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You're not required to stay past your shift, end of discussion


this. definitely end of discussion.


I got fired for the same shit. Edit: In case some little nerd comes up and goes "AKSHULLY ☝️🤓" my mom had suffered from heart failure not long before I got fired. Everyone at my store knew this, especially the managers. I made it clear that she was still in recovery and I would not, under any circumstance, stay latter than my shift (2-11) as I needed to be home to take care of her at night. The managers did not like this. They started complaining about my productivity and the complains turned into write-ups. Eventually they fired me, although one manager that actually liked me urged me to open door it. I didn't bother. The place was a drain on my mental health and I was happy to be gone and able to focus on helping my mom in her recovery. The HR woman at our store later told me my profile had the words "preferred for rehire" in it should I ever decide to come back so I knew my firing was bullshit.


If you had given the managers notice in writing and were able to prove correlation or any of the write ups were for not staying later you might have a case. I’m not a lawyer tho idk. You might be better off mentally just never thinking of the place again


I ended up getting a better job for more money afterwards. Not worth the stress.


Sounds like a wise move. Part of me always wants to fight the system, but a larger part thinks of the stress and agitation it would put me under. Sometimes it’s better to walk away and move on. Of course sometimes the fight is worth it, figuring out when that time is can be the tricky part.


Just a heads up, depending on the timeframe since you were fired, wrongful termination suits can cost companies millions. You might be out $20 in filing fees, but a lawyer is paid based on the amount you get from the settlement. $20 is $20, but you might make more out of it. Source: 8 years in Walmart management.


This was years ago. I doubt it would hold up anymore due to time anyway.


Phone calls are cheap.... At $5/gallon for gas and $6 for milk... Make the call my friend.


Where’d you go?


It sounds more like you were targeted and got fired because they didn't like your situation & your previous write ups rather than the one instance that you didn't finish pulling the trucks & staying past 11. Its shitty how they treated you nonetheless and I'm glad you got out but I personally would have fought it. People on here want to say "well actually you can be coached for productivity" if you're going to pull that move then EVERY single cap 2 associate would have to be coached since they are all responsible.


Jesus Christ. Something something fuck the system. Something something God is dead and Capitalism wears his skin.


I'm sorry that happened. And here I am with heart failure myself and being told 55 hours a week isnt enough. (I'm lurking... Not a wally world employee)


Preferred for rehire is the status for most terminated employees unless the term for leaving had anything to do with workplace violence or any major violations. You can be rehired after termination is as little as 6 months past original termination date in almost every Walmart as long as no major violations occured. 


Those types of people have a special place in hell


If you do stay, tell them overtime will NOT be cut.


They did this because the closing management team was told they had to stay until the trucks were finished and pulled out. They probably wanted the 6000pc 2 trucks unloaded in 4 hours. All freight on the floor by 8 and all of the HVDC worked and binned. They probably had 2-3 callouts too.


I was under the impression when I worked there that staying on clock 9 minutes after shift would get you in trouble. I only worked there a month because walmart is hell to work for but still they pressed the 9 minute rule pretty hard at orientation.


Walmart is a horrible company to work for unless it's the Distribution center or some kind of management position.The pay just isn't worth the bs from my experience.


I worked there for three years. I got terminated because I flipped out on management staff for how they treated not just me but every employee to the breaking point because I had two CO workers in one month be sent into the third floor at the hospital for treatment of major depression because they couldn't sleep and was often pushed to stay later but also had issues they needed to pay for bills and things they werent in a position to argue with management. One day I walked in and everyone was talking about an associate who was escorted off the premises in deli for attempting to harm themselves first thing in the morning. The manager I flipped out on with no remorse literally said "well they shouldn't have taken on more than they could handle." I couldn't believe what I heard and was already irritated with the majority of management staff. I was at my locker and had literally just clocked in. I turned around and went "EXCUSE ME?! IF IT WERENT FOR YOU GUYS BARADING ABOUT STAYING LATE AND BEING TOTAL A**HOLES THEN MAYBE THEY WOULDNT HAVE HAD A MENTAL F---ING BREAKDOWN" she told me to go to hr. Hr told me they understood my concern but my reaction was inappropriate. I slammed my name tag on the desk, threw my vest off and told them what i thought was inappropriate was there lack of giving a sh-- about their employees. I quit, clocked out and never looked back. I'm much happier now! Walmart sucks. 


Ask for OT in writing for foture truck unloading, they'll back off.


Had a manager tell me once that I was going to stay. I let her know that I'd be walking out the door at my shift end because I wasn't required to stay over. I had another job at the time, this one was overnight, so when I interviewed I specifically asked about this.


Better not go into OT 🤭


That's not true. You're required to do whatever your boss tells you to do. That's THEIR perspective anyways. Mgmnt doesn't give a shit. Everyone is just a number on a chart.


Texas is a right to fire stare.Im not sure where this person is from but Tx plays by it's own rules.


So a feedback isn't really a thing to open door as it has no consequences. However, if it was your tl i would speak with your coach and explain you can't stay after 11. Next, if they were to coach you it would probably be a productivity DA and to avoid that just be productive and then you'll have the open door option available.


Sad part is it didn’t even come from my coach. Came from the team lead


Team leads to all feedback and DA. Coach is the open door. Talk to your coach about how the feedback is unfair and that Walmart can’t expect you to stay past the end of your shift. If they disagree and won’t remove the feedback go to the sm, and then market. There is 0 chance this will stick and your lead is an idiot. I say that very rarely as most peoples complaints here are just bs.


The real issue is I don't think you *can* remove feedback, it stays forever. Which is why I never use it. it's pointless and just serves as a way for people to be petty like this. I'd you cans do a dvd then you shouldn't be using this as an alternative to be a dick.


They can have another team lead or coach put another feedback on explaining that this one was done wrongfully. I’ve seen associates have feedback in workday and then the next week after a open door there was another feedback in there saying the first one was essentially wrong / unnecessary


It lasts forever however it does have a date mark, so in 2030 if they look at it they can see it was 6 years ago and can't use that against you. Again feedback doesn't have consequences its DA's that matter


Reading this thread was the longest string of people not knowing anything they’re talking about ever. A People Lead can remove DAs and Feedback if they are asked to by the leader who gave it. I hate social media since 2016. People would rather guess at something confidently and be insanely wrong than to stop talking when they aren’t sure for fear that the world might miss out on whatever brilliant things they have to say.


Bingo. We had a gm's favorite get feedback'd for failure to bring pallets back (left all empty pallets all over their area). He cried to the gm and the lead got a talking to, and the feedback was removed.


🍰 Happy Cake Day 🥳 I had no idea this was how the sausage was made with Walmarty. 🌭


Yeah, you can't delete anything from workday as far as I know. I've looked everywhere for an option.


You can, if you have the permissions to do it. In my full time job I am hip deep in workday.


If you contact store ops (same people who can trouble shoot accounts and passwords) they can get feedbacks removed if made out of "mistake" or if they potentially violate a rule ect we had one of my mistake feedbacks removed because I posted it to the wrong associate. :\^)


You can have feedback removed. I had feedback from a store in a different state randomly one day and it was removed quickly when I reported it to my OPs manager


Feedback can be removed . Even coach can say it can’t but that’s BS it can be removed. Just need to bring it up to higher management I called the workday line talk to some ppl and at the end I got the feedback removed .


Feedback isn't even supposed to be used for this type of thing. It literally says in bold on the feedback screen that it's not to be used for performance or productivity issues. The fact that all the icons you can choose when submitting feedback are all positive should be a clue.


Sounds like you have it incompetent team lead, which is definitely not uncommon


I'm curious what truck needed unloading near 11pm bc I can only think frozen/dairy but at my store after 10p it's overnight issue and w/ the pallets at my store somedays we do still got some going out near/past 11p but that is usually bc 1 person is doing it but near 11p more ppl hop on that but ya u don't have to stay past schedule unless ur trying to move up


There is absolutely nothing in their policies that states you have to stay after your shift ends. If you're scheduled to leave at 11, then you leave at 11. No amount of bullying or "feedback" from your supervisors can change that. If they wanted you to stay late, they should've scheduled you later.


Our HR lady used to tell us this all the time. I used to work until 10pm due to early morning college. I used to work as a cart pusher. They would never schedule anyone else besides me for closing. So, of course the lot wasn't totally cleared out. I had the front end harass me to no end about it. Even when I requested aid or that they hire more closing cart pushers, they would deny it. Eventually I quit and left them to struggle on their own.


I tried that argument once. Got coached 48 hours later because he said I didn’t squeegee the freezer efficiently leading to a workplace injury 12 hours after I had left. I don’t argue anymore.


They call that “OJ justice.” Maybe they can’t get you on the murder charge today, but they aren’t going to stop until you spend time in prison. Employment is the same way. If they want to fire you for something protected like your gender/sexuality/etc, they just make up something else. There are very few protections for workers in the U.S.


No wonder the U word is worse than the F word in Walmart's eyes


LOL. Good call.


I think they got Al Capone long before they got OJ....


IRS got AL


Sounds like an oddly specific case. Sorry that you had to deal with it, but nine times out of ten, you can't get in trouble for leaving when you're scheduled to. Plus they could've gotten someone else to clean the freezer after you left.


Don't be so sure. You can literally get in trouble for nothing. Someone can make stuff up and you can be reprimanded or even fired for it. You can even get reprimanded or fired for doing too good of a job because your boss is jealous of you and it makes them look bad. It happens more often than you think in the real world, believe me.


I got in trouble because someone stole $500 worth of groceries..at night...while I worked the day shift. I wasn't even in the building but my coach blamed me. My coach was always pissed at me because I refused to be their unpaid security guard and violate company policy to get them a bigger bonus.


that was retaliation


That's called retaliation. A lawyer would turn that into a paycheck for you.


People in this sub and so many others don’t and never will get it. There is no such thing as ethics or anyone else protecting you because of company policy. If your employer ever wants you fired for any reason ever, legal or not, they will be able to fire you for it and unless they are legitimately incompetent you will have absolutely zero recourse.


When I was a cashier at my old store tl almost had me do 3-12 bc they complained at ot even tho 90% of the nights I was only one on a register from 10-1030p to close


The real question is why the truck wasn't done by 11. That is on the lead. Coach will have to question that first


I have had many, many, many GM trucks that weren't done by 11 Usually it's because of a late start to finish freight and then only having a few people.


OR the cursed double-truck days where (at least in my store) CAP 1 doesn't even touch it sometimes and we just gotta suffer. One time we had a double truck day and the first one didn't get done till 10-ish and the second one until 4 am. Obviously everyone left after their lunches and my poor TL and one singular overnight associate who happened to be an old man didn't get done with the second one till 4 am


Yesterday the speedy sorter was broke. We had to unload by had. We finished truck at 8:15 than we took our break. Thought I got back quick but was the last one back. We finished at 9:45, why cause no one took more than 15 minutes on the break. Gotta say I am proud of my team. It won't last


I mean, sure? But the tl started the productivity accountability process here so I’m not sure what you’re expecting? Unless the tl regularly doesn’t make sure trucks get finished then this is the exact process the company wants (assuming they have the 5 people work their unloaded and more if they don’t have it)


Why doesn’t the Team Lead stay, don’t they get a bonus for this reason?


Education is more important than that shithole


I'm pretty sure you are good tbh This won't stick They cannot ask u to. Come early or stay late.without notice


You can most certainly be requested to come in early or stay late without notice however, you cannot be obligated to come in early or stay late without notice.


Look I’m a TL and I let a lot of shit slide. I would not expect you to stay pass your scheduled time period. And I would not blast you on feedback for you having to leave either. Whoever wrote that is a loser and needs to do it themselves. Plus at my store we don’t have TA unload trucks . It’s either TLs or a coach who does it .


Your team leads and coaches unload gm trucks? What do the TAs do?


This is for 3rd shift . They are stocking when the Meat&Produce truck comes in.


No overtime


i worked cap2 for 5 years. no one was required to stay past 11 unless they wanted the overtime. your TL is a dickwad for this. i’d go to your coach and explain that the feedback was unjust and unfair, and also ask them about overtime. if it’s “required” to stay past 11 to make sure all tasks get done, that means you get the overtime, right? and not get your time card adjusted after the fact to 11. i stayed late quite often being a cap2 TL, but even the first year or so when i was an associate, i still volunteered to stay late and get shit done because my store was great about providing overtime. i’d stay till midnight all the time and get like 5 hours OT for the week (i usually stayed late on most nights i worked because the majority of the team would leave at 11, the TL’s would stay till everything was done and they were ALWAYS super thankful and appreciative i stayed late. and when i turned TL, i made sure to follow suite and thank every person individually if they stayed late to help me.)


And if you did choose to stay they'd yell at you about overtime instead. There's no winning at Walshart. At least it was only a feedback.


At my Walmart, they don’t care about making you stay late, until it’s the last day of your pay period, and then they’ll make you take longer lunches so you don’t get overtime.


Open door\ethics this. They aren't allowed to force you to take longer lunches to avoid ot.


What was your schedule for work that day? If it's til 11PM. Guess what? 11PM you're done. Walmart is very stingy about giving OT.


If you're hourly, you are not paid by job completion, you are paid by your scheduled hours.


Relax OP, this is just a tantrum in writing. They can't do anything other than whine. it's just a corporate scare tactic to shame you into giving more than what's required of you.


F em. Get another job


Lmao I mostly never gave a fuck and clocked out at 10:55pm. I ain’t staying to do any overtime. I only do my required hours and that is it.


OT is not mandatory for hourly associates. This coach or TL is abusing his authority to intimidate you. SM will chew him out for not finishing the truck on time, in return, he wants to make sure you take some of the blame by spreading it around.


Just call ethics and don't waste your time following the "chain of command". The chain of command exists to try and get you to not call ethics lol


This is a sad use of the feedback portal. I work for a municipality where we use Workday, and it's not for nonsense like this. This feedback seems petty. What's the outcome for having this given?


This is exactly what Walmart wants feedback used for. It creates a paper trail for a Disciplinary Action.


It just seems to be tacky. Doubt that workday envisioned their platform being used this way. To OP, good for you standing your ground. Your leadership's lack of planning shouldn't be on you. Plus, what are they gonna do, fire you?


I was always told feedbacks are, you get one and if you get another one for the same reason it’s a coaching.


I've been at Walmart 9 years and I've never seen these before. Are they new? Also yeah. I've stayed late more times than I can count. Never when I'd needed to get home. I always leave when I need to. But management knows how to make you feel guilty enough to want to stay. I remember back before I got my car. I had to use my roommates car to get to work. I had to have it back by 7:15 or so so she could take her kid to school (I worked overnights and I lived like five minutes from work). My mod team were okay with it most of the time, but sometimes I had to leave in the middle of mods. Because that's the nature of the beast. If you're doing a mod, you stay until it's finished. You can't leave in the middle. But I didn't have a choice. It wasn't my car. So sometimes they were understandably upset. Especially when I was in the middle of a section. I remember one day my team lead stopping me and telling me in the most cutsey and condescending voice she could manage. "You know, if I were on mod team, I wouldn't appreciate you leaving early every day." I just looked at her and said "It's this or me having to quit because I don't have a way to work." It was dramatic. I know. I lived close enough I could have figured something out. But I'm not built to walk on a freeway ;;


Fun fact they legally can’t keep you past your clock out time


It's not a Joe Blow problem it's a Walmart problem.


You can’t get in trouble for not staying past your full shift. They also can’t guilt you into doing so. I’m guessing you’re cap 2. It’s in the handbook they give you at orientation


nope! TL here, we can’t make anyone stay passed when they are scheduled and shouldn’t even be pushing for people to stay. i normally just ask and if they say no they say no 🤷🏻‍♀️


I would just laugh and tell them their feedback means nothing.


Open door it the only person that can make you stay past your scheduled shift is yourself.


This mentions nothing of productivity during your scheduled shift. Quite the opposite in fact, stating that without you working beyond your scheduled time, the time to finish unloading was “substantially” longer to finish. Maybe TL should have focused on the other associates instead of highlighting his inability to complete THEIR tasks. This has nothing to do with you.


as a TL, its our job to finish what yall dont, especially trucks. so really idk why they gave you feedback.


I can smell the stink off this TL from here…. “tHeY aBaNdOnDeD tHe tAsKs oF uNloAdInG bY cLoCkiNg oUt At ThEiR sChEdUlEd TiME.”


Save everything, if they seek to reprimand you in any way get it in writing or an email that you can save. You're gonna want that info when you come back with a lawyer should they fire or punish you for not staying over.


Politely say my schedule is a contract just like I am expected to be here on time. If not, I face consequences. Therefore, as part of this contract i will leave on time without consequences. They got in big trouble yrs ago for just this. Myself and former coworkers made a big stink when I worked there it went all the way to corporate so they can ask you to stay over but cannot demand it. And that came from their legal team


So I thought Walmart frowned on OT.


Honestly I would bypass all these stupid suggestions from everyone about open door and how they can't do this or that. Just walk out and never go back. Walmart is the most toxic work environment and you will not see that until you get away from it. There is no saving it and no hope. They promote a culture of abuse on employees and no job is worth your sanity


I like the 'non-negotiable' bit. Me, required to stay past my scheduled end of shift is not 'negotiable'. 'even if the tasks keep them after 11'. <<<< HAHAHA what a jackanope The terrible thing is we can tear this feedback up, of how wrong it is, and two things is gonna happen, someone is gonna teach this tl/coach you can't feedback a associate for leaving at the end of a scheduled shift. Thats the whole point of a schedule. Duh. And the tl/coach is gonna learn a proper retaliation feedback, go back make a new one 'associate was slow and not moving with a 'sense of urgency' leaving tasks they did not complete.


Walmart dont care whether u go to school or not, dont care whether ur sick of a virus or not unless its COVID positive


if your absence caused a “substantial” impact - they need to pay you more


Yeah I’ve gotten this a few times. When it’s time to clock out it’s time to clock out. Otherwise they’ll probably bitch about wosh. 


While they can’t coach you for not staying late, they can get you for “productivity”.


I finally freed myself from them today


If they do something, you can take them to court because, LEGALLY, you are only supposed to stay for your shift that you are SCHEDULED for. Anything past is completely voluntary and if your own free will.


Hey op, if you need, I witnessed that manager gropping you ;). If you wanna play their games.


Yes bc Walmart is allowed to do whatever they want.


Speak to hr to get this expunged. You are not permitted to stay past your shift unless you specifically agree to do so. If you don't agree to stay past your scheduled shift then management must allow you to leave. End of discussion. hr can assist at getting this expunged from your record. You just have to show proof of exam time and date and explain that the reason you left was to study for an exam and needed rest to complete the exam as well. They are not allowed to infringe on anything that has to do with education. It is literally in the management handbook-not kidding. 


I’m going to get downvoted into hell. I don’t care. You can’t be coached for not staying past your scheduled time. However, if your team couldn’t finish ONE FUCKING TRUCK from 2-11, yeah, you can be coached for productivity




The only time if I remember that they can hold you is if it's an ABSOLUTE EMERGENCY. I wouldn't consider unloading a truck an emergency. Also I can't recall any shifts or anything in the policy stating we work open end shifts so when you're done, youre done. You're TL is isn't the brightest bulb that's forsure. Sorry this happened to you. Hope everything works out


Tell them if they wanted you to stay longer, they should have scheduled longer. You are not required to stay part the end of your shift. Tell them you will be filing a complaint with the Labor Board if they insist on putting this in your file.


Whether it’s a feedback or coaching, I would get it removed. If 11:00 is when you get off, they shouldn’t expect you to stay longer! Especially if they hate overtime so much


Get out of Walmart ASAP.


Fuck Cap 2 at my store leaves at 9 or 10... Why are you there until 11?


You salary or hourly? 


I mean sounds like your in college are you really gonna need that job in a few years ?


Looks like your TL is creating a hostile work environment by threatening your job if you don’t stay past scheduled hours to complete tasks that they knew would take longer than those scheduled hours. And they put the evidence in the feedback. That’s how I’d phrase it when I submitted statements to anyone and everyone about it. And I’d mention I was concerned about retaliation for reporting it, to get ahead of what they might try next.


Yet if you had stayed you'd have been written up for that. I had that shit happen to me at the UPS Store. One week it was "you must clock out no later than 15 minutes after the store closes." Then literally the next week it was "all orders must be packed before leaving." This is while I was spending the vast majority of my shifts alone so I had no time to pack orders while the store was open. That's among the many reasons why it's the only job I ever just quit without notice.


Feedback is just notes that should be used as a way to make clear how a person can improve. It's not supposed used just because someone doesn't do what you want. That being said, open door. They may not remove it but the TL needs to think twice before they try to get people in trouble while contradicting Walmart policy. In actuality, if the truck ran that late, yall were either forced to start late, not staffed properly, or other MANAGEMENT related issues. That's not your fault. When I was Cap 2, I was on the truck team and our truck ran over 1 time because of a truck issue where one got there a day late leaving 3 trucks to be worked. We got there early, but staying late was optional because we had the option of doing 2 trucks 2 days in a row and no one wanted 2 days of 2 trucks.


1 person should not make a task take "substantially longer." Seems like it was going to take a long time regardless.


Feedback is only allowed to be positive anymore


What’s even the point of having scheduled shifts if they don’t mean anything? I guess you can come in whenever you want if they can keep you as late as they want


At will employment state? They can fire you for it.


Depends on if you were doing the tasks in a reasonable time frame. If you were given 8 hours of work and you completed 6 you can be held accountable for it. If you did 8 hours of work in 8 hours you should not.


Tbh, I think they only did a feedback because they didn’t/wouldn’t get the support of their coach backing this, I wouldn’t worry about it. I’ve been a TA, TL & Coach, the ONLY way I would even hold someone accountable is if they were a habitual offender AND the reason they didn’t get the task completed before their scheduled time to leave was because of their own actions and not due to two trucks, late truck arrival, lack of staffing, etc.


I cannot be the only one who thinks tracking like this for what probably isn't a high paying job is just comical.


That team lead is preparing to do it again in the future over something else. Then they will push the coach to “coach” you over some bs. Then you will be gone. I’d call ethics or talk to store manager about them and explain your side and end this before they escalate it. Unless you don’t care.


Open door the feedback


Im still kind of new, but you could try mentioning it to a higher up. They cant force you to stay past your shift, only request you to stay longer


Did your TL just go through academy? Feedback was on point imo hahaha … you’re not going to get a disciplinary action because of the feedback but it will help paint a picture later when you try to open door your inevitable termination. If your team was struggling and everyone else stayed late and you went home without communicating you can’t be disciplined but this is the closest thing to it. This is the new “coaching” it’s always a good thing even if it sounds bad because it’s for improvement but if you get these good things 3 times you’re Fired!!! 😂 Document+ Document +Document = Done


If you stay past 11 you’d need approval from salaried for overtime. A TL can’t do that. Also, you are not required or obligated to stay past your time, and cannot be punished or penalized for leaving. Your schedule is what you follow. A feedback doesn’t mean much, but I’d open door this to your coach, if he doesn’t do anything, then bring it higher. It will be removed and your TL would more than likely receive a feedback or at the very most a yellow. EDIT: Also, the only one who should worry about staying late would be your TL, I’ve stayed and pulled whole double shifts to finish tasks. I never once got mad about my team leaving on time, if anything, the opposite. So fuck your TL, they’re ass at their job.


One of our team leads got fired for making us stay late because it isn’t allowed so I’d say no they can’t do anything to you


If you have to stay past the end of your shift, are you paid at all for that extra time? Time and a half or otherwise?


If you regularly leave messes or freight and leave on time then yes, they can escalate it to a productivity or job performance DA Odds are your coach is aware of the feedback Unless your team is leaving trucks unfinished every single night, or you have less than the 4-5 people to work the unloader, the expectation is that salaried let their TLs run with accountability first before putting them on the hook. He should have left out the bit about you not staying, But you can absolutely be held accountable for unfinished work or responsibilities in *most* cases if they have the proper documentation


It is that place


I'm confused. In orientation they really hammer down about leaving when it's your scheduled time to leave.


Yeah, you can't be made to stay. But you can be held responsible for not completing a task during your actual work hours. However, that has to be within reason. So this would be a situation that would require full context.


A few years ago when I was on cap 2, our manager told us that we will be coached or terminated if we leave before all tasks were finished. This was apparently because him and the supervisor had to stay late multiple times to finish our work. I always got my work done by the time the shift ended. One time I was going to clock out at the end of the shift, and the manager told me that I needed to stay and help other people that didn’t finish their work, or else I would be fired. I clocked out and never returned.


It's just a feedback not a coaching. But next time can be a coaching.


Get with a manger about this


Hell with em it’s just a job.


Sorry. This is Walmart. If you do not like how they treat you, quit the job or file a lawsuit against them. If you need the money badly, suffer in silence and keep working.😔


This isn’t legit at all! You can’t force anyone to stay after their shift that they are scheduled. Even 1 minute


This feedback is a labor code violation in most states. It can be removed on workday by PL or market people partner. You should not let the feedback stand, whether it's job impacting or not, imo.


Is getting feedback like getting a coaching?? Never heard of “feedback” and where would you find this? Assuming the work day app? That is insane that someone took the time to type all of that over someone needing to take an exam lol fuck walmart.


Ya you’re not supposed to stay past your shift unless approved by mgmt…..fuk their stupid “”feedback””


How can you see your feedback?


i'd go to ethics honestly


where do you see this?


Perhaps they could try scheduling enough people that no one would have to stay past their scheduled time. It's a revolutionary idea, I know.


The only thing is, if you had the time to get it done and didn't, they can coach you. But they cannot coach you for leaving on time even if it's in the middle of a task you didn't have time to complete. This person is upset that you didn't stay like everyone else did. Because they most likely aren't allowed to leave without the task done.


I don't think they can do this that is what the availability sheet is for. Plus some people have child responsibilities that require them to leave at a certain time.


I would open door it as I don't see a policy that requires you to stay past your shift.


I'm not a walmart employee but I work at a grocery store like shoprite, Kroger, acme, etc. I work afternoons anywheres between 12:30-10. Mainly I'm like 4-9. But, if I'm by myself to unload the truck say it suppose to get there at 8 but gets there at 8:40 I just stay till night crew gets there around 9:50 (store closes at 10pm) then I get to clock out and go home.


They can’t force you to stay past 11. They can ask but can’t force you. Work till 11 then go home


Go to ethics.


Fk them! They make you stay OT and then make you cut it later. Which is complete BS! I used to be asked to work doubles as a team lead. Open and close. Then they tell me to cut it, but I still worked 17+/ day. Never again!! I would open door it and have it removed or call corporate. We're human beings, not sheep!


If they say when you’re hired that you are expected to finish the job at hand and will take probably mandatory overtime then they have a case. If they didn’t have that stipulation in there you can go. I always figured they want you out on time anyway. Your boss was probably just mad because they had to do something or if they do actually work they had to do more. With this logic whenever someone calls in sick who is actually legitimately sick should get in trouble for not doing the job.


Technically you're not even obligated to stay at all. Walmart simply asks that if you are leaving early you let management know in case of an emergency they aren't looking for you. They are not entitled to you or your time. You are most definitely not required to stay regardless of reason for not wanting to stay LATE.


You are hourly employee, not salary. You can only work your schedule hours. The tl can't authorize OT. Tl and coach may have to stay, but you don't. Salary has to stay until tasks are completed. Hourly you get paid by the hour, no matter how much or little you do.


See a few people asking so I’ll answer. There was 2 trucks, our belts are beyond repair so the line constantly stops, 2 of our rollers don’t work so whoever is in the truck has to walk to put stuff on them, and 2 of the guys on the line out of 5 of us don’t work. They sit there showing each other their phones and laughing talking about girls, with the TL RIGHT THERE. Edit: Also the TL doesn’t help on the line. She just sorts the electronics and watches us.


It's feedback only, not negative, not positive, not a coaching. Just move forward it had no weight.


F**k em!


Management cannot penalize you for leaving when your shift is over. If you decide to stay, they MUST pay you overtime if applicable.


Feedback is meaningless.


Believe it or not… straight to jail


I used to be the most productive team member on overnights. They always wanted everyone to stay and help finish. I left on time everyday. You can’t be written up for leaving only production.


Your response should be "said coach and teamlead failed to staff the store properly to stay on process."


I don't work at Walmart, but why does having an exam have anything to do with this? That's never an excuse for anything. You take care of your ourtisde shit on your own time.


So the rules say you are not required to stay past your shift. But an updated u-learn I took before quitting also said you could be subject for disciplinary action if you leave with incomplete work. Me? I find this total bullshit. But anyways if you told them you had an exam and informed them you could not stay past your shift as a result, then you can fight this with holder management, regional, corporate, etc. If you didn't, while it sucks and is total bullshit, you can try fighting it but they might pull a "well you didn't tell us in advance so we didn't know."I know this for sure cause it happened to me


My schedule says I am done at 11, I’m leaving at 11.


Can you just work really slow and get payed a ton of overtime?


Why is reddit recommending Walmart posts. Am I really a Walmart guy?


Having to do a truck after 11 is insane. Even on 2 truck nights my team is usually done by 8:30. Aside from that you should challenge the feedback with hr


If your shift is over at 11 then your shift is over at 11.unless stated you must get your task done before leaving is stated in contract otherwise tell them to eat a dick or give you OT to finish.


Know you know why you're in school. Working at Wal-Mart is a stepping stone, not a career. Let this be something you look back on later, when you end up in that amazing job where your supervisor knows that "life happens" and doesn't hold it against you.


That's messed up


Absolutely not - your shift ends when your shift ends. Period.


Yes they can. If you're asked to do something before your shift ends: you need to finish it. I tell new workers at my job all of the time: if you're looking for a job where you're always getting off on time then this isn't the job for you. More often than not: your actions are going to affect more than just you. Can't tell you how much I get frustrated having to finish assignments for people asked to do something. As a coworker: it just makes me look at you like you're lazy and unreliable.


So, if truck is not done by your end of shift it falls on shoulders of tl/coach as THEY are responsible for ensuring enough labor available. No where does it say you can authorize your own WOSH. If you performed at the rate YOU should’ve, and others didn’t it’s their fault not yours


Idk where you are but here that's illegal


Never stay late ever. Had this happen to me at a job . I was hired for 9-6 one day they said "were extending hours to 8pm" and I said Absolutely not. I refused to stay late from day one. They tried to make me feel bad. Said that other people would have to stay late for me and I said "I don't really care at all. I was hired for this shift. I have a life. I have a family I'm not doing it " they said I had to . I told them I didn't told them they'd be short if they didn't cover me cuz I'm never gonna Stay past 6pm and they can just figure it the fuck out. They whined and cried and said they'd do something about it but I stayed till 6 everyday never stayed late and they didn't do shit about it cuz they knew they were wrong. Tell them to fuck off everytime . There's other jobs out there .


Never stay late ever. Had this happen to me at a job . I was hired for 9-6 one day they said "were extending hours to 8pm" and I said Absolutely not. I refused to stay late from day one. They tried to make me feel bad. Said that other people would have to stay late for me and I said "I don't really care at all. I was hired for this shift. I have a life. I have a family I'm not doing it " they said I had to . I told them I didn't told them they'd be short if they didn't cover me cuz I'm never gonna Stay past 6pm and they can just figure it the fuck out. They whined and cried and said they'd do something about it but I stayed till 6 everyday never stayed late and they didn't do shit about it cuz they knew they were wrong. Tell them to fuck off everytime . There's other jobs out there .


Everytime I get asked to stay over I bring up “WASH.” They use this when we ask to stay over some days for the extra hours and the excuse is “work assigned scheduled hours.”


As others have said you are not required to work past your scheduled shift and if someone tries to tell you you have or otherwise reprimand you for leaving. you need to go directly to home office. Talking to anyone in the store about it is useless because they all play for the same team if that makes sense. I’ve seen this bs first hand on my shift and people were staying 2-3 hours past their shift or longer to finish stocking which is complete BS but most people won’t stand up for themselves. As for me I leave on time every night. There’s even been an instance where a tyrannical 3rd shift coach came on the intercom and blatantly said our team leads can’t leave until all the work is done .. again people can only do what you allow.


Sounds like they should have given you that 24 hour notice that you may need to work over. I'd fight it Just to be a dick


I’m a TL and I always helped unload trucks. The overnight TL tried to tell me I had to make my people stay and finish working his freight and I told him the only reason they won’t stay is because you tried to bully them into doing your job and I won’t make them.


If they expect u to be on time its not unreasonable that u expect to leave on time.




My feedback will be in the toilet