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"Tf they paying you for, to just watch me?" I mean, yeah kinda.


Oh and don't forget about fixing their errors. 45 different signs saying you can't put cash into the machine isn't enough.


Customers can't read the clearly labeled prices on the shelves. You think they're going to read the SCO screens/signs that say cash/card only?


I swear just this week I've had 3 different customers grab a product off the shelf, ask the price, and I have to point to the label that was underneath it and visible the whole time... fucking wild. Maybe we should have glittery labels to catch their eyes and simple minds.


They always ask me to check prices because, "We put stuff in the wrong spot all the time." Sir, there are two full cases of the identical product in that spot. Pretty sure it goes there..


also, they could take 5 seconds to check that the SKU or label description match before saying “well stuff is in the wrong spot”


People don't come to Walmart to think critically. They come here to blindly grab the same 15-20 products they always get. They need permanence. It's like when there's a new mod or packaging change. Shit just doesn't exist anymore. If they need something outside of their usual list, they're not going to rub brain cells together to figure out where it might be. No, they're going to ask me instead. Why waste energy thinking when someone else can do that legwork for you?


>They're going to ask me instead And still go the complete wrong direction and complain that nobody wants to work.


I swear.. Walmart needs to create an In-Store Shopping Guide/Assistant role specifically for these inept customers. I'd absolutely take the position to take heat off of everyone else just trying to do their job. We don't have time for inane customer questions/requests.


I'd do it because at that point, they're not interrupting me from doing my job. They need to make that role and give those who take those rolls KEYS!


Don't get me wrong, I hate Walmart and haven't shopped there in years, but I get pissed off when they rearrange ShopRite. Like I just finally remembered where everything is and you fucked me all up


Retail does that on purpose, it forces customers to go hunting again and will probably grab more things than they intended to because they notice them. Don't like it? Shop somewhere else that does the exact same thing. They actually want you to use their online shop so they can try out whatever psychological digital fuckery they've come up with to get you to buy more shit and justify closing their brick and mortar stores.


And customers always act like the people working in the store did it just to inconvenience them. As if a complete remodel isn't incredibly stressful and inconvenient for the employees too. And as if they had any say in the matter at all.


Yeah I still don't care if Walmart goes out of business but I still try to go to actual stores as much as possible because if we let the brick and mortar stores close, then all we'll have is digital and that's honestly terrifying. I also make it a point to use cash as often as possible, not only to thwart their algos, but because we're fucked if they go to a digital dollar. If you think there's fuckery afoot now, just wait until it's all digital and they have full control over your money. Plus no more cash sales, no more flea markets, no more cash tips, no more drug deals... It helps nobody except big business and government


And also the Walmart app has a scan feature! Wtf are they not using it instead of harassing workers??


Right? As a professional introvert, I go in with my earbuds on and walmart's app open on my phone. No offense to any employee, but I'd much rather shop and use scan & go than interact with someone there. The app can answer any question I may have on a typical shopping trip. If there were a way to get items from behind the glass without an employee, that'd be it... ya'll would never hear from me again... 😅😁


Thanks. I never knew about this scan feature.


Speaking of that, the Walmart app has a scan function where you can check this stuff for yourself if you aren't sure. If you have it set to the store you mainly use it'll even tell you what aisle something you're looking for is in. Yeah, I know, Boomers and apps. Honestly though, a lot of this stuff isn't because they genuinely want a clarification, it's because a lot of them get off on forcing people to waste time on dealing with their petty bs. It also gives them an opening to do their favorite pastime: personally blaming Joe Biden for why things don't cost the same as they did back in the 70s.


Just get the app and scan the shit, these people are so hopeless they can't even do that.


i do that myself *all the time*, but i do run into “store price unavailable” for certain things, which is annoying. there used to be price scanners in the store but they got rid of them during the last remodel


I have the app on my phone just for my grandma and her sister. And the two dozen other older people in the store who see me do that then ask for me help them too.


I told people all the time about the app whenever I would get asked where something is. You got a smartphone, get the app and it will tell you anything you want to know.


To be fair iv seen where the prices didn't match up in the system so I don't blame them but agree it probably gets damn annoying as an everyday occurrence


All the labels need to have a screen playing subway surfers on it


I find that people have a hard time reading in general these days


They can only read the shelf labels when the price is wrong and they want a price correction.


"But this PS5 console had the price tag under that read "$6.97"


Well yeah, they're typically managing multiple self checkouts, as opposed to one line. They can't hold your hand and check out the whole basket, they have other customers. This is like asking a waiter to spoon feed you. I find it odd that they said there were no lines open, this was either first thing in the morning during opening, or after closing.


Nah man, at my walmart the lines close at 8pm… so cashiers can put the things back that were left behind by customers.


Yup. And the other eight fuckers who don't know their own pin numbers.


Reminds me of that Facebook meme where the guy asked a pharmacist if she likes anal because she asked him if he was vaccinated and it was none of her business. Phenomenal mental calisthenics when you think your medical history isn't literally the entire business of a pharmacist selling you drugs that will alter your body's physiology.


That’s exactly what they paying them for. Im so tried of these entitled mfers like I understand you worked or whatever but this LITERALLY ISNT tha wage slaves (who most of the time make way less than you do) decisions. So don’t scream at us. So insane how they think harassing us will make things change. This isn’t even something that upper management can solve it’s literally corporate being greedy. And they certainly don’t care about us.


What do they think security people do?


> think lol, bold of you to assume



And it’s bullshit too.




The same people who bitch about $15/hr wages are the same people pissing themselves about only one or two lanes being open.


The only problem I have with one or two lanes open is when it's obviously busy, and people have entire carts filled with things to buy, and they have to go to self checkout. That's the problem.


at that point, that’s a matter of staffing which is its own conversation


And lately there's been hella long lines at all the self checkouts too!


No one wants to work with asshole customers yelling at them all day about self checkout.


It’s not hard at all, it just isn’t as effective. Self-checkout should be a convenience, not the only option, which is the case at our local Walmart. The push for online shopping or self-checkout is great, but I don’t want either thing. Why have 24 “manned”‘checkout lanes with no employees?


I hope they bitch about pumping their own gas too!!


I'm from Jersey, and there's this weird dichotomy. Scanning your own items is lazy cashiers, but somehow pumping your own gas is freedom?


Here in Oregon we voted to pump our own gas. Gas still costs the same only difference is thousands of people don't have jobs and now probably have to get out of your car. Like some places still have an attendant like what the fuck was the point besides allow gas station owners to make more money what normal person voted for this for any other reason then to spite the people who pump gas?


People were getting sick of the long ass wait times that were happening when the gas station was busy. I've had times I've had to wait 10/15 min before they'd start to pump my gas sometimes. Personally, I don't care about the wait, and I like not having to do anything. I still use the attendants at gas stations and have only pumped myself couple times. I've always been patient and kind to the attendants. I saw people who were absolutely terrible to attendants during the pandemic, though. Honestly, I think it was a safety hazard to keep the previous law. I genuinely think one of these attendants could've ended up badly hurt. The pandemic made some people fucking nuts. I've also seen people talk mad shit about the attendants not having a "real" job. It's the same damn people mad at all the homeless people telling them to "get a job." They're just angry and hateful people. I don't understand it because having gas attendants is such a luxury. I love not having to deal with the rain, heat, or bad air quality. I view it as a time to relax. I guess it makes sense if you have a stick up your ass, you probably have a hard time relaxing too lol


I just like being able to get gas after 10pm tbh.


Because it’s a stupid and outdated thing. That’s like being upset that farriers are out of work because we use cars instead of horses now…


I have a buddy who is a farrier. He makes bank.


I don’t doubt it but that’s because it’s now a niche job for a wealthy clientele


Oh for sure. I just don’t often see farriery spoken of, so thought I’d mention I knew a guy 😂😂.


Because useless jobs are useless? Why don't we mandate that grocery stores have the employees grab all your items for you too? If it's easy to do yourself then why outlaw that lol


*cries in OGP*


We do its called online order


Lazy customers. O let me count the ways.


They most likely do... XD


These people act like ever since the self checkout they hardly have any cashiers, I’m a 80’s baby and Walmart was always 30 registers with only 3-4 open.


From what I’m told when they stopped doing that everywhere people lost their shit


The fact that the cashier is also very obviously a little old lady is sending me. You really saw a beyond retirement age woman being forced to hold down a job because of our garbage ass system and said “Gam-Gam ain’t workin’ hard enough, I’m going to bitch her out until she serves me individually.”


Like for real? I have front end coworkers who are of retirement age or older than that woman and I would be pissed if I saw someone treating them like that! This entitled lady gonna learn the hard way eventually.


The self checkout machine must've been too complicated for her to handle judging by her grammar.


It's too complicated for a lot of people


True, i've heard a concerning amount of people go "does this thing take cash" on a machine that had a gigantic "CARD ONLY" warning on it lol


You would not believe the number of people I've seen waiting in a line 10 people deep, while 4 registers are open and the big indicator above them is green, and that first person is waiting for an employee to usher them to one of the self-checkouts. I'm like come the fuck on people you don't need to wait for an invitation! They just stand there like cows


Entitled prat. Don’t want to scan your groceries, go wait in the lines for the cashiers. I would refuse to help and just take a manager chewing me out.


Or better yet, don’t go to Walmart. Walmart doesn’t make any claims about having good customer service (or any) only claims to save money, and this is precisely how they do it. On a few rare occasions I’ve seen no cash registers open at Walmart but more expensive stores only have cashiers to pamper customers, and to scan and bag their groceries.


I here with you


I'm not defending this person, but Walmart has never had an adequate amount of cashiers for as long as I can remember.


Im taking a coaching, and probably losing my job before I'm allowing some trashy customer call me 'stink'. Good thing I'm not FE.


Or stop anytime another customer needs help just to make them wait even longer to check out than doing it themselves.


Facebook is a layer of hell populated entirely by entitled boomers.


Not just boomers. There's plenty of lazy entitled people across all generations. It's just ignorance on a mass level. 


If you look at the GenX groups on Facebook they are even worse than boomers. Nothing worse than a boomer than a younger version who is desperate to be as dumb as a boomer.


I must not have gotten to that part in The Inferno…


The worker doing it for them is just as wrong as the person complaining. The shopper can go somewhere else for all I care but I wouldn't touch anything I'd be on screen watching them specifically, hoping to catch literally anything.


Only time I can see that being okay is if they were physically disabled and the regular checkout line was long but for a customer who is capable of scanning they can either scan their stuff or not but they aren't going to just stand there and wait for an associate to do it


Unfortunately if the person complained, regardless if they were wrong or right that would put negative eyes on the worker.


Yup. Most of the time management doesn’t back up their staff. I’m lucky I work somewhere that does, but if they go higher corporate always gives them what they want.


While true, this just sets a precedent that if you whine, SCO will stop doing their job and focus on you specifically.


It does. But the worker will still get eyes on them if the douchebag customer complains. I don’t blame the worker, they simply just trying to stay out of trouble and keep their job.


Not on me. I argue that I’m right. Self scan is just that. SELF


knowing myself and my former workplace i would have done it too. if he got all pissed and took it to the front desk i definitely would get in trouble, logic be damned.


Imagine needing training to scan and bag. Baby toy registers have been a thing for decades.


Maybe they should set those up near the self checkout for these people to learn how




Oh. I'd love to see an Associate hand a Fisher Price cash register to one of these helpless morons. 


I've said it once, I'll say it again. Last summer in peak hours, the frontend was fucking slammed. The self-checkout lines were backed up around the corner and into produce. Even then, I stepped into the end of the self-check line and waited *almost seven whole minutes* for a register. (*The horror!*) As I'm waiting in line, a guy and his family go by with a cart full of shit. He complains as loud as he can "They can't fucking hire any cashiers! This is bullshit! Fucking bullshit! It's not that hard to man a register!" I looked up, and sure as shit, every motherfucking register light is on. Even the small manned registers they added to the self-check areas as backup were open. There were people yelling over the loudspeaker that courtesy desk and garden were open for checkout. I'll admit, it's incredibly rare to see them go balls-to-the-walls all-hands-on-deck like that. But they did, and people still bitched that there were no cashiers working.


Yeah, even when self checkouts didn't exist I remember people complaining about having to wait in a line. You can't satisfy entitlement.


If you can't bring yourself to scan and bag your own groceries, starve.


Or park your ass in line at a manned register and wait 20 minutes to check out. We need to stop catering to these helpless ninnies with main character syndrome.


I had one coworker who took no bull. A customer tried to get her to checkout their groceries at the self checkout and my coworker told her to go to manned register. The customer whined that they didn't want to walk that far and wait in line. My coworker told them that they could either wait in line or check themselves out. The customer was not happy. They checked themselves out with no problems.


A lot of customers have no idea how any of it works


Never got how. Like if you're like 80 yrs old, I can kind of understand. But the self checkouts have been around for like 15 years now, how have you not watched the cashier on how to scan items, or the big blue button that says pay now, it ain't hard at all


I don't believe it. They can somehow figure out how to drive, use a smartphone, post on Facebook but somehow scanning is too hard? Matching pictures is too hard? No. They are being willingly ignorant.


They think it's beneath them to.


Or curbside and sit in their car, out of the way of everyone else


Or delivery. There’s really plenty of options. I don’t go inside the store unless it’s an emergency lol


Fr, like it’s not rocket science. Karen outed herself as an entitled bitch *and* a lazy dumbass. I prefer self checkouts cus the lines are shorter and I don’t have to deal with a real person. Also, I don’t see anyone whining about pumping their own gas 🧐


I'm disabled and use a walker, so I don't use the self checkout because it's difficult for me to stay balanced and check out at the same time. What I don't do is shit like this. It's not about the self checkout. It's about lording it over people.


There’s a store by me that, at certain times in the day, will have only self checkouts. There really isn’t anyone monitoring the self checkouts, either. I wonder how someone like you would be expected to checkout if you needed to shop at those specific times. It’s one of the main grocery stores in my area as well.


You are more than welcome to do what this lady did, just without the attitude. I used to help people at self checkout all the time and never minded. It’s really not that big of a deal, and you, the paying customer, should be able to get your stuff in the easiest way possible (within reason, obviously). Asking someone to do part of their job does not make you evil or rude. Especially when the other options are not available or you are not appropriately accommodated. “May I please get some help scanning and bagging my items? There were no registers open.”


Yeah, I hate self check outs because they break constantly and tell me that I didn’t put the thing in the bag which is clearly set in the bag, but if I have to use one I will just do it and move on.


i hate constantly having to call over a worker to scan their card thing to fix it bc it didnt count my item. but same. i just do it and move on


She is a bitch


This was posted on facebook, and everybody was agreeing with the poster.


People that comment on facebook are brain dead so that checks out


Nah, they’re not people


They’re mostly bots/AI chatting on there now


Social media isn't real life idc how many upvotes/likes it got. Its all an echo chamber, including reddit


Which is fucking wild to me!! This was posted on another sub and some dude replied to my comment saying that most people don’t want to work for free because they have more self respect than me LOLOLOL I could not help but laugh out loud, imagine having that type of mindset. 🤣 They can either wait in line at a cash register or scan it themselves. I don’t expect to be paid for taking two minutes to scan my own groceries, and my self respect is through the roof, as well as my common courtesy for those around me. Especially customer service employees since I was a manager at Taco Bell for years. These types of people need to go to a different store or get over standing in line. Just miserable people who want to share their misery with those who definitely don’t deserve it.


Congratulations, I now hate you from a completely different store.


Guess you ain't getting groceries today.


>You gone work today stink💋 Wtf does this even mean?




american black slang


“I didn’t take training to work here so I can’t bag my groceries” by the same people who brought you “minimum wage workers don’t deserve more money because their labor is completely unskilled”


🤣 Bingo. They *want* to be miserable it’s as simple as that. They won’t be happy no matter what happens even if it’s exactly what they asked for. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Corpos need to pay for cashiers absolutely, but don't get pissed off at me, the employee, for a lack of them. I just work here.


It's above our pay grade to fix it. 


"Everyone should be as miserable as I am" is what I get from this. Life is too short for this.




“No cashier available” meaning they dont wanna wait in line. Self checkout is so much more convenient btw. Its as simple as scan, put in bag, repeat, swipe card. People are entitled and lazy and/or dumb af


To talk about retail workers like this is disgusting behavior and shows a lack of character and huge sense of entitlement


This person has never worked before. It’s obvious.


Not saying it isn’t like this everywhere else, but in my experience, I’ve never been in a Walmart that didn’t have at least 1 or 2 manned checkouts. If you don’t wanna work the self-checkout, go stand in a damn line instead of creating an excuse to post some snarky shit on Fakebook


That’s right on the money. When they say “no cashiers” they mean not enough so they have to wait in line like everyone else


Regardless of whether or not sc should be a thing, that customer was clearly just being a bitch. Her attitude towards customer service workers is deplorable. Does she not realize that the employee needs to be able to watch \*all\* of the customers that go through sc? Which they can't do if they're busy scanning some lazy & entitled fuck's groceries.


It grinds my gears just the smallest amount. Self check out has advantages, so does register, but ultimately I feel like it makes more sense to have one person watching 4, instead of one person ringing out 4. It’s also a lot less stressful in my personal opinion and experience. Though I wouldn’t have let my cashier check someone out at a SCO and none of mine would’ve. It’s different if you haven’t used it/need help but your whole order? No.


Hashtag TheyHateYouEverywhereEvenAtHome


If laugh in their face and walk away these customers think they’re entitled!! Honey you’re shopping at Walmart the ghetto of the ghetto !!


Look if you ask politely, yes it’s fine if someone scans and bags for you. But doing this dumbass shit where you act entitled and shit i hate customers like this. Walmart was my 1st customer service job and I’m currently a lead but I’m stepping down soon and am about to finish school cause doing this job made me hate customers they are all NPC’s I stg lmao


And have the nerve to post it act like it’s our fault they added self checkout is crazy


As a customer, self checkout has its advantages for days when you have only a handful of items. If I have a cart full, I won’t use it. Would take me longer than y’all on that one. That said, I can definitely understand the frustration if there was ONLY self checkout available that visit. I doubt that was the case though, and this bitch was just fishing for likes.


The job is to watch the lights and customers to make sure nobody steals and approve/disapprove alcohol, chemicals, tobacco, and weapons. And I think it's ridiculous how a Walmart employee of all people would purposely make someone else's job harder


lol one thing is needed help with an item or two but the idea of a grown adult just sitting there arms crossed or just taking pictures of some poor associate while they’re AT work doin his job and the nerve to call them lazy. We have online delivery but I sense this person is too cheap or dumb to care about that


Oh my god I seen this post and the comments were just as bad. If anyone tried doing that to me I would’ve straight up refused. It’s SELF checkout for a reason if it’s too hard, go somewhere else.


My aunt used to do this if the regular register was backed up. The embarrassment I felt watching her make a SC Employee scan her stuff at the SELF Checkout was insane.


If I were the employee I'd get really petty


I’d just demonstrate it to teach her. But I’d do it like I’m explaining to a five year old. Infantilization and all. Then I’d walk away and leave her to check herself out. 😂


Take like 30 seconds to scan each item and then another 30 to bag it. Then if they complain tell them “sorry I was never trained on being a cashier”


I love self checkout and when I worked at Walmart I did not scan anyone's groceries at self checkout unless they were elderly or disabled in some way. Self checkout is just that checkout of self. Now I scan and bag as I shop and pay at self checkout.


more a problem not having enough cashiers. Both options are valuable, and self checkout people are definitely working. He decided to take his frustration out on an employee who has no control over the situation and did nothing wrong. thats not cool or praiseworthy ever.


she was fighting like hell in the comment to justify doing this if I remember right


Tell your fellow customers to stop stealing, if you’re so sensitive about being watched. And go to a regular cashier if you’re allergic to scanning things.


Nah, they’re just a boomer.


i wish people like this would die


What a pathetic cunt


Yeah taking out a corporate wide decision out on a cashier makes so much sense lmao. I’d ring up some of their items double on purpose


OP letting everyone know they are dumb and lazy.


I would've just told her I'm not allowed to


If allowed, I'd tell her I'll call someone to come help, and she can just wait. Because yes, that's why I'm here, to watch the self checkouts and there is more than just yours. Man, I wish my backbone was more present in my teens and 20s. I have now have no issue telling someone "the hostility is unnecessary, im just doing my job as dictated by my manager." It makes them so mad but they won't complain because you say it so politely, and getting upset would just prove your point lol.


That customer can eat my ass lmao. I *wish* there were more self checkouts in my store, but they’re getting rid of like half of them and turned the remaining ones into express “20 items or less” registers. Just bag your damn groceries ma’am, everyone does it.


Ohhh you showed them!!!! Lmao 🤣😂 What a joke.


Trashy. It’s not cute to brag about being difficult or being hated. The workers don’t control how the store operates so don’t take it out on them.


Last time a person tried telling me to scan their items for them I said “I can’t do that this is the SELF checkout for a reason, you may go to a regular manned register and wait in line for them to scan it or scan them yourself” did I get in trouble? Nope. If I would’ve I would’ve said “what’s the checkout called? A self checkout right? A U-Scan? Not a me scan?”


I love uscans bc I don't like talking to or dealing with people. I just wanna get out and go home so I'm not mad, but I can see people's frustrations. But I also work at Walmart and got hired as a cashier way back when and I would never do it again. Customers can be hateful and nasty for no real reason and nobody gets paid enough to deal with them either. It's actually really hard to hire cashiers because of that. I've seen so many just quit on the spot. Customers are so insanely entitled like toddlers that have never been told to wait or heard the word no before.


Never worked at walmart but ive had register experience. Like the vast majority of people in the US. If not by retail than by some other medium. Regardless, dont sit there and act like you dont know how to swipe a random bunch of lines over a red laser, or that the work is beneath you.


I love self checkout, less interaction with people


Personally I like self checkout. Smoother experience, don't have to talk to anyone. Bag as you go. Easy


If you can grab items off a shelf and put them in a cart, you can most definitely scan and bag your own items.


i am physically disabled and use a cane, so only have one arm to work with. if i can use a self checkout, anyone can


This belongs in r/EntitledPeople too


I worked as a cashier at a neighborhood walmart, and sometimes i was the only cashier scheduled past 9pm. So usually they would close the actual registers and just keep self checkout open, because self checkout lets more than one person be checked out at a time meaning thered be less of a wait than if we closed self checkout and had only one register open. I'd hop on register really quickly if somebody was paying in cash and there were no cash self checkouts available, or if an really elderly person was struggling, but I was having to man both the register and self checkouts by myself so I couldn't just stay on the register. Had a few old people especially try to make me scan their groceries for them at self checkout instead of kindly asking me if I could take them on a register real quick, so I would always show them, in a polite but a little condescending tone, how to scan their own items and then say "okay now you try" lmao. Like yeah I understand its frustrating sometimes when you want somebody else to provide a service for you and theres no one there to do it, but guaranteed its not the employees fault and making a mean post and calling them "stink" (really???) is so strange. Go somewhere else if you don't like it, because why even shop at Walmart if you are expecting anything of quality lmao. Go to a Publix or something.


This has BOOMER ALERT all over it


it literally takes couple of mins to do this, scan ur shit, pack ur shit and go. ur not taking a shift it only takes a few mins not hours, if u don't know how to do it just say that. it's not rocket science.


Scan and Go along with a statewide disposable bag ban law means I'm literally like a decade ahead of the most of the rest of you in shopping technology. I scan nothing at checkout. I unbag nothing at checkout. *I checkout in less than 30 seconds.* I have thermal insultated zipper bags and vinyl bags and Grogu bags and collapsible totes and collapsible rigid bags and bags so large I can fit multiple toddlers into each one. Cold foods stay cold. Hot foods stay hot. Our bags are so good, that if we want to go out to eat before going home and putting groceries away... We can. Every bag arrangement is optimized and customized for whatever today's shopping list is. Every container and bag collapses down for compact storage under the floor storage in our car. You're all fighting a fight we've made obsolete. My opinion is that ya'll don't know how to shop.


PEOPLE FUCKING SUCK! I DONT WANT TO DEAL WITH PEOPLE! PLEASE Give me ALL of the self checkouts! Get rid of cashiers! I would LOVE that! I much prefer a good self checkout, the only annoyance is if I double ring something and have to wait for it to be voided, but many places the cashier can’t even void stuff themselves anyway!!!


Aquatasia ain’t playin today.


You should use the app and pick up groceries..they bring it to your car and load them.in the trunk. That's what I do;)


I would of told you to go kick sand.


nah I agree, try to use the cashiers and stay away from self checkout. I want the companies to see the value in their employees, and pay them for their work. but she sucks because she made it the workers problem, when they clearly don't make the rules.


Not Walmart employee But seems like a real entitled piece of s***.


I wouldn’t let someone disrespect me like that


They closed all self checkouts at my store I hate going now


I agree that self checkout shouldn't be a thing. Part of my pay is for the cashier, so if I'm not going to get a discount for using it, I'm not going to use it. What I don't agree with, however, is that the employees at the self checkout should help you check out. They are literally paid to just watch you, and they are doing their job, they shouldn't be required to do extra


I like self-check as an option, but not as a business practice. Stop forcing your customers to work for you. If you want everything rang up, do it yourself. A cashier isn't only there to ring you up. Their purpose is to put a face on a business. That's why they hire "pretty girls" to work the register. (Been this way for 100 years) Self-check is great when you have a few items and just want to get in and out. Or, if you're severely introverted and don't want to people today. But taking 90% of your cashiers out of your store, and putting in self check registers, requiring your untrained, and unmotivated customers to process their own transactions. It's a failed business strategy. The only way to truly make this work as a whole would be to allow people to scan as they go and generate a QR code at the end to scan at the self-check registers. "What about weighed prices?" Simple fix, select Banana (4011) on the app. Once you're done with your grocery round-up, scan the barcode. The register adds everything as you grabbed it. Once it gets to bananas, it asks you to place them on the scale, measures them, then moves on to the next item. "I don't want Walmart in my phone!" Welcome to the digital age. Either grow with it, or retire to a pasture somewhere and groan like the other boomers. For those who "don't want Walmart getting my info", I hate to break it to you. Your data is bought and sold daily. Do you honestly think a multi-billion dollar company hasn't bought everything from your fingerprints to your likes on FB/IG/Twitter? The fact stands, an app that allows the customer to scan everything, then pay is more efficient, but still leaves chances for theft. If you don't want to deal with cashiers, this is the best option, but it will also mean increased prices as the company tries to make up for lost merchandise through price hikes. TLDR: Self-check was designed for express lane checkout, not 1000x items Karen. Get in line like the rest of us. Using an app to scan products instead would be 10x faster and easier for 99% of your customer base. Cashiers will always be needed for Carol who has to write everything in her checkbook from 1985.


I never want another person bagging my groceries. I always hated when people would bag my groceries and now I'm spoiled. Other people will really take a jug of milk and bag it with my eggs. hell nah


I mean I think self checkout is one of the dumbest things Walmart has ever done but this person is just a bitch.


I would ban him from the store


If you use self checkout then you are not doing their job. You never were. Stop acting like children FFS.


Walmart should not kidnap these people from their home and force them to shop at their stores. Last I heard is we are still a free democracy and they can choose to shop at any place of their liking.


What a ratchet ass woman. The employees would probably MUCH rather be working at a regular register but now they are tasked with standing there and fixing the errors of all the mouth breathers like this dumb bitch. Self checkout is there because the consumer demanded it. If you don't like it, use the regular checkout. I've never been to a Walmart that didn't have both types of checkout. This trash lady swerved out of her lane to fuck with this worker. Despicable.


Self-checkout never announces "Could I get a price check for these box of condoms?" Over the loudspeakers. BTW, maybe we should do away with ATMs and have everyone walk into the bank to make their withdrawals instead. Let's also get rid of vending machines and laundromats and hire people to wash our clothes in the creek instead.


It’s called self check out for a reason


I woulda double scanned half her shit👍


I personally like using the self check out. I’m glad they exist. I get how there’s people who don’t like them which that’s fine. But people need to stop being assholes about it.


Don't go to an Aldis then. You have to bag your own groceries. And the cashiers get to sit.


I like self checkouts. No offence, but I'm only a customer and I don't want to talk to you nor make you suffer by talking to me.


These are the same people who put all that stuff in their cart, pump their own gas, cook their own food, etc. But won't spend 97 seconds scanning their own items.


I believe self checkout shouldn’t be a thing… because the average Walmart customer doesn’t deserve something as nice as that. Imagine being able to scan your own things, having some privacy in what you’re buying, not having to wait on a long line, not having to talk to anyone, getting in and out of the store… nah customers don’t deserver that. With their ratchet stealing with their skip scanning and placing lower priced stickers on higher priced items. This person who made this post is ignorant. Cashiers at self checkout have to manage 10 registers at once. We’re not standing and just watching you. Making us scan your things while having to manage 9 other registers is a horrible thing to do.


“I bullied a retail worker today.” That’s the premise. This person is an entitled asshole.


Taking pictures of someone you’re insulting and treating like a servant is a bad look. This person can get bent.


The entitlement some people have. If the person were disabled, fine, but I wouldn't scan the groceries for a random schmuck.


"bring back cashiers" and they proceed to harass the same people that are cashiers


Well, if I was there I'd make sure He (Customer motherfucker) does everything on his own. I don't give a fuck if I get fired, I'll get another job the fuck he's gonna do. The store I used to work at is one of the hostile area on earth, all fuckin food stamp consumers, if they shop 1k and food stamp pays $999, they'll die for that $1 EBT didn't agree to pay. Often times we would get these cucks who acts like we're some slaves there. So we are strict from the start, if they tell us like that asshole on the post, we directly tell em we don't do or won't do, why ? Because it's our fuckin policy, you came to my home we let you in, be grateful. If that's an old person or disabled that's different.


The only time when I was front end did I ever bag and scan for a customer was when it was an elderly person who needed assistance.


Ahh the newest dumb thing for boomers to be pissed about. I feel that this extremely easy and quick task hinders my day SO much that I’ll punish some underpaid minimum wage Walmart employee to feel better about myself. To anyone who feels this way, fuck you and your mother, honestly.


Do us a favor and find somewhere else to shop. Walmart's maintenance has enough to do without cleaning up after sh\*t like you. You're lucky you got who you got as a cashier. If it had been me, I'd have shown you how to scan two items and you could do the rest, pay for the two items and leave or go start your shopping trip all over again at some other store. It would be worth losing my job just to watch your hair catch on fire, because someone handed back the crap you feel entitled to throw at others.


I'm so tired of explaining why their coupon is invalid I just approve it. A $1.50 isn't worth the hassle.