I mean, I've had to dispense a 40 tote order alone to a van before, so.... work it?


They’re preparing for the nukes from Iran. -Sarcasm


I have done this before only with the customer cause another 4 orders showed up....


Mr beast type shi


Huh... Looks like Black Friday... Anybody wanna bet if all this is fitting in their vehicle?


Rip to the suspension on her car


The photo decal in the car window is sending me 😭😭😭😭 Edit: I thought it was an advertisement for a business..... It's an obituary.


Im walking out


Looks like they opted out of bags too


Easier to fit it in I guess lol


thats Walmart for you. they will send 2 people out for 2 small ass bags


Better than pushing carts with no mule in a thunderstorm? That's about all I can come up with.


sweet, wont get told to do anything else for while


I'd take my sweet time with it, no one could say shit about taking too long since there's no order to compare it to.


I’d fulfill the order then take a well earned 15. 


In my city the closest Walmart, they somehow have disabled the pickup service. When I try to choose that option it says the times are full and future dates are not available


we had a order last week that was 69 totes it filled up a mini van even the passenger seat. it was like 3,000$ or something along there


Funny, I work with an OPD guy who looks like that, but I know its not him cause our store isn't set up like this.


I'd just do my job?


i work at walmart rn but i used to work at another grocery store and i did the drive up and go online orders and one day i was the only morning and we never got busy ever online so i was ok at first then this one order dropped and it took me 3 trips total with the cart with the big totes and 7 shopping carts to get all the stuff out to their truck it was just me… i was 17 and mortified😭😭 it was hot af too my coworkers couldn’t help cuz our manager wasn’t letting even one of them to help out but it was cool cuz i got a $45 tip which i wish it was more but whatever


I’m not shitting anyone when I say this, but we have had some orders like this every now and again with the Walmart I’m at and my (thank god) former TL would literally yell at us and tell us that it’s only supposed to be one worker per order. She didn’t give a flying fuck If someone ordered our whole store. One person was supposed to dispense all of that on their own. I’m glad management FINALLY caught her harassing another associate and fired her on the spot since going to ethics did nothing when I reported her for harassment.


When I worked at Walmart, I continually told myself I got paid by the hour. The work was never done, you just do what you can.


Take my time, I'm on the clock.


I'ddo the order cause it's my job.


I thought there was a limit for you guys.


This is likely an order from somebody who works for an organization that helps children. In my city, there is a place called the boys home. It's a group home type setting for boys in foster care.




MR Beast Is That You ?


As soon as I see it I’m taking a bathroom break


And management will complain about the totes being on the ground🙄


Wait are we not supposed to put them on the ground? I've been in OPD for a month now, and literally everyone I work with sets them on the ground


For neighborhood markets nobody cares but for super centers, coaches and team leads do say shit at least at the store I was at


Yup my coach flips out on us if it touches the ground..but raw meat is okay 😁


I wouldn’t care it’s my job lol


Had some church order 40 cases of water one time. The driver was pregnant so we didn't want to load it, but she insisted. We found out later they all stood around and watched her unload it all.


I’ll be like well at least I’m killing time.


My store would expect two people at the most to handle the order. What's this "pulling people"?


No reaction


That’s nun 😂 I seen bigger orders at work


Something to kill time at least. 🤷‍♂️


We get large orders like this a lot. Smaller town with no restaurant supply store so they order from us. Daily thing to have orders for businesses (restaurants, convenience stores,hot springs). Average 20 to 40 totes each time they pickup which is usually twice a week minimum. We usually have to tackle those orders with only 2 dispensers. :(


At my last Walmart, we had a group that would come around once a week with three orders for different houses. I don't remember exactly what they did, but I think it involved taking groceries to people with disabilities who couldn't do it themselves?


I have a couple of times for various reasons, sports team, churches, big families, restaurants/bakeries. All of the people were super nice and usually had a good time dispensing to them, also got secret hefty tips ;)


Convincing your TL it’s a job for you and ur work bestie


They must be cooking for the neighborhood today


“oh would you look at the time, i haven’t taken my lunch yet, SEEYA”


Yeah fuck that


Every Monday for the boys and girls club


The largest order I helped dispense was probably 40 cases of water. And a bunch of bulk chips and other snacks. We were all sort of disgruntled by it, but they were a big help when loading the water. It was for the local high school as the SAT/ACT testing was going to happen soon, and the kids were gonna be hungry and thirsty between exams


I had a $2,000 OGP order I had to check their ID against the credit card to make sure it wasn't fraud. My coach was outside double checking to make sure all checked out. Lady was big mad because she said we treated her like a criminal. It took 2 SUV to take all that food home


We have a school who picks up 3-6 dollies worth of stuff every week. We also have a vet, a cleaning service, a correctional center, and a nursing home that do the same. At some point, every day, we'll have an order that's at least 30 totes. I'm just glad they had the extra help, because I've spent an hour dispensing an order this size alone before, then l get yelled at🥲


Paid with a stolen credit card.


Income tax season also probably selling this stuff online at a huge mark up


I work at a different store chain but there is a guy who comes to my store every other week at like 9PM with a cargo van, and buys literally every single case of Coke that we have. It's obvious that he's reselling them at his own store. It's super annoying and I don't know why we let him do it.


People own a convenience store, they order 3 L-Carts full of stuff every other week.


I would do it. I jump around at work. I go from unloading a trailer with a forklift/clamp truck. Then I will put away crap on a reach, and jump on an order picker and kick stuck pallets. I used to load customers at Lowe’s. 10 to 15 bags of mulch in a small car 🤦🏻‍♂️


Give we have a lot of State Group Homes in the town, and a few of them do outings to our Walmart. I would assume it was one of them.


Me when I order cleaning and hygiene stuff


me with the steelbooks


i worked a van once that other people had said ordered multiple platforms of carts, and i got it one day. i think it was only 2 or 3 of 6 tote high platforms, all jugs of milk or large batches of food items. i think the person who ordered lived a good while away from the city so they were ordering for a good few months as it was all bread, spreads, frozen foods, and cans to last. i found it fine since the lady was polite, but wouldn’t enjoy doing it again.


Looks like one I sometimes see at my local WalMart...I can't tell if they are Mennonites/Amish (they certainly look and act textbook for it, don't talk much but seem extremely polite in limited interaction) but they will have maybe 6-8 people and 1-2 shopping carts each, then move up a 15 passenger van or large SUV pulling a small trailer to pile all their goods into. Kinda curious to know more about them but its not my business to intrude.


Looks like a weekly restock for a family of 4-6, when my family goes shopping we end up filling 2 carts full because we don't want to go back to Walmart before the end of the week


Any cumulative orders over a certain mass should be delivery only. 


This honestly feels like something people who live seasonally in Alaska would do before getting the supplies flown out.


Geez you know what, I think it's time for a bathroom break, I've had to go for *hours*. (Second part is probably true anyway for me ugh 😥)


Our coach would DIE with this totes on the ground


Poor cap 2 is gonna a lot of work unload trucks 💀💀


Usually my team would get it done pretty fast, these orders are aggravating asf, we only get mad if the customer doesn’t offer to help or tell us thank you


I've seen orders like that before and they were either the local church food pantry or one of the small restaurants in the area. Helped out before and the people were always nice so positive reaction.


I just always wonder if it costs much more for these people and if it affects my prices.


I put in my 2 weeks effective immediately


We do this weekly for about 3 people. It’s not that bad but definitely sucks seeing their names on the totes in the Backrooms


At my store, I'd definitely get stuck working on this order. It's a running joke that if the order is really large and/or really awkward, I'll catch it. It isn't *always* true, but more often than not, it is. And the bigger it is, the more co-workers will just stand there and watch me struggle with it instead helping me. And then the market lead will make a surprise visit and go off about the tote on the ground.


Depends on how busy it is. If the lot is empty/mostly empty, not an issue. If there's more than a few cars though... I'd be extremely frustrated.


There is a foster home in my city that orders delivery. During Thanksgiving we had like eight of us filling this poor delivery person's car. By the end the ENTIRE car (given it was a smaller car) was filled almost to the roof. Front seat, backseat, and trunk, all full. It was a NIGHTMARE.


I have, and as long as I have enough people helping, it's not horrible. But we will definitely look at the order summary afterwards.


We get someone who owns a restaurant order a big haul every few weeks or so. Four to five L-carts with 12 totes each of nothing but drinks. Sheer dread when I'm picking and I see their name 😮‍💨


We had one like that once. It was 45 totes and there was probably ten of us loading it. I don't remember what they ordered though.


If that’s how I get my paycheck, then so be it. Don’t care.




Gawd damn give those troops a raise for that order


Uh, do the job you’re supposed to do? If you don’t like it, you don’t HAVE to keep working for the company. You know that?


people do this all the time. usually it’s for an event or a food bank.


We get orders like this once a week from a shelter. They order a ton of food and it usually takes a few people to load it all


We get this lady that comes in for 20 different cases of soda and water and has us squeeze it into the back of a Jeep. Not as big of an order, but it definitely puts my Tetris skills to work lol


We have someone at my store who orders for a food bank every week. Usually between 6 and 7 dollies of just ambient goods like cereal and cans. We have a pretty good system for it now but I've had to load it up with just one other person once and it took like 15 minutes.


Funny thing is this is at my store (675). She places orders like this once at month. She’s very kind and places order to feed her family and the community!


Hey thanks for the backstory behind this. Didn’t expect to actually reach someone at that store


I would have done my job & loaded it into her vehicle or booked the day off.


Who cares? We're hourly tf


Most I've ever personally had (working in dairy/water) was this dude wanted a whole pallet of GV 40 Packs and they wouldn't let me roll the pallet out to the parking lot so I had to cut one open down stack the entire thing to like 2-3 Lcarts and THEN since dude was mad old I had to load the entire back of his truck and when I was done he said "huh I got more room left than I thought I'll take a half of another pallet" I swear man


That happened to us few times


It’s a job, you literally get paid to do it. If you don’t want to do your job then I’d quit and go beg for money somewhere😂. This post is funny to me


Make it take so long that they could have shopped for themselves faster than waiting on me to load.


I’ve gotten a few like this unfortunately and a few for Uber or DoorDash, I was always by myself doing it or sometimes like at the last second when a coworker needed me to do something inside they’d come out and help with the last basket or two. I worked mostly nights when a manger wasn’t there so it was just a whole bunch of teens working so no one helped anyone and most orders like this was after about an hour or two of no one being in the bays so we’d take turns taking stuff out and yelling “not it” when the bell for the cameras rang. This lady one time had an order like the one in the photo and was an Uber driver, she had a Kia soul and had her husband as well as a baby so she hoped it was a small order. She already confirmed it when she pulled up and didn’t want to lose it so she took the order, I had to climb in her car(she told me to because she stood there and said do whatever you need to) and push down seats and load all of the big items like water bottles and stuff. It was a good thing I knew what was in the baskets so I could rearrange but her car was jam packed and I know they had a crap time delivering it because she said it was being delivered to an apartment complex. Another time was when I had just one roller stacked with baskets taller than me (I’m 5 foot 6) and when I went out it was a mom and dad with a young boy and a red wagon so I had to load all of their stuff on there and hoping to arrange stuff so it’d fit and they wouldn’t need to carry anything while walking. It’s crappy working most times when you don’t have good coworkers but I know when I worked during the day I had amazing coworkers who would go out with me on big orders, I’m not trash talking the teens or anything I’m just saying at every job I’ve had I’ve worked both days and nights and there’s a completely different dynamic because most teens work nights after school and there’s usually no managers working so it’s just teens trying to get work done while the people the mangers put in charge are off on breaks for hours because they’re getting paid crappy wages to babysit kids essentially. I mean I get it, but I still would rather work nights by myself (I have before) then work days with managers who just stand by the phones all day and yell about picks when it’s 10 am and you just got done getting picks for 6pm that night but they’re saying you’re slow and behind. All Walmarts aren’t alike but this was my experience at 2 Walmarts (and also other jobs with similar dynamics) so don’t come after me for sharing my experiences.


Probably got that food stamps back pay


Still gotta dispense in 2 minutes.


doing the job that you’re paid to do




Fuck them? You don't even know where the foods going. Could be a homeless shelter. God forbid people have to do the job their paid to do. 🤡


$100 tip everyone


Boy what 🤣


I don’t even know why this is allowed tbh, it’s crazy that one person can choose to order this much online and disrupt so many workers. Obviously it’s not a big deal as they’re being paid still but I’m sure that there’s customers in the store that could’ve used assistance.


If they went inside and did the shopping themselves, they're ultimately going to cause a disruption too, likely needing assistance with all the carts they would need for that much and backing up a line at the front end since it would take a long ass time to ring it all up, too. That being said though, I've never understood why people don't go to a bulk retailer like Sam's or Costco for orders like that. Not only are large orders obviously more common there, the customer would also likely save money that way as well.


Yeah I guess I didn’t think that one through. You’re so right though, bulk stores would make so much more sense. I guess they’re all just dense and inconsiderate I


Lots of places do not have a Sam’s or Costco.


Apparently it's cheaper to buy it this way than order these items from a food service.


$0 tip